
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


April 2008
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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Monday, November 24, 2008

nice nice nice??~! the new lightning in my room COOL rite??

11:36 PM

alrite alrite!! its been long since i post HAHhas here i am again!!.. :)

okay how should i begin... hmm.. few daes ago i got this letter of edusave award HEHES!! woooo coool ryte?? Ahahahs but i am nort interested cos the money is being given to edusave nort me =.= hahahsa okay oaky move on...!

todae decided to go school buy books.. LOLS!!... okay get ready played dota while one plus wen out hahas..!! was lyk.. bored de whole time...!! okay first thing i must buy..! fish stuff.. but closed wen the bus drive past the shop =.= okay ... den waited for danial... at 307

lols didnt expect him to wear nice outfit feel quite awkward for me cos i was wearing LYK NO CLass HAHAHHAHAs =.= okay its school i going nort somewhere ! lols nvm nvm...
wow guess wat 307 GOT NEW TYPE OF BUS LOLS.....!! tat was the first thign i noticed hahahas... okay ...

hmm first thing arrived in school saw security guard ... danial was lyk? quarrelling with him? LOLS! =.= everytyme lyk that he told me... hahahas and i was quite surprised to see shirmin! and her friends lols.. its lyk been few months.. ! hahas okay okay.. forget sae hello aisehx!.... hahahas nvm went straight bookshop...

okay was talking crap dere.. hoping get discount from that BOOKSELLER?? LOLS soon got one auntie compliment me lehx HAHAHAHS!! :) i sae i lyk lousy! she sae no!! LOLS!!... HAHAHS!! thanks for the compliment!! ANd she TOT I AM A CHINESE LEHX... SHE sae i dun look lyk malay despite i talk to danial in malay...

hehehehehs!!! u know... i love to cooked up stories HAHHAHAS SO I PLAYED on with the stories i said i chinese!! wakakakakakas!!!! :) and she believed!!! and sae my chinese a bit SUCKED!! LOLS! =.=!!! nvm nvm.... ! hahahas okay okay was quite lyk.. happy la.. at least they quite friendly to me for notin?? i done hahas :)

okay lazy checked on book so went striaght out school.. danial cant stop with his coconut friend LOLS!!!

HAHAHAS SAW SHIRMIN opposite BUS LEHX.. i told danial lets go..! dere.. he need to smoke =.= of all times!!! ARGH!!! hahahahas nvm nvm.. skali opposite bus come.. we took it.. but they didnt =.= wat a lame thing to do HAHHAHS should just take taxi straight away home!! lols...

hahas nvm nvm.. doing silly thing wont kill me for just a day :) !! okay we stop near limbang cos i need buy fish stuff.. and.. cos de person supposed to board isnt there!! HAHHAs.. was lyk.. weird la... but funny...

keep joking on the way... bought a heater for my beloved fish.. and some foods.. guess wat i pampered it lyk my own.. brothers hahahas lame ... =.= !! okay oaky it got weird attitude la.. eat den throw wasted de food.. lyk CHOOSY MAYBE SAAME AS HIS OWNER WAKAKAKAS!! :) okay okay move on.. took taxi straight home ... played dota..! de whole day>!

room was near completion 60% of work done.. picture and some were hang next is to repaint the ceiling and contracter and bed everything will be done :) hahahahs.. i wanna take it slowly.. lols!! alrite alrite..!! this quite lame hahas...!!....

mmm.....! tats all for todae goodntie readers! Sweet dream!

11:11 PM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Title: The Quizzes

The person who tagged you is?


Your 5 impressions of him/her is?

-Funny , friendly , quite reliable , quite cute , lastly.. hot headed...

The most memorable thing he/she has done for you?

-Letting me off scot free after shooting bubble tea pearl at her teeth HAHAHAHAS! :)

The most memorable thing he/she has said to you?

-nort sure lei...

If he/she become your lover, you will?

-hmm... i dun tink the dae will ever happened... perhaps best friend :)

if he/she become your lover, the thing he/she has to improve on will be?

-Nothing no one is perfect....

If he/she becomes your enemy , you will?

-Hahas maybe hate her? well.. ignoring her would be the best....

There is no spoon question.

-Spoon?? fork??

What you want to tell him/her now is?

-Thanks.. for teaching me poa... even if a little....

Your overall impression of him/her is?

-She have the potential.. to be outstanding student one day thats what i believed ;)

How do you think people around you feel about you?

-hmm..... i geuss it doesnt matter wat they feel about me.... its how i feel about myself.... if i am
happy i will be no one can stop me... :)

The characteristics you love of yourself are?

-LAZY AND ImAgiNatIve hahahas.. :)

On the contrary, characteristics you hate yourself are?

-Maybe.. i alwaes lose in hope... , giving up halfway, tinking negative ahhas.... =.=

The most ideal person you want to be is?

- do good things and make history before i died ;)

For people that care and like you, say something to them.

- HAhas thanks you veri much... i appreciate it... :)

alrite i'm done with it.....!

8:30 PM

The great escape :)

1:09 AM

hahas okay... todae!! !!! soo boring hahahas...!! alrite how should i describe it.. nort relaly bored la.. but stayed at home for soo long... damn lazy to go out hahas.. omg my bone getting heavier and heavier!!! ARGH!!!...

well watch saw 4 Anione watch it before??? HAHAHAS MAN IT SOO SCARY LOLS!! blood dripping around nort scary la.. its lyk eek!! u know those feeling lyk.. hwo sae.. open the human bodied out all!! yucks..!! man.. the brutal murder.. realli lyk!! WORSE LA....! those blood man i am soo weak when saw blood hahahas!!! AIYO!! but... well.. the stories quite short... !! if long run i duno what will it be lyk haiz..!!

well the moral of the stories.. is a man would do anithin for a woman.. perhaps this husband gone to be a serial killer after the.. lost off his baby due to the robbery which causes her wife to.. suffer miscarriage..!! hahhas =.= to be specific....!! but overall the stories is full of mystery.. so readers OUT there!! wen free FEEL FREE TO WATCH IT!! :) u will know what i meant...

hahahas okay move on HAHAHAHS my uncle, aunty and grandma keep joking around!! =.= soo fukin funny.. he said wen i grow up i will put them in the home...!!! hahahahas olf folk HOME!!!!....!!! hahahahahs!!! i told dem... i would !!!! HAHAHHAAS FAKE! of course not..!! i will buy a bungalow with maids and nuse to serve them :) trust me if my dreams really come true hahahhas!!

alrite.. at night feel soo hungry even tot eeat already.. so ordered pizza !! WAKAKAS ncie ncie hehes...!! :) 19.90 DERH DAT ONE nort included gst anD DELIVERY HAIZ... overall is 25.60 =.= i need pay the extra haizz..!! $5.60 i tot no need come out ani money HAHAS! nvm arh..!!! well.. wats over is over i am full now hahas..

played dota with boiboi.. HAHAHAS we scold maphacker when we ourself maphacker funny larh!! LOLS>...... =.= this few daes duno why keep dota dota dota no other game is it!! hahas last two days heard RENEE name on the radio 98.7 fm about rihanna concert.. todae to confirm reallI SHE LOLS!! lame her!!! !!! HAHAHAS dats SOO COOL.... but she quitted halfway lols!!!...!! =.= well among us hong kah rian.. i know her blog have the most content about singers... hahas!!!... u may have the future to be a singer perhaps perhaps :) hahaas DOnt give up on dream asshole rmb dat.!

okay dreamers this is all for todae...!! night night night!! rmb todae moral stories... dream are real if u just believe in them... make a dream come to reality... thats how miracle... and believe play apart in it ;)

12:14 AM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

dont u find the pic stunning?

12:39 AM

Monday, November 10, 2008

alrite i am posting again :) hahahahas yesterdae slept at four am OMG damn late right HAHAHAS!! well.. i kept thinking skali can see shooting star and waited for that dreamy TO ONLINE!!! nvr online for sooo long already haizz.. !!! :( hahahas nvm nvm u better online soon uhh... hearing this !! reallY!!! ..

hahas okay todae woke up at 1 slept awhile den danial called =.= keep ask me dota guess wat he alwaes lag halfway and TODAE LEFT GAME>... i amm soo freaking dissapointed in him..!!! nvm nvm lucky i didnt sae anithing much todae.. hahahas!! okay lame....

well!!! after dat.. bryan told todae got wat MATHS HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT LOLSSS... tot doesnt wanna do it. but finally do it hahahahs!!! first question ask SHIRMIN!! guess wat ITS WRONG!!!! =.= thanks for the answer aniwae... hahahas!

okay so i ask josephine help me do second hahahahahas finally get one correct lols!! i dun wan get low mark in this test :( hahahas lucky got kahmun help!! yay thanks alot uhh kahmun!!!..... i got overall 95% HAHHAHAHAHAHAAHS power rite??? !! during holidae...! relali my brain cant work haizzzz..... felt lyk soo old and lazy!! Damn it.!!

alrite... play dota the whole day.. and watch tv hahahas!!... aisehx.... i got this feeling lyk missed mr khaidir soo much sial WAKKAKAKAKAKS!!! duno why!!! hahahahhas just missed him!... perhaps... cos ! he was the one who realli inspire.. me.. even wen he scolding me hahas.. i know its for my own goods.. dats y.. he left a big part of memory in sec 3..!! somemore he didnt attend the achievers tea :( i was hoping he would be there.. but its alrite.. !! maybe he is a busy man hahas..!! well.. mr khaidir ure the best.. teacher who makes me feel lyk improving and improving soo much nort onli in subject but also as a character well hope to see ya soon hahaas!! :)

yup yup my room nearly done tomorrow i will paint the window panes... hahahas!! wow cant wait for the light to arrive this wednesday !!! MY LIGHT HAHAHAS COOL U KNOW!!! dun jealous hor!! hahahas! i will show u the picture !! wen the whole room is done !! ... i guess holidae.... is time to spend more time with ure family and maybe a little revision?? hHAHAHs but lazy la... ! lols......

well..... i been tinking...! of wanting to watch stars in the middle of the night with friends! at real night hahahas okay i wait for danial probation to finish.. perhaps?? after dat we went out till late late late late late!!! just to watch shooting star!!! hahahahas! !

hahas put this aside alrite GOodnite readers!! :) byebye!!...

11:59 PM

Sunday, November 9, 2008

cool rite? :)

1:05 AM

Saturday, November 8, 2008

yooo!!... alrite todae post hahahaha finally i went out of my house hahahahhas!!!!! todae was the dae to buy light for my room hahahs i am gonna choose the best one ;) dats for sure hahahahas!!! ehh wait wait wait!!!

will talk about yesterdae theres one event hahahas AMIR my ex-schoolmate!!!!! .... hong kah primary hahahahahs inside the tv in a suria contest or something hahahahah!!! i was laughing my heart out when i see him!!!!! lyk.... HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAS!!!! LAME and FUNNIII>>>>. well glad u won something...

okay back to the stories.. first of all... went to my stepfather house to visit him... as he been discharged from hospital hahahahas soo happy to see hes fine.... den at there borrow one cd hahahahs its spiderwick LOLS... and we were discussing about light....!! and i told dem i gonna choose the best but simple..... hahahahas well.... it turn out quite well....

after dat went out took taxi to trade hub hahahas!! welll firstly.. my mother doesnt wanna go nova... as she tot the thing there uninteresting... and we went straight to light shop hahahas!! wow soo many nice one!! i mean veri NICE THE PRICE ASO DAMN NICE can make u faint how many day!!! haahahhahahhaas so i decided nort to buy there.... as most of the 100 and below is lousy type =.= hahahhahas!!

in the end we went to take a look at nova LOLS..... guess wat we even bought the light from there..!!!! ahhahahahhas mother next tyme choose ure word carefully LOLS!!.... WELL the light i bought is around 160 thats after discount the original price around $200 plus and i still ask that guy give me more discount HAHAHAS in the end he gave up and finally drop down to $140 LOLS good thanks alot hehehehs...!! i am a good bargainer!!! LOLS praise myself for nothing =.=

well the light for my room was UNIQUE AS theres blue for comfy and white for studying hahahahahas!!! coool right :) guess how much i need pay?? ONLI 60 DOLLAR LOLS!!! I SAVE money hahahahahhaas as my mother paid everything......!!!! and a little help from aunty hahahas!!! thanks alot uhh for helping paid the rest.... i treasured it alot...!!

mmm... dats one down... now its the glowing stars, bed, and a few more stuff and i am done!! with my new rooom!!! HAHAHs!!! mmmm...... welll been feeling quite happy lately..... hahas duno why.... and yesterdae play dota until late night!! again!! AND MR ZUR thansk FOR LYING SAYING U WILL BE BACK!!!!! wen u!!! straight OFFLine!!!!! didnt onlien again =.=

next went to imm.... and eat awhile den bought a paint den wen straight to taxi to go home.. hahahas feel lyk a boss keep taking taxi instead of bus :D

hahas....!! nvm well... tis few daes.... quite happy wit wats been happening ... i hope it will get better and better and better :) nite readers!!

9:59 PM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alrite how long have i nort been post hahahas 25 november one two three four five six.... seven eight nine tenth century lols!!!..... hahas wihtout further ado... i willl summarise the whole week .... okay oaky okay lets BEGIN!!

hmm... was painting my room for... four days.. without stopping hahas..!! it was damn tiring and soo hoot!!.... hahahas!!! without ani fan.. was quite frustrating.. tot wanna give up... but halfway.. i believe this is the room i am gonna live at soo i paint with my whole heart hahas..!!

well it turn to out to be quite nice!! hahas gratz to me lols!! okay okay lame =.= hahas...!! hmm didnt went out this few days.. even tot being bug by danial... keep pestering me to go out hahas... paisehx uhh... i been saving money for my new room$ cant waaste ani outside hahas.. and the weather a little ... warm.. need to rain everydae den quite nice feeling hahas..!!

mm... my fish recovery is quite fast... dats quite glad.. to see hahas :)

okay okay move on... the last part of the decoration is the stars.. wall decoration bed and some quotes hahahs after dat everything is done..!!!

been playing dota till late midnight couldnt get to sleep hahahas!! and and !! i was playing with mr zur on top of that!! hahahas... his skill was quite pro.. as he keep back me up whenever i am about to die =.= haahahhas!! well.. he told me nort to tell anione about playin with him.. omg.. i spilled out the bean!!! HAHAhs paisehx uhh....!

hmm.. i am quite amazed that mr obama... won the united states president election thats sooo COOL!.. i mean i heard from the way mr khaidir tok in his blog about him.. makes me seem to have confident in obama to be able to changed the world into a better place... maybe hahahas!!! well.. lets hope so alrite !

OMG!! i am sooo political!!! sdamn it...!! hahas!! watever... !!! mmm... my post seems soo uninteresting aisehx..!! havent been going out lately.. hahas!!.. well.. its alrite :) goodntie readers!! and i hope my stepfather will recovered fast !! even if i am not there to visit u i will make sure u pull through this together .!!! alrite :) cheer up hahas!

well night readers !!! enjoy the new SONG hahas :)

9:20 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies