
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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August 2011
December 2011


Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hahas!.. Our Group photo!! :D

10:51 PM

hmm... LOls todae woke up.. hahas! hmm den... suddenly dylan suggested celebrate vicky bdae? hahahs actually damn lazy derh!!... LOLs!!... haizz... hahas since her bdae no choice lols!! :D okay so tag along!! hahas! actually i suggested GO KBOX DERH LOLS!!.... XD long time no sing already... hahas!

quickly SMS SHIRMIN !! Hahas tot she can go!! LOls!!>...... haiz!!... den she cant :( nvm !! hahas if she come i aso duno if i can be myself anort! lols!!.... okay so call bryan and he aso cant!! omg! hahas soo depressed!!! but i told myself todae vicky bdae must just enjoy ! lols!!... okay so went out without them...

meet dylan,ah em , vicky , huishan at jurong guess wat!! i LATE COME OUT AND early ARRIVED hahahas fast anort?? LOLS!!!.... hahas went in the complex den... !! lols !... KBOX here i come!!.. hahas....

inside!! nothin to do LOLS i mean quite bored Mostly they sang chinese SONG!! Lols which totally i dun understand Hahas!!... aisehx... man! i keep choose slow english song :D thats good? hahahas!! at there i sing wholeheartedly!! LOLS!!... dont care must sing my best since must pay 25.00 plus HAHAS SOO EXPensive rite?? i know i know hahaas... as mondae is the first month of ramadan where every malay must fast...! hahas i order a apple juice which taste lyk 1 dollar plus and the orange juice taste sucks!!.. hahahas!! aisehx i wan my money BACK!!!!

okay after all this we took a photo of momento? hahahas! and went home!! took bus from lot one! lols!!.... and here i am writing the stories.... which have no end hahas!.. okay okay!

YES last thing!! hahas I SING its my life!! Bon jovi hahahs!! :P until finish!! isnt this GooD LOLS!! dont care nice or not hahahas!! alrite

Goodnite readers!

10:39 PM

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hahas nort trying to show off... but to show how much i have improved!! :D
if the determination is there no matter
how stupid u are! u can alwaes pass with flying colours!
just believed u can do it!
just lyk how i did!
Every path u walk too will be smooth...
this is a journey called life...

11:03 PM

hahas todae? MY LAST DAE CHOP STAMP KAKAKAS!! n i brought vicky birthdae present With komodokun drawing and MS Lydia li! and Khaidir!! CAKE HAHAs!!!..... omg.....! took bus and paisehx?? hahas cos was carrying soo much thing so i called ah em yesterdae ask her can help me todae give that present to vicky as i chionging to school for the stampede!! hahas!....

okay she agreed to help! okay thanks alot ah em for ure help?? hahas saw dylan.. too.... so sae hello and walk away as fast as i can..! to school! hahas on the journey carrying the cake feel lyk a delivery man? hahas seem people looking at me weirdly?? aisehx man! its nothin special about JUST CAKE!! for FAV teachers!! ;)

hahas okay reach school and bryan all dun wan sit down was looking for ms li! as i scared de cake melt! hahas den mr khaidir arrive first!! so GIVE HIM!! HAhas... guess wat? he said! thanks irham... i tot it was sponge fake cake? LOLS! hahas Must trust me i wont buy such thing derh! lols!.... but he did sae it look nice the cake i meant! hahas!

okay Got my last chop FOr the STAR BUCK Hahas!! no more coming early HAhas byebye mr khaidr! (FAKE)

bryan didnt sit and he didnt get omg.... den saw ms li handing out to those npcc.... ? about! the.... form thingy hahas... fate realli ! at my side todae! LOLS!! i was hoping she would pass our class to give consent form hahas! and she did! omg? it follow my way todae? did it? or am i tinking too much? hahas leave it to God to decide...

SO! i gave her the cake with the plastic bag!! OMG AND SHE TOT IT WAS A FAKE!! and i was trying TO surprised her with something Stupid HAhas! OMG i tot U BELIEVED IN ME!! ARGH Fainted!!... hahas nvm nvm nvm!! finally i convince her!! until she accept fainted!! hahas damn ... it !

okay next event is the running Haiz!! they lyk run alone lehx!! no spirit at all!! they rarely PAss the baton!! AISEHX MAN.. i Got soo fed up?? and i walk away HAhas!! to station 1 :D on the way SAW SHIRMIN HEHEHES!!... She buying water !! sae hello!! hahas den went find bryan they all... but they all chase me away? sae must run dun be lazy? omg!! idiot HAhas... den saw kimmey all i tell them i will help dem run as i am too free?? ahhas!!

den u know what she replied? i can STILL rmb!! make shirmin proud irham run for us? is this some kind of motivation or just to make me run for them?? LOLS!! fainted hahas.. dun care i JUST FEEL LYK RUNNING SOO much todae!! den When wan run for them? de event finish? HAhas!! IDIOTIC SHIt got soo depresseD! hahas... and sit at canteen! for a while lazy go assemble at parade square which is veri bright and hot! Lols..

sit down suddenly ziyang all join? and guess wat! shirmin walk pass and he disturb her!! that asshole!! alwaes tries to embarrass me in public fainted!! hahas... !! okay nvm dun care!! at least she was sitting opposite me! Yay !! hahas.... okay dat time was lyk 9.00 am? its recess? lols so early? is this some kind of special treatment cos of special day? hahas...!

suddenly from behind bryan pop out.... !! lols i ask him wan buy water ? he said ya and treat me todae?? hahas soo good? lols confirm got something wrong todae? HAhas!! so i stand up and go to the counter...! de auntie sae hello i forget reply! hahas SHE SAE i ACTION NVR SAE BACK LOLS!!! fainted hahas so i said! and went to class.. dere waiting for that so called de new chairman.... ?? LOLS was slow lyk tortoise? hahas!! dun care larh den open door.... mr khaidir was giving out result slip

LOLS SOO HAPPY!! hahas finally i can see how much i have improved! maybe to me to others a sad day? haiz feel sorry for those failures but wat to do this is life... in order to succeed u can nvr stop! hahas Mr khaidir said i improved alot! from the day he talk to my mother is it some kind of miracle? Hahas! okay watever it is!! its my determination!! okay okay!! hahas... :D its because i must win SHIRMIN mark! LOLS dats why i work soo hard hahahas..... and one mroe is to prove that Na student is nort stupid and as clever as express student!! ;) yea that sound better? rather then that dramatic phrase from before hahahhas!!

okay AND HE!! ARGH ASK BRING BOOK BACK OMG SHIT!! HE DUNO how heavy it was? LOLS!! hahas..... okay lucky he sae can put inside cupboard? LOLS soo all the classmate chiong??!! and put all the book left the poor shunski? hahas was the last?? LOLS and get scolded instead? haiz felt sorry for him.... he look sooo dejected all that time....

den Concert TIME hahas!!.... yay!! the hall was freaking hot? LOls should install a AIRCON HALL LARH! lols... hahas!!! okay the performance was alrite?... and the speech was the one interest me the most :D which is from shirmin!! hahahas!! i listened and find it a bit touching....

well aisehx man as performance go by THE TEACHER LARH ASK all malay student can stand up and leave which mostly include all chinese ARGH!!

damn IT IF he didnt MAKE SUCH ANNOUNCEMENT I COULD HAVE WATCH HER PERFORMANCE!!! IDIOT!! LARH LOLS!!.... but she todae Look sooo gorgeous its totally lyk different person!! ;) well watever it is!! hahas i know shes the best of the best! so it doesnt matter if watch it or nort... my mind and opinion will nvr changed.... hahahs!!!


as i was walking out... of the school i have this bad feelign that i miss out something finally i understood its her performance >? haiz its too late everytyme.. i do somethin... hahas nvm nvm nvm maybe its my fate to be this way! lols...

okay walk with danial and bryan to lot one and they went home to changed to go my house! hahas... wat happened is totally out of my head bryan belanja us again! 10 dollar AND DANIAL 1.50 CENT AND HE ASKING FOR cheese FRIES TOO!! LOLS... damn him!! nvm....

i should have now todae something is wrong hahas... but its alrite as my result make me feel soo good..! hahas.. so i did treat them cheese fries.... lols!! hahas BUt they MUST CARRY LOLS!!... yay!! XD hahahs i am boss !!! they are workers!!! FAKE!

went home didnt do much i play comp and was shocked this is first time mr khaidir ever tagged in my blog which rarely teachers would do to student hahas? surprised? lols thanks! ... okay danial and bryan was lying at the cement of my house flat... is it soo clean and cold and nice to be lying dere? LOLs they seem to treat my house lyk their OWN!!!....

hahas glad they enjoy playing ps2 and danial keep pestered to play computer! which is now laggin badly hahas... so i just gave... !


as it reach night deres this ah pek below my house? hahas was smoking and below my house theres a set up coffee shop? LOLs de ahpek was smoking!! hahahas!! and guess wat hAPENNED next!!

Find out after the break?!! :D

hahas fake!! DANIAL MAKE THOSE STUPID BIRD SOUND and ask bryan how to sae in chinese dun smoke lao ren!! HAhahas!!! DE AH PEK below responded!! LOLs looking up and finding where the stupid sound might be?? HAHAHHAS!!!! dat danial realli duno why? lyk to disturb people soo much..! hahahas but was quite funni he didnt stop until tired? hahahs..!! okay

hmm den went down with bryan walk a night walk ;) i love this the most hahas... theres soo much thing bothering me since primary six end of year... been wanting to share with someone but i guess bryan wasnt the right person.. to talk to hahas..! as his answer would alwaes be i dun care? LOLS hahas!

so i just ignored the thing in my mind and walk with him just for the sake of having some peace!!.. we walk around my primary school hahas and den went to a playground which is further from my house.. and sit there for awhile i tink and tink ! hahas.. suddenly a dried leave drop on me is this a sign of badluck? hahahs!! its alrite.. its alrite...

8.40 went pass and time for them to go home... so said goodbye

and here i am writing this stories... which have no ending hahas.!! lamos!! enjoy it readers! as this may be the last time i write for u all! who nows tomorrow may never comes?? :D byebye!


9:52 PM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

TO: Mr Khaidir!

I know I wasn't the best behaved
That you've ever taught.
I know I got distracted Much more than I ought
And I didn't pay attention

Every minute of the day
,And admittedly,
my favourite time
Was going out to play .

Yet determinedly you taught me,
Putting me to the test,
Encouraging my efforts
As you made me do my best.

Some lessons were a challenge
And you taught me how to cope,
Each day I grew in confidence, Ability and hope.
I really now appreciate

You made me learn thro' fun.
Thank you very very much (Mr khaidir)
For all you've said and done.

Pupils never forget a teacher
Whether good or bad, that's true
But it's with the fondest of affection
That I'll remember you.

To:Ms Lydia li

I'll never forget that you believed in me….
Even when I didn't believe in myself
You're a great teacher (Ms Li)

I'll never forget you
Thank You Very Much!!!

8:37 PM

todae hahas per normal?? LOLS... haiz quite boring tot studying... hmm i keep slacking behind man!! Lols fainted... argh hahas.... during duno which lesson shirmin come hahas.. soo happy to see her? :D if onli i am reinstated as chairperson can alwaes meet her outside LOLS! but its alrite?? hahas! it doesnt matter even if theres no leadership??? as long as i believe in myself and nvr give up =) thats good enough hahahs..

YAY!! todae too mr khaidir mention my blog veri interesting?? HAhahsh lols he made my day!! HAhas!! and he said i can realli write?? does he sae that just to make me happy??? LOLS! dam duno why i can soo easily contented! hahas!! Can i realli write??? mostly i write here is the happy part hahas :D and if u lyk my stories MUST READ EVERYDAY!! hahas Alrite anione out dere? and tag !!! ;)

after that went lot one hahas!! omg... buying thing for vicky!! LOLS i choose for soo long?? hahahas.... aisehx i must get the best thing okay?? realli regret during shirmin birthdae wrap until lyk shit hahas !! aiyo paisehx ...!! and de thing was lyk? cheap haiz.. should buy expensive.. i alwaes think the sincerity and though that count? but somehow i tink theres something missing...

alrite dun care that forget the past!! LOLS wrapping present for my most loyal security guard give it up for (vicky) hahahas.. fainted.... i hope u lyk the present LOLS!! and de drawing which is lyk? nursery kids? Hahas paisehx my art realli bad since the day i am born.... :D


once again my grandmother quarrel with my mother over the tenant which is my brother friend from korea... who staying at my house?... hahas... that guy realli made my grandma hate him as he veri action.... ! alwaes used too much clothes den expect my grandma clean it up?? lols haiz...

but one thing my mother try to solve the quarrel as she find de tenant... pitiful? it all because we have one empty room... den MY STUpid brother suggestion?? to convince my mother to let his friend stay?? Now see what happen! idiot!! he alwaes think he rite but when it comes to the trouble he leave it all to my grandma which is nort fair??

oh my ... to tell u the truth... i dun realli feel good of the tenant staying in my house too.... hahas! as i dun feel the sense of freedom to do anithin...

and i wan that room BACK....!! damn when its lost i realli regret nort using it from the start i didnt realli treasured it hahahas!!.... MY MY MY!! bad luck to my family? Haiz...

HAhas tomorrow !! TEACHERS DAY!! LOLS BOUGHT!! cake for Ms LI and KHAIDIR hahahas!! i hope i come in time to give dem later melt die die HAhas :D !

Bye readers!!

8:05 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


8:58 PM

hahas.... MAN TODAE SO SUAY!! LOLS!!.... i tot my lucky day :D skali my unlucky day :( alot thing happen... hahahahs...

firstly!! HAhas OMG i wake up soo early!! just to arrive to school on time for the STARBUCK.... and give dat cd hahas.. MAN DIDNT SAW SHIRMIN walk around and around and around!! i keep round duno how many times?? until 7.20 LOLS she still nort around!! AISEHX MAn ... so dissapointed hahas..

suddenly saw mr khaidir come LOLS no choice !! find bryan sit with me... hahas den he chop chop lols!!!.... hahas great but still havent get to give the cd lols... hahas okay... after everything over...? den i waited for 3.2 to stand up.... lols den pass it to josephine? since i trust that retard in dat class?? but which also the one sabo me the most?? hahas.. okay dun give a damn.. hope she give to her can already lols!..

OKAY!! went recess dat tyme saw shirmin HAhas!! tot wan sae hello den she with her friend? cannot act lyk idiot infront of her hahas!!.. so i pretend to act coool? LOLS FAINTED Hahas... guess wat happened next??? !! i was looking at her AND KNOCK into someone foot !! OH MY that asshole FOOT IS made OF METAL?? OUT FLEW MY COIN FROM MY WALLET!! blame on MY EYES ARGH!! hahahahas....

lucky got my left hand come which is danial? he wan take away my ten dollar?? hahahas! den i pick up slowly with danial which is a paisehx ting to do?? lols! hahas dun care lar!... my money :D okay buy food as usual sit and chatted awhile den went back class??

forgotten todae is ziyang birthdae? when i standing beside him all the time?? LOLS! hahas glad get to sae happy bdae to him?? hahas... as usual my bad luck still THERE...! ENGLISH TIME i soo HAPPY DAMN Hahas!! i tot wan see how much i improved!! DEN ONCE AGAIN!! its being delayed and delayed!! BY MR ZUL!!! OR THE COMPUTER STUPID PROBLEM? hahas! IDIOT LARH I WAN SEE LARH SOO LOGN!! LEHX.... waiting for soo long just to see internet explorer cannot display webpage! iT SHOULD BE internet CAN display WEBPAGE!! ARGH!!!

okay... hmm... den next thing is CHEMISTRY omg... FUCKING SHIT!! hate to mention it! hahas...

i FAILED!!!!! 20/50 CAN U BELIEVED IT?? IDIOT!! argh!! i should have PASSED LEHX DAMN!! teacher nvr key in DE FUCKIGN MARK!!..... LOLS wtf stupid lehx....! i PASs soo many test and HAND UP MY WORK AND U GIVE ME SUCH A STUPID SCORES/?? i scold de teacher and she keep repeating herself? this is onli 15% of final year dont worry u can do it? WTH FIFTENN PERCENT STIL ALOT OKAY!! hahas and veri SUPER! angry with her she lyk sad? what can she do nort she arranged?? hahas paisehx cher nort my problem... !

I SHOULD have PASSED LEHXX WTF..... cant believed it i failed????? OMG !! IDIOT LARH!! ARGH ANOTHER BAD LUCK!! my other mark is lyk pass with flying colour and this?? pass with flying SHIT!!.... hahahahas but the most unlucky part of the day is nvr get TO MEET SHIRMIN!!! HAhahas okay!! nvm !!

i have to try harder next term! sa2 HERE I COME U ASSHOLE PAPER.....!! i confirm will PASS AND TEAR U INTO HALF!! :D (FAke) hahahahhas i hope to get any normal academic awards?
hope so? HAhahas!

okay the time went home didnt have anithin much.... just buy my kfc HAhas :D i ought to give myself a good treat everydae? hu know i died tomorrow? LOLS hahas Choy touch wood.....! hahahas.....

okay readers here i am writing again.. my nonsense hahas? enjoy it? ! this is LIFE STORIES!!

8:38 PM

Monday, August 25, 2008

hmm todae went school... and guess wat i am sick?? hahas i pretend i am alrite... damn headache and fever the whole time haizz.... i hope i dun pass this to anione sorry lols.. i was lyk nervous and was hoping for my english mark... should have stayed at home!...

den to my dissapointment tomorrow then they will give? aisehx... i guess have to bear with it.. :D maybe yesterdae rain drop on me too much?? haiz hahas.. this explain alls!>..... okay... todae was nothing much special... just that i feel the staring of people eyes seems to fill with soo much hatred...

hahas nvm dun care about this... haiz todae tot wan find the gold balloon... hahas in the end... cancelled as i was too sick lols!... ! alrite todae funni duhh!... mellissa come my class?? shake my hand call me brother?? hahahas!! okay mellissa lets be brothers alrite! :D hahas! i dun mind....

alrite!! back to my life stories.... ! nothing much going on just didnt go recess todae... tot wan To GO THE MS SU ASK WAN SEE CHAIRPERSON HAhaS!!... haiz! wasted!... nvm nvm went home sit on the couch while waiting for my bus.. suddenly eugene appear out of nowwhere?? OMg HAhas... i am his LEADER :D hahas good rite rite??

alrite cant wait for tomorrow !! ENGLISH MARK THE MOMENT I BEEN WAITING FOR SOO LONG!! =) thats all readers goodntie hahas! must wake up early tomorrow!! CHOP and Pass ! CD :D

8:33 PM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

11:37 PM

hmm.... todae nothin much happened..... just that it keep raining this few days... i wonder why is it snowing in other country? this question was alwaes in my mind hahas...went tution and it rained damn heavily... omg... feel lyk turning back home... but i lyk the wind... it felt soo cold..... :D walk walk walk and got wet at the heavy rain... hahas....

reached my tution place and the place was soo hot.... OFF AIRCON I TINk?? dun wan waste electricity? LOLS damn it hahas... alrite study for awhile... didnt realli pay attention in class.... as i was busy daydreaming... and tired tooo!! lols.....

alrite after two hours tution finish went find danial and bryan at lot one but they werent around??... stupid dem make me walk all the way... in de end they at entrance ARGH!! soo angry i felt lyk going home dun care them.. then kena scratched by bryan? and they pulled me?? hahas okay i tot they wan belanja ... THAT DANIAL NO MONEY AGAIN DAMn he such a dissapointment to me man!!...

haiz nvm buy my own food and we brought it to.. the tower where i once wrote somethign on the wall.. but it small hahas it was lyk soo long ago... haiz.. hahas.. the rain still doesnt stop so we sit on nearby under block and ate our food... as i open my shirt they started to try and take video?? and i run around HAhas DEN DANIAL FALL DOWN LOLS!! cant stop laughing until my stomach pain !!

went to tower and saw one bangala upstair? hahas Skali he gone missing i tot ghost?? HAHAHS i tell danial got ghost upstair he dare go all rUN DOWN AND HE SLIP AND FALL AT THE STAIR HAHAHAHAHAHHAS!! damn!! HIS BUTT ALWAES REACH FIRST i cant STOp thinking.... man!!! he tooo funni larh..... bryan was lyk the onli one nvr fall? cos using shoes..??

we slack awhile and on the way home between a hdb flat there i lyk saw a thing that fall? from top omg when i ask them did they saw? the didnt? is it my eye playing trick on me? or is it cos of the ghost month?? omg hahas leave it to fate to decide i dun dare think about it... den we went home sitting at my usual bus stop spot... hahas.....

okay thats all for todae SHIRMIN i will try my best to help u find the thing u stated !! ALRITE! :D

11:22 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008


11:58 PM

hmm... todae nothin much happened in my life hahas.. just that it rained damn heavily.. thinking it was snow this period of time but isnt it good? we have cold weather instead of alwaes hot... hahas

found some website selling kodomo... lols soo ask bryan wan check it out.. hahas here we are adventuring again.. Lols went to dhoby ghaut... and lost? Hahas where that cineplex so i asked around ask an old man he gave me a direction ... and while walk walk den the rain was too heavy so we went to shelter awhile.. and ask other guy.. and he told me i walk wrong way should turn back? den got confused... hahas so i leave it to fate and follow and old man word... cant believe wat he said is truth.. hahas :D

that young man is such a liar! idiotic.. hahas nvm so went there and meet the person who i called at talk at phone yesterdae night bryan purchased his domokun and soo happy? hahas we went bugis tot can meet shirmin dere.. hahas but no luck lols walk around and it was Soo damn crowded man i realli hate it hahas... ONE PAISEHX THING I Done i tot a guy from a bank was handing out broucheres? and his hand show lyk he was giving out flyer so i grab it and he dun wan let go? HAHAHAS man i stare at him he stare at me.. LOLS aso he dun wan let GO! STUPID HIM ARh SELFISH! hahas...! nVm!!....

hahas den... wen to jurong point meet danial.. and eat again... at banquet but the taste get different so i hate it already.. lols!! yuck soo fucking nort nice already i dun wan go dere already LOLS!!.. hahas...

okay after that nothing much just went to old tower... sit there with bryan and den find a hdb block sit down and talk abou tthe past hahas... =D didnt know i created soo much memories... hahas we aso discussing hu to kick out from 3.4 and hu go in.. not to hurt anione.. alrite i tell the one hu should be in hahas.. shirmin,junhao,gabriel and ming hong... this is the student we choose to be in our class..

den it feel lyk soo relaxing the wind of the night... i dun feel lyk going home... the more i am at there.. the more peaceful i get hahas.. but home is alwaes sweet !!! :D so went home as usual rite now nothing do.. hahas feel lyk sleeping... alrite byebye ;)

when theres hope theres miracle....

11:37 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008


When flashing lights are all you see,
and you can't tell where the punches are coming from,
don't just lash out blindly, take a step back.
From a distance it's easier to see what you're up against.

Separate yourself from the troubles around you.
It's hard to fathom the scope of things, when you're buried in the middle of them.
Try to see yourself as others do,
apart from your problems.

My friend, don't give up on yourself,
just because you can't see right now, that you're worth hanging on to.
I've been there and there I found myself.

I didn't know who I was , until I was almost destroyed.
I let myself be what I thought those, I wanted to please, needed me to be.
When they went on to please themselves, I felt used and useless, alone. There in the darkness, I began to see that I'm the one I have to please.

If I'm happy with myself, a relationship is life's gravy.
If I live only to please a partner, then the relationship is a burden.
Happy to have someone, yet always afraid of being left alone, again. I am good, and I need not fear being with myself.

You are good, too. Enjoy your own company.
Only then is a relationship a gift and not a life support system.

11:42 PM

hmm... todae went school per normal.... well saw ah em on the way so walk with her hahas... cant believed she walk faster den me?? omg hahas... so meet huishan and vicky and i went straight school... while looking at clock look lyk i cant make it in time... but i told myself nort to rush.. :D

hahas hu know fate on my side todae? mr khaidir came late so i just sat down pretend i was early hahahas and get a chop yay! my second chop hahas 2/6 four more to go... for free drink....! hmm... well study was usual boring... hmm but i feel have to do it no matter what to pass... maybe? to get scholarship ? to achieve far in life? hahas dis question is still on my head all this while...

LOls after awhile 3.2 PE time hahas! lols didnt expect them to run at the back of my class... as usual saw those classmate and shirmin hahas... went out awhile look at her... and went back in...! lols dono cos nothing to do lols!!.... to my surprised? i still left few graphs still havent DO HAHAHS LOLS too concentrate on the outside rather then inside fainted hahahs.. nvm nvm! lucky tomorrow no school ...

after that history... heard my overall get 72.8 nort bad nort bad hahas... i made alot of improvement? from 30.00 to 72.8 lyk a miracle? actually no larh hahas cos that time study and concentrate in class... thats the reason :D hahas okay quite happy with this result...

alrite after recess ss teacher came and shouted at the whole class... her action was funni but i couldnt laugh... as i have de most respect for the teacher?? seeing her eyes seem to make me feel damn sad and regret of my action... so i do my best to pay attention rather den talkin all the way... the feeling alwaes got to me... that she tried her best to teach... to transfer her knowledge.. maybe its time i put 100% in studies...

hah.. schoool over seeing her alone in the class makes me feel lyk... bad.. seeing her.. keep all her messy computer equipment so i help her... hahas de feeling get better... my friend ask leave her alone... but i ignore dem.. and help her carry her bag up to level 3.. durin that time i ask her where to see shooting star? she gave a long paused.. duno her answer? hahas nvm and i joke abit seeing her cheerful after all the tired scolding day realli make me feel better....

okay after dat went home and have to belanja that bryan long john haizz :( there goes my money....

went home buy kfc and wait for my mother to tell her good news... hahas... i told her i get 72.8 and she was lyk veri happy? hahas she told me wat i want i sae STARHUB CABLELINE so can watch ani channel i wanted hahas.. :) she agreed thanks alot mum!...

den on the same day my fish no more food left? have to go buy at bukit gombak the weather was rainy.. and slippery .. hahas waited at busstop... when GOing up was slipping lucky didnt fall but veri paisehx... people look lols!>.. hahas it happened everytyme :( nvm nvm... put that aside bought six dollar fish food and brought home hahas... my fish soo happy! keep move around non-stop in the tank.. too happy to see me or the food??? LOLS... alrite

night fall... talking to . . . . . . . . . . until 11 i tink ... hahas now duno why damn lazy feel lyk going sleep... hahas alrite thats it for tonite readers !! goodbye sweetdream!!

i entrust my dream and wish on a shooting star

11:16 PM

Thursday, August 21, 2008

shooting star comes once in a year

8:21 PM

hahas haizz... todae went to school per normal.. but this time i am nort rushing animore lols! :D i learn it all its more of self discipline rather then achieve the starbuck... i can buy it myself... hahas

as my grandma keep ask me be careful and take care of myself when outside she sae it doesnt matter if u are last but at least u are safe dun rush into things hahas.. thanks alot grandma i know u can belanja me lols!! so i dun mind hahas...

alrite as usual school was boring?? saw shirmin during recess she didnt saw me haiz :( hahahas.. den after that eat eat went class.. talk awhile sit down stare at space emo hahahas.. den lesson as usual boring.. lolsden GOt assembly was waiting for this time to see SHIRMIN HAHAHS!! LOLS!!.... okay saw her there hmm....! if onli can talk to her hahas... aiyer wasted she too far.. during end of assembly get to sae bye!! :D hahas at least... somethin lols

okay so went take 307 one by one my friend got down i took full circle and until lot one... and sit at opposite 188 interchange saw ex-2.3 classmate lols! hahas ... den my bus come skali MS LI SAE irhAm !! LOLS.. shocked me onli to my surprised its ms li?? i tot she lyk take mrt?? hahas HALO!! i sooo happy got a company for me go home??.. hahas

went insde de bus find her.... sit beside her HAhas TALK TALK TALK she ask me did i still lyk ms su?? that was LOLS i replied her HOW can U rmb such a thing!! its lyk sooo long ago? i mean i dun realli lyk larh onli lyk see that ms su lyk cool onli.. hahas

chatted chatt!! one thing that is common between ms li and shirmin they both lyk sae ya yes okay haha?? is it cos they npcc must learn each other way of talking?? LOLS i Scold ms lI to be more creative with her words!! duno why she soo happy lols can see she keep laugh laugh i told her i can achieve big in life?? she lyk dun believe nORH! hahas i tell her i wan be policeman!! the best one ever! hahas

i ask her about bullet thingy? den she ask me can i write soo much essay if i were to shoot at criminal? i told her is it lyk blogging? i am expert in writing nonsense :D hahas soo happy larh soo long nvr talk to her hahas.....

hmm did ask her a few question where she stayed all this!.. lols she told me near westmall HAHS! alrite i roughly now where?? hahas AND lASTLY MS LI thanks FOr believing and putting hope on me HAhas i appreciate it!! hahas MS LI Was lyk omg!! soo concern about me larh!! hahas even tot she didnt show it?

thanks alot even tot u arent my form teacher animore... forget tell her i now sleep early already hahas.. said bye to her!!! i guess i did make her day seeing her soo cheerful.. by talking crab crab crap inside de bus?? hahas !! :D

8:06 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

nice? nort nice nvm hahas.. :D nothin to post so post this lols!

7:37 PM

hahas omg!! todae went schoool rushing again?? LOLS fianted....!! hahas XD omg saw danial lucky keep pestered him carry my bag as i carry his and run run to school?? saw ms li on the way i sae hello to her while running she sae hey! den look behind i am gone??? HAHAHas maybe i am too fast :D saw kahmun... ask her run.... she sae?? dun nid arh lazy?? fainted..... come on class spirit GET THE STARBUCK OKAY!! hahas.... as usual with my stupid motivation spirit agains lOLS!!...

reached dere nort in time?? it was lyk 7.22 LOLS hahahas haiz brought my watch which is digivice?? its lyk quite fun larh i can take care of the digimon as well as have watch to look at wat time hahahhas!!! lols others think i am silly?? lols... den when reach lyk wan faint saw mr khaidir missing again?? LOLS GETTING SOO FED UP FEEL LYK SCOLDING HIM TEAR THE PAPER IN FRONT OF HIM LOLS!!... skali go down buy water

den i got this bad feeling hes around upstair soo hurry and go up LOL so its truth?? HAHAHs hes there haiz quickly ask get choP can anort?? first time he reluctant LEHX!! somemore some of my unsupportive classmate sae i come late den dem?? hey come on! i am earlier den u guys dun jealous okay! :P u all wan sabo wan drink urself onli?? give u full jug of water force under ure throat den u know lols!! (FAke) hahas dun care dem... i argued argued!! until make mr khaidir believed i come early hahas...

i told him will tear the paper and nvr come early animore waste my energy and time... den he was lyk see me sooo kelian... i done my best... ?? perspiring.. hahas so he chopped at LAST YAY!! YAHOO!! U HEARD THAT Anione READINg !! i am A On time MAN!! HAHAS!! YEAHOO LOLS......!! :D

get back my history paper which was lyk 11/15?? hahahas STUpid lorh i tried my best haizzz.... ! nvm larh wont die norh!.... hahas.... SHIrmin I Hope This SA2 we will have our proper challenge in studies alrite?? :D i am trying my best to catch up in everything i do hahas...! yay!! i nort going lose to u lols :P didnt saw u todae hahas!! AIYER FAke! SAW U during recess LOLS!! passing some cca paper??? LOLS SHOULD WAIT FOR ME pass IT to me !! i help U LOLS!!! :D next time MUST wait for me HORH HORH HORH HORH!! HAAHHAs :) soo happy lols.... duno why?? crazy....

alrite todae went to wait for that bryan he was taking his time... stupid him.. wit the oral lols!! hahas... duno why arh i go inside their class without getting caught?? LOLS FAINTED hahas which is my class too... the teacher nvr scold YAys! hahas first time scared kena scold cos i alone den junming accompany me awhile HAhas :D thanks junming! even tot we duno each other i regard u as my friend already... hahas

alrite then with bryan GO lot one? buy some pencil box cos my grandma give me money buy hahahs!! yay look around saw shirmin friends at kfc... kaihui,joey,kimmey,pearline ??? dono if they saw us anort hahas.. dun care dun care larh if shirmin at there den different stories LOLS!!....

hahas den got no none dat i lyk?? den wen to this same shop... idiotic norh hahash the pencil case soo BIG FAINTED hahas DE SALESWOMAN SAE IS latest and new fashion nowadays alot people lyk used?? den i sae okay okay anithin since deres no shop to view so NO CHOICE HAhas.. den i was lyk asking de prize?? lols 70.90 HAHAHAHS she talk lyk this?? MAKE ME SCARED TO DEATh... LOLS den skali is 17.90?? aso SO EXPENSIVE LARH fainted.... my grandma onli give 12 dollar?? minus 17.90 = -5.90 More ARGH... bankrupt larh.. hahas nvm nvm ... shouldnt fret about thing thats gone hahas..! bought it quickly...! and went wit bryan to long john silver haiz... he sae belanja me for one last time :( hahas aiyer nvm... !! aniwae thanks for that treat alrite i appreciate it ;) hahhahas... went to opposite lot one wait for my bus...
188 come fast den i expected said bye to him... and went home...

here i am inside my lonely dreaming as well as typing :D

hahas thanks ain my cousin for the pouch even tot its belated bdae hahas.. i appreciate it and thanks my mother aunty stepfather.. for the money$$.. u all gave me during the happy bdae...
bryan.. danial.. vicky.. kahmun.. for the two cats..!! and a circle box hahas... realli appreciate u all.... for giving me things u all made my bdae aworthwhile and to be remembered....!! thanks agains....

and thanks to those wishes guys.... especially shirmin lols! valerie.. ani.. shunski.. tianchun.. reyna.. kimmey.. dylan.. kaihui.. josephine.. peishan.. mellissa.. jasmine.. and liping.. thanks for typing down and waste ure tyme.. for about 1 minutes.. hahas!!

7:08 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

4:56 PM

hmm.... todae went to school per normal but abit special... as we are getting stamp for coming early which is lyk 7.20 am?? Hahas YAY!! soo happy from my house lols i ran as fast as i can to take a bus den!! LOLS reach chua chu kang took mrt aso running LOLS reach yew tee walk as fast as can :D hahas sooo tiring and headache saw shirmin!! hahas... yay she at the back of hall lols paisehx i lyk wan to fainted that time if she see veri paisehx LOLS!!

than WHen REACh mr khaidir is MIA!!! WTF IDIOT LARH!!! waste MY TIME LARH u!! ARGH!!! stupid teacher!!! hahahas.... lols pe as normal teacher nvr come todae lols!! i stand dere lyk statue ms li pass by! hahas.... she was lyk IRHAM Come here!!! LOLS she ask me if i am alrite!! i look lyk i lack of sleep did i?? haiz i feel sick thats all ms li hahahas!!!! alrite this is the true answer a bit sad larh cos come early waste my time den didnt get the stamp and pe too...!! lucky it rain at least the wind was cold :D nice hahas

YAY saw shirmin thrice todae!! one at hall de other is when she was walking back to her class red bag duno her anort hahas.... dun care seeing is believing.... hahas MS LI OWE ME A CONGRATULATION for MY FLYING COLOURS RESULT HAHAS (FAKE) actually nort that good i lie to her ..... soo happy hahas

todae one teacher sae i have the potential go far in my life hahas.. WHIch is mr poh! LOLs thanks alot u made my day?... hahas :D


LOLs something bad happened involve my friends they were lyk alot of noises shouting here and dere... i help my friend of course hahas... !! then suddenly we go up to settle the stupid problem... One idiotic teacher shout at my friend to tuck in his shirt... and go down skali ask us see mr gabriel stupid FUCk him!! IDIOTIC TEACHER I HOPE U FALL!!! LOLS!.... veri kao pei leh this stupid teacher... den mr gabriel ask us go down i keep explain got something goin on .. he said take a pass lucky he talk politely hahas..

okay so went down ask teacher write for four person excuse! hahas den we went up walk pass shirmin class :D HAHAS I WAVE AT HER LYK IDIOT LOLS!!! soo HAPPY LARh see her until i forget to help my friend??!! HAhas seeing her smiles brighten my day lyk a light in my darkness world LOLS sooo dramatic?? Hahas okay so went to that 3.6 talk awhile den everything settled fast?? as i didnt even look and talking to my friend...! pass by shirmin class again this time they going out ?? dnt?? LOLS hahas YAY GET to said BYE :D!!! the last tyme... hahas!... alrite thats all for todae

as i promised i will Sleep early todae Ms li i now ure concern about me :D i will heed ure advice!

4:43 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

does it look lyk a bird?? love?? rainbow?

alot for three or less??

10:03 PM

hahas... todae went tution!! omg..... LOLS danial and bryan company me again Hahas.. thanks alot ! i appreciate it u guys are the closest to me...! hahas... hmm.. went there omg!! classroom full paisehx man!! can hear my tution mates giggle omgs!! dam paisehx... hahas but went out act normal sae no chair all this den got this stupid chair but i brought inside and sit somewhere near fan LOLS :D even tot got aircon still hot hahas.. den de girl beside me omg!! her paper fly lyk got tornado! lOLS!! but she quite good larh.. den de guy sit beside me omg.. i duno dem dey soo friendly?? or angry cos i sit in de middle?? LOLS!! dey sae hello!! hahas alrite i replied back... with a smile!! hahas

den after awhile!! haiz finish already soo fast omg.... i havent even started !! haiz den meet danial and bryan downstair i heard they wait lyk around 2 hours for me to finish standing?? omg poor thing! thank you soo much for the patience and wait... hahas.... den danial larh!! lol disturb my tutionmate sae lyk mr bean stupid him man..!! next time i go dere confirm my tutionmate angry LOLS!!...

den we went to jurong point celebrate my belated belated belated birthdae but i need treat them =.= thats veri lame hahas.. since i got alot money i dun mind onli for now hahahas i buy them alot alot !! LOLS!!! so we sit there eat eat awhile.... quite nice ! larh.. i feel soo comfortable when going out wit them... ;) thansk for being my friends.. hahas brothers tooo! lols...

alrite den we when to chinese garden but yet again closed? and its raining hahas! de guard was staring from far lols!! i lyk wan show my butt LOLS!! fake!! hahas... den we sit nearby mrt station and enjoy the breeze after awhile bought some ice cream?? soyabean??? ! lols taste SUCKS!! sorry vendor nort trying to demoralized u all it realli taste nort nice if u reading this lols!! which 99% percent wont read :D

hahas den night fall! went cheers buy mineral water and took bus sit around enjoy the aircon hahas.. chat listen music and i noticed the cloud so took a picture of it... :D hahahs den we went popular at jurong east!! LOLS BOught a book Title

An Hour TO LIve An Hour To Love!! ;)
i heard its inspirational so bought it to read !

goodnite readers have fun reading!! HAhas

9:54 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

COool horh??


10:31 PM

hahas thanks for being the first to wish at 12 :D !!!

alrite... todae is my toot toot day hahas!!... in the morning open com... hahas alot friends... wished happy birthdae which is kind of good feeling?? hahas thanks alot guys.... alrite... back to my life stories... hahas went out with my family at one... went to vivo watch the movie title money no enough 2! omg... SOO damn touching larh can cry derh.... i will summarise some of the stories.... for those hu havent watch :p

hmm.... there were three brothers and a mother...
even tot shes veri old and onli have a few thousand savings inside her creamcracker tin...
she doesnt mind giving them to these brothers
when their business were suffered from downfall....!
but look at them sooo shameful.... act haizz...
after the mother money all gone to them when shes having old sick disease..
she cant realli rmb wat have been happening and urinated at her pant...
which most of her children couldnt tolerate... isnt this just a small part? of life?
when she have suffered so much spend all her young day just to raise them up....
finish all her coffin money to them...
in the end they send her to the old folk homes...
when she know this... she shouted to be out of dere..
and de son didnt even look back...
after she fall and faint...
de son started to feel guilty...
and brought her to hospital...
but everything is tooo late by den... shes already on the verge of dying...
coincidentally her family son wife daughter met with accident and need blood transfusion tooo which their mother need too....
but after looking at the daughter in law fighting over the blood 0-
which her mother in law need urgently and the harsh word given to her mother in law...
she finally gave up her life opening the oxygen tank..
with tears rolling down her eyes...!!
this brothers when their mother were alive... they were calculating..
nows shes dead shes gone forever...
theres this saying treasure ure loved one before they are goned.....

alrite after that went to toy r us hahas.. bought some stupid masked rider figurine small and cool HAhas :D

den we went to musical fountain but found it full house wth!! its my bdae OKAY GIVE ME FREE GO IN LARH !!
cant u let mE happy FOR ONE DAY STUPID U LARH HAHAHAS completely ruined my days man... but its alrite i enjoy alot todae until sooo tired.......
i saw the bun which is lyk sponge but looked real todae hahas... quite funny unluckyly somoene there tried to eat it!! how stupid of him!! hahahas....!

todae i noticed the moon is full moon... just lyk yesterdae... hmm... i wonder if something good or bad going happened.... no matter wat happened.. believe in hope.... cos when theres hope theres miracle...! ;)

LASTLY THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE WISH!! i APpreaciate!! everything :D

10:12 PM

Friday, August 15, 2008

look yummy anort?? HAhas I tink super nice lols!! u guys better go dere try :D tmr i will post what they bought for me... quite cute hahas!!

11:46 PM

hahas.... todae get my test mark!! omg cant believe it i pass 19/30 for social studies hahas...!! den teacher was lyk give 2 more mark if do correction and so i did :D hahas..... yay!!! hmm went the class was noisy i was the onli one listen to her.. hahas after class i told her am i a good person... HAHas SHE SAE i am already soo goood!! keep it up! i can achieved more in future HAHAS!! YAYS thanks cher u made my day! ms LOW! hahas...

after that is Poa OMG i was soo nervous tot can get full mark lols (action onli me!) hahas!! skali GET 21/25 WOWs thats quite good already hahas!! soo happy first time i pass my poa lols!!!.... hmm todae was near to my bdae!! lols 15/08/08 Hahas!! omg!!...... sooo fast heard a few wishes but i reject them as todae isnt my bdae ANd NO GIFT AT ALL UNSINCERE HAHAS!! soo i dun care them lols!!....

hmm!! then around 12 plus go home rest awhile suddenly hear! that bryan! called.... and ask me meet them at causeway omg!! i sae okay if shirmin dere HAHHAS!! den surprisingly dey said she there i tot its truth!! den skali hear kahmun and vicky voice so i tot its true -_- how stupid of me hahas... (fake) actually i was acting with them as i know! the plan already!! even without them telling hahas,...!! so i went there act lyk nervous HHAHAS see if realli have shirmin anort den saw a few regenites i tot her hahas omg fainted... den saw them at fourth floor they waving HAhas i ignore den go meet them...!!

hahas they Surprised me thanks alot guys!! especially danial and bryan kahmun and vicky thanks for the present hahas!!s its really nice of u all to buy me!! a present HAHAS!! for the First time!! in my sec 3 hahas u guys made me soo touched fainted...!! hahas i will treasured it!! lols...!! and they wished me happy birthdae which i just sae thank you! hahas...

after that kahmun all left and me danial bryan go jurong point eat eat hahas!! they were soo reluctant to take out their money fainted!! hahas nvm finally force dem den they did it!! Lols... hahas den we go slack at chinese garden i find theres veri breezy and !! quiet peaceful with dark hahas...! as the entrance closed we went near mrt dere and sat down hahas enjoy the breeze LOLs veri nice u all should try it :D hahas about 8 plus danial go first den left me and bryan we were the last one theres... and hmm... i saw an aeroplane that give out gas?? i TOT SHOOTING STAR ARH make me soo HAPPY FOR A SECOND hahas!! stupid IT!!! nvm at least i did see unsual thing rite hahas!!

i hope at 12 when its realli time for my ! bdae someone will be the first to wish me!! pleased... hahas! i dun care even if she nvr buy me anithing.... i just wan her to be the first person!!!! thats all LOLS!!! i hope she read this stupid hopeless message of mine fainted hahas....

10:37 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

if onli i can rewind my life.. but have the future thinking
the first person i will find is u and only....

10:18 PM

hmm.... lols todae just finish poa test.. it was nort realli that easy but i guess can pass can already! hahas lols...! trying my best nowadays dun give up... time for assembly lols sit beside dem tok tok tok tok... awhile angry and dissapointed with some friends!! .....

haiz den take 307 with danial and bryan.. they going lot one i going appointment hahas.... haiz cant ask for belanja lols... !! eeyer!.. den doctor tell me do i feel the chagned of mood... i told him yeah ABIT HAHAS!... den he was lyk shock then he tell me do u feel deppressed i told him sometimes i alwaes do! hahas he lyk scared norh!! and sae do i feel lyk commit suicide ??? i sae i been to KL (kuala kumpur) sit on top of the building thinking!! whether to end my life... !! HAHHAS GOODNESS SAKE HE BELIEVE ME WAT A SILLY DOCTOR U ARE ....

WTF he GO CALLED PHYSICATRIC COME IN!! ARGH SHIT... its only for peopel hu have problems OMG!!... die die!! i was lyk sooo amuse the doctor took every word serious! haiz!!...! Hahas!! OMG!! den the other doctor came in and !! ask me whether i need help! i sae yeah!!>. he ask me see !! him on one month times!! FRIDAE FAINTED!!! I TINK COUNSELLING LARH STUPID ME!! GO SAE UNTIL LYK scared the doctor!! HAhas...!! sorry doc i will go the counselling i tink fun!! LOLS... to me larh to u all i tink crazy rite??

hahas!!!..... omg next month need go!! see physicriast GOOD LUCK TO ME HAHAS!! :( my birthdae coming lols!!!! YAY!!! and soo happy my mother sae if i pass all my exam! she buy me a new set of tv YEAHOO!!! Hahas.... Soo happy !!!

7:46 PM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

sometimes i wonder if every word i ever said to u
is lyk a waterfall.. it seem meaningless....
yet i keep on believing one day u will appreciate it
even if it takes forever...

8:37 PM

hmm todae went school per normal LOLS!!... hahas!! aisehx man!!! mr khaidir sae i am veri chattery LOLS cos i keep reminding those behind me dun sleep LOLS!!... hahas! stupid him... !

alrite began my life stories... hmm todae nothing much realli happened....!! mr lim doesnt wan to return our history papers!! argh!! i am soo excited and he keep delay STUPID NORH LOLS!!....

stayback till soo late!!.... cos of the poa remedial haiz!! Hahas realli wanted to do my best on it!! no matter wat!.... i wont fail this time...!! hahas lols sae sae sae later fail paisehx hahas....! i tink my birthdae coming soon!! LOLS!!.... if onli shirmin would come on the actual day hahas!! i will be over the moon!!... but she busy hahas nvm!! nvm!! dun disturb lols!! it can alwaes...! be done on another days its nort lyk as if this birthdae will be my last dae on earth :D i still havent get my goal... nort yet to die hahas...

went in bus round and round and round with bryan and danial was super slacky and bored hahas..!! i dun wan go home soo fast lols!! den i decided we eat chicken hahas!!.... skali suggested at someone block so can see the person lols!! lyk wth!! stupid larh i doing all this thing hahas... actually waiting for bus! too LOLS hmm... tomorrow is my test i hope i can do my best even if i have no chance of passing... i will just give my best..!! (all talk,no action) Hahas!

hahas!! omg tomorrow got appointment again!! haizz still left 7 more months!! hope i can make it!!! and.... pleased.....!! i wish this wish come truth alrite!!

8:26 PM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For u SHUNSKI LOLS!! HAHAHAS!!! happy birthdae enjoy this picture ! cake!

9:06 PM

hahas todae at school shunski kena spray waters LOLS!! and birthday BAsh!! HAHAHAS LUCKY MINE IS saturdae LOLS if nort confirm die HAahs!!!! hmm went school alone carrying that big present...

then suddenly saw they all hahas.. hes missing(shunski) when i reach school and... yesterdae lOLs i saw shooting star BUt didnt get a clear view as the cloud were.... blocking so i onli saw shiny light around the cloud.. as its dark!... and hardly any stars can be seen... ! hahas made a few wishes!! hope they will come truth!!! if some did come true she will be happy hahas!! seeing her happy can already! lols !!! alrite

went home den suddenly saw alot food HAHAHS!! just as what i imagined when they time go home to have FRIED CHICKENS LOLS from !! the restaurant HAhas!! COOOL! i keep thinking wan to buy LOLS! skali i buy wasted lols at home have already hahas...!! soo happy eat eat eat!! ......! den around 4 plus help my mother buy her rice lols!! veri choosy when it comes to brand hahas i tot anithin aso can larh! lols...

MY math EXAM MARK!! 38/50 :( ARGH!!! STUPID LARH HAhas!! OMG soo sucks!! nvm!!! i wont give up my other test i hope it can pull up my this mark!! lols!.... hmm i am sorry ming wei....!! u get detention and caught by mr bangala nathan! because of me! :( realli... i am sorry to ask u buy food for me...! i realli tried to find u! when that asshole pull u out!... i am sorry...
wahh its raining!! hmm....! cool!.... hahas its been awhile.... i lyk the rain!! lols!!...... its bring back lotsa memories!! :) hahas! yay!

alrite last and finalist i am glad u lyk the present shunski showing it around the class!! glad that u will rmb it ure life!! when rich one dae after all the saving !! inside the toot toot! must nort forget me arh!! hahas :)


9:01 PM

Monday, August 11, 2008

8:18 PM

hmm.... aisehx manxx!! todae no school ! yay! hahas Aiyer tot planned to go out derh!! den suddenly ALL BACK OUT ARGH!!!i am soo dissapointed with u guys!! cos too far all this reason come out! movie boring haiz!! hahas I just wan see her LARH!! u all Must understand fainted!! veri depressing man...! tok until sooo gooood!! den suddenly!... cancelled lyk let her down haiz!.. 2.55 how long she must walk around!! shopping just to wait.... aiyer sorry uhh!!!! !

hahas nvm nvm!! forget about it!!..... just nort my lucky dae i tot wan impress her or something!! lols...! somemore its at VIVO!! the cinema! lols used to be my brother work places!! and cousin!! they can give discoutn lols!! (lyk real) hahas... nvm nvm just nort lucky larh...!! if its fate aniwhere i can meet her :D!! i hope the path!! will linked some days!!

at home soo bored lols dat bryan ask go other place i sae no thanks!! the onli place must be vivo todae hahas..! nvm nvm nvm!!! cant stop thinking about it larh!! i cant even study lols!! tomorrow ss test duno for wat!! i tot do already!! lols omg!! soo mani test!! i must catch up!! but alwaes play games forgotten about !! all this hahas..! nvm

yesterdae thingy still got into my head!! lols those scractches on my hand which gone in a few secondS!! sooo mysterious larh!! hahas!! is it cos i am too rude staring at the statues eyes for soo long?? or did i sae somethin bad when at chinese garden during the night!!! find out after the break! hahas fake!!

alrite get ready for tomorrow cant sleep late tonight hope to hear that shirmin have fun todae!! :D !! hahas nite readerS!!

8:00 PM

Sunday, August 10, 2008

original pictures lols

arent the moon straight to mulan?

the negative effect! nice?

10:51 PM

hahas... alrite i began my lfie stories.... todae my cousin all at my house lols...! which is hdb four room.... quite small so its packed... with one of my cousin daughter hahas... buts its been quite a while since its this lively chattering everywhere... but can be annoying too hahas...! wake up at ten straight go com... listen to music... and slacking... lols thursdae got poa how can i be slacking STupid me hahas! nvm !! omg... den around 11 plus bath get ready for tution english... as usual quite boring but got new classmate.... and they are quite friendly... even tot nvr talk to them hahas.... theres this boy sleeping!! LOls!! den i go disturb him HAhas!! veri bad of me!!

alrite tution over... den was lyk soo fast !! dun wan go home hahas..!! so i called bryan! and he agreed to go out with me... hahas went to jurong point!! losl! CoooL!!! walk walk walk!! around lyk nice larh!! lols finding that komodokun?? and someone birthdae which is coming out!! lols... Hahas !! bought stupid stuff again Lols!! den we went eat at banquet LOLS!! Coool onli i eat bryan watch lols!! hahahas he sae full!! omg THE FOOD THERE NICE LARH U ALL SHOULD GO TRY IT!! Hahas...

den its still early to go home haizzz i suggest we went to ! chinese garden!! LOLS!! cooool veri dark lehx when reach dere hahsa! skali got ghost lols!! fainted... den i ask bryan wat are those statues he said history and the word mulan first come out of his mouth!!... den suddenly the sit to watch hua mulan!! is empty LOLs while the rest of the sit on other statues is occupied i found it strange Hahas..!! den we went around and i tell bryan something fishy going on!!... lols!! so we went there back and its the same!! its nort occupied LOLS!! so i told him lets sit there.... !skali can go back to the past..... lyk in incredible tales!! LOLS hahas!!!!.... quite dramtic larh!!

hmm todae the moon veri bright beside it we saw a star with red blinking light satellite??? hahas !! my silly idea all come out sae wish all this !! i hope it will come truth! larh!! lols!!!! please please please.....!! dont let me down.....!! den went home took a bus after lot one lols!! tot bryan wan accompany then he go home!! argh!! STUpid him!!... hahas nvm

theres something fishy on mulan eyes...!! lols i cant stop staring at it!! sometimes it got into my nerves...! hahas... nvm forget about it!!!! goodnite readers!!

10:37 PM

Saturday, August 9, 2008

10:02 PM

hmm haizz... todae something bad realli happened to my family my mother went to have her operation... todae den i realised wat kind of son i am to her... i didnt even been there.. to wait until she finished.. haiz... at the same times todae is the day need go out with shunski and bryan to marina square shopping and watch firework... but bryan last minutes back out.. duno why.. i keep ask him... den i was lyk omg... den no one accompany shunski.. if i am nort there... but seriously i am sorry for nort being able to be there...

todae i cancelled going out den... went to hospital with part of my family took a cab there... den we was lyk sitting beside my mother... and she lyk insist on going home.. todae as sitting there cramp her... i guess doesnt make sense since her company is paying for it soo must enjoy the priveleage hahas.. but i am just glad shes alrite... thats lucky ! hahs at the same time my stepfather went for his eye operation omg.. same day!! damn it suay!... hahas nvm we went down to eat... dey buy alot delifrance thingy i was lyk omg the price soo expensive fainted... i dun even dare to choose hahs..!! BUT !! I CHOOSE THE MOST EXPENSIVE WTF PIZZA SOMEMORE LOLS!! fainted HAHAHHAS!!

after eat slack outside!! suddenly saw mS LI!! LOLS DAM IT!! nort in a million year did i except this to happen HAhas... SHE was lyk omg!! from far sae hello i tot hu the heck is this!! skali is ms li hahas sooo happy!! den from the mist mr song appear out of nowhere HAhas i was shocked tot a dream HAHAHHAS SOO DRAMATIC LARH FAKE actually saw them!! then they sae hello i replied back... i was about to ask why they were here!!!... then she was lyk gone pooof in the mid air hahas... i tried to catch up but didnt saw them.. LOLS!!

den after that went home!! HEAR SHIRMIN TELL ME SHE WAN CHANGED HOUSe to bukit batok HAHAHAS!!! omG!! COOOL LARh i aso didnt except that cos every morning i keep tell danial one day i confirm see shirmin take mrt to school...!! ahhahahs SUDDENLY IT WAS LYK coming true larh!! but not 100% confirm will changed hahas BUT happy larh!!!...... if she here can see her more !! LOLS!!! duno why larh fainted...! hahas and I hope !! she can Go chemistry Lesson AS its free!! AND WANT TO SIT BESIDE HER LOLS!! or behind or even infront aiyer aniwhere larh!! dat can TALK WITH HER!!!! Hahas OMG sound soo SIck....!!! aiyer just miss larh thats all hahas!! glad get to talk to her todae lucky nvr go national day if nort nvr even get chance to talk! lOLs

lastly sorry Shunski reallI! hope ure nort angry...

9:49 PM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

5:27 PM

okay LOLS get back our physic PAPER OMG 16/20 YEAHOO!! HAHhas I IMPROVE ALOT LEHX LEHX LEHX LOLS!! YAY!! SOOO HAPPy FAINTED HAHhahahs........... den after school dat idiot danial need see ms merduawati den must wait omg!! stupid NORH!! waste tyme fainted... so go canteen eat first hahas SAW SHIRMIN LOLS!! coooooL!!! i pretend to sit beside edson so Can see her LLOL!! Hahahahs!! yay...>!! see her can liao den i agreed with danial.... to accompany him lols...

Hahas yay luck on my side lols while waiting for him.... i sit on those detention CHAIR HAHAHS!! den mr imarah walk past he sae irhAM! omG wat happened to u detention?? i sae no arh... cher hows my result/? he sae i DID BADLY LEHX LOLS!! FAIL SOMEMORE!! Hahas STUPID HIM!! den he invited me to go check my paper OMG!! I GET 10 1/2 HAHAHHAS PASS LEHX JUST PASS HAHHAS I SOOO SUPER DUPER HAPPY LOLS!!! den he was lyk omg i going give u free tution during the holidae!! if u wan invite others come can hahas..!1 ACTUALLY WAN INVITE SHIRMIN ASo dono if she wan anort lols! nvm arh.. dont bother her she veri busy lols ... SHunski! BRYAN ah em vicky huishan !! Do u all wan come!??? oh my my eyes veri teary nowadays Duno what happpend hais!! i feel lyk crying all the time....

HAhas LASTLY HAPpy BIRTHDAE TO U BRYAN!! NG!! HAHAs HOPE U HAPPY ALWAES!!! .. happy happy happy birthdae to u!

5:17 PM

WAh HAHAHAS!! BACK POSTING LOLS!! yesterdae WENT LOT ONE LOLS!! SO ALOT PEOPLE SIAL!! kakakas.... den we walk around saw ah em and vicky! COoL so i asked them walk with us at an escallator as they were going down den dey agreed And follow us up HAHAHS!... .YEAHOO thanks you! for ure times lols... I BOUGHT A PRESENT FOR BRYAN LOLS!! sorry bryan... if u dun lyk it... :( Hahas but i love it!!! after awhile we went to kfc but see full and danial dun wan sit there so go long john gold... HAHahs! play a while with the bell!! den DROP LOLS HAHAs OMG.... i veri clever norh hahas i blame the people outside lols de uncle there agreed haahs how stupid lOLS!...

suddenly saw eunice and bernice sae hello to them they sit awhile and chat with us... Onli ABOUT 3 or 4 second LOLS! den stand up already... hahas byebye nvm den ah em and vicky come!! LOLS!! CooooL!! but vicky sit soo far lols! nvm talk to them awhile... den dey went home i tink lols.. hahas we was lyk super long eat De slowest HAhas i alwaes told myself enjoy my food dun rush LOls

alrite thats all for todae!! i GOing post one more HAhas !!

5:13 PM

Friday, August 1, 2008

10:00 PM

hmm.... todae CROSS COUNTRY LOLS.... man soo dissapointing for me hahhas.... haizz.... i already trying sooo hard to impress someone... but i cant do it.. after all haizz hahas... nvm walao ehh .... yesterdae massage my leg until lyk can run den !! my stomach GIVE ME PROBLEM OMG... problems are nvr ending hahas.. den de hot weather tooo... lols!! omg i tink i finish at 40 th placing haiz thats tooo far i didnt win anithing for my house.. mr imarah WAS rooting for me to win and Ms lI was asking why i didnt run omg... i feel lyk i let them down haizz ! :( dat so sad aiyer... Congratulation to shirmin lols get top 5 COOL!!! soo happy for her lols!!

okay finish about this stupid thing omg.... the whole day i didnt eat onli drink plain water Hahas... need Take BLOOD TEST LOLS OMG need fast no foood FAINTED hahhahas... during the running feel lyk vomitting but cant die dere lols!! hmm at 3 went to doctor get my blood test lols.. omg FUCKING PAIN!! stupid hahas... but the nurse was quite kind as they talk to me gentlely ! unlike some doctor lols! talk soo rude.. hahas but VERI PAIN NORH!! first time nort pain.... i guess i getting older and weaker hahas... welll thats all...

den my mother belanja anithin i wan eat HAHAHS YEAHOOO i tell her KFC LOLS!! coool i buy expensive derh burn her money hahas.. !! yay!! and she promised to buy me new tv or ps3 If my ca2 IMPROVE WAKAKAKS MUST STUDY HARD LOLS!!....

after that we went home!! DEN TO MY SURPRISE OMG DANIAL BRYAN NICHOLAS AND ZIYANG AT MY HOUSE LOLS! idiots wat they doing there omg..!! PLAY PS2!! ARGH hahas!!... stupid i am sooo sick and they can enjoy at my home!! lols... they play paly play... until quite dark den went home!.. lols DAMN !! electric BILL !! confirm high fainted! STUPID dem HAHAS!

alrite i end it here todae goodnite READERS!! ;)

life alwaes have ups and down u wont realised ure ups but alwaes looks at ure down

9:48 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies