
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The rain may be falling hard outside,
But your smile makes it all alright.
I'm so glad that you're my friend.
I know our friendship will never end

11:50 PM

I AM SOO HAPPY TODAE!! HEE!!!!........ yesterdae too!!!!!! hahahahhas my family celebrates with me!! thanks for every everything!! :)..

well todae is my special days here! is for all of u readers out there to read!!i wont alwaes update unless... i am super happy!!

lets talk about todae my real birthdae!!! hahahahahhas it was soooo funn!!! :D
how can i describe celebrating with people who are there for me when i am down and peaceful to be around with, i am sooo!!!..... happy..!!!!

well.. went out around 2 oclock i am late gosh.. my watch my wallet everything missing!! and my cute cat disturb me from going out arhh!! HAHHAHAHS..... funni of him...

den well go buy water cos its such a warm day!! hahaha sit down.. while waiting for them!!... well wat surprised me was they were carrying a huge box HAHAHS!! was that for me :P (what am i talking of course) :P hahahahhahahahahahhas everyone said happy birthdae.. to me soo happy.. handed me a big box..!! hahahahas

wahhh.. its huge but i love it!! guess why?? becos they are from my cute little ginas!! HAHAHAs... of course which laoda wont be happy about... well.. waiting for sky and his gf to arrive... they did buy for me gifts tooo..!!! hahahahs i am soo happy...

waited for 173.. to go jurong point !!!! in bus chatting with niknoi and everyone!!! hahahahahahas... was kinda cooooll!!!.. chatted along the bus.. talk craps almost all the way !! told dem my father stay at one block didnt know niknoi used to stay there ?? lols.....

hahahahahs!! upon arrival.. sky and his gf(piong siyi) when somewhere.. den.. we head to movie!! seeing alot of people queuing up!! hahahas forget it!! lets go.. banquet!! omg!!! my favourite foods is there!!! :D hahhahahahahahahhahas.. brought them in.. at the start.. hahahahahhahahahs heard alot of... noises...!!! but at the end.. they are sitted nicely!! hahahas....

yeah go find sky and his gf(piong siyi) den went back to banquet... its time to order hahahahhahas!!! well... the couples.. when to buy drinks... and debbie,niknoi,jasper and me went off to buy the food...!! well its my treat for todae!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHS didnt know why.. feel happy to treat them :)

hahahahahhahahahahhahahs order 12 dishes of hotplate!!!!..... soooo cooool!!!!!! hahahahahas the table was super full with hotplates!!... guess why? cos i love them :P hahahahahhahahahas!! soo my friends must tooo!!!...... seeing them eat... give me the feeling! duno why? enjoy it...!! almost forget theres a girl who didnt talk much.. must eat more! dont be shy.. see my ginas.. and brother and sister are enjoying :)

hahahahahahahh den dey start their tricks... put vegetables and alot of chicken and beef omg =.= feel lyk vommitting but cant let them down since this is my birthdae and hahahahas!!! ate the chicken and beef but the vege throw aside hahahahhas.....

well.. i heard sirui sae wanted pizza... and she tot i was kidding.... =.= could buy them another set of large pizzas if wanted hahahahahhahas but all of dem seems sooo full!! and i am happy to see it... hahahahahhas my present tooo!!!!! i happy too see guess why?? COS THEY WRITE THEY LOVE ME :P HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy to be their laoda!! den we went to sent debbie to take taxi haiss! sad to see her leave...

den we all walk walk around in juroong point i.. walk with sky and jasper.. de rests of the girls went shopping!.... hahahahahas... was walking in! one shop.. tot wanted find a toy i liked hahahahhahahas!!! need spend de money on the thing i love mahx hahahahhahahas ;)

well... sky.. went to choose chocolates... hahahahahhas he told me he wanted to try those have alcohol... kinda interesting chocolates have alcohol in it?? first time i heard this.. well he went off to buy it!!! while me and jasper looking at toys!! hahahahhas simply in love with the models... of gundams and masked rider hahahas!!

after that we went out meet the girls!!... well decided to watch the movie.. where got ghosts?? but the tickets was all...!!! booked lerhx hahahahhahahahas!! didnt have ani choices... we went to arcade!!!!!.... and play a few games.. the basketball was fun!!.. the cars haiss terrible dont wish to mention it!! I GET LAST HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAS!!!.... THOSE TWO SKY AND JASPER IDIOT!!! BANG ME AT THE LAST MINUTE AWW :( sad for me but funni!!...

the basketball was super shiok!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHS EXERCISING... and i did stupid thing for my cute little ginas!! help them take the ball !!! THEN THROW =.= hahahahahha stupid though but kinda silly!!
hahahahahhahahaas and they went to play....! the catch the soft toys!!...

hahahahas i guess they lost alot of $$ in it.. why nort kup all buy one big one isnt that better :P HAhahahahhas this arcade person sure know how to... trick others! hahahahahhahahas one!! funni thing sirui tell me todae...

was super silly and!!! HAHAHHAHAS... push push!.. and the soft toy was about to drop..!! suddenly a man standing beside her !! WAKAKKAKAKAKAKKAS!!!!!!......... since we didnt get to watch a movie where got ghost.. real life ghost wearing blue shirt standing beside her looking at what she did!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHS SUPER FUNNI!!!...

well after that went to 237... !!!.... nort sure why.. went meet wei jie.. and they wish me happy birthdae.. kinda okay to hear.. den went to 205... AWW i check the presents HAHAHHAHAS am really touched i tell u!!!!!! sec 1 spend sooo much money on those things!!!! hahahahahahahhahahas... wanna know what is it?? thats for you to find out and for me to know ;) sky and his gf present was nice too!! both are cds!! HAHAHAS cool i love dem...

hmm THEY BOUGHT ME A CAKE AND WISH ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY PLUS SING FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AMM SUPER TOUCH FEEL LYK CRYING.... but boys nvr cry dont they hahahahahhas!!!! aww... i am soo touched... dat i kena birthday cake smashed!! BY EVERYOONE OF DEM DE WHOLE CAKE ON MY FACE I TOT FOR EATING AWWW!!!!!!!! LOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAINTED......!!! was super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHOCOLATE LA>.. :) hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahs omg omg omg... den took taxi went home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHahahahs i will end it here...!!

THANKs for the birthday celebration!family members: my mother ,my stepfather my aunt my grandma my aunty and my cousin!!! thanks


Thanks to my brother (sky) and sister (piongsiyi) for taking ure time with me!!

to the rest who wishes me!!!! i AM happy u still rmb!!!!

farah,bryan,mingwei,jasper,andy,danial,weiloon,dylan,vicky,eddy,kahmun,shirmin,mingwei,shunski,junli,alhaq and yuinping!

THANKS YOU FOR THE 18th! birthday. goodnite!!

10:22 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies