
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
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July 2010
August 2010
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October 2010
November 2010
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August 2011
December 2011


Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

If the world is full of stars wont it be beautiful... ? enjoy....

11:32 PM

hmm.... todae was the english test!!... oh my god.... i didnt know if i can pass anort.... the compre was sooo irritating soo many words!!!.... lazy read all.... school was lyk normal.... recess alot people... i didnt get to see.... her... hahas... nort fated..

after exam.... we all went out.... walking under de sun again... oh my... pleased weather cooling abit... thanks :D hahas.... (crazy me)

reached lot one went to foodcourt but all of a sudden they changed plan to eat at macdonald limbang oh my... i know confirm got motives!!.. lot one aso got mac still go limbang!.. wth.. upon reaching saw her!! damn it... i cant do anything..... veri paisehx duno why.... this isnt me at all..! i hope to get over....!aiyer.. why should i tink of a dream that wont ever come true....

hahas!... at least that bryan must belanja as he promised!... nice! then they wait with me my bus thanks thanks hahas.... saw bernice and her friends... below shirmin block duno what the heck they doing.... hahas! but i heard they play heart attack.... which remind me of those old times...! having lots of fun but people changed now.. :)

after that went home...... nothing much happened i guess...

oh my that danial loves to prank call others... now he and hidhir quarrel... but i heard they have already made peace.... sorry hidhir for the misunderstanding... but the 2/3 u know who used to be jokers.... are now changed... we are not the same.... we can nvr look back to the past...

hahas good luck for ure mid year exam!!! guys jiayou ba XD

10:09 PM

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Does it look peaceful?? XD hahas wish to visit this place!!..

3:33 PM

Oh man..... schoools..... gives me de headache!..... after pe... i got teary eyes and feel hot all over oh man... :( haizz.....

hahas..... den lesson stars as normal.... nort that fun or boring...... but the long hour really makes me sicks.....

wth!!! dont destroy my class decoration which everyone put soo much efforts to those who does this pleased... stop!!!! ...AIYER times to go home need pack all thing...!! dam it my book soo many my bag was lyk sooo big and another plastic bag omg i tot i going die.... that bryan makes me walk argh!!.... and sae will offer help carry my things if i go shunski house... alwaes got motives! hahas suddenly saw ziyang quickly call him go home with me :)

lucky ziyang help me thanks.. ziyang! for awhile oni Zzzz....... hahas exam is coming and i still havent prepared how stupid can i be!!...OH man ziyang wait my bus with me thanks alot!!.. hes been kind lately.....

hahas todae saw her.... at canteen buying same food stalls... i didnt know how to sae hi.. it was lyk soo hard to do it.... get over it!! :D i hope she will stays happy and nort stress........

Hope everyone pass with flying colours!!!

3:25 PM

Monday, April 28, 2008

enjoy my next shooting stars! hope u guys enjoy lookin at the pictures XD

4:12 PM

HAhas wth.... school started alright... hmm todae.... soo many thing happen....
duno how to describe.....
during cme lesson went out with those two... to pass up dentist form...
and oh my.. on that day itself the dentist told me she free and ask me go...

inside i tot lyk nort nice... but it turn out to be cooling and of course shiok... feeling getting ure teeth clean??.. hahas i lie to de dentist!! sae got toothache!!...

den she keep check wheres the toothache hahas!.. oh my report turn out to be poor :(
but it was fun inside hahas i tink i the longest person inside!!...
yea the next event is.... that hidhir come our class wan settle with bryan about the dnt... ohmy.. it was lyk ridiculous asking bryan pay $20 just for a small piece of dnt work right???

no choices i have to help him.... after a long tyme talking of how to settle we come to an agreement to forget everything.... and dun wish to rmb... damn him ignore me after school... so much for my kindness to help him hais..... hahahas...

todae ziyang sweet!! he wait for me with my bus 188 go home cool uhh.... thanks ziyang!! u will alwaes be my trusted buddies!! XD saw vivian looking inside 188 or somewhere?? Hahas hope she sees me go home uhh or just my wishful thinking hahahas..... alrite!

bloggers and readers everyday is a nice day dont worry about ure problems theres alwaes a solution to everything ;)

3:59 PM

Sunday, April 27, 2008

another picture of people experiencing shooting stars.... it was beautiful... hope u guys lyk this picture....... :)

4:52 PM

Hahas todae.... life is quite fun..... i have to go cut hair....
oh man.... and bryan, shunski josephine, kahmun all suspect is me eggtart..... omg!!
i hope they were right hahahhas.......
right mid year coming i have to study hard..... onli sae no action lol!.....
currently watching video soo fun.... times goes by soo fast...

i hope to achieve something at the end of the year......
the cloud in the skies are bright todae should be a hot day.....
tomorrow going schoool!! shit.... nort prepared yet! rite ;) i will leave till heres!!

readers out theres enjoy.... and if anyone knows if there is shooting stars in singapore dont forget to tag me the places... have a nice day XD

4:43 PM

Hahas even tot its just a picture.... hope u lyk it!! happy birthday hope ure wish will come truth...... to be a number one soccer player..... good luck for ure mid year

4:40 PM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

found this picture on internet it was lyk...... unique enjoy it!! XD

7:26 PM

hahahs..... hmm todae my life is soo bored... stay at home the whole days.......
lazy go niece birthday party... it was lyk i am an invinsible to them so why should i go.....

i feel soo peaceful at home alone.... todae was supposed to cut hair... lazy is alwaes in my dictionary.... oH man mid year exam coming.... and i nort even prepared i hope can pass....

uhh waiting for the right times... hopes one day can see shooting stars... XD hahas its lyk impossible right... but will try......

sooo nervous monday is the announcing of which class winning the decoration if i am nort wrong.... hope our class win... hahas.... oh man my dota skilss realli sucks now i didnt practise for soo long..... blogging is lyk wasting alot of times but fun hahahas....

take cares bloggers or readers out there reading my life stories wish u all happy alwaes

6:50 PM

Friday, April 25, 2008

hmm..... todae nothing much normal....
bryan didnt come school.... was bored.... no one to play with.....

class deco could sae alright we all tried out best...
so its okay no matter whats the outcome effort matters... most
.I hate mother tongue class.... soo hot..... its lyk burning inside an oven...

most of the days skip class walk around school... quite bored..... hahas....!
trying my best to be a good chairperson!... ! aiyer and that JOSEPHINE!!!! keep asking me to treat her fainted!.... HAHAHHAS.... One day i wilL!....
and i hope to win First in earth day decoration!!
XD well thats all for todae wait till tomorrow.....

Wishing upon a shooting stars!! :D

11:30 PM

Wth!...... soo hard to create one blog...... Zzzz took me 3 hours still havent complete hahas.... how stupid can i be......... hmm.........todae my first day bloggin.... hope u guys out dere enjoy my life stories....

11:27 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies