
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Friday, December 25, 2009

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh , but i never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry , i guess i am just missing the old times...

3:33 AM

hmm well since i couldn't sleep!! hahahhas.. why nort i write something on my blog :) hahahhahas

okay okay lets begin todae is christmas eve!!!...!!! hahahahahahahahas well on the afternoon part stayed at home.... to planned with classmate over the bbq stuff... well i am in charge in inviting those i know in my batch!! yesh..

yeah do as told and heard the pit cost around $20 dollar but the food is wat worrysome... well after along discussion put it at 7 dollar per person i will be contacting u guys..! :) for those who coming hahahhahas!!

move on later on was watching movie!! yeah all the dvd borrowed from my stepfather hahahhas...! kinda fun alot of show to watch.. and my aunty and cousin ask me go jog!! hahahahahahas...

kinda lazy though :X well.. i did agreed to since i got nothing to lose hahahhaas..!!! we went to bukit gombak stadium and yeah! i am proudly to sae i jog three round without stopping :P HAHAHAHHAHS yeah hahahahahas.. kinda lousy though!!

was trying to build my stamina!! okay okay move on (boring) hahahahs...

bought foods (yeah simply love foods) walk home and pass by this cat which are pregnant aww.... my aunt and cousin stop by to give food yeah i took the initiative to buy a proper canned food for it :) hahahas kind right :P !

perhaps it was the cat lucky christmas eve day to met me HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHS!!!!!!!!! =.=!!!

back home and i was tired lyk nobody business!!! and my comp :( i left it on cos it been giving me problems even though having it fixed nort weeks ago!! yeah fews round of dota!! on chrismas eve wat a good way of spending time!!!

hahahahahahas!!!! well... after that received sms that said pass to people that made you smiled and yeah!!! :) i did it i pass it to my smiley friends! and teachers and even my working boss , cashier hahahahahahhas yeah cant explain why i did it... just that perhaps at point of time they realli cheer my day up even though most of the time get nag!!! hahahahahahhaas =.=!!!

for friends yeah there are alot that been through with me this 2009 yeah through bad and good there were a alot stood by my side and doesnt failed to make me smile!!(maybe i smiled alot) =.=! its just that i didnt noticed perhaps... sooo yeah i wanna thanks you guys for being there! :))

for teachers hahahahs yeah maybe we didnt got on a good foot until i realised how important u all are during the end of year!! yeah realised it too late hahahahahhas... but hmm..!! hahahas theres still next year right if i make it to sec 5 :P i will try to be a better student.. !

for my boss (Serene) cashier(bee eng) hahahahahahs maybe u are surprised right yeah.. how can a part time worker still rmb.. after soo long didnt work... yeah hahahahhas! its true but i am different person.. ! to me those little things that u did those are the thing that i hold onto my memories for along time!! :)) those kind and warm treatment... yeah to the boss who defended me when the situation turn uglys.. for the belanja!!! HAHAHHAS and for the experience in life u taught me and how valuable education is.. yeah u made an inspiration in me i hope it last long...

HAHahs must be wondering right why i write alot in my =.=! work life HAHAHS cos its veri fun and experience alto of thing that u didnt experience in school! :) hahahahhahahahas but yeah i going be boss oh please HAHHAAS!

well.. i kind of miss ex-hong kah rian!! hahahahas.. yeah..! i hope those who lives in bukit batok we all can hang out together!! and play volleyball or having gathering :P yeah hahahhahas got a few contacts!!! hahahahas for those who are in batok.. and still rmb who i am ( Irham ) cannot forget la ZZ... hahahahas becos i am missing u guys all out there!! no matter who u are!! bukit batok hong kah can lerhx!! nort so far please...!! LOLS add me up!!! :P

hahahahahahhas and yeah tomorrow going jurong point!! MOTHER treating SHIRT AGAIN HOHOHOHOHOHOHO santa is coming to jurong point :P HAHAHAHAHAs!! this year different instead of santa give gifts the people must give! yeah !

hahahahas okay enough of my nonsense!!! goodnight everyone...! take care !! SUCKER!


3:05 AM

Friday, December 18, 2009

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.

10:23 PM

hahahahas! alright thank goodness it turned out as planned even though nort everything! :)

well hear me out!! about todae hmm... well... woke up.. and yeah slept late cos of dotaing hahahas!!!.... around 12.30 and i am yet on my bed wriggling around lyk worms!! hahahahas my cat was there purring !!! cat = rooster alarm clock..

hahahahas i got up and bath!!! and todae was the day which show if everything was worthwhile or was it just an empty hope hahahas... so gotta search for my uniform.. guess what my wardrobe just broke the handle =.= all my shirts in a mess ! nice!!! hahahahahahas

well i rush as time wasnt on my side... it was 1.20 i gotta meet sky and co's gotta sae i am getting late hahahahahhs so i finally found my uniform inside my mum wardrobe and changed into it plus!! bring attires for gym todae yesh!! been doing workout lately :)!!

went out and i wait for 945.. was lyk 30 mins and yet it didnt arrive!!!! was wondering if todae wasn't my lucky day!!! HAHAHAS so yeah thats right i am late in meeting them hahahahas!!! we met outside school bus stop!! they were waiting for lyk quite long felt sorry to make them wait :(

saw the 2.3 classmates outside too!! and we went in together! yeah.... while walking around straight to canteen shirmin was going up hahahahas kinda cool uhhx she getting now... all tanned and long hair realli look greats on her :)

hahahas well me and sky and edmund everyone went toilet to wash up and hear we goes bad news or good news its all happpening together todae!! hahahhas.....

well they firstly announce the top scorer which i didnt realli shocked... and when the time they upload the on the screen of the names i was kinda shocked to see mine!! :( hahahahhas

but guess what zhenyao was there rooting at me hahahahas kinda sweet yeah.. sky was great too.. sitting beside me... i was feeling kinda nervous but i know whats gonna happen there nothing that i cant face alone :) so i just stand up and went to the front! which we were supposed to go to ne room...

well zhenyao thanks :) u went straigh to the front just to tell me nothing bad gonna happened i was touched by it.. even though i couldnt show it.. thanks alot!!!! going all the way.... just to reassure me ... yeah u are right i need to feel secureness hahahahahahas!!!! kinda fragile uhhx hahahahas.....

well at there i talk to vicky and minghong so i wont feel that upset or dissapointed if anithing were to happen with my points ... but yeah i can tell mr khaidir face was full of dissapointment when he look at me well... i didnt expect anithing much from him .. as i wasnt a veri good student to begin with..

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAS we walk walk walk and mdm merduati gave us a speech on higher nitec and the sec 5 thingy well.. she told us were weere barely through and needed to make a decision before choosing ... as she goes on with her boring talks... that rais keep on crapping around =.=!! HAHAHAHS

okay okay end of her talk and yes we went out well bid goodbye to vicky while she smack my hand!! revenge cos of yesterdae THINGY ARHH!!! =.=!!! hahahahhahahahas i was kinda happy yeah we all get 18 / 19 points but its alright u know...

hahahahas sky edmund junhao gabriel and a few more waiting outside for me and minghong hahahahahas.. so i planned on scaring tian chun.. by saying i didnt make it to sec 5....

hahahahhas i can tell his face is full of dissapointment when i said it.. dat i cant be there with him HAhahahs yesh thats what brothers are :) hahahahahahas!!! okay okay move on so... i went to the hall asking mr.khaidir where is the class photo and saw shirmin with her friends! hahahahahs yeah so i give them a visit....

aww kaihui was crying.. kinda sad... Hmm cheer up dudes.. life will get better :) stay positive!!
bid goodbye to SHIRMIN AND FRIENDS AND YEAH so we all head to mac donalds and ate our lunch!! hahahahhahs kinda full yooo!! as we ate we talk about the past how we want 4.4 and 4.5 to combined together which will be a great idea :)

hahahahas well after that me ,junhao,sky went to gym... yeah!! its time to rock on!! hahahahhahahahs we did alot of the machine there.. and HAHAHAHHa !!!! yeah it does make us sweat!

hahahas after 1 hours and 30 mins inside we decided to take a rest and went home :) hahahahhahahs walk walk walk past regent bid goodbye to junhao and sky.. and there i am sitting on the bus stop waiting for 307 to hurry up and come save me !! HAHAHHAAS

the funni thing is i saw two ANG Moh with angkong on the leg wooo dont play play LAME LOLS
but the lame thing is they PEE ON THE GRASS EWWW...... on top of that an adult.... come on! cant u hold on longer... do u take singapore green cities to be a peeing ground !!

hahahahahahhaahs well after that bus came and here i am at home blogging !!! hahahas was talking to shirmin about THE MS li.. PLAN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAS kinda miss her(shipmint) uhhx... whenever saw her thats when the onli time i will talk to her.. but yeah if onli can saw everyday isnt that great :) hahahahahs

i felt sad for danial and the rest who couldnt make it but we will meet again in life :)) yeah i will miss u guys alot... the time we shared together will be a memories!! :) trust me i will nvr forget it..

oaky hahahahahs its better i stop here before my long winded story well u guys must be waiting for my results point right hahahas yeah its was veri bad i got 18 points hahahahas... if i am going sec 5 i will try harder to concentrate in class and do well!! In O LEVEL :)

bye!!!! hahahahahahahahahas good day and good life! i hope i get to see u during Christmas :))!!

9:40 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

HO HO HO merry christmas :P

10:00 PM

hahahas!! todae ! kinda fun!! huh!... !

well !!! well !!! how should i start hahahahas!!!!!! yesterdae was my aunty birthday and we celebrate at the Sakura at Jurong point well!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARIDAH :) wish u live long!! and happiness hahahahas!!

move on!!!! its time for todae!! well first of all i went out at 2.30 thinking i would be on time huhx!! gosh..! i didnt expect to left my phone at the house before setting off HAHAHAS!!... needed to return to take back!! guess wat when i saw my watch! its 2.45 OMG i promised zhenyao i wont be late =.=!! and yet again i am!! hahahahas..!!!

well took bus and it started to rain at the!!! lot one interchanged!! danial message saying how do we celebrate andy and gabriel birthday together hmmph!! i was thinking!! how should we!! Hahahas... well its all in the mind!! :) perhaps will get it!!! ready !

hmmph followed by de second message zy! =.= hahahahas instead of being!!! mad he told me! take care on the way its raining heavily! aww thanks! :) hahahahhahahas well...!! when i got on 307 it started to stopped raining wat a lucky day!! i wont get wet!!!!! :) hahahahhahahas

!this is life sometimes is good sometimes is bad..! well ruled is ruled who late pay the bills!! HAHHAHAS so i paid $3 and went off to the gym with him!! yeah!! and i brought a towel along its veri strict ruled! u know! hahahhahas the trainer dere =.=!!

saw some regenites and we did our workout I AM veri veri happy!!! u know why i improved my training skills!! hehehehehes!!! even though i am still skinny and no muscles HAHAHAHHAHAHS at least an improvement la!!! :)!!! kinda happy hehehehes!!!!...!

den we do the running it was his idea to run on the track mill and he blamed me!! for getting both of us tired! hmmph HAHHAHAS! .. who cares..!! when one hours is done we went out!! and off we go to lot one FOOD CULTURES HERE WE COMES!! :) kinda like food culture lately well its halal u know maybe thats why HAHAH!...

so we walk and feeling dizzy all the way and breath heavily as sooo tired after the workout hahahas but its nort gonna stop me! yeah resilience love wearing the bright yellow shirt!! :)

we reach and ate and ate soon we went to play basketball with EZ and liting if i am nort wrong! :) they are kinda great.. hahahahhahahas!!!!! Irham, zhen yao , liting , YIZE play around bullet HAHAHHAHAHAHAS GUESS WAT ZHEN YAO LOSE :P hahahahahahs he last hahahahhahas!!!!

well dont have the last laught yet!! next game was ME!!! BEING THE LAST IN THE BULLET AISEHX yize was kinda zhun in his shooting !! ! hahahhahahas!!!! our last match was teammatch and we LOST hahahahhas!! who cares!!!! at least i have fun for today nothing to worry about hahahhas!! was soo tiring jumping around!!!! i hope i grow one or two Cm TALLER PLEASE HEHEHHES! :D okay okay okay hahahhahas i stop here readers ENJOY!!! :)

goodnight sweetdream!!! aniwae I AM looking forward to this !! sunday MY MOTHER BONUS SHOPPING SPREE WEETS!! :D

9:14 PM

Monday, December 7, 2009

The friends whom i treasured are those who are there to face the gloomy day rather than those who are ready to enjoy the glory

8:12 PM

I didnt expect this from u two... if this is the way u want it to be then it shall be..

didnt realli have a nice outing out there!!! ZZZZ :@ went out with zhenyao and ate den walk around and went home with unhappiness feeling!!

good job dreamers! keep up the good work u guys shown damn great!! its realli lyk a dream!!!! knowing people lyk u!

for glen u told me that when i was around u felt veri happy is those just words?? or just to used me... to cover up ure loneliness.... every single time i asked u out ure answer shall alwaes be no after u stop working with me.. is it becos i gave u work that u went out wit me?.. or are u using me calling me boss just to make me happy.. every single week u have soo much excuses why dont u just live with it! do u even tink thats funny... i may nort get angry now... but when it reach my limits.. u wont know what i am up to..!!

eunice i didnt realli expect this from u... i duno whether to get angry or to completely ignore! this... did my word fall on deaf ears... ever since u start the ELLFs group did u even consult me before hand?? do u even know how shocked i was to see u jumped group... sometimes i just couldnt believe ure words... they are just sweet beneath the lies! dont u tink i nvr read up every single blog either urs or the TXF as much as i dunt want to believe sirui words they are just soo true.. todae i ask both of u and i get soo much excuses!!! its been going on and on for weeks!! tell me if anione can even take it!! u alwaes told me to trust u... havent i trust u soo much dat it began to become a lie.... hmmph since u are much more happier with the elffs BE WITH THEM i dont give a damn!!!...

whenever u ask me did i even give u guys such an answer!! ZZzZ fuck larhx!!! is the ruled sooo hard to follow?!!? being there for each other have u guys ever been there for me just lyk when i was there for u all!!! try think la ehhx!!! fucking hell!!!! u guy realli realli!! !!!!!!! _l_

Someone words were realli true i have poor sense of judgement becos!! i alwaes got a foes as a friends and a friends as a foes!!!!!!

7:00 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies