
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Monday, May 31, 2010

if i cant have you, i would rather have no one..

7:52 PM

Todae mother tongue was manageable! :)) hahahs except for the letter writing i wrote nonsense :(!! the rest was alright :)!

well went to lot one saw my other schools friends!! greeted dem and went to eat at kfc!! :)) wee.... lols!!! ¡ɐן spɹoʍ ǝɥʇ pɐǝɹ ʇuop ¡xɥɐɯ ıןuo ǝןʇʇıן ¡uo ɥsnɹɔ ǝןʇʇıן ɐ ǝʌɐɥ ı ʇɐɥʇ ןɹıƃ ǝʇnɔ ʍɐs :))!!

hahahahhahas den walk to minghong house... me and bryan was talking about crap stuff!!!.... i am full of crap man!! :D! LOLS!!

my post gonna be short man i cant think of anithing better to write hahahahas!!

well at there let me see play those bike racing game! and derhx naruto war ehhx shiok uhhx!! i keep lose (Y) power hahahas... the place to destress LOLS!!! and disturb shunski when he was playing the prototype?? ask him destory everythin in a cool way... damn! LOLS !

my mother and father is gonna reward me big times if i passed!!! for my mum she will get me anithin if i get b3 or A 2 for mt aww... :)) well my father reward is a secret! hahahahhas i am kind of drived by their!! nagginess and well... they do motivate me.. to study harder.....:)) wee!

i learn one thing from suling what realli motivate her isnt what i realli expected she studied hard for her parents to get a good life... in the future that is sooo noble!!!!!! :)) no wonder i see her at class soo 100% concentration!! maybe different people different thing that drives dem!

well now i am home and entertain my cute little cats SOOO CUTE !!!he kept on scolding me for using comps and nvr entertain him!! awww CUTE RIGHT I LOVE HIM TO THE MAX! :D !! i am gone now!! byebyed!! :)

7:02 PM

Saturday, May 29, 2010

where did i go wrong....

8:35 PM

My mind is sooo messed up!!! :(

am i always too late for everything...

damn... todae didnt went out and my mind spinned around like roller coaster =.=!!

what have i been thinking.... the result i got?? which is like soooo freaking terrible.... hmm....

even though i gotten over it... apart of it still bothers me!! damn it!! :((...

just where did i go wrong.... hmm....

hahahahas.... totally moodles... :S my post todae totally is what i been thinking...

mother tongue O's is on monday.... and yet i am here feeling sooo...

been telling myself... nort to give up!! times and times!....felt soo dead inside... maybe i have lost the key to my motivation... at a time felt soo sick of life , felt like a wondering zombie!! BOOOO :P!! hoohoo

okay thats all for todae goodnight :)

8:12 PM

Friday, May 28, 2010

If it was meant to be, it will happen.

11:34 PM


alright todae we went out to celebrate my father birthday at 1 pm at sakura in Jurong point wee...!!

the foood was splendid and i gave my father the present that i bought! hehes hope he liked it......

well though of planning to go to swenses but cancelled off as everyone was too full!! LOLS!! ..

actually i wasnt really that full :P can still take it arh but thinking of the needs to spend $$ i tink rather ask my mother buy DVD FOR ME WEEE>.....

well we went to the lobby and my family went to ntuc and i went to the ts shop! which sell dvd naturally... :)

look around and found vampires and the assassin plus THE IP MAN WEE :) HEHES!! bought it and i was supposed to sign up as a members!!! nice :)

got 5% discount and yeah hahahas! i got 3 cakes free to redeem okay okay i go and redeem it! tot the cake would be nice well its just the decoration part =.=!

went to father house and we cut cakes and sing him birthday song!! :D nice uhhx hahahahas!! watch tv and father gave me his lamps that he doesnt seem to want to used it....

well since my room is full and i tink the lamp look nice i should just take it as a furniture!! :D hahahahahhas as kiasu as ever man irham!! (Y) damn lols....

hahahahas okay thats all for todae LOVE MY FATHER AND FAMILY! and FUTURE! u know the rest take care!! :D

goodnight good night! !

11:33 PM

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance

9:32 PM

Well TOdae last day of mother tongue extension remedial...

teacher didnt come.... again lols... its been like 2 day.... hmmm....

have to force myself to do... the ten year series of O's level was supposed to see how discipline i am.... and i guess i am still lacking of it...

got sooo tired todae that i slept during the free period OMG :S lols that was somethin hahahahas!!....

recess was quite alright had a chatty day :) love it well discussion is all about boys game which is dota hahahas...

okay la move on move on... hmmm..... after the lesson well went to library to meet edmund and shunski and everyone else.... well one thing i liked is their mother tongue class was in AIR CONDITION ROOM ZZZ =.=!! and ours is fan omg...

but well we did learn somethin usefull even though we didnt get the privelige to used air condition room!

hahahahahahahs den dismissal and everyone stay in library while me and sky went home... :)

i was on my way in the bus and sms my mother where she was and she was in CCK LIBRARY OMG.... so i turned back too lrt to lot one... there i met her HAHAHAHs....

bought bandung omg! i like it manx!! been drinking it alot and the ice lemon tea and apple tea from heaven and earth simply taste NICE!! u guys should try it!!

haahahhas okay move on now is PTC TIME omg... mrs chong for the second round.. hmm.... she told me one thing that i rmb other than about preparing for my own timetable for this june holidae....

dont give up on yourself... we nvr give up on you...

this thing realli bothers me manx.... instead of me just smiling throughout her nagging..... i cant believe it.... i was supposed to left jammed in the brain.... thinking of wat i can do so that this situation will nort rise up again....

it bothers my mind greatly... well as soon as the meeting is over.... went to lot one to have my LUNCH WEEE MY MOTHER TREAT HAHAHAHAS at food culture love the food there because ALL HALAL LOLS!!!

saw Amy and jalal thanks for the dictionary i will take care of it :) hahahahas!!! coool ehhx have this kind of reliable sec 3 friends!

okay la dont talk about them iTS ABOUT MY LIFE okay... hmm now went with my mother to bhg and bought my father hankerchief from GOLDEN LION weee kinda expensive though for handkerchief well... it the thoughts and sincerity that matters :DD!! since i love my father lols!!

hahahahas TMR IS HIS BIRTHDAY WEEE!! am sooo gonna stay up to wish him hahahahhas.....

yeah i am here back home sooo tired well... i wont sleep until i written down my though i dont wish it to dissapear!!! :)

take care readers!!

8:45 PM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.

9:17 PM

OMG another tiring day hmm....

haiz okay lets begin.. well.. todae mother tongue mdm salha didnt come again.. and mr yunos take over.. and yeah..... :)

intensive revision start well.. practise on the paper again... omg i took soo long to complete section c which is comprehension i tried to apply the skills and yeah i am still nort used to it thats why it took longer den i expected!

every single day went to school library during recess to slack for awhile... before mugging hard on the paper... yeah lols!!

i try to used the time taken for every of the lesson seriously... but i guess onli 50% go in my brain... i cant think as fast as some people does well thats my weakness maybe but watever i nort going to give up...

went back to class omg SAW THE REPORT BOOK MY WHOLE !! fire is being up out... once again startin to have no mood... damn hate the result... how i wished i can done better..... :(

but well watever i am gonna give my best on this mother tongues o's and the rest of the O's subject!!

hahahahahas this is life !!

went out with classmates to minghong house... on the way went to limbang first to eat... omg i seriously hate vege when its mixed with the rice welll... i cant stand it... i can never eat vege easily man!!! it taste weird arh... :((

hahahahahas!! okay went there do homework and guess wat all the time play his ps3 and watch them play SLACKING SIOT IRHAM WHAT ARE U DOING ASSHOLE..... u ARE SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING...

well at 5 minghong got piano lesson.... damn his teacher play the song... NICE :) i have alwaes been wanting to play piano for like veri long time... :D kinda romantic ehhx if a person can!

weee... hehes den went back home now... LOLS damn tired man! :(( every single day like this i cant take it!

HAHAs tomorrow ptc OMG If only there were such a prize for being a consistent of HAving the most panel meeting since Sec 1 to sec 5 that would be great :))

HAHAHAHS LAME CRAP OF ME MY FATHER BIRTHDAY COMING SOOON WEE.... WILL BUY SOMETHIN SPECIAL MAN!! :DD heheheehs and i like want give a hug ARH but Sound and Feel SOO GAY :S well watever he is my father i LOVE HIM FOR WHO HE IS! IF u are reading this yes u!

I care for u ;)

9:03 PM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is!"

7:26 PM

~~~~~ITS BEEN A WHILE~~~~~

Hahahahahahas..... well lets talk about todae!!...!! ... hmm went to school... well took train with zhongyi and saw supei walk together three of us as a REGENITES!!...!! alot lame jokes on the way well dont mind us... =.=!!

move on!! okay this part cannot mention it is happy for awhile okay... lets go now in school..... needed to went straight to mother tongue class... BORED =.=!!
heng todae mr yunos teach us... well i paid full attention as i didnt want to screw up for my mt lesson!!... i hope 70% will go inside my head :))!! wee....

haha!.. whole lesson was bored as i didnt realli like to mingle around.... feel so introvect but well... thats was onli when during mt lesson... i prefer to be alone.... its kinda cool yeah !

soon recess went library slack until 10 den went back class..... endured till 12.30!! listen hard to wat to watch out for during... examination!!... well it does make lots of sense....

in class bored walk around lols!!... okay irham stop about the boring stuff... and get to the point.... who is interested to hear the COOL PART WEE :) clap ure butt

after school went to library to study omg SOOO GUAI!! :D hahahas we mug hard! me shunski sky junhao minghong and gabriel.. well edmund went home as he cant concentrate !! aww....

and i was supposed to ask one of those to accompany me see mr yunoss as i have some stuff to ask him i am sooo unsure BUT I LOSE THEN I GOT TO GO ALONE FIND HIM HAHAHAHAHAHHS

GUESS WHAT TODAE MY LUCKY DAY HE was walking pasT THE LIBRARY AND i rush out to call him thats save alot of troubles!! WEE hehehehs...!! i clarify my doubts.... theres alot of method he taught me omg... i am sooooo loving it man.... he can joke and somethin like how sae arh.. was so nice of him.. to give me ideas... that i couldnt think of.. how to create a short sentence to get the full mark... well....

honestly i prefer his teaching method den my ... okay.. thats my opinion well people can disagree if they want but thats me..!! i learnt a better way to write a compo rather than those narrative writing wee~~~!!! i am soo gonna try it out man! hehehes....

well... he took the time out it was like 1 and half hours he sat there when he was supposed to go home.... he even said to me this if u need help from me u can just ask me ani other day i will be free... i was like omg... i am kinda :)) u know... first time i like to learn mother tongue well 99% is cos of o level THINGY HAHAHHAHAHAHS but that 1% percent is still somethin yeah :)

okay okay move on later people though i gay man!! ZZ... hahahahs went back to my sit and zhongyi and sky started sharing stories well.... we all share stories... HAHAHAs it was soooo!!! FUN I LOVE TO LAUGH AT MY SILLYNESS IN THE PAST MAN!! it shows how much i have grown up!! AND COOL :P!!! hahahahahhahas

well everyone story have sad and behind the story line u know u know.... hahahahhaas
than we start TALKING ABOUT GIRLS.... WEE! which girls we like and watsoever hahahahas.... i am SOOO GLAD that there is someone there thinking the same thing as i do... :S i tot it will be weird if it was onli me....

wanna hear out well... we talk it out then went home while i was on the bus... i cant stop agreeing to wat zhongyi told.. i had that same feeling too... well... we all.. hmmm.... have alot to catch Ketchup!! :) its been awhile you know !!

hahahahha the thing i cant help getting most is _ _ _ _ i_le _ _ _ s _ guess it out if u can if u cant well.. thats too bad......

hahahas well... if i ever met MY DREAM GIRL I WILL HUG HER HARD AND NEVER LET GO.... :)) thats what i always dream off! and i guess i am proud of it... even tot i havent met yet hahahhaas... someday somewhere... u know u know ;)

hahahas i am sooo gonna prove to myself to do better for this mother tongue o's level... IRHAM proved that u can get A2 Or B3 IF NORT DO IT AGAIN!!! nvr give up :)

todae was great thanks everyone.. AND LASTLY I LOVE MY CAT !! :DD! its sooo cute!!

6:45 PM

Monday, May 24, 2010

I refuse to let what happened to me make me bitter.

7:21 PM

Todae didnt start right....

Damn thats the reason why i hate mt lesson....... wtf... felt soo pathetic!! ZZzzzZZ....hope i can get over it fast.... !! dont wish to take for second round... get A2 or B3 irham than u can forget about those that are there!!! forget about attending the class either! :) yeah move on!

hahahahs todae went to library with sky.. well.. we revise on malay and chines he was doing his compo while i read some malay book.. its kinda long story i read afew story and it was quite great the way they write their storyline... some are touching some are sad... yeah well...

i am gonna practise hard for mother tongue this few days... i am happy that mr neo agreed to teach Poa during june holidae as i can learn better from him... well i will learn from both mr hasyim as well as mr neo.... and take this lesson seriously... i am starting to get serious for my o's... i hope this fire in me will keep burning until after o's please make it...

i have to improve on my source based too... as it was freaking easy for me to memorised the formula but if i cant apply it whats the used.... well.. guess what i am getting panel meeting and meeting the same hod which is mrs chong....!! lols :)) heng it was her i hope she gave a light warning and advice thats alll !! LOLS!!!

i am sooo looking forward to learning maths from mr teo.... didnt felt this much in the past... but now i felt his lesson is kind of interesting :)) i hope this feeling last....... and am gonna improve my physic by reading those fail exam paper of mine... ! seriously i going to arrange my june holidae man!! i hope i can put my word and prove it with my action! irham u can do it just believe in urself!...!...!

hahahas went to lot one Bought KFC EAT EAT :D!! weee hehehehhehehhes.... den went home.... well.. it takes just take a few words can really cheer a person up :)

goodnight readers!!! take care take care!

5:37 PM

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail

10:23 PM

hmm..... todae.. is sunday weets! :)

slept throughout the days yeah hahas...... well nothin much todae either... played Sudden attack and Blackshot awhile den... watch this movie called saw 4 ... it was gruesome and bloody...

well... my mother seems to know about my result.... even though i hide it well :S
hahahahas.... oh my oh my...!!! i am soo in deep hot water.... just waiting to boil

dont wish to see my report books man! LOLS!!...... c 6 c 5 worst still F9 LOLS!!!!!!!
:((((!!!! cant believe it man... three of my subject somemore lols...siannzz!! guess how many points did i get this time.. its worst then my last year veri veri far it was 35 point YEAH PATHETIC EHHX but watever!

i wont grumble no matter what... this is just a test!! i will , would , got , to DO my veri damn freaking best the next time round... for now i will concentrate on MOTHER TONGUE!! :)

weell i have nothin much to sae todae... :) take care reader.... life is kinda boring nowadays.. LOLS

4:33 PM

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than attempting to satisfy them.

8:18 PM

well hello again to the world... :))

todae i woke up early hmm hahahas!! amazing ehhx my saturday morning i could be awake at 10.30 wel.. my cute cat was there purring loudly and climb onto the bed to go near my face to wake me up how cute! :D HAHAS!!

and of course i hug him! like pillow lols!!..........!!

okay oaky move on hahahahahas went online and play dota for a long long time.... i didnt even touch on it.... quite noob or should i sae veri noob right now :( but at least hahahahahhahas i could still win as a team...

alright!! todae was kinda slacky.. as i didnt went aniwhere.... took my cat out for a walk... yeah.. he was the hyper active one.. would go aniwhere to discover around the block its a hard time keepin up but hahahas.. :)

okay la i watch this movie todae at home hmm.. its title is bodyguard and assassin... if i am nort wrong :S

the story is about the revolutionary of china to overthrow the qing empire its based on real life story.... welll..... DOnnie yen acted on it!!! for those who does not know who donnie yen.. well he is the one who acted in the IP MAN 1 and 2...

in this movie he was involved in a love triangle.. and a corrupted policeman.. but well.. he did justice in the end and he didnt used his wing chun SKILL here tooo :S hahahahahahahahas was a ninja rather =.=!

the story was great its somethin like documentary about how a guy whose name dr.sun have planned to the key of the revolutionary... but there were lots of sacrifises as well.....

THE END summarised the story

and i went out to buy food as my grandma didnt cook much todae dont have chicken my fav!! :) hehehehes!!! went to bestari... well... isnt far from my house so i just took the bus to relax my mind...!!

and back! here i am at home using comp!! i going to buck up up up up up and !! reach for the stars!!

take care readers :D

7:58 PM

Friday, May 21, 2010

I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it.

9:14 PM

hahahahas okay another days for this week...

well todae i tried to focus on my mistake for maths and yeah i did great...! :) finally i am able to be able to solve 7 question for section A math paper 1 with an ease!!

hahas.. its nort somethin to be proud off but at least i did learn from my mistake... hmm another day without aniwhere to go aimlessly....

school overs and yeah.. time to go home hahahahas at the bus stop with everyone and sky and me was thinking wat to do with our boring life... yeah its boring but hahahhahas i kind of like the time u spent at home rather than outside :))

accompany me took a bus off he go bidding goodbye yeah.. and bid goodbye to every classmate of mines.. yeah boarded de bus... and saw my neighbour which is a girl in regent secondary 3

well didnt realli know her that well... HAHAHAS and yet we can talk inside the bus like as if we know each other for years like as if classmates LOLS!!!

HAHAHAS den go lot one buy foods take away wee!! hahahas... and take our bus 188 to home...

on the way LOLS didnt know she is also from Hong Kah Primary School wow thats surprising well we all live in bukit batok hahahahahahhahahhahas....

but kinda surprised didnt saw her when i was in p6 well they are around p4 soo maybe its nort a coincidence becos how can u know everyone in the world....

TALK TALK ALL THE WAY UNTIL HOME HAhahahahs soo much to talk to ehhx irham study one hour also cannot talk to people can soo long HAHAS lame of me okay =.=!

hahahahas this year made alot of news friends :))


hahahas night times!! okay about that stuff 31 may hmm.. i want SING our heart out TILL OUR CONTENT MAN! :D thats great hahahaahas.... hope the plan is a success!!

okay thats all for todae guys goodnight :) i am soo gonna put in extra effoRt and listen hard!! FREAK

9:03 PM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.

8:40 PM

well here i am again.. posting it will be a short post.. but i guess iw ill do it frequently as it may help improve my english somehow ?? hmm hahahs... well move on..!

school was kinda alright... well i was supposed to attend the so called action youth programme hmm... it wasnt.. that great... as i was supposed it can help us in our study even after leaving regent..

hmm... i guess it wont help much.. well... i have slowly... get over this trauma lols!!... and its time for me to buck up no matter how sleepy a lesson can get or how boring it is.... i will learn as much as i can for the weeks and so...!! :)

went to lot one to buy take away saw farah... talk to her awhile she company me bought KFC well.. her work start at 6 so she got alot free times uhhx hahas.. well glad to hear her doing well.. hmmm!..!..!

i wont let myself down again!!..

alright thats all for todae post hahas..

8:35 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Im waiting for you to say hello first, dont tell me your doing the same...?

4:43 PM

okay lets talk about todae I am kinda happy :))!! hehehehe...... !! its nort about the talk but i can felt the... long friendship is beggining to get back together... to pieces... :)

well.. lets talk about this morning heng i didnt have stomachache like yesterdae during waiting for the bus if nort... HAHAHS i am gonna be super late... hmm.. yeah lols... :S

lets sae all the meeting point is at chua chu kang den went to yew tee... where we met eeveryone... den de seven of us... went to causeway point which we are den directed to republic poly for the talk...

hmm the talk was kinda boring... but its alright hahahas.... its better than schooling time yeah dont u guys agreed.... sit there for hours and hours and bladder was like sooo full going to burst...

hahahahahas welll i am surprised todae i drink cold drink in the morning and i didnt get stomachache which i usually will get..... lols.. after that was breaktimes!!... got those triple breads with toppings and mineral water ! hahaahahs okay that was nice of the school to provide foods!..

went to some chair and ate... while talk all the craps out!!...!! den went to toilet and MS Li said my name... i was surprised :)) well nort surprised cos she call my name but surprised she still rmb she owe SOMETHING :)!! HAHAHHAS she said soon and her smiles and her reaction was yeah sweet! :) i was like ms li treat treat or hor where is it!! and she was like oh hahas u rmb arh then the hand sign the kind of reaction... :S aiyo maybe readers nvr understand so whatever move on...

went to toilet....!! and PEE HAHAHAS THAT WAS FUN like water gun manx..... my bladder spoil or i keep drink!...

after that went to our respective place.... where the talk was held by 6 or what representitive from different institute..... during the talk my bladder full again =.=!! well.. argh... hjahahahahahahhahahahahhahahas.....

okay skip this part... the show plus video slide was quite alright rather than talking all the way..... which is nort my kind of thing!... hmm.... den when everythin was over... yes.. we have to checked our result and sign beside our name before we can go home...

well as expected but i am happy that i did pass 3 but its nort realli my kind.. of expectation it was the worse yeah... well.. no use fretting over spill milk... move on!!

went to causeway point saw cute regenites weeets :D hahahahahhas instead of banquet we swap to food court :( okay watever lols.... as long as can eat hahahahhahahhaas
bought our usual food... and there we goes.... thinking of the planning of going to Genting highland after our O's

the plan seem to be soo realistic of wat we are gonna be doing there and everythin..... i am happy that we all can discuss this as one.. and nort onli a person thinkin alone... its been awhile.. since we been doin this... well at least for now hahahahhas.......

hahahahas and there we goes after that window shopping... and somebody bought something for the weight gain siooooo :)) soo rich HAHAHHS sooon going to have muscular guy in our class wooooo LOLS!..

hahahahahas i hope the plan that josephine made of us all as a group going out to eat after our 31st may mother tongue o's level paper will be successful... :)

well.... the thing that is always in my mind and whenever i am free i keep on thinking why was Cupid arrow seems to be blind to shoot many at a times or random person....Dear CUPID we NEED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR AIM! and please make it onli one!! :S well chim right dont get it uhhx?? if u do keep it to urself shh!!!

maybe until u met the right one... it will keep on shooting :) hahahahahas kinda interesting uhhx.. well thats all readers goodafternoon!! byebye

4:19 PM

Monday, May 17, 2010

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending

8:38 PM

okay mid year result was totally... worse than i expected (Y) great ehhx hahahahs

totally no mood after gotten the paper... hmm.... physic which i was nvr to flunk i did veri veri badly... am veri dissapointed with my performance.... guess i wont just be going to panel meeting but also dissapoint myself greatly..

where have all those quality of mine gone too..... hmm... its depressing to talk about this... i just felt veri dissapointed with myself... why.. i didnt study hard enough i guess...word cant express how i realli felt right now well.. whatever soon i will over this!!

well this is life... osmetimes u win sometimes u lose.. :)

after school went to do listening comprehension.... well it was alright after all will be getting just 50% of the mark.. mmmm......

as much as i said i am gonna work hard.. it was all just an empty word till i proved it... for now i guess i will concentrate on Mother Tongue O's as it was a main priority... and hopefully i can brush up my language... dont wish to take it twice...

well after that went to eat at long john silver.. yeah it was great and went home to sleep to destress!! :)

thats all for todae update people!! have a nice day! :)

8:26 PM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I hate myself for the way i feel about you everytime

11:20 PM

~~~~~~~~~~LAST DAY OF EXAMINATION~~~~~~~~~~

okay lets talk about it hmm.. .well i know i am nort gonna make it... gonna have alot of fails.. in my record book there goes.. hahahahahaha!!..!! blame myself for studying last minute.. i didnt expect express standard would be this much difference....

hmm well todae physic paper 2 wasnt realli... what i expect it to be i couldnt apply the formula i memorise one whole night.,. i should just go to sleep... it was terrible doing the paper but yeah.. watsoever lols... hahahahas.... i will just have to work hard during the upcoming exams....

PANEL MEETING LOLS well my blog right now getting draggy and boring about me fretting all over my examination hahahahahas let skip to a more interesting part....

well after examination we all reward ourselve by eating at the foodcourt and went to watch movie IP-Man 2 .... the story was great it was about a chinese kung-fu that was based on real life story... :)

hahahahas and after that bought macdonald... lols i simply love fastfood..... :)

went home ate ate chicken rice all and went to sleep.... instead of a good dream got a bad one todae LOLS!!! sianzz! hahahahahs well you cant always have what you want... its alright..

well love is realli blind.... ...........

i am happy that my life is kind of quiet.. thats all for todae goodnight!

11:01 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies