
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
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April 2010
May 2010
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August 2010
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October 2010
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December 2011


Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Saturday, May 31, 2008

haizz rite now is around 3.06 am cant sleep duno why too excited nervous or just somethin worry on my head.... it was soo quiet at nite... nvr hear a single noise... hmm.... tomorrow is the day going pulau tioman omg cant wait to get on the bus.... :D i hope to discover somethin news there.....

haiz nvm nothing much...

goodnite to readers...

3:06 AM

Friday, May 30, 2008

nice?? hahas

cap that have extroadinay illusion power :D

enjoy the picture!!

4:44 PM

hahas alrite soo many days nvr post omg i getting lazier... hmm..... todae my last dae in singapore....
i didnt get to go sentosa with khaidir dey all due to poor response....
i relaly am crazy wanna visit the musical fountain omg...
hahas haizz nvm... next tyme still got...

alrite going malaysia tomorrow...
destination to PULAU TIOMAN hahas..! coool anort???
dont jealous hor hahahs fake!! aiyer cant take car no car fainted...
hahas but my mother book a five star bus isnt that cool!??
omg and we staying in hotel...
hahas hope theres STARS at pulau tioman....

i realli hope can see shooting star too...
wanna see sunrise and sunset dun wan sleep at nite thats wat my family planned
hahas.. i just follow watever dey tink is good ;)
cos it will be beautiful dere the water was crystal clear heheehes.....

hmm.. nothin much happen lately....
just that i been staying up late in the midnite
duno do wat i guess i lyk the atmosphere during night soo peaceful and quiet....
and yea i going bring my hat which i bought recently quITE COOL dude hahas.. ;)
hope get to talk to her before i go
(lol lyk as if i going dere forever) hahas alrite will end here.....

hope u lyk my daily life stories hahas :)

enjoy ure holidaes guy and girls !!! :D

4:25 PM

Friday, May 23, 2008

isnt that lion cool its LEO MY horoscope hehehes.... enjoy the picture XD

11:56 PM

hmm.... todae didnt go school... boring.... rather sleep at home.... afternoon went out.... with danial.... accompany him go... woodlands... he wanted to buy cardigan...?? and skinny jean i guess.. for his brother... he wan treat me kfc so i just follow uhh...

hahas went at around 4 plus.... well the weather quite hot.... hmm... took 187 going long way... shiok in the bus can slack enjoy aircon hahas...... hmm den reach there... omg i saw one cool hat siol... i check my wallet omg $15 just enough to buy it.... i know its cheap :D but i lyk it alot.... hahas i put design on it too.....

hmm after shopping around.... we go kfc... omg soo nice siol....!! hahahas i love the chicken manx.....!! cant get over it!.... den nothing much happens took mrt went home.... and now staring at computer screen.... and someone coming home tomorrow... hope to hear good news from him/her.... about the camp...... :D enjoy urself worh...

hahas thanks for ure unsupportive comments! for my upcoming panel meeting :D

9:55 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

hahas... found it somewhere enjoy looking

9:48 PM

hmm... todae went to changi airport omg soo shiok... thiking no need spent studying instead enjoying outside.... but need do de maths drill hahas... hmm saw her twice todae see her happi makes mi soo happy.... alright todae nothin much happen

except theres dramatic during the skytrain one of my classmate nearly get... squashed by the train it w as soo closed that its might get his life away man.... lucky i pull him fast.... if nort i dun wan imagine what gonna happen.. hahas i told him am i a hero... ?? he told me no :( omg hahas nvm....

hmm... after that we went to the escalator measuring how long took to go down and up hahas i forget to time anyhow time ..... hmm after that nothing much.... well teacher brought us to burger king shiok siol.... eat but i no appetite omg sad... hahas den we went back to schoool where we were dismissed....

went to health and fitness lol.... need do the jumping omg... i am the suckest in this.... i jump lyk idiotic frog manx...hahas no choice need get cca point :( must do watever i can.... de weather was freaking hot...... must endure resilience is alwaes in my heart hahas....

well went home take bus saw shirmin and her friend duno hu... wanted to sae bye no guts hahas

hmm i feel happy that my fish now eat the food i feed mostly it ignored me.... cos i ignored him... now i feel bad and wan make up for it lost times... i tried my best sayang (arowana) i will alwaes luv and takes care of u even if its the end of the world i hope u will grow to be the best fish ever alive......

take cares reader!

9:29 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

hmm saturdae hahas... nothing much to do except play games the whole days...... and worry about what my mother will tink when she knows my result... omy...

shes gonna kill me man... i am soo dissapointed in myself...... i feel lyk a thousand rock weighting on my shoulder....

my family were soo happy.... of planning to go pulau tioman during holidaes [tioman island] if they saw my result they will be soooo sad....... i didnt know how cheer them up so i kept this secret till the times is up for her to sign.... the report book....

hahas nort looking forward to the trip as... alot of problems surfaced right now.... i am in a complete different paths... crooked and unstable paths of mine... its getting up on my head.... every times thinking of it makes me sooo frustrated and upsets.. :( i hope its will dissapear just lyk the wind....

nite nite

1:11 AM

Saturday, May 17, 2008

hmm... hahas... nothing much happen todae...

get free ride home... take taxi but soo long wait hahas... during waiting danial ride me on minghong around the place... shiok siol... but tiring... even tot i am nort the one paddling...

went home eat sleep as alwaes... rather nort think about what happens... recently hahas...

omg i tink i kena panel meeting damn it fainted....

this few days doesnt seem wan talk much sianz... duno something realli troubling me deep inside i tink hmm....... alright thats all for todae....


12:53 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

isnt this cat CUTE!! hahas i wan own one ..... it cost $2000 and more omg.... :( nearly my mothers salary... can nvr own it.... nvm pictures is alright too hahas

11:18 PM

hmm... todae school per normal... hahas... went school i hope it rains.. suddenly realli rain.. yay!! no need assemble at parade square which is damn boring hahas... walk around first den went to class... lesson per normal hahas.. bored as alwaes....

omg.... recess i everytyme eat de same :( hahas nothing much to eat....

den mother tongue omg i tot wan escape dem saw danial.... go 3.3 i sae stop asshole hahas.. :D just kidding de zhongyi borrow pen den throw at me?? omg soo bad.... duno how appreciate what people give...

mother tongue teacher nvr come as usual malay teacher almost every year takes leave duno for wat fuck.. but good uhh XD no need study hahas....

go home times... i pangseh danial and zhongyi sorry... hahas i made ming hong ride me around the hdb flat waiting for danial and zhongyi since they didnt arrive in time i decided to went home alone :( emo again.. hahas suddenly saw ziyang he wait for my bus again.. thanks alot..! that bryan run away again knn....

hahas omg omg omg omg... todae dat mr teo funni arh keep disturb me sial....

hmm thats all for todae at night nothing much happen just my daily life... doing my stupid thing staring at com screen for hours :D tooo free i tink hahas....

gOOdnite sweetdream~ ~ ~

11:06 PM

have fun reading

12:28 AM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

hmm.... yay fresh dae starts... hahas comes school... first tyme ms li greeted me ;) feel respected by her once again.. hahas....

omg.... my EXAM MARK REALLY FUCKING SUCKING RETARD IDIOTIC SHIT...... hahahahhas can kill myself derh i dun feel lyk going through de paper siak!!!.. but wat to do accept reality and try to be better :D

hmm went lot one with them bryan belanja food again... and i buy water... hahas.... the food taste awful because cant forget about my exam result....

and this time round i must advice my stupid counseller.... hahas.... i hope she didnt make wrong choices...

hmm then went home.... rest and sleep dreaming i get top in exam in class hahahahhas...!! me and my stupid dream..... omg.... 11.08 right now... its time to sleep tomorrow schools.....

byed readers!!

11:05 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

this poem is meaningful... to me... read it readers if free XD

11:07 PM

hmm... todae went out with danial zhongyi johnson bryan and nicholas.... played basketball awhile... hahas firstly i met bryan who have waited so long... at interchanged and den saw zhongyi and danial....

i bought one container and a frying pan for catching fish ;) nort fry egg hahahhas....

den we went fishing omg omg.... i caught alot of fish just by one scooop!!.. heheehs its worth it buying that frying pan... den dey all started to use it?? and dont let me :( omg... stupid dem..

danial fall down twice!! hu ask him wan see us pee.... laugh at us somemore hahahas he fall everything wet.. omg... felt sad for him...

we caught alot alot of fish... hahas damn but all mostly small except for few veri fun uhh... den bryan... belanja food... 5.00 hahas XD good uhh....

after that went slack at danial block.... it was quite hot...
i didnt know why this few day i felt hot my temperature is rising from normal... this frequently happens to me :( sianzz why does bad thing happens to me...

after that johnson prank call shirmin,vicky alot more... stupid uhh he keep wan me talk.... when he was the one hu wan prank call grhh... den night passed its time for me to go home hahas... quite fun uhh but veri hot i hope nort everydae would be lyk this...

hope my temperature would go normal.... :D wish for a better life

10:30 PM

guess whats this!!???? hehes

12:18 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

hmm todae... wasnt a bright dae omg stupid counseller scold me pig just because i online... late! ahhas den .... night falls.... dennis got troubled

omg... should i help him or not?? this question is often on my head... den i tink no matter how the person hate u helping others is a pleasure for me... so i help him...

wth i tot his problem would be simple but it get complicated.... those boys and girl dun wan leave him alone... finally they come to an agreement to talk to him nicely this upcoming tuesday in school XD.. i hope thing would go nice between them....

hahas oh my why does she alwaes sooo serious...... i hope she would changed to be a person who can joke around with.... and alwaes smiles.... being confident is one thing... but... u must at least have some funni..... moment.... :D

10:56 PM

Friday, May 9, 2008

alright readers out there guess where is this beautiful place... ??? ;)

11:25 PM

.... YAy todae no schoool but quite bored... uhh staying at home hahas.... nvm nvm at least.... can get plenty of rest... omg..... times realli past soo fast.... well i stayed home didnt go anywhere todae...

quite bored... but lyk it siol......

night come.... oh my bored so watch one dvd men in white... LOL de stories quite lame.. but funny... hahas right now i am posting eleven plus...

i hope shooting stars will happen tonight XD and wish for a happy day ....

11:23 PM

nice done by. c..... ? guess XD enjoy it

12:07 AM

Thursday, May 8, 2008

hahas... omg last paper... i cant do it... man just leave it to fate....

went home walking with bryan,ziyang,danial and johnson.. omg saw her and her friends... stupid dem keep call her.... i cant do anything but watch... veri paisehx...

didnt know have this kind of friends who cannot keep quiet... den dey suggest go lot one... lol just to find her aisehx... getting bored i went home first leaving them behind...

bored dono do wat... night falls

hahas promised my counseller will wait till she finish her... homework... omg tomorrow got exam good luck to her..!! wish she pass with flying colours!! now is 12am hahas readers may be asleep by now

11:58 PM

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

the onli people living under de drain... fainted

Me and danial striking a fisherman POST HAHHAHAS!

Me and danial trying to catch small fishes.. omg soo fun hahas

danial smsing huu omg... guess guess??? :D

this is bryan... playing with water..

didnt know when they took it hahas... i was concentrating lol! lyk real

9:10 PM

hmm.... exam was omg.... hard hard poa hahahs fainted.... maths i cant think of the formula.... omg i am going die manx!!....

well todae go slack with bryan,danial,shunski,nicholas,johnson and me hahas!... wth soo hot but quite fun.....!! me and bryan lie to dem we go eat at shunshine... they were omg soo furious didnt call dem hahahas...

it was funni next mingwei join us.... bryan and me bought crackers and bubble tea... oh my i love the seven eleven chip i forgot whats its called so hot and nice.. hahas can eat it everydae derh....

we play basketball me and shunski... vs danial and nicholas... omg omg omg they were winning hahahas... somehow we beat them.... with my!! genious skills (just kidding) hahahas nicholas was soo furious of losing i couldnt stop laughing and show him my butt... he was soooo hot till wan burst lyk a rocket dun care uhh ahhas...

next is we play at a two storey slacking place... alot of love written by people omg... so touching.. hahas i hope to write one , one day... hahas i will....

next me and bryan and danial go down de drain omg soo dirty and alot of fish derh.... somehow when we come all run away scared of us hahahas... bad luck fainted...

we open our shoes and good inside de water
omg soo cold... nice feeling derh i love it hahas... AND I CAUGHT MY FIRST FISH!! they didnt caught anything yahooo...... twice in a row HahhahaHs!! am i good?? nonono am i professional hahas ;) just joking cannot be soo hao lian...

den go home omg soo damn tired i feel lyk fainting on my way... suddenly got woman called me i tot wat she was asking direction of where is dunearn secondary school.... omg hahas she ask me uhh... i look lyk directory to her?? hahas i did tell where it was kind of me.....

we took picture omg hahas... its look funni reader enjoy it!!

9:02 PM

Monday, May 5, 2008

isnt she beautiful.... behind de singer of my blog song XD

10:40 PM

hmm.... todae schools per normal... omg i am late for school todae forgot hahas.... yea... being late... doesnt matters at least i come hahas...

exam DAMN HARD.... chemistry omg.... i nvr study type how to pass.... the question look simple.... but i rarely open my books to study sianzz...... todae after chem.. slack a while.... den went home bored...

daniel they all ask me play basketball... but i turn them down... hahas.. my cousin come at night teach me poa... i still dun get it... how to understand.... hahahas...

poa tomorrow soo damn nervous i hope i can do my best... even if just for a days i dun wan fail... :(

right thats all for todae hahas :) goodnite

10:05 PM

Sunday, May 4, 2008

beautiful isnt it!!! this is the creation of earth!! treasure it XD

11:14 PM

sianzz.... arh todae..... wth!!!..... my grandmother purposely cook spicy food!!...
i knwo its for my fucking brother!!
she purposely wan makes me cant eat sianzzzz why they favour my brother soo much!!! everything he do is alwaes right....! am i soo disgraceful in their eyes :(

i scolded dem and my brother keep sae if i dont treasure food..
one day when theres none left for u its good...
knn WTH LARH!!! why why!!! they realli piece me off man!

oh right stupid stories hahas....

sent my uncle aunty his car to Go back... seeing them for a day and gone the others makes me miss them soo much!!... hahas byebye!!

todae nothing much happens... oh my boring day... throughout the day...... damn hungry now hahahahas... will post again tomorrow XD

9:28 PM

another picture found yesterdae guess what it is..... ?? XD

6:50 PM

oh my!! forget to post about yesterdae hahhas....
welll my afternoon was quite bored... until get to chat with my counseller!!

quite funny i save him/her from boredoom right right??
am i saviour hahahhahas!! joking...... back to the stories...

hmm at night i was watching video until... my cousin and uncle, auntie from malaysia arrived at my doorstep i was quite happy and excited about they coming visiting us in singapore....

coool my cousin is totally funny... asking me and disturbing me... the night goes after as there were alot people in my house which is small.... it totally cramp hahahas...

i open my window at computer room.. and guess wat i saw three stars!! but only one shining brightly above the skies.... i tot its going be a shooting stars but its alright... at least i get to see it even tot i live on fourth storey ;) hahas

take cares!!! guys out there have fun reading.....

6:41 PM

Friday, May 2, 2008

BERMUDA ISLAND!! my new pic hahas

10:16 PM

hmm.... todae mother tongue paper wah super hard...
hahahas as i alwaes skip class!!..
i starting to dun understand my malay language
oh my... getting old??

went lot one with gabriel,danial and bryan...
me and danial walk around damn tiring hahas.... den at last we all went kfc....
wah order family feast... hahahs siao...
i am supposed to act lyk father XD hehehehs hahas the food was delicious....
i mean chicken!! hahahs... we created new recipe tooo.......

hahahs wth they make me slack!!... at the block.... omg.... tiring then saw kahmun and josephine.... danial keep prank call... stupid him... hahahs den josephine sae can lent her basketball we follow... lyk stupid dog!! omg didnt realised she trick us.... i know this going happen!!! oh my hahahas!! its okay!!

after that went home nothing much happen...
just talking to my counseller giving me advice! XD thanks alot

hahas happy sleeping XD

10:10 PM

Thursday, May 1, 2008

guess whats that??? XD

10:30 PM

hmm... hahas todae.... sooo bored... keep study my poa.... with my cousin she teach quite good i have to buck up in order to pass XD

around 5... she online lol... omg i tot she going to get mad.... looking at her blog... hmm thanks for believing me.... i appreciate it alot!! while talking my house flooded with water hahahas... shit!! to the impersonater.... ure plan failed!.... dont ever do it again....

7.30pm going... eat at chua chu kang LOL!!.... the place crowded hahahas well its already night... there was alot people going there to eat lyk.. omg soo popular uhh this place... hahas.... the star were bright todae.... but didnt see any shooting stars... omg, my uncle strike lottery??

he order soo many foood.... lyk omg the whole table crowded with food when there were only 6 people hahahas... but in the end still finish... it taste delicious... den we all walk for awhile while me... staring at the skies to wait for shooting stars hahas.. (stupid me it wont happen)

went home... oh my getting ready for tomorrow.... hope i can do my best in my mother tongue!!

alright tats all for todae hahas goodnite sweetdream guys!! out

9:36 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies