
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
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November 2008
December 2008
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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Friday, July 25, 2008

hmm..... todae was quite nice being in school in the last dae hahas... of the week... i tink going school band concert at esplande tot bryan all going at the first place they back out in the last minutes left me hahas.. nvm nvm i dun care alone aso wont die....

todae bryan tian chun come my house... hahas nth special about my house... except its small but they keep say its cooling and relaxing... inside lols i tink so tooo hahahs i tot onli i tink so... so does them hahas. yea... play the whole day ps2 with bryan while that chun go play my com the whole day... !! till NIGHT !! 9 pm LOLS... sooo long fainted

me and bryan walk around the hdb block den i show him my primary school which brought alot of memories... to me hahas... didnt know why i show him as i realli missed that school but i am nothin now... so all i can do is coming out at night to take a look at how it is....

hahas thats all happening tomorrow going concert band sooo ! excited hope they perform PROPERLY and NICE!! hahahs bye reader thanks for reading

11:44 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

i wish to give this heart to someone one day Hahas (fake!)

10:48 PM

Saturday, July 19, 2008

hmm for todae... hahas nothin much happened rite now staring at the computer screen!! omg tomorrow got english tution looking forward to it as i must improve and improve hahas... at 12 plus my cousin come and teach poa!! omg.... i didnt know its that simple how stupid i am !!! in the class!!!! this is the reason for not paying attention stupidity of me hahas!! nvm!!! next ca i will do my best i believe in it!!.....

well at around 3 my grandmother cook nasi lemak which i wanted a rojak hahahahs!! but nvm larh veri nice after all she coook AND OUR HOUSE FLOODED AGAIN HAHAHAS by DIRTY TRUSNAMI fake!! hahas tis time is de hole of the drain i tink the water jammed or somethin yucks!! hahas the dirt all go up we toook sooo long!!!..... i am soo fed up hahas and tired toooo duno why i dun do much except pump all out!!...... U KNOW WHAT yay!! I DID IT HAHAHAS the water almost GONE ! den 5 miNUte laters THE WATER FILL Up again in that HOLE BASKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARH HAHAHAS ITS NVR ENDING STUPID STUPID

at last my mother come home buy wat detergent or wat shit hahas its white in colour LYK acid norh hahas... veri pain if hit ure hand and put inside de water i dun tink the water go up again as the water started to drain off... hahas yay!!! now sooo tired but watching THE kingdom omg SOO SHIOK!!!! jet li jacki chan hahahs they are super cool and funni!! hahas plus the rest of the character..>!! 24.00 !! worth it man!! hahas lucky nort the whole is my money lols if nort can cry derh!! HAHAS!! alrite i will end here!....

Signing off! BYE READERS !ffo gningiS

7:28 PM

hmm this is the post for yesterdae lols hahas.... WOKE UP AT and danial already nudging me..... hahas... actually dun feel lyk onlining lols... cos cant concentrate but see friends do the elearning download togetehr work together feel soo united hahas... alot people doing and me bryan josephine her classmate vicky shirmin and the rest of the group.... do in different chat asking for answer... lols veri funni norh i tot this was supposed to be lyk test but still need asnwer worh hahas!...

well shirmin soo fast offline duno whats the reason..... but left bryan they all soo its alrite...
hahas after a few hours AND I AM STILL NORT DONE HAHAHHAS they alll sooo fast finish at 12.30 finish already!!! omg super!! genius hahas how stupid can i be lols!!! fainted..... de mother tounge NORH THE QUESTION unlogically!!! veri stupid larh about supernatural!! i write anihow hahas.... aiyer sorry josephine omg i didnt post for u or that person.... as i write rubbish inside i dun have the heart to post it...... hmm!! realli sorry if u get detention this mondae i am sorry....

I cant do it :(

7:23 PM

Thursday, July 17, 2008

shooting stars!

11:21 PM

Hahas... todae at school alot thing happened lols... hmm..... first is my permanent sit at the front yahoo.... clap clap fake!! hahas... veri embarrassing tot but its the way u can understand better in learning rite... hahas alrite move on... todae lesson pretty much interesting yesterdae during poa... mr poh keep tell me nort to give up in my studies and he see the different changed in me.. omg i feel soo touched the way he talk... even tot alot people dont appreaciate him...

alrite todae somethin funni happen hahas.... its about rumours shunski likes a girl.... and he scared vicky to knows... and those jokers out there pass some letters... and now shunski.. is veri sad hahahhas!! its veri amusing seeing how a person would react when they lyk someone... OMG!!!

todae SHIRMIN come my class HAHAHS! i tink is asking for donation about something something... omg i duno why soo hyper active even tot i am nort the chairman anymore... i keep force mr khaidir to choose me to talk to them... hahas!!! yay!! soo miss !! her lols soo long nvr see...! i tink in my dream larh hahas... with her friends giving intruction which i nvr realli follow hahas... i cant concentrate larh must stare at her omg....! fainted... the class super stingy omg... hahas i ask them moeny all nonsense come out...! hahas nvm mondae must force them omg... realli happi lols hope kimmey let me handle this on mondae please...! hahas one last times!

alrite todae i went appointment lols.... nothin much just a review on somethin somethin... pretty boring tot hahhas... then went to eat at ayam penyet veri nice sial shiok... HAhas i force my mother buy for me dvd kingdom of wat starring jackie chan and jet li..! lols coools! den we went buy my ring file.... and took mrt... one weird thing i alwaes lyk to do hahahahs!!... wrapping tissue paper and roll it into small balls ... LOLS veri crazy hahas duno why habit already.....

went home.... doing nothin... den danial suddenly call ask me go out play lan siao! i just got home hahas so i make some excuses... and relax now staring at this computer screen....

hmm thanks to all those who reads my blog.....!! goodnite good luck for tomorrows!!!

Live Life to The fullest!!

11:09 PM

Sunday, July 13, 2008

guess what it is XD

11:22 PM

LOLs halo halo... readers hahas... thank you for passing by lols...

todae Sundae lOLs... OMg going tution hahas... yay!! i love english tution can concentrate without any disturbant hahas.... lols todae we learning how to write situational writing properly lols.... hmm.... after tution end i didnt went straight home instead... i went to meet my friends.... and go limbang play lan... hahahs

man.... my skills sucks at there hahas... we play dota... omg... for just one hours! lucky didnt spend soo much money... hahas.... yay... the night was quite cooling while waiting for bus 302 talk about our past... hahas times realli move soo fast

haiz.... den still got a few money left i head for kfc... since at home there no mroe foood... left hahas.. bought chicken wanted the BIG PIECE TWO OF THEM HAHas quite GREEDY NORH me fainted.... hahas hu cares omg.... if u wan eat just eat the way u want it to be hahas.... brought it back home.... den suddenly rain hahas omg nice!! at home watchin tv the rain just poured for a while before its gone.....

sooo fast lols.... hahas incredible tales was quite boring this week..... rite now doing my physic homework omg... damn lazy alwaes do last minutes hahas... haiz still can hear lightning above the skies... hahas hope tomorrow rain pleased......

day does get much better for me.... i hope i could make it in time.... in my life i doesnt realli wan somethin this much hahas.. i entrust my dream and wish to the shooting star.... lols soo dramatic fainted!!

goodnite readers!! thanks for reading hahas this is whats going trhough my life

life isnt easy...

11:15 PM

Saturday, July 12, 2008

mm... hahas lols yesterdae was quite fun.... but we lost hahas :( didnt go culture night.... as i tink its better not to be there... to destroy others fun hahas.. fake! lols.. just dun feel lyk going...... alrite back to my life stories... yesterdae went out with my friends play lan.. at limbang... quite fun as its night around.. 7 plus we reached and played. hahas 9plus waited for 188 at after lot one quite cooling tot.... then went home on com and sleep lols... thats all hahas

todae!! omg my grandmother ask wat i want to eat todae i tell her kfc.... then she cant go out with my aunt cos feeling sicks... so cancelled hahas.. its alrite lols... hmm.... now stuck!! with my science physic homework....!! hahahas man if onli soemone knew how do hahas....

hmm.... this few daes keep playing games omg... cant concentrate....!! hahas i wan study study man!! its time to do my best... hahahahs! omg... oh my after quitting being chairman... i feel soo.... relaxing... finally... i guess i cant take over the quality of a leader... and nort fit to be one... hahas...... its time to let go... wats nort mine...

sooo dramatic lols... i alwaes post soo long fainted.. sorry to those who reads.... this blog hahas....

in life u mustnt except much... as the more u gain the more u loss....

2:14 PM

Sunday, July 6, 2008

8:07 PM

hmm.... soo long nvr post... alrite yesterdae was my first time tutioning..... it was horrible though hahahs... i couldnt catch up on any of the subject man.... how dissapointing... they are all in a new chapter and the way their formula is totally different from our school omg... how high standard is tat... but my classmate were kind of good... hahas they welcome me with big wide smile lols... soo exaggerate hahahs... so i quitted both physic and chemistry .. and just concentrate on my english tution.... i tink its better this way... as less stress....

hmm i finally admitted in school last fridae when mr khaidir voice out to me that whether i still wan the post of a chairman or nort... so i told him i am nort fit to be one.... as i cant realli concentrate on my studies and... i dun tink i am a good person either.... so its best to be this way..... let him choose the real role model for the class..... hmm quite saddening though but this is my decision after all.... hahas i should faced up to it with brave front....

alrite back to my daily life todae the first dae of my english tution i duno how it gonna be lyk hope everything will turn out alrite hahas ..... this is the ending of my chairman chapters... hahas

nothin much going on in my life.... erm except my fish growing big and his appetite tooo but hes sweets... hahas i duno until know whether its a female or male as it like to play aroudn too much in the tank.... hahas

todae my family going eat at restaurant cooool!! rite i hope i can attend it hahas..... i love eating outside !! aniwae thanks for reading my life stories!!

hope one dae our dreams will come alive

12:07 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies