
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts express "that can make life a garden"

10:02 PM

hmm todae. didnt went to school as yesterdae was barbecuing well... wasnt really up to my expectation but its alright.. hahas cant forget the part where i throw a water bomb and hit andy right in his face hahahahahas! freaking lame and funni

well couldnt wake up to school as havin giddy due to yesterdae... around 12 woke up.. and guess wat my mother bought a kfc for breakfast omg! kind of her hahas but i know todae my doom dae :)

after tat dress up and went school! unexpectedly.. saw fadhil and his mom at the bus stop my mother told me is that ure friend? i told her yea.. and guess wats her reply.. oh my god.. have to walk fast hahas i guess u know what it meant..
well eventually we reach the class first..! the lecture was around!! 30 minutes of all things.. the onli one i remember was.. from mr khaidir: who kept you motivated? keep hold on tight to it... because u seem to have lost it..

for a while i been wondering who been motivating me all the while... went straight canteen saw shirmin.. hahas went straight up to her!.. and sit down talk for awhile dere i was wondering if shes the reason for my motivation... all along..

hmm.. well... half of de reason dat kept motivating me all this while was her.... shes the reason why i alway try my best every single time.... theres so much thing i wanted to talk about.. but i guess upon meeting everythin is forgotten..

okay MOve on!.. den went walk around de school... and slack..dere, i guess my attitude towards study towards friends everythin is changing... usually i would start up with the topic now is them..

i am soo freaking stress i just couldnt find out the reason why!!.. lets forget about this unhappiness..
hahas tomorrow is my father birthday! omg!! been thinking what to get him.. hes been so good to me hahas bought me a DAMN COOL SPEAKER and PC GAMES WHICH I BADLY WANTED OMG thanks alot hahahas!!!!

i guess some part in life we just have to face up to it even if its unpleasant :)

10:01 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I will keep a smile in my heart even when it hurts today

10:05 PM

well.. todae is the dae i guess i should posted as its my exam result were out.. haizz... lets talk about mondae

it was quite a dissapointment for me... i guess so i get low mark for physic.. which isnt up to my target...well hahas its alright.. felt quite sad though..

hmm its time for social studies the mark realli wasnt pleasing at all.. haizz... my ss teacher were sad for me for the first time i heard dat haizz.. am i such a letdown...................

its alright i guess.. after all in life.. i climb too high dat i fall to hard... i felt that i should take thing slowly.. from now onwards.. hahas lets forget this unhappiness well whats over is over...

okay this is about todae.. duhxx hahas.. oaky the result was alright failed english paper two by two mark lols... what a wasted..!

felt so tired and moodless de whole dae...! didnt know why... perhaps too much thing going on my mind.... hmmm....

hahas its mother tongue time omg! quite impressed with my mother tongue which nvr gotten high mark.. for compo but i did this time hahahas!!

guess wat 47/70 quite alright right? hahahhas!! well teacher said she can see me improving!! and told me the story quite interesting asking me whether its true or not hahas!! lame of course it isnt..!

just made it up but i told her its true!! LOls.. well she believed!it or nort is up to her!
okay let me share a part of my interesting composition! chey! (show off onli me)
the title was about my bestfriend whom i successfully changed his behaviour from a spendthrift person to non..!

well the story was lyk this danial my bestfriend used to spend alot of money on waste material... which meant spendthrift hahahahas! well i kept trying to change his attitude.. which alwaes turn out unsuccessful

until one a day..! i got an idea and decided to bring him to an orphanage home..... when we were there we were greeted by shirmin the ceo(chairmain of orphanage thingy) HAHahs i know its getting lame!..

well in the story i describe she as kind and pretty! hmm.. i guess to make it true she is!! okay watever lets go on..! in the stories shes friendly and brought us around! while telling us a story... about a boy who lost his parent when young...

the story was touching that.. it really made me felt lyk breaking down in tears.. hahas lame okay.. it made danial who is a spendthrift.. wake up.. looking at reality of him spending all his parent earning to waste materials.. which is nort needed....

he finally resolved and changed his way... (lyk real onli)

hahas well abit dramatic duhxx.. but if translate in malay i guess it shows more expression :) hahahas!!

okay lets nort go on!!..lastly wakakakas!! my grandma found my birthday money!! $150 lols!!wooHOoo! which i didnt spend as i forgotten..!!! for so long!! yay!! finally hav money to buy! Pc games hahas!! lols.. power.. perhaps.. this is the onli way i can release stress and depression :) GO mighty morphin go! hahahas LAMOS!!

goodnight dreamers! ;)

9:30 PM

Friday, May 8, 2009

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

10:02 PM

i guess its time for me to update hahas..! its been few daes since my last post..! alright here me out dreamers.!! hahas so hear it out! sorry it wasnt a happy story for this week hahas!

hmm.. four days of exam was really tough.... the amount of stress due really can kill a person...
lets talk about my first to my last paper for this week :)... mother tongue was quite easy.. but
can nvr underestimate it might be my worse nightmare hahas..

follow by english which is quite alright... well... its was wednesdae will give more details... in later part of the story.. poa wasnt really my best subject... i stumbled... during the exam.... aisehx :( felt really dissapointed with myself... i did my best wake up at night and yet studies... this four days have nvr really been my happy day...

yesterdae was quite alright though i got a good dreams.. feel lyk too tired to wake up after studying social studies... haizz but i am proud that the question did come out unlike poa... i kept telling shirmin nort to trust teacher and yet.. i did trust hasyim over and over again... and guess wat everytyme he fail my trust paper one doesnt come out cashbook or anithing on last year stuff but! all on this year which our class... didnt really understand his teaching...

was realli freaking upset.. maybe onli god knows how i felt... people think high of me in studies thats what i used to want to be... but when i got it i felt its a kind of pressured..! lyk the old saying the higher u climb the harder u fall... right now i am feeling the pain of the fall.. got nothing to blame except myself...

this few daes freaking stressed didnt know why..! just felt everything i do is wrong... even in reality i appear to be confident and cheerful... but deep down inside.. its just a way to nort show my worriedness hahas.. enough of dis dramatic..

well played with danial bryan and junhao... at tower... which is at sunshines...! maybe some know some donts.. hahas... well went into the drain hahas.. the water was abit dirty lols..Aand theres lots beehive omg! wrong step is speeling deathwish for us...! all hahas.. funni though i didnt feel scared at all..

hmm made a paperboat...! was quite fun though until i got the idea.. of writing our wish in it..! thats was how i got the idea and share with them.... well i just felt lyk this is the only way to release stress..! haha... was kinda cool though my boat sink but ireally put into heart what i really wished for...! thats quite a good thing i hope it worked out :)

haha i guess everyone do feel stress sometimes.. maybe.. due to some reasons... but lets us nort worry about this okay face the challenges ahead!! when theres a will theres a way! i believe in every problem!! in life theres alwaes a way out! ;) going out later to watch stars at night hope i could see shooting star!!!! :) good bye dreamer..!!

lastly enjoy this song footprint in the sand!!! have a nice night!

9:37 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies