
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Friday, March 27, 2009

I'ts not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life ,it is how you handle what happens to you.

11:10 PM

Alright todae is the end of the five days of school HAhas!! firstly wanna wish

SHIRMIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) hope this year u will pass with flying colours !!! throughout anything u do!.

okay move on! well.... these past few days was.. kinda slacky hahahas!!!.. wasnt really paying attention in class... as i was missing my NEW COMP!!!!....

FINALLY THRUSDAY IT arrive hahahahhahahahs was freaking happy!!! feel over the mooon can faint!!!!! hahahahahahas!!!!! it feel SOO COOOL!!! well the com name is TRINITY isnt dat style :)

hahahahhahahas well its nort about the name the looks of the com!! totally out of the world with the blue led around it and the speed omg!! freaking love my mother for buying this hahahahs thanks ALOt!!!!!

well... finally todae somoene wake me up of my wishful dreams... perhaps what happening all along since the past is all true... i was waiting for the dae someone would slap me through word to see through me hahahahah... perhaps perhaps.. no one understand what i am saying ..!

mmm.. ! hahahahas been playing games!! omg sooo freaking impressed with the graphic!!! was so damn real!!! hahahahhahas ...! okay dont tok about this animore will get boring...

been planning to watch stars tomorrow hahahahhas!! or went out trip with family to science centre LOLS all is my idea!!! after all i am de boss :D hahahHAHHAHAS!

okay nothing much to sae just dat i will be having cat omg CANT wait!! this sundae hehehehes.... i am soo feeling happy and contented i hope it will last... !!! :)

alrite GOodbye dreamers!!!

9:49 PM

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

11:24 PM

hmm.... back.. from IT show LOLS!!!.. alryte here to update my blog as requested by gene!! LOLS!!!!! :)

alrite the start of the dae... here it begins.... hahahas... omg as usual i am alwaes earliest among the folks!... waited for them at the top of the mrt... guess wat!! its the third time in a row for this week... that we LATE OMG.... wat made de matter worse... is have to run 3 rounds around de FIELD!!!.. which is the part.. i am laziest most!!!... hahhaas@_@ i still did it aniwae.! as todae was the happiest dae!!..... becos... i am going to get a new com!!! COOOL RYTE

its also the worse dae!! as i couldnt eat!! nor drink sweet drink due to blood test omg!!!..... hahas.... great deal and yet great sacrifise lols!...

after dat saw shirmin omg!!1 the thing still bothering me!!!... about yeesterdae haizz..... couldnt realli face her as... my stupid friend ruin everything!!! omg!.... well watever.. dont wish to go on this part...!

waited for someone and in de end get chased after by the new dm duno who the heck is she...!
kept tell her wait wait wait i going off guess wat her answer wat nonsense about alien abduction lame ryte! wat makes the matter worst SHE FOLLOW ME ALL THE WAY TO MY CLASS! so dat i wont get a chance to escape haizzzz..!!.... lols

WAH!! tot wanted to skip class!! den GOT STUPID POA TEST AGAIn!!! omg......!!! keep test test test i am sooo fucking stressed!! feel lyk walking off the school and went home!!! =.= didnt know why so frustrated!! haiz its over!.. already which is lyk i am going to fail definitely......! DAMN!!....

alryte after that was recess didnt get to eat anithing as have to fast!!.... due to blood test thingy omg!! seeing others eat! make me felt hungry!! Hahahahhaas =.= move on!!

after dat chemistry when lesson over... offer mdm juliana! to carry her thing to 4.2!! LOLS!...! haiz the reason is simple! to see someone dere! Lols!... guess wat upon reaching i act my voice lyk fierce asking class stand !! LOLS... but none respond asshoLE!! LOLS!!! wat makes the matter worse didnt SAW SHIRMIN!!! oMG WASTED MY TRIP!!!!!!!... dere aisehx...!! hahahahas who cares... well quite angry with one of my ex-classmate dun wan to mention it wat a terrible dae.! lols..... :) forgive and forget!

hahas LASt lesson of the dae was !! social studies!!! ms LOW LOLS>>> shes totally dissapointed with me :( i was listening to mp3 the whole lesson!!... HAhahhahahas she even threatened not to speak good of me infront of shirmin aisehx.... :( saddening LOLS......... hahahhahahahahhahahhahas!!!!

finally made a deal with her its a secret!!!! ;-) well... lastly she told me my structured question answering i was better den shirmin and i should teach her... hahahahas! felt abit.. happy to hear that.. but to tell u the truth everything was luck!! all this while wen doing social studies i was never a tutor in the first place LOLS!... who cares...

after dat! finally.... time to go hall lols! guess wat my blood test 2.45 HAHAHAHAHS i give stupid reason to the general office!... sae wat my mother need meet fast... and de clerk was lyk... trying to make me stay in school =.=

hahahahhahahahhasa.. well after thaat got few people miss me LOLS!!!! :D keep sms where am i... HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHS guess wat i told danial de first one to ask... i got VIP Meeting action to him!! hahahahahhahahs perhaps he jealous now!...!

omg upon reaching haiz... went straight blood test.... i action strong hahahhahahhhaahs!!!! omg den guess wat i get tis teach me to learn how to be humble =.= the nurse poke on my right hand and e NEEDLE DIDNT SUCK ANI BLOOD OMG... the tyme she move it around soo fucking PAIN!!! she ask me.. whether i felt anithing i told her nope :) hahahhahahahas acct onli me fainted.... next!!! was left hand as my right hand didnt come out ani blood... HAHAHHAS!!

saddening!!! =.= quite pain omg...... because its second round haizz.... in the end both hand got bruises =.=!! HAHAHAHS! alryte after all done went straight IT SHOW..... as my mother promised..... due to my good result :) hahahahhahahhahas!

went with my stepfather tooo omg... finally one family went together! hhahahhahas!!... lame! well walk around de suntec city omg!!!..... was packed lyk sardines! wakakakakaks!!...
starting we walk around saw $1.99 mouse in the end see dun have hahaas LAME!

well wen my mother decided to buy the hp 1.299 i rejected as i want to choose this tyme round after all i am de boss :P

hahahhahahahs GUESS wat i choose EXPENSIVE COM LOLS AND DAMN COOOL LIGHTING OMG.... soo feaking happy... :D well was bargaining to get better free gift.. in the end they decided to give iron clothes thingy?? LOls lame!! =.= hahahahahas but i am happy with MY NEW COM!!! damn nice la... (not trying to show off) well will take some pic if have!....

haiz... after that.... went eat omg... the food fuckign spicy hate it man... i just dun lyk spicy thing.....!!! damn... hahahahas who cares o_O got new comp i will bear with all this hehehehes....

shirmin and mother birthdae coming ryte now my saving is $10 HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAS!! save more asshole!!! u are losing out stupid!! =.=
the dae coming!

tomorrow getting back our report... boook!!! hope to get a good rest before coming school!! goODNITE READERS!!.. to those who read my life stories thanks alot.... i appreciate it... listen to my unhappiness and happiness its the though of all dreamer! :)

9:39 PM

Monday, March 2, 2009

The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.

6:33 PM

hahas todae gonna post... cos something funni happened LOLs alryte! lets start... wen school as usual.... Hahas!! omg omg... not sure how to start...

gotten back my common test for maths omg!! terrible!! haiz i onli managed to scores 29/50 haiz..... felt soo dissapointed with myself.. could score higher blame myself for being forgetful during de exam LOLs!.. alryte wats over is over... i can alwaes try harder next tyme hahah!

okay after that went to skip class walk around de school as i alwaes felt bored during english lesson dono what the heck she taeching.... (hope mr khaidir nvr read dis if nort die lOLS)
hahahahas whenever saw teacher we hide lols.. omg feel lyk as if playing catching?? LOLs if get caught game over!!

aniwae this is wat happened that is soo freaking funni!! during after school LOLS!!! me danial bryan eugene gabriel..... hahahaahs went to take a bus.. the weather was freaking WARM... my stupid father duno how to make it cooler ARH LOls just kidding.... continued de stories...

bus arrived and bryan got this stupid idea of pangseh danial inside de bus LOLS!!! i anithing one hAHAHas since he going pay for the taxi fares and our lunch $20 good ryte HAHAHAHS.... this is the FUNNI part danial went up the bus and he didnt saw us guess how his reaction was lyk when he saw us outside HAHAHHAS!!!!!.....

after that took a taxi to tail their bus!!! omg his reaction was even funnier as if he was going to smash the bus door open knocking using his HEAD LOLS>>. if u were there to witness this confirm stomach cant stop laughin!!! =.=

Hahas!! then went lot one eat kfc WoooHooo!! shiok arh everytyme eat fast food.. LOLS!!!(crazy me)

alryte my com!!!!FUCKING SPOIL by my own stupidity no choice.... been stealing my brother... computer to used HAHH!!.... haiz... quite happy though at how supportive my family can be sometimes... my mother intend to buy new com OMG Freakign happy siol!!!.....and guess wat i gotta choose what type of com its GONNA BE WOO YEAHOO!!! all because of game my com spoil!! hHahA.... BEEN REPAIRING but it still show stupid result haizz hahas....

hmm...!! mother birthdae coming 22 march AND SHIRMIN birthdae 23rd march HAHHAHAHS!! omg......! $$$$ !.......must learn how to save up starting from now ;) hahas~~~~
aniwae listen to this song!! anione out there!!! if u are with me ...... the chorus omg!! nice!! la! hahaas!

bye dreamers! :)

5:35 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies