
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Monday, February 16, 2009

Night after night I hear myself say,
why can't this feeling just fade away,
theres no one like you,you speak to my heart,
its such a shame we're world apart

8:33 PM

hmm..!! alryte...! todae is the dae to post LOLS!!... =/=

well woke up as usual.. took mrt and saw the sun looking so orangish lyk a ball but one thing dats different the way it radiate the heat.... perhaps perhaps... thats the reason why.. i felt soo warm...! and sweaty but no sweat Come out LOLS LAME!!! =.= hahahas move on!!...

lesson was usual didnt really study poa as... i dont realli lyk the teacher teaching... was hoping mr neo would take back the lesson if possible... as most of the dae.. can nvr concentrate in the lesson..... so i am on my own..! woo speaking of lonely_dreamer = lonely LOLS!!! trying to be dramatic again aisehx..

lesson was booringish.... aisehx... alryte i wanna share.. about last week!!!.. social studies common test..!! chey this one must show off...!! well it happened this way.. halfway i forgotten the second factor... i was about to cheat to get good grades.. guess wat... i stopped myself from doing so.. NOBLE RYTe LOLS!!! =.= well i am glad i pull it through the test.. and told ms low the truth i am glad she didnt realli take it seriously LOLS!!... if nort my ss mark can sae byebye 0 HAHAHs!

todae test on poa WAS !! FULL OF SHIT!!..... i cant believe first tyme in my life teacher would lie to us FUCKER!! LA!!!!.... and i hate it when he started scolding... i feel lyk.. tearing the paper up and walk away from the classroom.. (chey wan step cool oni this guy) LOLS hahahhahahahhas!! really frustrated.... bank balance = bank overdraft why did he have to sae cash at bank!! LAME LA!!!!.... i am going to fail terribly in my poa... if i did i am GOing to hate HIM FOR SURE!!!! ( in the past.. i used to be soo.... attentive) i didnt know the reason why... i am falling backward.. haizz... the time limit aso SO LESS!!!... can anyone fucking do... trading profit and loss balance sheet capital expenditure & expense expenditure in less den 45 Minutes !! unless the person is a real genius every step she/he did nvr wrong den perhaps can! sooo fucking dissapointed with this kind of teacher....

hahahahas aisehx valentine dae just gone lyk that!! stupid LA I WANT GIVE SOMETHING TO SHIRMIN!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHS FAINTED........................................................ didnt know why got no courage its just a simple gift thats all stupid me!!!!!! =.= see i wasted this chance because of my..!!!!! proudness lols!!!.. was really..... LOL la... nvm nvm nvm forget about it if i cant even do this simple thing.. hahas all i can do is complain......

after dat went to lot one....! bryan lent money as i bankrupt repairing my com aisehx pathetic ryte? hahahas.. just kidding actually have money lazy to used lols!.. but i will repay him tomorrow hate owing other favours.. lol!! BOUGHT KFC LOLS COOL gettting to love the chicken HAHAHHAHAHAS keep buy 3 PIECES!!! nice ryte?? maybe maybe....

well i hope the rest of the dae will be smooth for me... :) tmr physic and chemistry common test i am going to buck up man!! since i promised ms li.. i will sure she will be present during the dae dat i achieved flying colours result!... hahas look lyk pride should be put aside!!!

lastly enjoy the song!!!!!! IF nice tell me DONT QUIET!! LOLS!!! bye readers goodnite!!!! ALL THE BEST

8:11 PM

Monday, February 2, 2009

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.

9:06 PM

okay been a while since i blogging hahahas!!.... todae GOT mood!!... :) okay lets hear my life story!!...

hahas woke up!!.... as usual...! well been observing the stars...!! and the moon.. perhaps ... its near to eclipse...! well.. the stars was as alwaes.. the shape of L or something hahas!!.. kk.. get changed... as usual... waited for them at chua chu kang..

guess wat they make us late again todae except the late is = no paper SLIP... hmm and i been wondering whats the reason we must run hahas! damn that teacher purposely want ruin my moods in the morning..!!

actually want to run away when he didnt noticed all of a sudden saw shirmin looking down at those... need run... HAhas my mind changed? instead of escaping.! i joined in those lame run!! HAHAS!!... okay the jogging.. was lyk.. omg!!! my shoelace keep come out.. which is irritating.. tot want jog style style to show off to her! lols!!! =.= hahahahas!!!... well!! hope u are Feeling alright!!!..!!!theres alwaes a reason for everything! !DUDe! living in bukit batok as bukit batokrian! life will be much more interesting and!! perhaps..!! way more peaceful!! MUSTED CHEER UP LA!!U are STRONG LYK A ROCK!!! small problem wont break u down!! LOLSS LARH!! this i can bet!! for real!.... LOls (act onli) RMb lyk a RoCk = STONE! HAHAHAHAHS!! and LASTLY ASSHole!! rmb we are from resillience nvr GIVE UP!!! no matter how tough or!! Painful lyfe can be!!... :)

okay dis is lame i am becoming more lyk a counseller (yea lyk real) after dat... went to parade square sweating nort really onli abit...
de weather nort rally tat warm..!! dats nice!! and i tink the school IS WRONG to have started the national anthem earlier den usual!!....... stupid warm up!! argh!! nvm nvm....

okay Move on!!>.. time for poa omg!! the test is todae HAHAHAS!! didnt realli revise at home cos was rushing on history..!! :) lols nvm nvm i am poa second best end of year nort for nothing hahahahahahhahahahs must be proud HOHoHU! just joking!!>...<>

but the TIMING WAS DAMN LESS 30 minutes to finish off trial balance trading account profit and loss and balance sheet look!! its four chapter he except us to finish in 30 minutes thats ridiculous wat makes it more ridiculous was i was rushing lyk maniac!! which meant!! MY HANDWRITING LOLS fainted.. =.- lyk UNTIDY HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAS!!!... who cares nvm!!! at least i did everything perfectly i mean perfectly= messy but correct answer LOLS!!... maybe maybe...

well last period was mr khaidir..! and he got pissed off by some of our classmate who packed the bag when he was teaching aisehx..!! its lyk wasted.... i meant even though the chapter getting to end.. the respect must be there for the teacher..!! haiz... i am a bit dissapointed... as!! my PHYSIC SUCKS...!! i need listen more lols!! dats the reason why.. i am alwaes left behind everytyme... after schools end which meant alwaes last!! =.= hahas pathethic right well..!! i didnt study at home dis is the onli thing i can do.. :)

well mr khaidir u can trust me as a student dat i will nvr disrespect or distrupt ure lesson... i wan to be the best of the best!! Student u have ever seen in ure life LOLS!!.. perhaps perhaps one dae HAHAs!!! :) i wont forget... the discipline u give as a person..for each single one of us.. which some nvr did notice.... well dont get angry animore alright... hope u are feelign better now takcare!!

okay after dat went outside school! GO LOT ONE LOLS~~ HAHAHAS its tyme to buy my FAV GAME nrot rally my fav as i lyk SHOOTING ZOMBIES HAHAHHAS noted (zombies) Guess wat i got the last dvd rom at the comic connection feeling the luckiest person in the world.. LOLS.. guess wat happened next dont celebrate too soon.. HAHAS!! the GAME WAS FREAKING LAG!!...... i got soo fed up hahahahhaas!! feeel lyk breaking the disc into pieces step on them HAHAHAHS!!. man evil ryte.. !! yea well get to play abit!! and i shoot this one zombie nvr stop as it keep lag frustrated............ =.= nvm nvm

well i guess have to used.. the 250 from edusave awards.. thingy haizz hahas hated this but.. i guess i want everything to be the best a little sacrifise.. wont hurt lols!!... okay lastly thanks to my!! grandma and grandpa from my new father family!! for the ang pao.... HAHAs $ 40 TOtal may not be alot..! but to me... it doesnt matter sincerity is the best HAHAs $_$ got money lols... i am finally loaded again..!

okay been writing so much.. my stories will get boring if i continued on..!! hahas.......! okay!! goodnite readers!~~! well..!! enjoy ure life lyk.. its gonna end tomorrow!! :) continue to read my life stories..! this episodes will nvr end just lyk a stars dat nvr fail to shine in the skies.......

8:29 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies