
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
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April 2010
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December 2011


Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Sunday, June 29, 2008

HAhas last fridae went to lan.... lols hmm took a bus 188 straight to chua chu kang to take lrt saw dylan,shiyun shirlyn ,junhao and the rest duno hahas..... coincidence they took the same tyme as me two hahahas... they went play bowlign i tink... cdan popular place for this kind of thing lols proud to be bukit batok resident kakakkas....

den tot dylan and junhao stopping down in de end i alone lols!! took lrt they took 67... meet tian chun... at petiar... he tot i follow them lols.. silly as promised... Hahas i FIRST to arrived lols usually alwaes late... fainted~!

we play com for a few hours.. dam lag and delay i keep feed siol in dota hahas... man i sure sucks...! after one hours of playing dylan and junhao going home so onli left us two... there
hahas man boring.... but less lag and delay can realli play lols!! :D

after hours playing its already 11 plus so we head homes... LOL night was beautiful... aiyer by the time i reach lot 1 ALREADY 12 HAHAs SUAY!! bus all gone... omg... need take taxi haizZzZ burn pocket money ;(

5:05 PM

Sunday, June 22, 2008

hahas tomorrow schooling lols!! omg.... nervous!! hmm... hope everything is alrite... :D didnt missed my classmate at all lols!!... hahas well...!! argh.... must wake up early waa~~!~~ shit!!! i hate it man!!!! i hope tomorrow got heavy rain or somethin then school shut down hahahas....

oh my grade lousy my mother getting me a tution teacher omg near chua chukang i tink...... SOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE ONE SUBJECT one month = $100 SHE GIVE ME THAT MONEY BETTER LOLS!! haiz.....

omg havent finish alot homework fainted hahahas..... sianzzz SCIENCE sooo hard duno how do!! omg gettting stupider each dae... nvm tomorrow ask teacher ba... i guess i am puttin down becoming a chairman... as much consideration.... i tink i am nort fit at all :( this is the dae where my life will changed again hahas.....

i guess after quitting i can finally be myself again!! hmm.... alrite reader must get ready for school!!! the journey of learning NVR END!!! till U dIE!!! HAHAS fake!! ;) goodnite!

10:59 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

11:42 PM

hahas my my my todae nothing special erm... went to my appointment get my blood test and medicine.;.. at around 3plus . Took bus to lot one at 1pm kinda miss takin bus to school hahas.... hmm.... the dae was kinda hot todae hahs... but wat to do no choice... :D

hmm den went to plaza begg my mother bought another dvd cost 27 dollar kakaks... i burn her pocket money hahahs soo bad hmm... after that had lunch at one ayam penyet stall quite delicious though... hahas since soo long didnt eat it

well.... after that took mrt train back home.... and here i am again staring at my computer screen.... nothin better to do...!!! haiz school opening soon yet i am still nort ready for it haiz haiz haiz....!!! wake up !!! argh!!! well everyone out dere enjoy ure holidaes

11:26 PM

Sunday, June 15, 2008

12:23 AM

Lonely path...

12:21 AM

Saturday, June 14, 2008

alrite another post hahas... well its past already its the dae i must check on my bloodtest omg sooo nervous hahas... i meant imagined those needle getting into ure arm....!! hahahas man that scared the hell out of me.... when i went there i was shivering as it was morning and worse the aircon made it cold tooo......

hahas tried my best to remain calm but i am a bit shaky... i guess hahas.... well after sitted for about a few minutes the nurse called me into a room... accompanied by my mother..... hmm i was about to faint... hahas when i see those syringe with those needle sharp small... hahas... well the nurse ask me to clunched my fist... hahas and she tried to find the vein... omg when she try to find i guess my hand was lyk jelly hahas.. with bone and meat onli... nort some strong muscular hand i got here hahas.. fainted....

well the time the needle went into my hand its when i start to feel numb... but even worse i was scared looking at my blood being taken out alot LOLS....!! hahahahas man i was such a scarycat.. but i didnt cry or show i am afraid at all hahas well this experience alot.... hmm well the test was for my lung whether its healthy or nort.. hahas currently i am on medication for somethin somethin :D

hahas good luck to everyone. school reopening hope to see everyone soon bye!! tckare

8:14 PM

hmm hahas.. soo long nvr post... last week was my grandmother birthdae omg... hahas here to wish u happy birthdae we went to chua chu kang park restaurant around night... hmm during the afternoon they walk around pasar malam to browse for anythin good to buy.. hahas well i was soo engrossed by the puzzle of one thousand pieces soo ambitious of me my mother decided to bought it but it took me two week still unfinished hahas.. omg well... after that went around lot one awhile... saw hongkahrian... nort exactly classmate but my junior... hahas he greeted me with a smile... well durin hong kah time i used to be lyk big brother to them hahahhas!!!>.. omg continued with my stories....

after browsing den we went to the restaurant omg... HAIZZZ... i forget buy for my grandma birthdae gift haizzz... wat a terrible grandson i am.... hmm... i will buy for u when i free alrite i promsied hahas.. well we order most food and it took quite long to eat to finish all hahas... but it was memorable dae... and de skies was abit different it was lyk orange or somethin i tink... so hahas or maybe my eyes playing trick on me alrite HAPPY birthdae!!! grandma!!!

8:09 PM

Sunday, June 8, 2008

our last dae dinner haiz behind performer sing goodbye for us :P

sunset was beautiful :D

omg me and my brother hahas

my father cool rite?? his diving suit hahas

me and my brother inside water hahas

donkey land...

golf park omg nice rite?

komodo dragon hahas i tink so

sexy performer their voice sound soo beautiful lols

18 and above hahas

those performer at the bar :D

hahas same as below lol

the skies was amazing....

our chalet or hotel house omg isnt it beautiful?

sitting at lobby hahas.. waiting for key room :D

waiting for the bus soo long asshole!

omg my cousin posing siol... haiz i was bored cant wait hahas


11:51 PM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

People who had been tagged must write their answers in their blog and replace any questions that
they dislike with a new one that they formulated themsleves. Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those
people who are tagged, cannot refuse. Thesede people must state who they have been tagged by and
cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
Tagged by:
#1. Whats your ideal lover like?
hmm... nothin much normal person would be the best :D

#2. how long do you intend to wait someone you really love?
as long as my life could goes on.... maybe forever

#3. If the person you like, is already attached, what would you do?
dissapointed... but i will alwaes be there if she needed me?

#4. If you had a choice, what family would you wish to be born in?
any except indian hahas

#5. Is it fun being tagged?
erm ok larh at least u know u are nort lonely...

#6. Whats the first thing you do when you wake up?
lost in though

#7. What type of friends do you like?
funny... trusting... respectful.. understanding.... a friend that supports me for watever tink i do and understand me :D

#8. What type of people you dislike?
those like to critisize i hate the most.. sarcastic... nort funny and lame...

#9. If your lover betray you, what'll your reaction be?
hmm.. frustrated but wat can i do... i cant changed the reality

#10. If you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
the one i trust and love the most :D

#11. Is it more blessed to be loved or loving someone?
both are great

#12. Who is the most important person to you?
my Fish... my family.... and of course me!!! the most important!! in my life....

#13. Would you like to stead with the girl you like?
yar..... but doesnt have the chance...

#15. What'll you do if your best friend stead with the girl you like?
betrayed... but wish him lucks.. if shes happy i will be two...

8:12 PM

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

HAhas after a long journey finally back in singapore.... OMG TERRIBLE DAYS I HAVE THERE hahahahhas.... nort realli the price were sooo expensive!!! for even food omg.... room service one food 17 ringgit= $8.50 in sg hahas for just a plate of normal food omg can die derh.... lucky my family bring alot of... $$$ dere if nort i dun tink i can survive hahas....

first mornign take coach bus which i tot is five star when got on board omg... its lyk 0 STARFALL rather than five star soooooo uncomfortable... cant really sleep but i did sleep hahas the bus were cramped... omg reach woodland jammed HAHHAHAS!!!.. love it i sleep lyk a pig...! den check point and stamp my passport after dat Go up again....

omg.... i saw one woman she loook realli lyk my counseller siol!!! first time i was mistaken i tot it was her hahahs... but the difference is she is taller... and mature.. but pretty :D hahahahha i tot it was my counseller had been wanting to tell her but didnt get the chance fainted.... alrite move on to my stories...

the bus destination to wat place i forgotten pahang i tink hahahas was lyk rocky the road the bus was moving up and down side and side it was lyk veri giddy hahas but i love it man!!...

reach there need wait for ferry OMG soo long one hour hahahas.! the water was quite dirty dere alot of oil spill... and i saw some weird looking fish.. hahas but quite cool tot.... !

ferry arrive :D went on board.... and to tioman island.. took 2 and half hours... omg i am soo detailed hahas... OMG THE WATER WAS SOO freaking beautiful i mean sooo blue!! crystal clear u can see below... alot of fish and corals... beside de beach were all dead coral which is coooL!!... hmm we were ferry by small bus to a hotel called berjaya were we check in... our chalet which is aircon inside hahas... FIRST DAE come was sucks already 5 it was late though!...

hahas haiz we went around..... de price was omg... i check on the sourvenier shop but the last day i still bought some sourveneir for my friends in singapore hahas.. :D

alrite first dae in de island we walk around finding place to eat but in the end we decide to eat at our hotel room service hahas.... den went out take some pic... along de beach... it was nice sun setting... hahas den aat night we walk along de beach dere werent much stars tot it was cloudy as if going to rain..

den we sit on two bench where my father took my family picture... SOMEHOW inside de picture theres orbs!!! i will show u guys hahas... omg is it spirit following us around or want to sleep at the bench hahas...

de next dae.... was quite fun we went snorkling omg my aunty uncle DE MOST UNSPORTING AND timid..... theyy were lyk forcing me nort to go on the deep water then i was lyk sooo fucking pissed off they scared doesnt mean i have to join dem.... wats the life jacket use for?? go on a shallow water damn ... it soo fucking pissed off with their attitude!!.. thats what i ahte hahas...

but i still went nort tat far and they turn back with the boat leaving us behind i dun mind at all... :D lyk that more peaceful rather den alwaes get nagged by my aunty keep ask irham stay near us omg i am old enough to take care of myself... hahas

well snorkling was quite fun alot small fish underneath our leg omG.. SOO SHIOK :D i seen sea urchin live corals and alot beautiful fish hahas...

well after that was quite hot at tioman so i decided to sleep at my room WHICH IS COOOL BLASTED WITH AIRCON!! hahas full maximum... veri fun bathin dere too soo cold hahas... well at four woke up and go with family around de tioman island

we decided to sit on a restaurant and chatted... well i wan climb the mountain but they discourage me dat i get lost easily... which is true or untrue?? hahas they worried tooo much...

haiz then at night went for dinner which cost everyone 75 person each veri expensive hor.... hahas i eat lyk a crazy man... i took alot of crabs omg :D and chicken i tink the indian waiter was lyk omg this guy how many more he wan eat my chicken?? it was funny tot the reaction he gave me but all he did was smiled HAHAHS during eating we were approach by a group of performance... well i love bon jovi song i told them whether they could play it :D hahas omg this guy was lyk keep staring at me... he sing the song thank you for loving me :D omg first tyme i tot nort nice but it turn out alrite :D love it hahas... i feel so touched man.... they were shaking my hand as if i was boss hahas

well we went to pub after that which only eighteen and above can enter BUT I dun care HAHHAs cos i tall or short dun care hahahahs i just behave lyk i am adult ordered... fruit punch omg nice but i drink slowly as u know pub water are expensive there were performers.... two girls wear sexily and one man... they sing quite alrite but i prefer the female vocie their voice were sooo nice :D i mean who doesnt?? they could sing and dance at the same time... hahas well at that time i was thinkin of somethin else... haiz den somehow shooting star fall right on that night.... i didnt get to see it only my grandmother aunty cousin and uncle i guess.... haiz it fall right above me which i alwaes wanted to see!!! why!!! it purposely fly above me so i couldnt see?? hmm it was soooo sadd tot i didnt get to see one which i really wish to!! haiz.... nvm i guess if it is fate den its alrite hahas.... continued sittin and watching the performance... :D till quite late den went hotel and sleep....

de nxt dae went to singapore!! omg sooo missed it!! hahahas went sheng shiong alongside woodland bought alot of food and crackers went back home eat lyk mad hahahas...!! thats all happen i guess i will post some picture when i got them bye readers!!!!

7:12 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies