
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


April 2008
May 2008
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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A dream is a flame that burns out if you give up;
it is whether we keep going that creates a torch
that is strong enough to burn through all the obstacles.

12:27 AM

Friday, October 24, 2008

okay how should i begin.. waked up.. and play dota awhile and lost the first match.. gave up.. as going for appointment later hahahs.. okay okay.. took 945 the fastest route too.. mrt.... went straight novena.. wait for mother there lols..

she sure took her own sweet times hahahas.. okay after dat went straight appointed need wait long tyme.. was lyk sleeping dere den finally or turn.. the counseller... sae i am getting better... and better and its clearing up.. slowly but perfectly hahahas :) okay this made my dae.... i will keep trying and trying until everything is vanish alrite hahas!!

lols i am talking crap dere.. move on went to eat.. awhile den.. went straight to buy my dvd hahahas!!... okay tats cools lols bought meet the spartan LOLS!! nice rite?? i mean for those who have watched it hahas... perhaps perhaps too train back to batok.. to get ready for achievers tea woohoo!! :) hahahs...

okay feel damn hot and irritated hahahas... so rest for a few minute before going out... my aunty wanted to tag along so invite her too hahahas!!.. took bus and reading the new book i just bought motivating others.. perhaps to motivate myself too hahas....

went there hahas.. okay again... we were lost omg.. i tot at hall LOLS! suddenly is at the range =.= ... hahahahs nvm nvm okay lame i told them dun worry we are vip...!! went in there get those strange stare? hahas nvm watever.. okay went straight my sit tot.. i was sited.. near my friend but instead it was beside pearly hahahahas!! okay okay nvm.. dun give a damn... it was freaking warm larh inside dere.. or is it just me feeling dat way??? LOLS!! kk..

went toilet awhile to cool down hahas.. and thanks bernice for the tying the tie lols.. if nort i confirm no tie go up dere haizz....!! hahas thanks again.. okay ms low.. talk was quite long...! but i was looking at shirmin as she was standing up HAHAHHAHAHAS!! lame rite??!!....

move on.. the ceremony begin was damn shocked...! i mean nervous hahas.. !!! okay went up the stage AND I FORGET SAE THANK YOU!!! when receiving it :( haiz wat a bad manner student and and and I FORGET BOWED... damn it HAHHAS!! mr zul asked me oi why nvr bow hahahas i told him nvm nvm no need :) hahahahahas!! okay that part... was quite duno how sae embarrase?? ..

well went its all over..!! i was walking out hahas!! to introduced my parent to teachers when MR zul! come and give me his autograph!! HAHAHAHAHS which is!!... tang teng tang.... his id for garena dota lols!! he told me since u do ure best this is my id for u :) lols lame hahahahas.. okay but its veri nice of u...!! then all of a sudden mr neo ms li all come!! HAHAHAS OKAY THIS ALL SHAKE HAND WITH ME LYK I AM A BOSS they were smiling happily i can see dat hahahas..

finally!! SHIRMIN!! hahas i ask her why nvr stand up lols!! nvm nvm hahas at least she SHAKE HAND WITH ME WOO!!! hahahahahahas!!! this feeling is sooo COOLING..... i meant hahas... hu doesnt rite.. the first time a student i mean girl shake hand for todae :) hahas.. okay.. was talking crap here...

well mr neo called me boss HAHAHAHS finally he does..!! okay okay ask him do work for me find form all this HAHAHAS thanks alot mr neo!! u are good.... well after that he asked me whether wan eat.. i told him nvm we boss must go home first hahas..!! den all of a sudden being stopped by some teacher i wonder hu... asked us eat hahas.. even if a little and introduced to the teachers i did introduced dem hahas.. :) okay okay so no choice after soo long being persuade by her.. give in ba eat a little... !!

the noodle was spicy fainted... :( hahas give my aunty and brought some fruit and a cake didnt eat it!! hahahas.. so i find my friend saw minghong and his brother quite friendly uhh den shunski come finally mr neo HAHHAS!!... i forced him eat my food LOLS!! i tot wan baby feed him HAHAHS!! he eat himself =.= HAHahhs!!! nvm nvm at least he enjoy my foood lols!! thats to sae sorry for the tiring and exhausted teaching troublesome student lyk me hahas......

okay mother called... so i went home last teacher to meet for the dae was mr lim HAHAHS!! funny siol talked awhile and touched his stomach he was lyk omg why u here!! HAHAHHAHAS!!! why i cant be here...!! i am the best of the best history student wat!! lols :)

well... after dat went lot one... bought thign in ntuc... was quite happy as i spend quite alot... and hahas and the smses from friends giving me support makes me feel happy larh i meant.. thanks alot larh!! hahas i appreciate it.... :)

nite nite ntie readers!!!! :D

10:36 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

its time i create history for myself....
its now or never

11:59 PM

HAhhas!! okay todae nothing much to post!! JUST TO TELL U GUYS !!!


WAH I FEEL SOO FREAKIN HAPPY>> i mean its lyk a dream come true!!! ever since!!! june holidae wen i failed terribly... i keep dreaming of success... and and and my determination and mind.. and work and the help of god.. help me pull through this hard time.. of studying.. thanks alot everyone!! and everybody who... been there for me... !! thanks alot HAhas!!

my dream seems to come true if i continue dreaming..!! i will... !!! and i wont give up this is one the beggining step to journey of road to success...!! i will take this as determination for sec 4 n level.. and i wont just do my best but my super best.. i wont let my mother down hahas..!!

todae.. my mother told me shes proud of me.. i mean its the first tyme she said dat!! THE VERI FIRST TIME EVEN tot at the phone.. i feel lyk crying.. i mean!!! it really touched me soo much.... for a mother to sae this... !! i didnt do ani good thing soo far... compare with my brother and cousin they are alot better in studies and everything rather then me... but i know i nvr give up! i will beat them one dae! in study! maybe if i can onli make her happy by studying hard.. !! i will do it!! thanks alot now i can see life is meaningful after all... :)

hahas perhaps to u guys this is just a certificate.. but to me it meant soo much.. i meant... it realli mean... that my life have meaning...!! before... i didnt know if i am going the right way.. maybe this is wat i called ... destiny... i may have encountered alot of problems... alot of difficulty alot of.. embarrassment.. but i know this wont get me down... this is just an obstacle everyone have to go through.. hahahas!! omg i talking crap here...!!

AISEHX watever it is i am just really happy!!! hHAHAHAHS!!! OKAY OKAY THANKS ALOT mr khaidir for giving me a chance to prove myself as a student with hardworking and determination...with that certificate and for choosing me....! i wont let u down..!! i really wont trust me :)

Finally!!! i hope to see u guys there !!! HAHAHS! and my mother grandma and everybody that believe in me hahahs!! hope to see u all there !!! :)

10:52 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

Here I am wishing upon a star.
And you have no idea that you’re the best thing in my life so far.

11:51 PM

alrite hahas... lets talk about todae... haiz... wake up around 9 plus.. and listen to my blog song.. omg hahas... i duno why.. i can listen to one song over and over and over again... i wont get tired of it lols!!... perhaps cos of the lyric.... :) hahas

erm... tot wanna go zoo in the morning but i decided nort to.. as.. i wanted to let shirmin know my grandma cookign is the best of the best in this whole wide world hahahhahahas!!!!..... wow.. too much praising my grandma will get her head too high... okay okay lame.. its just i wan everyone in the gathering to feel a homecooked meal... cos cos hahas... i told my grandma.. to put ure heart.. and effort in the cooking ;)

aisehx.. i bet they are angry.. with me as i last minute back out.. its nort that i dun wan to go.. but.. i can alwaes think forward wat going to happened.. i wonder why too.. its lyk.. if i went zoo with them... somethin bad will happened maybe i am thinking too much perhaps... but realli sorry to u guys.... who planned it soo hard to went zoo.. and i back out last minute really sorry.. didnt meant it...

alrite... played dota and watch show... hahas.. as bored.. waiting for 4.30 to went out of house.. hahas!! okay okay.. i know this is kinda lame... but alrite... times up hahas it time to go... alrite first wear a blue shirt... but suddenly feel irritated hahahas.. WEnt home changed to grey or white anithing hahas.. maybe cos of the material quite comforting and soft LOLS!!.. okay watever i just love dressing simple.. it doesnt matter if u dress nicely.. wat matter is if i tink i am good person i will.. conquered everything ;)

hahahas okay.. as compensation i have to wait for danial at bus stop was lyk waiting soo long lols..!! den suddenly saw mellissa suling bernice they all.. i tried my best to pretend didnt saw them.. but omgosh!! they took 300?? AISEHX hahahas Skali was shocking tot.. cos shirmin was there as well.. !! josephine eunice and.. her cousin hhahas.. well quite happy to see them.. no need carry the beehon thats heavy hahahas i meant... lazy carry such thing =.=

give it to bernice.. alrite quite happy to see shirmin in time hahas!! cos cineleisure was far from chua chu kang i wonder how she made it in time.. but well watever it is this is wat discipline is all about ;) okay after tat.. tian chun dylan gabriel junhao.. come.. lols finally saw danial too? bryan and ziyang haiz hahahas!!...

okay they went first while me and danial... went to zhongyi. house.. cos of some important thing CHARCOAL HAHAHS!... omg... alrite nvm pass on.. walk walk.. and i didnt know zhongyi could tutor his own cousin hahas.. perhaps i can tutor tooo LOLS!! LAME!! I TUTOR CONFIRM DE BOY PLAY RATHER DEN STUDY... :)

okay okay walk walk walk walk.. saw them... at the opposite side i should have known my eyes is as sharp as.. an eagle LOLS!! exaggerating again hahahws!!... okay quickly went there..!! shirmin josephine and huizhong LOLS>...

sae hi to them !! hahahas quite happy larh i tot wanted to chat chat chat chat about past time all this.... but hahas i guess its nort the right time... maybe cos de place was too hot... even before the barbecue it was lyk burning lyk hell!! damn it and its my first tyme barbecuing HAIZZ.. i didnt know it will be this terrible...!! hahas

my counseller told me i couldnt go to hot place... and i didnt heed his advice he confirm will angry with me :( lols hahahas.. nvm if i kept it a secret he wont know tooo LOLS!!! chatted awhile with shirmin and josephine talking about result... hahas.. i didnt want to tell them my real result.. perhaps will be shocking i guess because of my hardwork maybe.... HAhas

okay den went to talk with the boys... didnt know they alredy have something on their mind planning to throw water bomb at the girls hahahas!! omg omg... i feel quite bad larh.. i meant den we all went to sunshine buy the item.. i dun feel lyk throwing at them.. duno why this bad feeling keep urge me nort to do so....

okay so we filled up water at toilet and all carry the heavy plastic hahas.. den went to eat omg.. this first time i taste a real barbecue chicken hotdog and everything larh.. i meant first time.. i dun get used.. to eat such foods ... hahahasd danial finish up the noodles which is quite good arh... it didnt go wasted at all :) hahahas !!

okay okay after dat i noticed someone missing in the chair!! and it was SHIRMIN!! omg....
i tot wanted to chase after her lols.. will be lyk too dramatic larh lols!!... perhaps she have someting important.. for tomorrow hahas.. but at least must tell me first lERH!! LOLS.... nvm nvm nvm...

i aso dun feel lyk staying after dat hahas.. dun have her lyk boring... so we quicken up and start playing the water bomb didnt wan to waste tyme... omg omg omg the most funniest part i cant forget HAHHAHAHAS!!... i and danial was hiding behind a pillar wen dylan went to a table I THROW A WATER BOMB AND IT REFLECTED UPON REACHING HIM HAHAHAHAS!! this part was super funny!! ... i cant stop laughing my stomach laugh too loud dat i cant stop it...

but danial asshole go throw me first !! ashghoahgoah!!!!! dam him hahahas... after dat was lyk soo wet.. okay.. den finally can open my shirt was too wet larh lols!! hahahhas!!..... waited for a taxi... den went home hahas.. ask the uncle to cooler the aircon hahas.. !! paisehx uhh taxi man sorry..!! to ask for such request.. but really was damn warm...

glad i reach home in one piece.. and get to live for tomorrow hahas feel happy!! :) okay lame rite.. ! well todae barbecue quite enjoyable.. GOodnite readers!!.. i hope.. next tyme would be fishing HAHAHS! i am expert okay :D

11:01 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

how i wish miracle do happen..
and took this trouble in life away..

12:29 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

alritwe wat am i gonna talk about todae... hahas okay went to Malaysia to visit our aunty kampong loLS!!... took a car.. dere .... wows... its a lexus... with a touch sensor LOLS.... sure is expensive car... damn it hahas.... !!! wow... after all it look realli lyk a sports car!! hahas..

guess wat.. i tot the space... was big as?? expensive?? BUT 5 people cramp at the back seat... omg... FAinted HAHAHS!! nvm watever..... hahas omg omg omg... must sit until lyk funny larh... den went straight to johor... was lyk... so fast?? and i was lyk sleeping lyk a pig... cos of the overflow aircon?? which is cooling!!... and syiok siol! hahas...

okay we arrive there was lyk soo early... dam it.. still got alot of tyme.. and de weather there was unbearable... SOO FREAKING Hot even in the morning??? dam dem... asshole... hahas!!! go angsana.. but the place nort even open.. haiz.. sit awhile den wen straight to car... as... untolerable weather condition.. malaysia should do something about it.. even i tink singapore is way ten time hundred times weather controlled better...

nort trying to critisize but its truth... hahas okay okay lame after dat went kota raya lucky there open.. HAhas CHIONG arh.. i took $50 ringgit go find painting shop lols... Find a decoration :) hahas.. lucky i found is lyk.. cheap cheap derh... 50% off... well.. its artistic.. dat de people draw... and its onli one of a kind which is if i have it no one in de world would have the same paiting as me HAHAHS!! Yay....truely a genius way of buying...

okay i bought three of them.. soon i will post the picture :) hahahas... well after all tis for my room decoration which is quite worth it hahas.. den den went straight to pizza hut.. hahas!! omg omg.. eat eat eat.. but still nort full duno why.. aisehx.. waste money onli eat nort full hahas!!

den den... went with family buy thing and i saw something lyk capsuled... so i tot of this mondae if we going west coast i going buried every of my troubled in a piece of paper and put it inside a capsuled... and... buried it under the sand hahas maybe all this troubled will be answered by the earth... and makes dem go away :) hahahas wat a silly and lame think of mine..

alrite after that we chiong straight to kampong hahas.. which is soo fast.. as i dun even know we reach dere... as i was sleeping again.. omg!! dam me.. cant i jsut wake up for awhile hahahahs!! too tired larh lols...!! perhaps perhaps... went dere and saw my baby cousin... supiah i tink? hahas.... forgot her name omg... dam it i am veri bad at remembering peopel name haiz...

Okay this really unny when my grandma and sufiah.. was.. lyk.. sitting on a swing relaxing?? when a troublemaker lyk me arrive?? HAHHAS!!guess wat i do.. I SWING UNTIL SOO HARD!! THE METAL LYK WAN FLY OFF MY GRANDMA WAS LYK funny larh headache.. den sae stop stop stop de whole thing gonna break down hahahahhas!!... but wat really amazed me was my aunty house which is completely decorated OFF THE HOOk...

new sofa which is lyk queen type... plus the dirty old toilet... which i feel eerie to went in was soo new dat it wasnt even dusty or cob with spider web animore everything was new... i mean.. omg... they are soo modern and nort kampong type animore..... which made me realized how i fall back in time... hahas

okay at there was quite boring and i slept and went woke up nothing do play all those lame small kids instrument.. hahas!! cos its was tooooo BORING>>>!!!! =.= wat to do!! hahahas!!

by the time we wanna went home we ask this cousin girl of us to swing it for us.. and keep saying she wasnt strong and weak lyk an ant....guess wat it was surprising tot!! she was onli 1 years old and could even pushfour person whose weight average more den 50kg omg!! lyk... how sae... physic do works in wonder.. when theres no friction perhaps..even the smallest force could make a huge different in de direction of the... object...

den it was lyk around 5 plus went to my cousin house... omg i got soo many cousin u guys will get confused hahahahas... went there was lyk 5 minutes.. den go off liao....

okay okay all of a sudden 6 plus look lyk 8 plus?? everywhere soo dark... and the.... air was lyk.. feel with smokes.. its lyk as if in some kind of horror movie or something i just hope during that time nothing happened.. hahas!!!

lolz lame.. okay i keep saw this onli one and only.. brightest star todae.. i keep wish wish wish wish wish wish wish wish for all my troubled... to go way... i hope it will come truth hahas :) okay dun hear this lame part...

we went to eat at some restaurant later.... was soo hungry can eat anithing but i just love to eat with plain water hahahas... it been a accompany to me the plain water hahahhas!!! i love it... duno why... lols!!

after dat went straight singapore hahahhahas!!! it was lyk.. finally i am back home hahas.. my fish was soo delighted.. omg.. he cant wait to see us back here.. i guess being in the darkness feel lonely too.. hahas i understand as i been there longer den u do :) hahahahs!!! watever.. okay!!

omg fainted forget to read my horoscope..! for todae =.- HAIZ its past twelve already hahahas!! nvm its time to depend on myself for a dae hehehes.!!

talk to someone.. i guess she was right studying really important and teacher do care about us.. but i stil dun get it.. how they show that they do realli care.. about our n level examination... !! hahas perhaps time will reveal it all whether they do care or nort :) lets find out together... hahahas!!!

NIGHT NIGHT READERS :) happy reading!

11:29 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

You can always close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see,
but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel.

10:58 PM

okay... i will summarised.. from wednesdae till fridae :) hahas perhaps nothing much interesting going on lately... okay here me out!! Hahas!!

well went school per normal.. cos.. i am soo glad.. and happy to hear my poa and history.. get second hahas :) hahas.. as i put soo much effort in it... if i dun even achieved a pass wouldnt that be miserable....

okay okay well school was quite boring and waiting for my result... hahas!! omg... I PASSED ALL
YEAHOO HAHAS...... but my maths was quite sucks... i didnt beleived i get soo low haizz.. nvm hahas... well during english lesson mr zul was giving out paper i was super nervous.. waiting for mine.... and i even told him i will tear the paper infront of him if i FAIL HAHAHAHS!!!

GUESS wat I AM SOO Freaking lucky to pass!!! as if nort i would have to tear my paper infront of him :( hahahahs i got 46/80 haizz.. it was quite lucky to pass.. and he told me he know i can make it?? LOLS!! i dun even know i can hahahas well i am glad i do now :)

alrite should i summarised all mark?? perhaps nort hahas its nort up to my expectation... WElll I was hoping for achievers tea..... Haiz haiz... i hope i can get it.... i dun wan let down my parents... and anione..... hahahs...

my word is alwaes... i want to make truth of it.. but i duno how LOLS... its all up to gods.. to decided..

hahas now on thursdae.....

well didnt went school as i planned nort to.. as too much thing have been happening.. and its lyk... feeling its truth that the world is going round and round... why cant it just stop at a point where everyone stood being happy....

played dota since morning till night... was kinda bored... hahas!! but quite okay larh dota... at least it keep me busy....

and i am busy thinking of wat to fill in the empty space on the wall on my room.. i been thinking of some picture... background... perhaps... if its goes as planned... it will be super succesful Hehehs :)

dats all for todae...!!

move on now fridae

hahas omg!!! since morning duno what the heck i am doing slacking all the way?? lols.... hahas!! oka okay i now it seem lyk my life is damn boring... but i feel lyk resting for a long long months... before back to school mood again.. :)

well hahas!! nvm nvm.. i got this funny dream lately... even when i wasnt asleep i kept thinking of this lame thing hahas!!... okay want know?? alrite !! dun wan know aso nvm hahas...
ITs about ACHIEVERS TEA AWARDS LOLS>.... i keep dreaming.. dat i was on stage receiving it...!!!! LOls i know lame rite hahahas.. and and shrimin bryan tian chun danial... somemore somemore forget mr khaidir ms li.. my family cousin all at there standing up clapping HAHAHHS!!.... and guess wat this stupid part...

i was at there NORT SHAKIN THE principal.. hand BUT LAUGHING LYK AS IF I AM PROUD TO GET THIS CERTIFICATE WHICH WONT HAPPENED HAHAHAHS!!! man if i tink of it.. it sure does... seems silly!! and pathetic LOLS!!!... i was lyk keep dreaming for daes.. hope to have other dream larh asshole....

okay okay maybe this all for todae :) goodnite readers!! hahas byebye!

10:15 PM

Monday, October 13, 2008

For a few minutes you made me feel as though I actually meant something to u.

11:24 PM

HAhahs okay todae.. i feel so much better... and yesterdae night i have to sleep outside to take care of my adorable.. and cutest fish ever ... :) hahahas... well... now i understood.. his behaviour and mine was totally alike..... but ryte now.. i know his still in a total shocked.. perhaps.. its because of the lost of his fav orange yellow red tail.. haiz.. but the good news is... new tail is starting to appear.. hahas..

i know it will takes month... so i will give him my best attention during this throughout hardship month of his.... i hope this will make u happy.. and i know.. it doesnt realli angry with me now.. hahas... thanks alot...

well was playing dota.. a bit boring keep play same game all the time.. hahas danial called... and wanted to go lan.. but after along pursuit?? i still didnt give in.. den soo long he sae he will treat me.. alrite i agreed.. since deres nothin much to do... and hahas... the rain todae makes me feel soo peaceful.. i finally understood how to face up to life... challenges....

maybe every sorrowful day i onli need takes a day to get over it.. hahas... happy go lucky life after all lols!!...kk shouldnt go on and on..

well danial arrived i ask him go other way as he might startled my fav fish.. hahas.. okay okay.. he did as i said and thats good... :) hahahas thanks for listening.. okay after dat he play dota awhile den.. we went down... wait for cabs...

HAHAHS this part i cant forget!!! was hailing de taxi... when all of a sudden a taxi!! driver stop by.. but in opposite direction@@!! and he give us these funny movement.. told us to go to the other side i was lyk?? wat the hell he trying to sae HAHHAHAHAHAS!!! and me and danial smile throughout the process was freaking funny!! if u see the apek expression he was super furious!! and... he even spit on his own taxi hand gear HAHAHHAHAS wat a stupid!!! old man... i am the boss and u show this kind of attitude i confirm fired u first!!!

it was realli FUNNi larh... if u guys were there... can laugh until stomach bloated HAHHAS!! i didnt regret coming out...! well a few minute lyk 2 a taxi come and we board... hahas minghong keep called maybe curious where are we...??

and dat asshole danial... cant stop making jokes of the taxi driver hair.. wat sae in malay want to dye same hair colour which is white?? and he sae it look cool idiotic him.. he purposely!!! argh HAhas!!! watever lame shit but super funny!!.. infront of girl he nvr joke until lyk this... but infront of me he can do all this stupid stuff hahahahas!!....

okay my stressed day seems to be over by a bit... :) hahas went timah... danial me tian chun and.. minghong.. played dota awhile omg...!! hahahahas!! we lose the first round.. lols during that time was feeding instead of getting angry.. i told danial this is just a game :) is just a game... HAhas!! i keep make myself repeat it for lyk 20 40 times hahas.. overall... it does calm me down,... and quite funni in the second round we managed to beat them ;) hahahas well.. glad danial skill abit improved hu teach hu teach me also LOLS!! ....

kk after dat was lyk still feel stressed hahahahas!!... den i told him we play the gun shooting thingy hahahhahas!!!... it was super funny!! i meant.. my reaction to the game i feel lyk.. shooting the whole thing down.... and destroy it hahahhas!! wah after dat feel quite hot perhaps too much energy used lols!! well.. it does calm myself :) hahahahs okay okay feel quite happy den

bought my cousin a teddy bear which is mr bean der favourite WAKAKKAKAKAS HHAHAHAS!! lucky found at there if nort duno what else to buy lols!! paisehx ... uhh hope u lyk it aniwae Happy birthday :)

went eat with danial.. den after dat took bus 67 to chua chu kang hahahas!!... okay i know must be wondering i stayed at bukit batok why i went soo far till chua chu kang cos.. thats the onli place to wait for my favourite bus!! hehehehes 188 HAHAHS!! :D i lyk taking this bus since i got used to it hahahs!!>.. it was quite fun and nice cosy place to sit when the bus is lyk double..?? lols i love to sit on the middle dere.. hahas can enjoy the view better.....

okay now home.. and.. guess wat i am still on com hahahas Go study larh.. oh i forgotten exam over no need study :P okay okay watever lame shit.. feel prepared for tomorrow results... i know i did my best thats all i can hope for hahas.. de rest up to god... and up to the examiner i hope i pass!! :)

night night readers and lastly AIN HAppy birthdae!! hope all ure wish come true?? just dun wish badluck for me can already dat wont come true HAHAHHAHAS!!

8:45 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why am I afraid to lose you when you’re not even mine…

10:20 PM

haiz i am soo freaking fucking stressed... and sad larh.. aisehx.. i didnt know other den love the love u have got for ure fish.. is the same!!!

my heart feel so damn pain looking at it... its all my fault!! it trust me!!! and yet i mistrust it... i am soo damn dissapointed..... with myself..!!! haizz...

i let it drop off from my hand!!! as it jump out of the plastic... damn it... no matter how hard to catch it!!!!!

its feel lyk....!!! infinite.. PAin inflicted on me.. haizz... i cant bear it.. alone!!! wen i look into the eyes of my fish.. i feel i realli fucking freaking useless.... i let it in fear.... its tail is broken!!... i can feel the pain its going through!!!

i know its going to hate me!!! for !! being!!!!!... such a dumbFUck!!! argh!!! haiz haiz..... :(
i know million apology aso wont.. bring ure past tail back.. But i know i am trying my best find de best medicine for u......

i dun need ure forgive... i just need u to be healthy.. same fish as i know....
u are part of my life... i dun wan to lose u.... i have lost soo many thing in life..... haizz... damn it.... all because of one mistake.... and i know its for life... haizz..!!!!

this is soo freaking stressed more stress rather den... wen studying... haizz!!! why does it have to happened.. !! now...!! y............. why must it alwaes be me... !!

why are fated soo cruell.. sometimes i wonder if.... life have meaning at all.. or is it just me.. and my unrealistic dream.. to make it come true.... which will nvr be..... haiz watever it is.... i know i am all alone in this darkness world of life..... fighting for my own survival...

wat is done can nvr be undone.... i just hope time will heal it all.... maybe this problem rise up to make me forget u... and kept me busy for my whole life...... but i just know i cant!! and dun wish to...... why does it happened three times in a row.. is this wat the meaning of world going around in circle so should.. de badluck....

7:53 PM

took this when go home hahas.. i know lame lame lols! :) watever enjoy it aniwae..
They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world : someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for

12:20 AM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

hahas.... hmm.....!!.... duno how to begin.... well todae was quite a happy dae hahahahs!!.... erm erm how should i begin!!... omg omg.. okay got an idea...! :)

well starting of the dae woke up at 11 cancelled the outing out with danial as.. my grandma told me.. she will chip in money if she comes along.. so i guess this is a better solution..well.. i guess i dun make the wrong choice after all.. hahas..

omg omg omg todae first tyme i wear jean haiz.. and casual CLOtheS after for lyk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CENTURIES hahas.. it felt weird haiz.. but i have to tried it ryte??... i meant.. its tyme after all if nort now when?? hahas... okay oaky....

first went to! my grandma the brother house.. lols... took train hahas.. in the hoping to see shirmin in sight?? hahas well nort my luck perhaps as it was around 4.30 i went out?? LOLS of course cannot see hahahahas!! okay okay lame crab continued my life stories...

at uncle house was lyk a bit happy as.... my cousin boy?? hahas am happy to see me??? he keep show me all his toys lols!! which i am quite interested sometimes larh hahahas :) and and i saw a truck of the cars movie the truck omg.. that might cost a bomb...

lols well.. after dat prank call josephine haahas!! paisehx uhh josephine dun angry larh.. lols i ask my boy cousin sae all those mushy stuff cos i trick him saying that was his friend??? HAHAHAHS!! funni larh he keep sae nonsense... okay okay dun go on this part it might make someone angry wooo....

well.. after dat went to other house getting free ride.. from my adult cousin... hahahas!! wow.. i noticed he got alot of cats... omg omg.. and one or two of them is siamese lerhx... i am quite expert in cat :) hahahahs yea yea....

we went there about 30 minutes stay den went off to buy my fish tank hahahas.. OMg it cost 80 dollar dat asshole trying to cheat my money haizz..!! :( well.. wats over is over ryte?? hahahs!! okay okay this part is FUNNY!!... during the time to carry it up to my house which is level 4... my uncle soo many excuses??? HAHAHHAS he go the coffee shop toilet den calim the tank was heavy?? well i tink otherwise perhaps of the different in age??

hahahhas WEN CARRYING... i cant forget this part.. as my house have no lift.... he was struggling and and and HIs look was super funny LYK AS IF he going drop the tank hahahahhas he was sweating while i cant stop !!! laughing skali i fall how lols!! i dun giev a damn...

okay okay finish carry den went down... with dem go straight to westmall.. as my cousin was soo freaking excited keep tell me which handphone she wan upgrade? too?? well stuck inside singtel.. for quite sometimes... well on the way to the shop.. i nearly fall and i sae todae going be suay dae... haiz hu knows it comes true in the later part of the night...!!

well inside dere saw dat kaihui... omg.. forget sae hi to her.. and she lyk busy aso.. so dun disturb ba.. was browsing for handphone but nort me buy larh lols.. is my cousin buy.. cos i nort ralli interested in handphones.... aisehx was lyk.. quite long hahas.. but i must be their maid for a day help dem queue haizz... its alrite?? as my cousin going help me chip in money too HAhas ;) okay okay...

hmm after she bought her phone super happy uhh?? keep ask me sent song lols.... we went straight to chua chu kang park.. go eat.. using my uncle taxi.. hahas well ordered food... and and and guess wat i EAT LYK A PIG AISEHX>> fainted... well lyk 1 2 3 4 years nvr eat i even DRANK my grandma and mother water HAiz.. hahahahas!!...okay okay watever lame.. thingy i am talking about hahas move on....

well was talking to cousin and she gave me some idea to create new quotes... its about the star... hahas.. thanks alot uhh... well on the way back... feel lyk something bad going happened...
well my guess wat right after all.. haiz feel sad my cousin.. her wallet lost... aisehx...

helped her go back to the chua chu kang park but couldnt find ani... and my grandma ring lost tooo... :( why does it happened to them.... is this wat they called.. karma or something? but i told them.. this is.. just part of life its good to be alife safe and sound... thing can be gained but life can nvr be brought back.. hahas perhaps i amm too emotional... ! or is this the best way to confide someone...

hahas aiyer nvm nvm.. dun care already lols :) was looking forward to tomorrow trip to ikea hahahs!! gogogog!! buy all thing i wanted... hahas shopping for my new room its lyk.. this room worth 1 MILLION HAHAHAHAS!! goodnite readers...

10:48 PM

You were everything I was looking for …
When I wasn’t even looking.
To the world you may be one person,
But to me , you are the world.
Out of all the people I’ve ever met,
You are the only one who makes me draw those silly hearts on my paper.

12:22 AM

Friday, October 10, 2008

hahas....!! yay!~! :) i am soo freaking happy hahas...!! okay watever lame shit i am talking about....

well.. todae didnt realli go out.. stay home de whole dae... hahas i was planning on how to decorate my room.. and i get soo much idea... hahas!!! omg omg omg... but the $$ i have onli around $200 plus how am i gonna find de rest if its over my budget theres still.. more problem to get new fish tank.. for my fish :) hahas i cant break my promised.. as i promised him already....

well money is nort a problem to me... i know this part is true... but being true to urself.. is one thing moeny cant buy.. hahas dats why.. i tried my best nort to.. do bad thing lols!! okay okay dramatic again i duno why.. ! hahas

todae tok to my grandma hahas!! thanks GRANDMOTHER I LOVE U!!! hahahahs she promised to buy me a single bed.. and expensive one tooo... lols dun jealous hor hahas!!! :P perhaps its time to be individual.. its a great help when thinking about it how my cousin wanted to help... even my mother hu cant be bothered.. chip in... onli dissapointing my own brother hu onli care for himself.. well its alrite.. i dun mind....

hahas was watching water horse... omg!! well.. the concept was almost the same as the whales....!! movie... except the venue and character plus time :) hahahs.. but overall its quite enjoyable...!!

hahas todae play dota!! omg.. keep losing haiz.. my skill really deproving by soo much.. i feel lyk 5 or 6 haizz.. feel lyk i am nort good in it already hahas... paisehx.. uhh for leaving every game....
duno why i cant realli concentrate i feel exam is over its time to enjoy.. but part of me tell me its just the beggining.. of the journey of my learning.. i know i should trust my believe... :) but i do have to have some rest after a long journey of nvr ending study road ryte?? even a robot would run out of battery hahas.. what even human...

hmm.. well tonight hahas they decided to.. make 3.4 gathering... but i told dem changed de planned.. to 2.3 gathering lols :P just to see shirmin hahaas!!.. i give soo much excuses 3.4 all wont turn up hahahahas paisehx uhh.!!! !!..... well did my part sms the whole 2.3 guy... hahas!! well i am glad majority do want to go... but some didnt.. which can be quite dissapointing..
but 30 over i tink its lyk will cramp the whole beach hahhas fainted...!!

well MOST importantly the most important guest of honour!! MUST turn up!! :) HAhas and shes SHIRMIN lols!! if she nvr turn up i dun tink the... gathering would be fun without her... around.. maybe for me larh lols..!! hahas... i am glad she talk to me todae even tot in msn hahas!! i got alot of thing to sae to her.. but i duno which to begin!! lols.. maybe its nort about saying hahas but lyk missed her soo much larh!! lols... hahas dis part i cant lie to myself fainted....!! i feel lyk if the world going to end.. shes the first and last person i wanted to see before everything blast off....!!

omg omg omg dramatic again... haiz haiz hahas tomorrow need go my uncle house maybe for hari raya... hahas lyk 50 % 50 % dun wan lehx lols hahas.. but i tink better go ba.. this is a sign of respect towards the elderly and to prove i am.. one wit the family!! :) hahas and and and ... i wanted to thanks danial first... for accompanying me buy fish tank tomorrow.. i cant carry them alone as the weight is lyk a ton.. thanks for being there.. u are my most loyal friend perhaps security guard too.. even... tot we alwaes quarrel i nvr look down on u... this is true omg... dramatic again FUck lehx wats happening with me hahas!! perhaps tomrorow my last day lols...

well lastly!!! goodnite!! thanks for viewing and taking time reading my life stories i appreciate it alot den u imagined.. hahas

11:31 PM

I get the best feeling in the world when you look at me or smile, because I know, even if it’s just for a second … I crossed your mind.

12:37 AM

Thursday, October 9, 2008

hahas.. okay went school per normal but !! i am crazy of eating bread.. in the morning lols.. hahas... duno why?? but den perhaps i didnt buy... okay okay arrive at school started revising.. well.. its just tough to rmb history as theres soo much word.. but lucky i studies it overnight :) i am glad i do hahas...

okay okay paper history omg!!! its UNexpected fainted! hahahas THE PAPER I WAS STUDYING THAT PART COME OUT LOLS OMG FAINTED>.. can faint hahas.. LUCKY I did studied :) well the answer was lyk teacher summarised its up to the student to take initiative hahas!!! yay!! i got confident in history maybe just passed LOLS :P

next was physic paper HAhas!!! omg omg omg omg hahas well the question was quite easy :) hahas skali i sae all easy LATER FAIL LOLS FAINTED can cry hahahahas.... hmm well.. i did give out all my effort i hope it does pay off even if a bit.. hahas

after school bid goodbye to my brothers tianchun.. and went lot one with bryan danial gabriel and a new friend.. andy?? hahas well nort ralli new friend now him for quite sometimes hahas... okay okay.. we went to celebrate.. last day OF exam HOHO!! hahas :) actually is onli for me and bryan last dae dey still got dnt and art HAHAHAS well goodluck to u guys!! okay one thing nort fun is they tried to steal my chicken argh!!! hahahas!!! well after dat went home....

yay!! finally dat asshole move out tonite good riddance!! finally i can have my own rooms hahahas..!! now its time for the budget of buying the item needed lols... i going make this room a perfect one :) for me hahahas!!.....

finally and lastly!!! hahas well.. i just hope shirmin can do better den me.. perhaps the best of the best just lyk wat i believe!?? hahas wish her dnt tomorrow she can do it... i knows she have been studying hard.. hahas well hope her effort pay off and All the best arlite... if u are reading this... ;)

okay ntie readers!!!

10:51 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sometimes I wish I had never met you because then I could go to bed at night not knowing there was someone like you out there.

As hard as I try,
As much as I see,
I just can’t stop
Thinking you are the one for me.

10:21 PM

hahas okay start wit todae stories :) hmm.... well went to school as usual... aisehxx.... went taking mrt didnt saw my aunty... and she jump up in surprised hahahahs well.. she told me i am quite rude didnt talk to her?? LOLS hahas I didnt saw sorry ary paisehx...

okay school as usual as todae... have social studies.. test.. well saw zhenyao and daniel.. his friend?? okay... hahas... i was rushing and he told me he season for nort being late and walk slowly?? okay anithing ba.. if i late i can blame u HAHAHAHHAHAS!!! okay okay.. as we walk i summarised all those for the test... and guess.. wat....

wat comes out is unexpected... its mroe of reasoning rather den... asking about Duull which is those topic we learnt haizz.... wasted... well.. okay larh didnt know if i do well for social studies as ... i was??? talking nonsense in it.. which... i was writing crap about how bad it will be all this.. BECAUSE ITS APOINT 12 AND 13 hahahhas if i write less confirm cant pass hahahas haiz haiz...

alrite after dat was... maths.. paper 2... hmm... de paper was quite okay larh... but i cant do 2b) hopeless ryte me/??? hahahahhahs!! i did study i forgot the formula de last minute BLAMe it on Social studies need study until headache haizz if i didnt pass i will tear de paper argh!!!!..

okay okay... after dat was nothin much took bus with the usual crew.. bryan tian chun and extra dion around hahahs!! ,,, well bryan and me went lot one hahas... and i was tinking how to decorate my new room hehehehs...!! okay theres alot possibilities but nort enough time.. maybe after exam ba :) hahahahhas I going make it a room lyk no one else HAHHAs!! trust me!! i alwaes make good of my word hahahs lyk real!! LOLS!!! okay watever it is.. i going do my best.. in decoratin it..

well i bought a door chimes.. hahahas which cost 28$$ OMG a bomb rite rite?? hahahs can die derh.. but well.. i dun wan see my money gone into thin air.. at least theres somethin i bought ryte hahas aniwae bryan belanja long john a gain todae... thanks bryan hahas!.... well saw my ex-hongkah friend he ask me belanja him... LOLS lame!!! hahahas i sae cant cant...

after dat was lyk.. went home as usual... and todae hehehes i sleep for 5 hours !! in the afternoon lols!! omg fainted... hahahas!!! well... wen i tink again.. i dun tink i can get achievers tea... Hahas :( i know its sad but its true... well overall 55% percent is ca1 , ca2 and sa1 which i didnt fare well in both ca1 and sa1... they will pull down my mark by alot... even if i can make it for this sa2 i dun tink my mark will be awesome..... but i hope thing would changed for the better ryte :) hahahas alrite i will just do my best and leave everything to th paper...

hahas!! my fish getting... excited everydae i guess my fish does understand wat i promised my fish to buy a new tank for him/her HAHAHAS!! okay okay... this is getting quite lame... okay okay bye guys goodnite :) hahahas study hard okay..!!

10:03 PM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

HAhas omg... fainted....wen brushing teeth TODAE! inside my mouth was bleeding omg... omg omg.. fainted..didnt know wat happened hahas....?? ! aiyer.. dun wish to rmb this hahas!!! okay okay back on stories

okay time for school lols... get ready as usual hehes.. i heard shirmin burn midnight oil tooo!! hahahahass!! well hu doesnt exam period is so crucial everyone worried for themselve Hahas :)
okay went school!!.. as usual!... was realli rushing on my paper hahas!!.. okay okay... during the assembly was looking at her!! hahas she didnt noticed aisehx man hahas! its alrite its alrite....

well.. exam time omg... was soo nervous my heart was lyk stopping hahas!!.... fainted....!!.... well... i tink most of the question did before so no worries dat much hahas... i hope i can do it lols..!!!

after dat was poa omg... fainted GUUESS WAT FIRST QUESTION I TOOK 1 HOURS TO COMPLETED LEFT 4 moRE LEHX FAINTED>>> SOMEMORE ALL NEED DRAW FAINTED>.. larh hahahas lucky time was on my side dat todae... i was rushing and using liquid nonstop haizx.... i guess i used the most number of paper :(

hahas well... my work quite messy but i hope i can get good mark for it :) hahahas watever..!!
den went to junhao house tot wan study maths... hahas.. well... danial join us later... hes quite loyal to me hahahahahas!! thats good..

OMG>> COULDNT STUDY AT THERE>... fainted... wen i see most of the question i tink i did them before and i know how!! hahas... well tonite den i would revise again teach danial how do social studies properly! hahas.. he do listened.. omg... lols... maybe realli wanted to pass??

hahas Wen when home!! wooo... i am soo happy hahahas!!! shirmin told me her paper was easy.. and and and and she said MY METHOD WORK HAHAHAHAHHAHAS FAINTED!!!!!.... dats wat makes me happy at least i try my best to help her?? even nort in de real life hahas.. well aiyer ... duno how sae... i wont let her fail!! no matter wat!!! SUBJECT IT IS!!!! dats all hahas ;)

my adorable fish!! hahas.. it soo happy to see i brought food for it.. dat it dances in de water lols... hahas.. wel... it de most... gentle and loving arowana... i ever seen before in my life.. maybe because its in my grandma and my care hehehehes.....!!! :)

omg omg omg tomorrow paper two..!! hahas.. i hope i am ready for it and social studies too!! lols...!!!hahas!! i am realli trying my best on every subject pleased...... dont let me down..!!

well thanks cousin for ure concern of my result hahas... i will do my best.. okay?? and dont worry i wont forget u as the my poa teacher will get the credit.. tooo :) and i wonder hu the lelouch might be!!! i know hu she is!!! but nort sure if i guess correctly anort fainted.....

hahas really hope to get achievers tea...cos cos hahas!! i want her to clap for me =) but if i didnt i dun mind.. as i know i already did all i could.. in this final year its all up to fate to decided..... but no matter wat i am going changed my destiny....!!! i am going changed my attitude everything!!! hahahas crap crap again :).. i duno why rite now.. feel lyk... something is wrong..... its nrot about studies.. somethin else.. haiz.. am i tinking too much or.. this is true..

hahas!! omg omg.. back to my morning oil... lols!!!...

9:52 PM

Monday, October 6, 2008

It is clearly not the journey for everyone.
People succeed in as many ways as there are people.
Some can be completely fulfilled with destinations that are much closer to home and more comfortable.
But if you long to keep going, then I hope you are able to follow my lead to the places I have gone.
To within a whisper of your own personal perfection.
To places that are sweeter because you worked so hard to arrive there.
To places at the very edge of your dreams.
- Michael Johnson

9:57 PM

hmm hahas... OMG!!! i didnt sleep a wink yesterdae NIGHT cos cos cso!! wan hear?? HAhas!!!! I BURN MORNING OIL LOLS!!! omg.. soo full concentration on chemistry and !! POA Dat i forget the time waaa... :( haizzz..even inside my dream i tot can dream sometimes nice!!! ALL INSIDE WAS CHEMISTRY AND POA THINGY until my mind was lyk spinning!! hahaas!! buts its a good ting i didnt put in negative though.....

well todae.... was poa and chemistry test hehes... perhaps i can do dem... as i find most of the question can do derh... LOLS!! :) i meant i studied till crazy if i cant do am i such a failure rite?? so i did try my best i just hoping for de best hahas!!~~~.......

omg omg omg omg .... after dat went third floor just to ask dat mr neo... hahas!! teach us again well saw one of shirmin friends find it weird dat she wasnt there.. well perhaps she will come up later hahas.. well my guess is rite?? after all thats where the prefect room she love to hang up most hahas!! how can i nort kn0w fainted... HAHAHAS well seeing her !!! was lyk.. omg duno how sae...!! perhaps... the world stop for a few second to me!... its lyk as if everyone around doesnt matter! except her hahas!! dramatic omg !!! okay.. back on stories..!!

dat neo!! WANTED TEACh 3.3 DUn wan teach us animore damn him!!!. arrghh!! hahahas i dun give a damn actually LOLS!!... as i was too tired... feel lyk fainting... but i know life still have to go on... hahas!!... well well... after dat was lyk... lame ting?? went to causeway point hahas...!! omg ... wit danial bryan shunski.. perhaps i am back with them again??

well one thing i know dat isnt back is my mind i follow my own wills hahas dey went to eat at macdonald but instead i went to foodcourt which is banquet as alone as i am i tink its the best way to find inner peace!! well a bit paisehx larh.. lyk i de onli person dere.. hahahahas!!! okay but the food was simply delicious!! de!!! honey chicken with gravy omg de taste u guys should try it hahas!!!>..

okay okay den dey called danial hp which i am using... i waited for them at library but none... arrived yet... well suddenly it seems to wanted to rain and i went out to macdonald de chairs ??? omg soo windy ha has... AND GUESS WAT i saw ex-hongkah rian again... well its shi he if anione now him.. he seems to be slim now well everyone changed after all ??

hahas DEN Den something surprised me deres a woman being handcuffed and ITS RIGHT INFRONT OF MY EYES SHES BEING TAKEN AWAY LYK A FEW METRES AWAY FAINTED hahahahs... well life action movie?? HAhas!! de woman seems a little nutcase but.. i hope she learnt her lesson ba...

after dat went to library wit them... den dey were talking nonsense? its nort lyk as if we are... doing anithin haiz... hahas well they told me they aso got get scold alot of times hahahas!! well when i tink again..!! during those time shirmin and josephine get scold maybe perhaps i should let go of the past.. hatred towards dat asshole librarian!!!! hahas!! watever...

well todae get reprimanded again =.= hahahahas!!! okay okay we went seperate way.. so i took this chances to sleep for lyk 15 mintues then took train with that shunski.. go straight home...!! lols guess wat... bryan and danial ask nonstop??? hahahahas!! anithin ba...!!

rite now perhaps sleep first at nite i wil online again to burn morning oil again :) hahahas creative rite rite people sae midnight oil i sae morning oil - - HAHAHAHS!!! watever.. goodntie AFTERnoon readers!!...

i hope shirmin can do it !!! hahas :) well.. will see about it alrite... i know i am nvr wrong... byebye!

5:31 PM

Sunday, October 5, 2008

hahas omg... todae woke up early again... :) all for the intention of studying faitned!! hahas... well around 11 plus cocme out of house to meet the bus interchanged saw shahmel and shariff hehes.. sae hello to them! as well they greeted us :) well they dress so nice perhaps hari raya is still inside deir mind hahas!! well the original place.. was supposed to be lot one library hahhahas... AND I DIDNT KNOw shirmin todae aso going dere omg =.= wasted hahas.. if i know go de lot one library.. as i tot dere no places to study... so we decided to study under a block which is quite windy hehes.. and de minimart quite near toooo....

well study chemistry until sianzz... hahahas while waiting for 3.30 to meet mr neo at jurong east library....!!! ahahs was quite excited and i keep drink water and need go toilet for lyk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time! LOLS fainted!!! hahas!!......!.....

mostly i am studying the apparatus part and the electron charges if u guys now hahas...! its quite difficult for starters lyk me to understand but i have my two friends... which can be considered brothers to me.. hehes... they are bryan and tian chun... they are there to help me as well as i am there to help them... but on the other hand... dat bryan lyk to throw my slipper around!!!! LOLS!! HAhas!!!

omgosh... at first i tot it was raining... well i told them and dey didnt believe it??? omgod?? am i seeing thing... after for a few minutes den it started to rain... dats when they sae its rained??? perhaps i can predict the future :) hahahhas!!! maybe maybe...

hmm.... after dat... went to jurong east library.... i tink saw one of hong kah friend but she seems arrogant.... so dont give a damn larh hahahas!!!... okay met mr neo.... for quite a while... and we clear our doubt perhaps hahas now i have confident in poa... well..!!! i could pass and i know it!!!

after for quite a while as didnt eat.. we went down first!!! becoz of hu? tian chun?? ask us go eat first IF NORT GET FREE TREAT omg!!! hahahahahs on the other hand.. i feel lyk... its better to used our own money... aniwae we go down is a good thing tooo... HAHHAs we no need fork out a single cent as bryan... was the one paying?? HAHAHAS!! thanks bryan i enjoy the food... i hope u dun curse the food can already LOLS!!.....

well... den back to our study plan.... didnt know its my first time i am soo serious... i dun usually act lyk this... omgosh.... perhaps this end of year really important for me... actually to tell u the truth i am doing this for the person i love, my family.... cousin aunty uncle... brothers.. friend out there hu believe me..., teacher hu wanted de best for me... and lastly for myself! to see how far i can go in life :) hahahas!...

hahas..... omgosh soo dramatic!! i know i know no need sae if go put script on drama confirm get 1st HAHHAS!!... well... after dat we... tot wanted to ask mr neo for a ride home... but there seem to be alot people dere.. so!.. we went home our way :) maybe this is gentleman??? HAhas!! okay okay... watever... i know its crap.... dun have to read the gentleman part if dun lyk hahas...

went inside arcade actually i was tinking whether... to wanted... play the soft toy thingy... maybe cos i feel my luck is running high hahahahhas!!!! DATS QUITE SILLY IF U TINK AS I tink play if get something put on someone letterbox HAHAHAHS FAINTED little did i realised it wont fit in???? fainted hahahas dats why i am thinking too much...

hahas we didnt play at the end as most of the games seems boring so went down a while..... i took a chance to play the palm reading machines hahaas. perhaps i can know whats going to happened LOLS!!!.... skali nort true at all!! hahas hu knows....!!! aniwaes its for the fun part :)....

well after reading the thing maybe perhaps most of it is truth... well maybe everyone is experiencing the same thing hahas..!! den we went outside wait for taxi... lols... den suddenly got this aunty sae... the taxi run cos we didnt hail for it... wat an asshole??? its supposed to be a taxi stand and its basic COURTESY TO wait for!!! first! customer board in... before we go in?? idiot norh hahas... dont give a damn lols.... went in!!... to other taxi for lyk 10 minutes later... hahas

now at home... perhaps onlining and burning midnight oil for tomorrow.. as i am veri veri veri veri super nervous..... i am nort gonna fail lyk in the past trust me.... i am doing this for my own sake!! i dun mind....!!!! hahas... crap again?? okay okay i will end my stories here to revise!!

nite nite readers GOODLUCK on ure end of years to hu ever read it!! lets hope for the best for each other!

9:36 PM

Saturday, October 4, 2008

hahas their fantastic art work?? LOLS

11:47 PM

hahas wooo.... todae woke up around 11 thats quite a world record?? fainted hahas!!! slept late last nite.. den after all the morning routines u guys now hahas...!! went straight to... my living room.... as its quite small... it felt better studying there with the wind hahas..!!

well was crazy about the poa topic fainted.... from trading account to cash adjusted omg... de BANK RECONCILIATION forget study hahas nvm nvm... well!! after for quite sometimes... feel somethign weird.. lols cant concentrate at all... so burn some song... and on it hahas!! wooo.... de mood of studying.... perhaps get better hahas.... as i love listening to song before can concentrate... on doing my stuff?? hahahhas!! lame....

hmm... well after for quite some times.. finally my long lost enemy wars come to an end... we are brothers again.. perhaps it may last longer now rather den i expected..... i hope the trust in us nvr break lyk in the past... well quite happy uhh hahas... as... i didnt expect it to be this soon but watever it is i am glad... hahas..

and finally i am cooled with that bryan hahas... well okay everythin seems to be misunderstanding... its better to forgive and forget.... :)

HAhas omg my room is in a mess fainted... LOLs these two cousin of mine hahahas!!!... they are still small and i wonder why they soo friendly wit me lols :) buts its a good thing... hahas...
todae tooo i cant concentrate 100%... as my grandma family members come here hahas....

well they arrived and didnt even realised as i am in my world?? hahas all of a sudden those TWO CHARGED IN WITHOUT KNOCKING DE DOOR AND!!! guess wat the first ting they ask!! do u have a toy?? dinosaur?? LOLS!! lame fainted.. do i look lyk a toy seller to them!! argh ahahs!!... but its quite fun larh... as... u know?? this is wat a small brother would be lyk.. which i doesnt have hahas.. temporary brothers perhaps.......

aiyer well they were quite noisy cant concentrate on my work haizz... so finally i gave up and do something else hahahas!!!... well guess wat did i do??? HAHAHAHS!!!!! i open one song... DEN i told them to dance HAHAHAHHS!! omg.... dey realli do it fainted...!!maybe for sweets hahas whici i promised dem.....!! i am lyk a boss watching some kindergarten performance hahahahhahas!!! soo funni larh... i ask dem dance lyk siao !! somemore the songis spongebob squarepant which is LAME LOLS!!!!....

after having fun torturing dem hahahas!!! finally i ask dem stop LOLS!!! welll... since deres nothin much to do i ask dem draw.... hahas!! well its to see their emotion anger... which i learnt myself on how to see a person emotional control... :) hahahas and to see their talent.. LOLS!! maybe better den me hahahas!....

hahas well the result toot tooot.......... okay larh their drawing hahas.. nort ralli fantastic nor bad.. well wad do u expect from 2 years old kid?? or even younger age omg hAHhas!! my own cousin i didnt know their age fainted!! i fail as deir uncle :( hahahahahahs!!!! its alrite...

after dat dey went home aww... soo sadd.... dey spent the whole afternoon wit me.... its time to for them to go home.. so give dem deir drawing as a momento hahas!! and i told dem one ghost stories... which is totally fake hahahs!! de !!! wardrobe at my house dey ichy hand wan keep open i told dem inside dere got ghost...! cannot open LOLS THEY TOTALLY BELIEVE ME HAHAS!!!!! i even told dem i will protect dem if it come to harm dem haahs!! which is totally nort true... feel lyk a hero to dem hahahs!!!!! :P

well bid dem goodbye... haha! maybe kind of miss their laughter and silly action hahas!!... after dat was back to square one focus on my poa.. hahas and and !!! that shirmin!! heehhes wanted to tell her dis good news... for me perhaps.... hahas!! waited for her awhile to online.. den lyk tired went to warcraft play awhile hahas!! actually purposely put the online away message see she got reply anort hahas!!!

omgosh!! skali other people reply lols =.= fainted hahahas nvm nvm at least i know she online already... and talk to her awhile!!! TELL HER ALL THIS LOLS!!!.... :) hahas!! well watever it is.. shes the first person i wan to share ani ting good but nort bad hahahahas okay!!!.... looking forwards to tomorrow studying trips.. with my brothers :)

nite nite nite nite nite!! readers!! AND LASTLY HAPPY BIRTHDAE TO SHIRMIN MOTHER!!!

11:09 PM

Friday, October 3, 2008

guess wheres this place... ??? :) its somewhere here... !! isnt it beautiful during de nite...

10:27 PM

alrite... wat should i sae todae... mmm..... went to school brought.. derh.... foood hahas.. quite heavy... and a little paisehx cos.. normally dis kind of thing i lazy bring duno why now soo good?? hahas... i guess after all its to celebrate pot luck? wit the malay?? hahas and its my first time eating wit them.. for lyk 3 years in a row.. hahas! okay anithin..

went school and suddenly saw most of them didnt bring which is quite dissapointing hahas.. but its alrite... saw teacher quickly follow him go classroom and put the food... LOLS!! now empty handed hehehehs :) happy happy hahas.. no need carry...

lesson per normal.. lols!! my chemistry mark i tot can get full mark hahas dissapointingly onli get 13.5/15 Hahas WRONG ONE QUESTION :( hahas its alrite... at least i learn from mistakes...
well lesson! was quite boring... can sleep but i choose nort to.. pe... de new vp didnt let us go pe haiz hahas.. wat a lame day...

recess went up straight... to mother tongue class... well feel a bit happy.. seeing how they enjoy the food... hahas!! okay okay.. credited to my grandmother for doing all this thanks uhh grandma ahas.....

poa wasnt realli good As the teacher ask us do on the same paper of trial balance which is ridiculous as de lack of spaces but i still did and messy haahs!! counted counted lyk keep get different answers LOLS!! finally after awhile balance up hahas :) good hor hor hor hahas.....

okay went home as usual ... at busstop saw hidhir and de rest of his 3.2 friends?? he ask me company him for prayer and i declined... as i told him.. i am nort yet up to it... i know this is lame excuses but i dun tink its the right time for me.. to pray.. in my... if u know hahas!! well took bus with him which is packed...!! but its alrite gotten used to it.. hahas

went home den was slacking behind tot my grandma cook already LOLS five oclock den done hahas CAN FAINTED WHILE WAITING!!.... didnt know what to do during those time watch the hulk lols quite nice :) hahas...

guess wat i finally noticed todae something different about my fish hahas!! it!! realli follow my instruction wen deres no food in its tank hahas!! good boi! or girl? LOLS usually when got food It ignore me!! hahahas Wth!! i wan tortured u for days hOHoHOhoho!!! hahas fake!! relax tomorrow i will buy it alrite :)

den den den suddenly as my house below is coffee shop hear some singing from ah pek below.. duno what song?? perhaps he want join getai singer or something practising at coffee shop... it gotten soo loud and a bit funni hahas...!

well heard lightning i guess its gonna rain.. or perhaps rain already hahas.. soon or later i going have my own rooms... i been thinking wat to design it.. i dun wan rely on people hahas!! i wan rely on myself to create the perfect room for me :) maybe nort to others hahas!! well lets see if i can do it alrite once i completed i will update the picture..

AND EXAM MONDAE HAHAS!! can die derh half of me already.... prepared de other half havent lols fainted.. hahas!! nvm ... as long as i nvr give up i guess i will make it somehow.. and ge tthe achievers tea hehehes!! cos cos cos cos i wan that asshole SHIRMIN!!! stand up clap for me hahahahs!!! :) she clapped aso must be the loudest if ralli happen can faint derh on dat dae... i hope it does ;)

NITE readers!!

10:06 PM

Thursday, October 2, 2008

because of u i believe in living again
because of you i nvr stop trying..
because of you i understand whats pain...
because of you my love nvr stop growing..
all because of u my life is worth living..

9:05 PM

HAhas... todae went school feel quite happy.. as my pocket wallet is full HAHAS :) yoyoyo!! and i beggining to realised... dat every hard journey in life will come to an end... somedays just believe it...

well class was as usual den during mother tongue teacher suggest we brought our food as gathering.. during... tomorrow recess heehs.. it gots me soo excited yoyoyo! hahas... as tis is the first time i eat with my malay friends i hope.. it will be a pleasant dae tomrorow :)

and guess wat i know my formal letter for malay hehes... i get 16/20 good good?? yay!! hahas... quite happy to see it... lols...

after dat recess hahas was the last to leave de class!! yahoo... DEN all of a sudden shirmin hahas!! she appeared.. lehx.. lols! i mean go down stair lerh.. hahas.. saw her give sweet to her friend.. so i ask for one too!! :) her sweet is lyk soo sweet hahas even tot its mint to me larh lols...
and i wonder why kaihui laughing or smiling?? lols she too happy is it?? hahas nvm back on de stories...

well.. recess was quite nice... but hahas.. i onli eat bread and i didnt know it will make me soo hungry as... finish fasting liao!! duno why i feel lyk keep eating and eating.. but i remind myself homecook is still de best hahas!! control ure pleasure so as nort to overspent lols...

okay lesson goes on and on until finish den!!.. went up to fourth floor to go see khaidir cos that dion wanted to drop subject for litreature and i tink i aso feel de same way hahas!! GUESS wat saw shirmin!! along de way wooo!! hahas....! soo nic3...

except that asshole duno how to keep himself quiet he tot i BLIND DERH!! need shout soo loud... Alrite!! hahas.. ahead of us is josephine and liping if i am nort wrong lols...!!

okay pass through dem.. straight to general office..!! hehes.. knock one time and khaidir appear woo!! my magic hand hahas...! lols suddenly shirmin come again lols!!.. with her two maids i tink as one carrying her bag...!! but she totally pull it off hahas!!...

quite happy larh see her soo many time as mostly i wouldnt even get a chance to see for once.. hahas!okay i said bye.. and try to be polite as ever onli to her hahahas!! de rest heckcare larh.. lols!!>... hahas khaidir was giving some advice to dion.. which seems a fact and truth.. it suddenly made me changed my mind and didnt want to drop my subject lols...

hahas!! lucky dat asshole do all the talking den get reprimand by khaidir hehes..!! den den den shrimin go down go up again.. dats when i strike a chance hahas!! to create jokes!!!! :) i wanted her to be happy lols...!!

after khaidir told me if i did well.. he will give me achievers tea... derh hahas!! i wan most improved student award hahas!! well i tink shirmin heard dat...!!.. haha... okay okay.. shes the first person in the school i wanted to Share this goods news if i ever get one!! hehes!!! as in this school shes de onli person i can tink of..... crap i know hahas watever.....!!

okay bid farewell to her.. and khaidir? went down and saw ms li and low.. ms low didnt believe us dat.. tomorrow dun have her lesson.. she even tot i am lying :( haiz watever it is.. tink lyk u wan ba hahas..

den went to lot one buy groceries LOLS FEEL lyk girl larh fainted.. i dun usually bought dis kind of thing.. hahas.. well.. its for tomorrow.. and i dun wan to use the stuff at my house instead come out wit my own money hehes.. too much money ba.. i rather spend it on something maybe meaningful :)

after dat went home hahas... well quite happy larh.. lols!! and i will try my best for this end of year hahas!! cos i wan shirmin!!! TO STAND UP AND CLAP FOR ME LOLS!!! :) aso aso aso de rest of the people mention... in my mind... !! hahas

nite ntie readers!! hahas..

7:11 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It is during your most troubled and saddest times in your life that you begin to see the real 'you' and discover the real person within you. That's when you begin to feel desperate, not knowing where to look for answers and whom to turn to. That's when you'll find God.

7:21 PM

mm... todae hari raya.. wooo! lols.. didnt go mosque todae :( feel quite bad... becoz of my laziness haizz.. well dats nort the real reason....

okay... woke up the latest... around 11 plus den got phonecalled... go aunty house lols as usual i am the last again -_- hahas!! well.. its lyk vip uhh :) hahahas at dere... omg fainted... eat a while den the ceremony of raya began hehes... ask for forgiveness all this... a little embarrassing but got used to it hahas!...

well after dat went home... and watch enchanted movie omg.. de song quite touching hhaas... and browsing on my ex-hongkah friend blog omg.. Come across a 5.2 eye care performance LOLS FAINTED.... tat was me!! inside performing with my other friend hahas!!! IT WAS HILARIOUS AND!!! i feel silly doing it!!! it was lyk 6 5 4 3 2 1 years ago HAHAS!!

but watching it sure does bring back alot of memories..... HAhas!!! which may be sad or happy... well de past sure is sweet but its time to move to the future ;)

play game whole dae... which can be quite boring and i didnt revise a single ting aisehx :( thats veri deppressing hahas..!! well todae hari raya.. didnt go out but my collection stil quite alot uhh hehehes... tot wanna go ntuc but grandma back out hahas.. okay so stay home.... and played huhuh!...

tomorrow school dun feel lyk going to tired perhaps.. hahas exam coming omg!!... the dictionary mother promised buy at december as i dun realli need to used now hahas :) okay anithing...

LASTLY todae tried to learn how to fried... least dat i know i am the clumsiest of all HAHAS!!... my grandma challenged me !! and quarrelled de whole way finally i gave up learning how to fried as DE!! OIL keep spilling on hand damn it!! dat is soo lame!!! Hahas!!

well goodbye readers and enjoy ure hari raya...!!!

6:45 PM

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