
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Friday, April 2, 2010

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

9:25 PM

ALright hahahas here to update my SUPER DEAD BLOG AND SUPER ROT TAGBOARD YAY!! Clap clap clap!!! a round of applause!! hahahhas...

well i am quite happy with the improvement of my ss result which i gotten 9/9 for the essay on reform of government and good leadership.. which i used to tell teacher i would nvr pass my ss no matter how hard i memorise :S HAHAHAHS look like i am wrong... well.. common test i still lose to that someone.. need to treat already omg!! MONEY FLY FLY HAHAHAS!

okay la.. lets talk about good friday hahahas omg woke up! and someone talk to me about the modern warfare 2 call of duty yes.. i been wanting to get it but the price is too exp for me! i rather save up and buy it when the price is down.. hahahahs

felt soo sleepy todae even though i woke up at 12... oclock damn now can tell how lazy i am! right..! hahahahas :S hahahahas okay during my sleepin nap time.. my grandma told me want to go to jurong point i told her anithing if they were to treat me to pizza... ANd yeap sure they did! HAHAHAS....

MOVE ON on our way there talk alot about games and stuff with my dad... he told me he gonna find the website that sell at a less price... hope he treat me NO NEED USE MY MONEY :P hahahahahhas!!! okay i know i kind of like pathetic nvm nvm who cares! adult must alwaes let the young one... have what they need mahx..

well... we went jurong point and go watson to get my grandma her stuff.. and hahahahhas i went around looking at those shavers... man stuff duhhx!! :) hahahas okay la enough enough...

den when i walk pass this amos famos cookie remind me of that day in the library... liting treat us but becos i want to action cool sae nahx! HAHAHAHHAAHS regret!!!!! ever since that day i kept thinking wantin to taste the butterscotch u know u know duno right! what is that hahahas... well... my father was beside me soo as cheapskate as i am :P i told him wow look at that shop the cookies seems to be veri nice i heard from my friends <<<< THE EXCUSE I COME OUT WITH.. and he agreed readily accompany me and told me butterscoth was the best he tried and he bought me along with himself 100G which cost $8.40 expensive right thats why :P

hahahahas den den i look at dvd wow alot new movie on sales.. since i am hard up cash should save first relax relax.. we went to the pizza HUT WEETS FINALLY hahahas... and yes need wait 15 minutes cos full :S me and my dad was on relaxing on one of the railing where a speaker was just right next to us HAHAS... and there is this spokewoman who kept advertising some kind of stuff which i didnt pay attention to but my dad reaction funni... :P

he sae u got chiewy gum?? LOLS LAME SINGAPORE IS BANNED! hahahas can stuck at the earhole so cannot hear later cannot take out then he noe... LOLS the sound was blastin as the woman talk.. and my dad give the funni expression HAHAHAS like as if the ear going blast off lols!!!

and den finally the pizza hut waiter told us there were available seat and we all went in... :) yay!! hahahhas ordered the sweet'n'spicy chicken yummy!! HEHES ALOT AND THOSE promotion pizza uhh alot siol!! i ate 13 PIECE CHICKEN HAHAHAHAHHAHHAS I KNOW I KNOW ALOT :D seriously nice hahahas... the people around us looking at our food was like omg.. PAISEHX arh i want to behave like my home aso cannot lols!!!!

hahahahas den den den took some picture which is soo unglam but its alright i duno my face inside picture alwaes cannot smile one soo serious :P MOVE ON MOVE ON!!

ATE AND ATE UNTIL MY STOMACH BLOATED.... HAHAS happy and went off we... went to look at files.. and i bought two COST 4 dollar :D hahahahhas... and thats how the happy ending is..

goodnight readers take care :D

9:06 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies