
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is

10:13 PM

okay since i soo long nvr post i will have a quick one todae hahahhas :)!! alright lets start for this week...

school life sec 5 was realli tough yeah.. hmm every single day there will be tons of homework... i wonder whether i can still cope on studying or giving up but yeah... i realli wanna go poly sooo i have to persevere throughout the stormy day! <<<>

hahahahs well lets talk about todae :) woke up at 1.. and i was oning my comp den suddenly my cat walk toward me i didnt noticed my leg reacted as i was shocked GUESS WAT HAHAHAS MY CAT JUMP TOOOO HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAS AT THE SAME TIME AS I MOVE MY LEG AWAY MY CAT also JUMP AT THE SAME TIME.... it was hilarious u know!!!!

if u get wat i mean la!!! hahahahhahas i cant stop laughing manX!!!! my cat is SOOO CUTE HAHAHHAHAHHAS!!! :D!!

and my comp give me problem again :(((( !! already school soo stressed !! HAHAHs can the virus please go away let me have some peace !

Hahahahahahs well since i couldnt on for quite a while i went to sleep yeah veri veri tired!! :( hahahahahhas slept slept at 5.30 woke up and my cousin sms.. me wanted to give us all a treat at the restaurants WEEETS rich hor she?? HAHAHHAHAHAHAS !!!

woke up and get ready.. we go as a family... to the chua chu kang park restaurant.. well todae realli wasnt up to my standard... kind of dissapointed with the foods you know??? whats more dissapointing the sitting the table.. kept rocking around << (i am whining here) :P hahahahahahhahahs

cousin paid all the foods and drinks thanks alot than we walked to lot one as they want to shopping on the way i saw!! AIRcraft/Spacecraft somethin lyk rocket on the clear blue skies kinda coool!! ehhhx :DD stop by and watched as it pass through SOOO NICE to me :) maybe its common to others but i dunt get to see it everyday yeah i appreciate it alot !

than after tat our family went to popular becos cousin promised to buy me earpiece below 25... sooo goood right???? got any cousin this good mehx HAHAHHAHAHAHAS i wanted to choose the $49 :S but my mother sae earpiece dont last so yeah watever i choose 27.50 at least over 25 dollar can lerhx HAHAHAHHAHAHAS

GUESS WAT THEY SAE i CHOOSE A THING CAN TAKE THE WHOLE DAY HAHAHHAHAHAHS of course la must choose properly if nort i will regret derhx :( in the end i decided on the panasonic yay weets

nice nice???

Okay okay move on!! than went shopping to their fav place shoes!! LOLS!!!... hahahas yeah!!... den we took 188 back home thats where i start sight seeing again!! :)) hahahahhas

well yeah homework still havent done <<<>

bye everyone take care uhhx!!! :D lastly enjoy the song!! kinda <<<>

9:37 PM

Friday, January 1, 2010

The black one our boss FIERCE UHHX :P

11:53 PM

hahahas alright!!! here i am again blogging hmm yeah.. i kind of missing alot of days!!

well lets talk about what happened today!! whole afternoon at home sleeping up till 4 HAHAHS and i woke me up knowing todae trip cancelled!! going to metro year end sale becos I SLEPT SO LONG she didnt bear to wake me up hahahas aww :)

well.. the barbecue was fun!! yeah everyone seems to enjoy it hahahahs!!! played volleyball monkey and everything !! yeah... hahahas.... move on!!

its about todae right why i talk about yesterdae yesterdae HMPH!! hahahahahahahahahahas have watched finished the AKAI ITO which is a japanese show the title in english is Thread of Destiny the red thread which bind the destiny of two person!

hmm yeah the show can move to tears!!!! it was touching alot of emotional part which is the kind of show i like :P

hahahahahahahhaas well since i am done watching it played computer awhile and my uncle sae he treating to dinner todae and yesh!! i agreed as its been awhile since our family went out together... but todae onli me ,grandma , aunty , cousin , and uncle went to chua chu kang park.... the restaurant yesh!!

our favourite palce is alwaes there becos the food seems to nvr failed us :) hahahahahas!!! well... todae something realli struck me.. that my close friends seems to be parting as time goes by soon we will be walking in a different route... i miss the past... i miss the time we were together i miss the time we quarrel.. everything hahahahas being there for me and everything yeah!!! the time we did stupid thing in school... u were alwaes there.. !! hahahahahahs yesh... those who have graduated and close to me and reading this its u :) few of u!!!! i gonna miss u!! alot..

i felt realli emotionally unstable after seeing the bbq group photo it realli shows me how much time have passed by..! and how much fun we used to have ever since sec 1!! yeah!!!! there are times of misunderstanding occurs and funni time hahahahs :)


well after we ate dinner i was so full... today there were'nt ani stars that can be seen in the sky as it rain heavily!! :( we walked and walked to lot one as my uncle told me he getting himself a shirt!! yeah!! hahahahahs so i recommend him few shops that have designer clothes!! yeah :) rich mahx him so ! buy expensive clothes duhhx!~!!!

HAHAHAHAs we walked across this shop called men studio and i told him to choose from theere GUESS WHAT INSTEAD OF HIM BUYING HE TOLD ME TO BUY he paid =.=!!! aww... i duno what to sae hahahas the price range was 46 and above i was lyk omg $$$$ felt lyk i owe a favour to my family!!! HAHHAHHAHAS

felt hesitant at first but yeah.. since i am nort the one paying follow the flow :) bought one !! veri nice i can sae hahahahs!!!!! kind of happy... :) yeah we walked to the bus stop interchanged!!! waiting for 188 my fav everyday bus LOLS...

and yeah thats all for todae!! :) thanks for the meals and the CLOTHE :D take care guys out there sweetdream!!!! i enjoyed it!

11:38 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies