
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

~Dreams are like stars you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny~

7:52 PM

hmm okay..! lets see wat happened todae..! hahas oh my lets start with during school time... well lesson was okay... except during english i used to dislike mrs choo.. but people do changed hahas okay was quite attentive during her lesson except veri!.. talkative..
well maybe because that mingwei keep talk without stopping need entertain him LOLS!!! lame of me.. okay move on

last lesson of de dae oh my!! that ms low threaten me want to tell shirmin i am a robber HAHAHAHS!! i told her!! lOOK into my eyes!! I DUN GIVE A DAMN!! hahahahhahahas (actually the opposite action onli me)hahas well the misunderstood was finally resolved she apologised to me den perhaps me too!! hahas i felt bad being rude and unattentive during her class haizz wats happening to me! guess how much i get for social studies 9/35 pathetic right??guess i need work harder from now on!.. ever since the school open i kept telling myself to really focus but thing dont go my way hais hahas watever...

well.. after that went out with tianchun, danial, eugene, andy, and gabriel! went to accompany tian chun go his reporting and eat hahahas!! saw this smart person omg!! really look smart duhhx... hahas lame !!been practising on the straw making shapes ! :) but my skills as sucks as ever in origami hahas!! perhaps nort talented at all..!


then went to bid farewell to satan and go with frens to give some letters regarding amy liao their 4/5 maths teacher which they told me been treating dem badly haizz... sad for them! ms LO NORT INSIDE HAHAHAS!den their teacher tok to them i was idling away!!

all of a sudden in a gust of wind without rain shirmin appear with her fren all of a sudden (chey dramatic me)hahahahahas!!! well... u know when this happened.. i am a stone! i tot want stay inside the general office before they go! but in the end no choice! will be lyk idiot if stay! in dere for too long! without anithing to ask

went out and guess wat all the noise started to come!! hahas finally! i get to! group dem without moving and let those two infront walk first.. but i guess my fren lyk do stupid thing!!! hahas perhaps perhaps..!well traffic lgiht tot i could avoid dem by taking opposite bus! in the end they ask which bus come first take!... guess wat the opposite side come first! argh ahahs!

starting was realli feeling reluctant to take! but being forced to! actually kind of liked it too!!but i know its onli a feeling that may go anitime so why not i just make best used of it since its been around for quite a while... just feel lyk seeing her soo much! thats all!! even tot communicating is important but i guess this is wat people call admiration! perhaps perhaps perhaps..! okay dun wish to go on!...

than went lot one! hahas!stuck in the traffic light again well!.. time to bid farewell...! even tot i didnt sae it! i wish i could!! this is where funny part happened..!! was talking about past thingy!in macdonald when ANDY and EUGENE WAS laughing lyk mad!! andy was loudest to laugh until those from others side call him crazy! HAHAHHAHAS >

the detail! is to remain secret to protect the identitities! HAHAS act lyk CID!well i kind of lyk it when we all gathered together..... or maybe this is just the friends which i rely on most of the time.... perhaps perhaps....

hahas after that went home!! and guess wat MY HOUSE HERE WILL built a lift if 70% agreed OMG I AM SOO FREAKING HAPPY FINALLY An OLD MAN like me! Get a chance to take lift instead of keep WALK STAIRS WHICH IS FREAKING TIRING! CAN DIE HAHAHAHAHAS

hmm... been doing stupid thing lately..! well...HAHAS my MATHS TEST get 21/25 omg! OMG so frekaing happy..! well... dream dont alwaes wats u get in reality... alright dats all FOR TODAE STAY TUNED DREAMERS!!

7:40 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Love doesnt get closer by meeting but is sweetend by thought,i care for u in my own strong ways,u'll never know & perhaps i ll never show...

1:21 AM

hmm hahas... okay lets talk about todae....

woke up at 6.30 i know its early :) hahahahas and followed by my cat keep greeting me in the morning omg.. so freaking in love with it.. the way it show its love to the owner is.. damn sweet okay! lets move on...

get ready for school feel quite happy todae.. as the flag day hahahahahs!! helping the charity!! its a good deeds perhaps perhaps finally i get to do something good lols lame!.... went out house meeting my frens all in lot one mrt station hahas..!

okay everyone ready to go! gogogogo! reach yew tee saw shirmin! Lols shes with her frens! feel lyk coming up to her said hello maybe?? or asking is she feeling better todae? hahas lame i will nvr be able to do all this kind of thing as inside my mouth got gold too heavy! lols! .....

okay walk to school oh yea exercise wohoho... reach there edmund and his u know!... jokes? okay hahahhas.. followed by our class didnt know shirmin and her friends reach faster then us! maybe cos we are alwaes slows to begin with lyk to take our own sweet time when doing thing..! lols...

gotten the box i mean tin and stickers omg! its written HOPE HAHAHHAs my BLOG!!! DERH WALLPAPER POWEr rite :) hahahhahahas okay okay dont have to action... went out with tian chun and bryan and somemore friends.. on our way i keep memorising.. how to tok! how to greet omg..!

as this was my first time doing all this!! feel soo freaking nervous! actually.. i scared people dun want donate me onli maybe every single one of my schoolmate thinking of this.... hahas maybe maybe?? low self-esteem is alwaes there to bring us down...

okay enough of this well upon reaching woodlands... we break up with the others guys and went out way hahas..!! omg omg omg omg!! feel so nervous have to go toilet cool myself down lols!!... i can still joke around to make myself feel good...

okay gogogo! my first try! omg unsuccessful GUESS WAT LOLS THIS AHPEK i tried to ask him havent even a word come out his hand sign was lyk! the traffic police asking car to stop! lame !!! LOLS i feel lyk putting the stick on his hand! damn him!>..<

hahas move on to next customer omg this woman look gloomy i tot she wont give..! hahas !!! and guess wat i was wrong she did!! and i can still rmb! its $ 1 dollar omg! i feel proud.. my confidence level go up by 70% hahas.. den we all go to hdb slack awhile...!

we did something that we shouldnt lols!! lame lame lame lame hahahahhas.... nvm nvm!! move on!! well we met alot of interesting people... they onli give if we look pitiful if we looks lyk as if want kill someone they will try to avoid LOLS!!... hahahahahhahas

i tried one method look lyk as if i want cry!! omg omg omg!! this person give 1.50 SO MUCH HAHAHAS! power and other keep giving and giving!... omg omg omg until a moment of tyme i decided to stop! well tian chun was funny though at there didnt know he was this humorous..!
HE SAID do u want to donate for charity a cent will do LOLS!!!!! 1 cent??? HAHHAHAHAHAS if he asked me one cent i confirm PUT INSIDE HIS BOX WITHOUT THINKING TWICE LOLS>....

well we did other stupid thing too!!... hahahahas paste the sticker around to promote this campaign and even giving to small kids..!! den dere was once this small kid was staring at me smiling Hahahahahahas! omg his hair lyk lion Cute hahahahahas! well still small after all.. ! :) this brighten up my dae... we walk around and round.. finally decided to stop as we tink we did enough for todae..

hahs! i got the most energy among them todae lols :P duno why keep want to ask cos lyk habit liao! lols.. even if they dun give i dun feel lyk giving up resillience lame! :) well after that our friends from bukit batok come visit us! hahahas danial edmund gabriel andy weizheng ziyang minghong them hahahas! omg they travel so far just to see us lols!!

feel so honoured hahahas we went to eat at banquet OMG MY FAV FOOD PLACE HAHAHAS..! okay eat the honey chicken something something gravy LOLS OMG eat halfway full liao hahahahs..! den went to tok wtih vicky how much her collection.. well... didnt realli get good news but its better den nothing right?...

okay den we took bus to schoools omg traffic jammed and edmund keep TALK NONSENSE OMG!! hahahahhahas lame of him but nvm arh his joke sometimes funni hahas the whole trip was his nonsense! okay the weather aso freaking warm todae burning the whole ground!... omg omg inside the bus even with air con can feel de heat outside..!

went straight school... and gave the box tok with shirmin frens awhile tot she would be there! really wanted to share what happened all this...! well something funny maybe? or ask her hows her.. flagday experience or something aiya nvm nvm hahas...

well something bad happened danial wallet lost omg... feel sad for him we help search de whole school but couldnt find haizz.. sometimes.. thing doesnt go ure way.. maybe but it will get better along the time :)

okay sit inside the fnn room accompany mr zur awhile actually go there to get the fan ONLi lOLS!... hahahahahahas the looks of mr zur is lyk fierce maybe in his mind he might htink i want to steal those tin boxes LOLS LAME!.. hahahas move on..

den wen home after dat rest for awhile around 5 went out go play arcade hahahas overall its quite fun.. well didnt know dylan would be nice todae hahas.. he treat us play pool LOLS good him ryte hahas.. den went home.. here i am..! :) posting

hahas the stars todaes can see alot!! lols! power right? omg haizz... someting embarrassing and funni happened at the macdonald lols!! HAHHAHAS!! I CANT STOP LAUGHING WHEN THINKING OF IT!!... i spilled chilli on someone nort on purpose the woman hahah.. feel soo freaking tired nowadays

well i am proud of myself... for... doing good deeds hahahahhas!! LAME SELF-PRAISING!! i just wish thing could get better.. , okay shouldnt go on! wit my dramatic dream.. bye bye dreamers!! GOodnite sweetdream!

12:27 AM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

8:17 PM

okay been week since i ever posted.... alright! times to hear my life stories again.....

well this few weeks doesnt really goes well wit me i guess perhaps..... perhaps.. hahas turning bad slowly maybe..... but i wont get influence easily :) aniwae.... lets talk about wat happened....

last week quarrelled with my poa teachers hahas... perhaps perhaps... of some mistake.. lucky todae i finally get a chance to study back again lols... but been feeling lazy quite lately.... maybe too proud cos i was once the 2nd best ca1 aggregade this got up on my head WAKE UP IRHAM!!! hahas... this wont last..

aisehx... okay move on... todae done with the test omg... i cant raelli do it.. but hope to get good marks.. because i nvr fail but tell u the last week test LOLS 4 /30 can believe this?? HAHHAHAHS!!! omg omg omg.. lyk shit... this week hope can at least pass please..!! haizz.... i hope so..

todae skip mother tongue becoz of some reason..! hmm.. hahas lucky my name didnt being paged.... LOLS if nort my good reputation become bad loLS!!!... well.. sooner or later... i guess perhaps... slacking at some place... guess wat...

teacher didnt scold us at all.... just remind us if we didnt lyk her lesson can read books she bring to special room LOLS VIP?? hahas lame of me..! i know nvm...

mr khaidir aso scolds... perhaps i guess its wrong of me to do this... but seriously mother tongue nvr get ani interesting... !!! argh hahas!... who cares... mid year coming and i got this kind of attitude... aisehx.. !

well.. after dat... went to do the chemistry test.. and went straight down... going lot one with danial they all lols... eat?? been so long didnt eat fast food (CHEY lyk real onli me )

decided so long den went to eat kfc... coool?...

okay after that went home and as usual hog onto the computer screen !!! hahas and i am proud of my stepfather coool of him to bought me bedtime story twillight and jumper!! dvd LOLS!! but fake one !! nvm nvm hahas.... can watch can already..!

alright hopes i get better this week... and my attitude improve i really hope so :) bye dreamers!

7:26 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies