
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Friday, October 16, 2009

As I looked back on my past, I remember the jokes i laughed at ,the things i missed and lost, but there's one thing i'll never regret, it's the day you become my friend. :)

10:41 PM

Hahaahhahas alright todae was our graduation night!!! :)

lets start by yesterdae.... i was out all night!!! .. to play games at lan shops with my brothers and friends... we stayed up whole night.... walking around from ten miles junction straight to... teck whye....

it was kinda lonely and windy at night... cooling :) i liked it.. the sound of peacefulness..hahahhas
this blog gonna be abit boring!!! !!! well hhahahahs listen up readers...!!!! bear with me...

after that we went to eat breakfast... and i took a cab back home... well... bath and sleep LYK A PIG till 2 pm....

my grandma wake me up by the smell of currypuff she cook omg,.... tempting and delicious to eat HAHAHHAHAS yeap of course i bath already can eat no need brush teeth animore :P

hahahahas!!! alright!! as i ate my mum come home to wait for the computer repairman... to comp... hahahahhaas well he came.. and told us about the problem of our comps and my mum couldnt take it and sae out what she think of the service it was veri terrible and bad...

the helpline was veri useless too.... felt kind of dissapointed... the repairman turn out to be one of the holder of the company helping out delivering stuff.... was kind of shock.. he took our comment positively and.. reported back to his hq.... HAHAHHAHAs kind of lyk serious right..

move on!! this is soo boring BOO...\

after that get ready to go to graduation night which is at school hall!! clap clap clap!.....

took 188 met edmund danial gabriel andy and tian chun at the 307 bus stop... well we joke around and.. got up the we are too regent secondary....

at there we hang out at 4.5 classroom.... den go canteen hang out the procedure.. can be quite boring hahahhaahahahs!!...... come on irham! u can tell muc more interesting stories den dis..!!! :P

well lets talk about what happened in the hall... it was the graduation speech a BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR SHIPMINT! FOR doing a good job with a memorable speech and leading us with the pledge!! ;) Clap"' Clap"'!!

haahaha next was the normal programme dancing and everything.. everyone was laughing at the girl.. whose fan fall offs.. while doing the... movement... was kinda bad but its alright a good effort from them hahahas!!!!!...

next was the mr.regent ms.regent. hahahahahhas wasnt expecting other guy to be the mr.regent..!!! hahahahahahhahas sad for him... not to get first..! hahahahhaha zhenyao maybe dissapointed... but its okay second is still great ;) i voted for them!!! and congratulation to yvonne. for the title..!! ms.regent...

next was the dance of the teacher using mascot that was kind of.... weird hahahas but funni!! hahahhahhaahahahahas lyk as if we were primary school kids back then!! ...!! :)

nxt next was!!! our class graduation photo omg..!! mr khaidir wearing the civil defence uniform kinda look macho and coool!! hahahhas he alwaes does.... ;) proud to have such a teacher! hahahhaahhas....

thats the end of the performance!! :) and went walk around schools!!! hahahahas suddenly saw shirmin!!! :) we took a picture!! correction!! two hahahahahhahahahahahas/..... kinda look weird in it but its okay la...!!! it turn out quite nice ;)

after that bid her goodbye!! and take care!!! hope u get well sooon!! eat ure medicine! ;)

walk down the stairs and took a few more picture with my groups of friends.!!! hahahahahhahas was funni we are pushing minghong around lyk a doll...!! hahahahhahas!!! right now edmund was... hurryig me for the picture :P i purposely delay to blog for u guys!!! arent i good to u guys!! :)

hahaha den walk out of the schools... and everyone went their seperate ways!! well i waited for shunski and dion at the busstop.. in the end turn up to be farah ,supei ,huda and suling turn up so.. walk with them while waiting for shunski.. den we went walk to THE CHUA CHU KANG PARK restaurant which MR KHAIDIR WAS GIVING A TREAT AS PROMISED WEE :D

hahahahhahahahahas!! he was soo gooood todae!! does he get bonus or wat!!... reach there he event said can order anithig we want!!! arent that sooo goood.... tooo bad sky couldnt join as he have probation sad for him.... but its okay did hang out with him alot this few days !

well we eat alot at there..!! until sooo fulll the water i ordered is APPLE JUICE HAHAHAHAHS expensive drink hor hor hor!!!! guess wat after that mr.khaidir drive me home!!! arent that a good thing and soo relieving after sooo full!!Thanks Alot mr khaidir.. for everything!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAS :)

now i am home blogging!!!
thats all for todae folks turn up next week..!!
goodnights!!! :)

9:57 PM

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kindness in words creates confidence.Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.

1:18 PM

Hahas okay as someone have said my blog been rotting in action whic is kinda true..! heres an update of wats happening on those weeks..!!! gonna be quite long!! :)

hahahahahaas!!!!!!!!!!! first of all!! EXAM IS OVER WEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................ HAHAHAS the stress have finally been released..... hahahahahs... wah seriously... during exam really can make someone thinking go haywire... well its over.. and i believed i did my best.. :) so does everyone...

hmm... this two days been playing sports hahahas!! wow... is that a surprise thing to hear.. becos rarely i hate being under the sun or.. playing balls game!! becos i am sooo lazy.. that i cant even .. wake up on time!!!...

lets talk about monday alright!!!

exam overs..

at 7.45 pm at night i met andy below my block before meeting yvonne, mellisa and noel. at marsilling mrt station.. but!!!

we are kinda late due to bus jammed... which is an excuse hahahas!! SO i decided we took a taxi!! dere.. hahahahahhahas wow!!! how spendthrift or willing i can let go of my money for volleyballs :P hahahahahas well.. it was my first time after all.. playing with the nets after soo long...

!! reach there and the price of the taxi was 10.90 there goes my 1/5 of my money inside wallet.. byebye! Hahahahahas met them..

as usual those kind of greeting.. ! hahahahas.. den we went inside mrt.. talk talk talk CRAPPING All the way!!! hahahahas... and i didnt know theres a circle LINE ON !! BISHAN OMG!! how COUNTRY BUMPKIN I CAN BE HAHAHAAS>....! maybe its true i am laoren (old person) hahahahahahahhas !!

took circle line to sengkang!! met up with suling and bernice... at the courts...
kinda nervous seeing those adults playing.... was lyk sooo goood better than i expected :X

hahahhahahas my first match was terrible i couldnt even coordinate properly with teammates WELL becos of my first time hahahhahas!!!! and my nervousness!!! :) (excuses) hahahahahahhahahas!!! hmm its kinda veri fun! can get motivating at the same times.....

volleyball is all about teamwork i used to think there will alwaes be one person for the spiking position but i am wrong.. its a turn of a circle which is clockwise dont understand right hahahahahaahhas its okay!!!! somthing lyk formation!! :)

den the next match HAHAHAHS MY TEAM WON YAY!!! :) first win of the night bu tthe rest all lose hahahahhas!!!!!! but its okay..!! its just a game!! win or lose doesnt matter!! as long as i have fun hahahahas!!!

than we all decide to play.. at the opposite basketball courts becos.. due to the closure of the light at 10 pm...!! hahahas but weird right the basketball courts didnt close light.. :) hahahhas kinda lucky.. bid farewell to mr low and his wife... well was joking around wanted to block the road so that mr low car couldnt pass through! Yeevon tot its true that i really wanna do it hahahahs :P funni funni...

if its true i would get run over and be roti prata for the next morning LER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAS!!!!!! WELL AT THE BASKETBALL COURT WE PLAY SOCCER!!! WEE... our keeper BERNICE neo boonsiew hahahahahhahahahas! funni she couldnt kick but its okay..! all the girls couldnt hahahahahahhas....

we formed of two teams.. first team andy,irham,bernice second team, yvonne mellissa, suling ,noel hahahahahahhas just an info for u guys ;)

and of course the first team win! got the star player :P inside the name start from I _ _ _ _ ! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! action already me lame lame hahahhaas!!!

move on than we play basketball! and so on! SOO SHIOK la.. i love sports alot!! HAhahhaas.....
than we headed to macdonald to changed out of our attire and get ourselves a drink!...!

than we took mrt!! those 4.2 sure got alot of stories inside their class MOSTLY GOSSIPS! HAHAHAHS KINDA FUNNI TO hear.. all kind of..! gossips.. but.. the most irritating one is the friend i know for 4 years and he give such an attitude kinda dissapointed in him though..

hahahahahahahahahahahaahs who cares.. at the end of the day everyone choose the way they wanted to live..!!! when reach home i bath and play dota with zhenyao.. after that he went to sleep and my grandma was asleep so this is my chance to use the kitchen! HAHAHHAAS...

cook myself a maggie mee!! WEE... :) my second try was a success hahahahahhahas!!! soo happy of it!!!...... well my grandma wouldnt be happy about it the kitchen was messy the next day! hahahahas....


HAHAHAHAHHAHAS!!! i was expecting a scolding but she just kept quiet i ask her why.. she didnt said anithing maybe.. i clean it with my most skillful way spick and span :P thats why she couldnt notice i been using the kitchen hahahahhaas!!

well i was really tempting on how to cook food myself!! seriously.. hahahas didnt know why..! i just felt if i am hungry can take frozen dish from the refrigerator and head to the kitchen! :)

hahahahahhas..... well.. after that went out with my mother to see my personal.. member (privacy) hahahahahhahaahahahhahahahahhahahahas

the trip was lyk one hours plus and the waiting was 30 minuets.. =.=! hhahhahahas! whatever... well was kinda happy when the report got out i needed 3 more months to go before everything is over !! YAY THATS Seriously a good news!! i am sooo...! happy :) hahahahahas de person aso praise me! for doing a good job.. of taking care of myself :) hahahahahhas!! tyty!!

well this is what i have been wanting all along....

okay. move on than headed to newcourts meet my brother ( sky) hahahas saw minghong , dylan eddy and junhao and the rest which i doesnt realli know oh yeah.. wei jie and adeline was present too..

practise basketball!! hahahahas..hahahahahs! kinda fun!!!.. i learn alot... from it.. either shooting or coordinate with friends... first game!! WE won :) second lose third lose fourth win.. and so on losing win twice for the days! was enough! kind of improving becos i was a noob at basketball hahahahhas!!!!

den went to buy water.. at seven eleven adelin and weijie kinda talk talk talk talk talk talk hahahahas.. interesting to hear..! :) i was kinda bored walking mahx.. but the wind is soo cooling i just love it! HAHAHAS...

we walk to yewtee.. before taking 307!! :)

hahahahahahahahahahhahas!!! than i ask that weijie company me go pasar malam.. kinda surprise he wanted to follow which he usually didnt does he realli change =.= hahahahahas!!! well will find out if its for permanent or nort !!

hahahas went home and my comp! GIVE ME PROBLEMS WHICH I REALLI HATE!!.. kept off by its own.. or couldnt start haiss..! :(

but good news i can use msn hahahahahhahhas!! YAY!!!! :)

well my cat was sooo!! CUTE TO TELL U ALL HAHAHAHS!! :P he slept with me company me everysingle day at home! sit beside me or on top of me !! HAHAHAHAHHAHAS!!!!!!!!!! just loved it alot...! :)

thats all for today! be ready for next tyme!!!! tune in to channel for more info!! :) byebye guys! have a nice day!

12:16 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies