
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The friend in my life I shall always cherish most are those i can trust and who helped to relieve the gloom of my darkest hours rather than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.

9:41 PM

okay lets talk about the experience of piong siyi celebration birthday ! chalet hahahas!!! :)

well.. this one dae was such a blast haahahas!!!... afternoon met danial than straight away.. our destination downtown east!!...!! we got lost on our way yesh!.. we alwaes do all the time everywhere! we go =.=

did soo much calling and to futile.. i was starting to get pissed off.. hahas! but its alright since its someone birthdae! must attend no matter wat! yeap.. of course.. in de end we arrive! hahas with resilience enough everyone would get through the hardship? chey am i getting dramatic here..

move on!.. upon arriving we were greeted by sleeping pig!!! OMG!!!!!!! hahah.... well watched tv! while waiting for them to get up!!.. whats shocking is theres a dog in the rooom!!! =.=! hahahas..

AROund 5

the secondary one came!! sooo much familiar faces... hahas! perhaps i nvr realli pay attention in school! to notice each one by one!!..... yeah!... are the stories getting boring here?? wish for interesting part?? lets move on!! SUCKA :)

okay here comes the interesting part..! we were trying to make the pit burn!! but to no avail!! hahahahas!! at there was joking soo much!!!... and danial was quite funni when he was fanning the fire instead of the fire lit its more of the smokes got surround everyone there! which is kind of a joke!..

guess wat i was doing there?? me i am their instructor hahahahas!!! of course TALk crap here..!!!.. after a while... theres a woman who came to help us follow by!! well u know i got bored of waiting.. so went off with the kids...!...

didnt know they have soo much stories to tell!! hahahas!! well.. they arent really a bad kids...! just that they are bound to do silly thing that make dem end up getting scold by teacher everydae!! cant remember their name though.. or is it i am just tooo lazy to ask?? well.. seeing them was lyk seeing my past life in 1.3 with ex-classmate!! our behaviour should be worse!! hahahahs!~~!

yeah... well known for being notorious class for TWO YEARS!!! hohoho..... den it was getting dark... we went back.. and the barbecue is ready..!! didnt get too eat much though!!!... hahas! was fun though helping them out...

well..! after that again we went out with the secondary one! yeap.. they bought a candle stick? or glow in the dark thingy? okay watever hahas!!....!! we were all.. walking around aimlessly.. until one of them decide to be a leader.. and bring us to the wrong side of the chalet =.= HAHAHAS JOke of de night!!... well mostly we were talking about school life!!...

den went back chalet and was talking to tian chun.. we were sharing about our problems.. well...!! it felt... we nvr kept ani secret between us... about such thing it might be true hahas.... sad and bad memories alwaes were said out.. but the good memories will alwaes be on the heart.! ;) yeap.. thats our motto..!

didnt know why when i tink again.. i could get close too him even though we quarrel during sec 3 we still treat each others better then most of our classmates.. does..!! well this might be a sign for me to trust and believe in someone again hahas!! yeap..!

okay enough of this dramatic! IRHAM U ASSHOLE TALK SOMETHING MORE INTERESTING LA>.. !!

okay now the ghostly part hahahahahhas!!!!! yip yip yip..!!! its starting soon but lets talk about what i eat first hAHAHAHHAHAS!!.... a few satay!..!.. and off to macdonald!! HAHAHs traet every single one of dem $ 1 dollar omg.. i am gonna go broke yeap!! saddening...

hahahhas but feelling contented wanna know why?? finally MY STOMACH FULL!!!... hahas... sky' gf was sick so she sleep... and there goes his! bf run off with us HAHAHAHAHHAHAS!!! ...
all plan went well..! we were off the the red house!!!...

and i have gain a gay partner along the trips!! didnt know his name!..!..! sure_die i tink.. was funni he would do anithing i ask most of de time.. HAHas!!!... okay here Me , sky , wei jie , sure_die walking forwards while the girls and slacker boys at the back.. until that ASSHOLE come out with the idea.. for the four of us for challenging who run to the traffic light last will be the first one to go in the! RED HOUSE!!>.. yeap.. of course..

as a man!! i would agreed!! to the challenge! HAHAHAS>.. GET READY one two three get set GO!!!... we off HAHAHAHHAAS man i sure regret!!! my leg was SOOO PAIN!!!!! wanna know why?? the skin tear off awww :( ... but glad i not last!! but my gay partner HAHAHAHAHS!!!.. i was luaghing soo painfully..!! until my stomach cramp..!! omg.. of all times!!..

upon arriving at red house.. if u guys didnt know it was around 2 or 3 so the moon were blocked by the dark night it was scary!! seriously..!! the view from outside give me the chills of nort wanting to went inside!!! =.= i breathe a huge relieve that i didnt Get last in the running contest HAAHHAAS!! was trying to scared my gay partner!! can see the terrified look in his face !!! HAHAHAHS!!!!......

to tell u the truth i was also veri scared!!..!! hahahahs! but u know i love to do stupid thing so.. its realli motivate me.. from being scared..!.. well! the first one to go in was sky follow by them and me!! hehes..!! when we were inside de gate.. there was this heavy aura.. which... kind of give u the chills to the bone of nort wanting to discover whats inside..!! but we are huge in numbers so.. it didnt realli matters.. !

sky took the lead because of his experience before follow by me den kevin... and the rest of the girls and boys!... but onli us three went in first..! guess wat i was soo terrified but yet i put on a brave front..! because!! human are more terryfying then ghost..! this is true! ;)..

soon we were join by our groups members! went to discover the lock behidn the red house it was broken soo we went in..!!! but none of us discover anithing.... so we went out... i was the last to went out it was scary..!! my mind was running of scary though of thinking later the ghost come out and pull me alone !!! HAHAHAHS =.= so do a quick jump...!!!

and i didnt know how i bleed... maybe becos of touching the barb wire accidentally?? =.= aisehx... man..! HAHAHHAHAHAHS nvm... den we all went back.. wash up my hand and got myself a drink..!! :)

next trip we went to is the long road in pasir ris park..!!! it was scary theres this road without lights we went in there... damn..!! hahahahas stop halfway as some of our group are nort around..!! went to chat with the sec 1.. theres this girl in white shirt?? woot woot.. she can really talk HAHAHAHAS!! listen to her stories.. make the night interesting.... kind of interesting though the sec 1 are more open den sec 4...

soon the others join and off we went..!! walk... my gay partner was the one leading as he didnt do so.. in the first place.. hahas was a lONG walk!!.. but kind of peacefull..!!! soon we stop by tampiness park if i am nort wrong.. from pasir ris to tampiness kind of long journey uhhx !! hahas..

okay after that we stop by and play with a frog..! well.. the sec 1 idea again.! hahahas actually was mine i ask dem go catch it!! HAHAHAHAS!!! if i ask my classmate they will find it lame!.. but this sec 1 whether boys or girls they find everything interestin ..

we talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk the whole night!!!... den went back to the chalet..!! was kind of a long walk!.. my leg was in pain!! because of the tear..! hahahas on the way back sky was reminding me of our school cheers..!! we were singing lyk nobody business?? ! hahahas was kind of lame though but funni..! ..

den we arrive and went sleep!! :) couldnt sleep though so was playing with my toes.. and its kind of funni though i could make a song out of it!! HAHAHAHAHAHS!!!! of course my gay partner could sleep while hearing my nonsense but weijie couldnt....!!

around 6.50 am.. we were awoken.. they are lyk chatting in a campfire which is = room with no light..!! HAHAS!..

i couldnt take it animore.. and just sleep..!.. on the cold flooor omg! hahas!!! the dog PEE!!!!! OMG... lucky not on my side =.=!! morning come fast i tink i didnt sleep well as the floor was hard!!!!! ARGH!!.. hahahas woke up wash my eyes.. and relax...! chat .. den get ready to go home!! give the present while shaking the birthdae girl hand! and bid farewell to tina chun.. and the rest of the sec 1!!!! ...

off the sec 4 to home!! hahas... we did enjoy ourself.. i guess.. :) at home my mother bought alot of food.. perhaps .. she miss me too much!! HAHAS !!! yeap yeap yeap..! which mother didnt love their own son/daughter. thats all for todae story telling dreamers..! i know most of the part..! was about chatting hahas!.. but if u know the topic and the excitement u will get it why i called dem interesting people! too bad for andy didnt come!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHS!!!


6:50 PM

Friday, July 10, 2009

7:38 PM

alright!.hahas todae is the time to updateee....! yeap..! it is..

hmm omg.. see my tagboard can rot to death!! HAHAHAS come on!!.. if u guys ever visit my blog dont forget to leave a tag!! aww..! it makes me felt sad hahahahs JUST kidding..

okay i stop this dramatic stuff!! lets summarise! this five days in school! well.. its been quite fantastic!! becos i have classmates that! love to jokes!! well some of them likely most of them la!..

lets mention the name! farah! butoh! yuinping! the fav quote of lame! edrian.. dion jack shunski! the shunbo! HAHAHHAHAHAS OKAY!!! lets nort! go on!...! and lastly huda who is my banker!
wakakkaas! yeap what more can i ask for?

well i have been keeping up with poa! up till the chapter partnership! which is a bit tricky but its alright i can make it hahas!...

MOve on!!..
lets us talk about todae!!! todae was kind of funni!!! though duno how to describe it in class!!! :) was super lame and hahahahas u know the rest..!

okay we are talking about if we ever joined this group of gang!.. it will be the joker gang!! HAHAHAHs! of course sky wasnt inside becos hes the least interested =.= HAHAHS when do lame stuff hes alwaes out! SPOILSPORT!.. argh..

well.. i told my groups elmi would be my left hand.. guess wat he rejected =.= .. okay who cares!! shariff was abit! off lame sometimes want sometimes dont want!!...

the best one was! ZAINUL WAKAKKAKAS!!!... guess wat i told him this (translation in english!) if u ever join my group i would make u my right hand! meant in a gang its someone important!..


Oh yea? i would rather be your right ball!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHS THIS ANSWER IF WAS IN MALAY!!! SUPER FUNNI!!!!!!! ! omg!!!! MY STOMACH WAS LYK!!! LAUGHING MADLY!!!!!!

he was seriously omg want to be my ball instead of my right hand!! HAHAHAHS !!!!!!
JOKE SIOL!!!..if u guys ever see the expression!! i GUESS u would understand! alright maybe some of u dun understand! .. onli my classmates do sorry about that!! hahahahas!!

well i rmb when i was in toilet with zhenyao!.. that sucker!! told me he wish to be in same class as me next year hahas!! guess wats the reason!.. cos have me more lively!!! =.= !! omg.. WELL.. yeap.. i guess i do love to jokes most of the time :)

hahahahahas and this is a shocking part listen!!! he said i am one of the best student!! which i did nort expect coming out from him.. i told him i wasnt one but he treat me as one of de best!.. well

my two horn come out ler HAHAHHAHAS!!! i told him i am the best of de best while showing those middle finger..! wondering hows his reaction was lyk?? well.. ask him personally...

HAHas alright tomorrow tianchun gf(piong si yi) birthdae COOL!!!... hahahahhahas todae been helping him search for the right present!! it was super long but its worth it! welll.. i hope she lyks it..!! hahahahhas.....

hmm..! after that went eat with andy! it was kind of funni though! everydae.. went out eat with him most of de day... becos i have to! due to some circumstances.....

well for the ending of this i LOVE MY CAT HAHAHAHAHS!! hes been the one who would make silly thing just to see me Happy! i am soo proud of him!!! seriously.. his attitude is almost lyk me hahahas of course the owner!!!

hahahahas did i write tooo much?! alright i will end it soon!! just hope it will be a fantastic day during the CHALET!!! and enjoy!! THE BLOG SONG GOODBYE ;)

7:34 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies