
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Saturday, January 17, 2009

If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I'll bet they'd live a lot differently.

11:25 PM

alrite alrite ABOUT TODAE hehes.. how do i start.... woke up in the morning... and!... after bath went play computer... got a feeling todae will be my good dae... hahahas perhaps perhaps....

well afterward... got a call from bryan... saying wat tyme gonna visit aslam.. as i am the boss :) i decided what tyme to visit lolS!!... so we decide 2.30 and he pay the taxi For it HAhhas...!! good ryte free ride lols...

meanwhile... went to gombak to accompany my grandma to buy spec and repair her spec.. aww... fillial son i am just joking....... well... tok to the optician.. a while... ask him the best thing for my grandma.. spectacle... well.. he decide... to.. make it... lyk a sunglasses in the sunlight.. lols hahas.. cool ryte... but onli after 1 month... can collect it... LOLs special order for her ;)... hahas

continue continue bought fish food again.. this is lyk the tenth time keep buying AND ALL will be dead in 10 min!!! waste $$$ HAHAHs wat to do.. for my fav and onli fish.....!

well.. after dat... went home.. den... changed to weird clothes hahahahhas =.=... went out to lot one! meet bryan and danial... heard danial took alot time.. to changed as he style his hair dono took how long lols.... well... after dat they come.. and we went lot one bought a card and took a london taxi!! LOLS COOOL!!... hahahahhahahas!! huse paying !! the one in de middle!! lols...

reach dere saw our classmate..... sae hello and den went straight his ward.... omg.... at first i was lyk nervous.. but after awhile... i tink he look kinda better now.. perhaps.. hope he recover fast..!! :D hahahas and!! aslam mother though i am chinese !! LOLS hahahahahahahhahaahahahas kinda funni rite i do look lyk one perhaps :P

well didnt know our form teacher.. way more efficient den me he come earlier by yesterdae LOLS!!.... good ryte mr khaidir woo.. such a caring form teacher... thats why mr khaidir the best... even though he kinda fierce at times... and real sexy at times... hahahhahahhahahahahhaas!!

okay.. after that went macdonald didnt want to eat there so we decided on fate of the coin!! GUESS WAT I WIN I WIN HAHAHAHAHAHHAAS we went kopitiam as i bet tail they bet head hahahhahahhas frekaing lucky i guess??

LOLS I ORDER LYK>>> GLUTTON HAHAHAS BOUGHT ONE roast chicken noodle and.. a tissue prata... sound delicious ryte? hahahas.... and a drink must be special APPLE JUICE MY FAV lols!....

argh full full... went out..!.. and took 67 dne decided nort to go home first as.. my family wanted to eat.. at the chua chu kang park... my uncle treat good of him..!! took 307 with danial... around chua chu kang hahahahhahas!!... okay... eating part is per normal..! lols...

after the eat walk to lot one OMG>.... freaking alot stars!!! SOOO FREAKING NICE!!!..... i am a star freak hahahhahahaaas.... i just simply love them!!!!!!!! i can stare at real stars!!!! for hours... i believed.... they are freaking beautiful shining diamond in the skies...

okay okay move on Went lot one HAHAHAHS bought a pILLOW cost 69.90 WAH SHOCK UNTIL SIAO den OFFER until 29.90 HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAS lucky lucky my grandma treat me !! derh see she sooo GOOOD hahahhahahahhas thanks alot!! the material is fibre wat wat wat micro i tink kinda good.. anione out there should buy while stock last ;)

okay den took bus... went home.... and feel freaking tired... hahas well lastly glad shirmin! u are working hard for ure future...!! hahas dats kinda good to hear... well!!! WISH U RECOVER QUICKLY>.... and about the remedial!! HAHHAHAHAs hope to Work together!! to success!!! :) maybe in my dream lols......

10:13 PM

Friday, January 2, 2009


9:19 PM

HOho!!... its the first dae of school!! LOLS hahas okay... listen up folks heres my life stories..!!!

well woke up at 4 plus to get ready... its my second time sleeping alone in the room! kinda scary though.. as i lyk to imagine.. thing hahahahahs.. guess wat i went out of house at 6.50... LOls... hahas... okay todae is special as its first dae of school...! so... i took a taxi...! as danial and me planned...!!. hahas actaully is he.. lols.. went to his house and went straight to school!! i told him not to stop inside school as i scared people might think we are trying to show off? hahas..!!

okay lucky we stop outside school!... saw my fellow 2.3 friends... well.. said hi and went straight to classroom.. as usual..! hahhas.. this tyme went in from front door lols... kk de light seems to bright so i switch it off hahas =.= and the fan at maximum omg soo cooling shiok siol!!.. okay rested enough and went straight to parade square quite happy to meet alot of my friend which i havent been seeing for 2 months hahas :) ...

mmm... after dat went to classroom! and i sit in de most front row hahas... COS its COOLING and i hate hot places... where theres no fan lols !!.... WELL!!.. guess wat early in the morning mr khaidir hand out the class diary to me!! lols =.= i know this gonna happened.....

well i ask him why me? he said soon u will find out!... hahas well i already can read up his mind he wanted me to be chairperson for the second tyme.. lols!... but i turned his request down... hahas... my onli excuses... is i wanted to concentrate on my studies.. lols so mr khaidir finally give up hahas.!

well the real reason is.. i belittle myself.. thats all.. i dun tink i am up to task and everything.. perhaps i already know someone better would do it... well congratulation shunski.. for being the next one personally chosen by mr khaidir... hope u do ure job well prove.. me i am right..

after dat went to hall!! lols oh my gosh..! THE TURBINE HAHAHHAS!! freaking COOLINg!... LOLS!... i mean soo big!! gigantic lyk aeroplane the fan hahahas... i wonder if it was turned to maximum volume will the pupils be blwon away ?? hahahs.. guess gonna find out about this...

okay long winded speeches... hahas YAY meet shirmin finally at last.. outside de hall was gonna sae hi though but too crowded..!! lyk embarrassing to do this kind of thing lols... and i wonder why i didnt tok that much.. lyk i used to..! hahas perhaps.. all this is wat life in stored of me... hahas

hahas recess done saw her again outside our class..... didnt have the courage to go out... perhaps... its nort meant to be so be it :) next tyme next year perhaps next lyfe or perhaps.. nvr ever will....

lesson again.. about... well mr khaidir given us our personal vision... well hu ever wanted to know whats my vision is to be resilience even in the difficult part of my life...! in the past or now.. life is nvr easy.. but i simply made it through.. each dae by dae.... i am gonna keep continued on... as long as theres life in me.. and i believe god meant it in a goodway for wat been happening.. but i am glad.. life right now took a great turn and meaningful for me :) LOLS ps dono why soo emotional?? hahahhas crazy me...

okay done with dat... schools end everyone rush out gosh.. it was terrible to osee the number of people in the busstop SOO many hahahahas =.=... well... the first dae alwaes lyk this... after a long decided i danial and zhongyi... went to minimart to get ourself a drink and went to yew tee.. this is their idea..

my idea was to take 302 HahaHs!!... as i need to buy fish food lols .. dats why hahas.. my ! beloved members of the family is hungry for a dae lols .. i cnat let it starve but guess wat in the later part will tell hahas..

after dat buy bag..!! niKE wooo 49.90 after 10% discount 45.50 i tink lols... ! den went straight home.. feel lyk sleeping but i cant hahas.! need to sleep onli after 8.30 pm dats my scheduled.. hahas okay oaky... so went to play dota all this..!!

and finally here i am blogging! :) okay for hu ever wondering how does it look lyk.. after a renovation by boss irham!! i will update the pic... hahas!!

lastly hahas i am freaking excited tomorrow wil be de ceremony for.. edusave scholarship woo!! :) well!! nite readers!!! byebye... enjoy while u can nlevel!! wooo... i am going for it!....

8:36 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies