
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I choose to love you in silence, for in silence I found no rejection, I choose to love you in my dreams, for in my dreams no one owns you but me

7:50 PM

alright. time to update!!...!!..

well.... firstly.... yesterdae night i went to sleep early.. at 10 << but its still nort enough lols!!... at school i still felt.. tired :S!! ! hahahas.....

okay in class... lesson were as usual.... and went to recess and guess wat i actually ate the malay food for like two days!!!!!! OMG>.... :S i can smell the chicken smell it wasnt realli up to my... taste!! LOLS!!! :(( most of the time i would just ate it ignoring the smell HAHA!!!!....

hahas... and i didnt know mother tongue lesson is still per normal GRHhzz!! Zzzz... it was boring alright... hah!!... in the class i was the most in attentive one! LOLS!!... i'm nort in the mood for mother tongue lols!.. lucky the o's oral was.. about conversation and reading... but i guess i wont be totally be doing well for the conversation cos mostly i will blurt out nonsense! LOLS!! alright alright...

let see wat lesson i had todae... hmm..SS finally going back to the sbq type question yes!! i am weak in those sbq!! :)! practise practise hahah!!!!.... well every lesson seems to be going normal for me.. physic was getting interesting i am beggining to understand that general physic is all about common sense!! LOLS!!....

in the past i would jsut blindly follow formula :P! alright.. but started on thermal and yes the explanation part i hate most..! grrrh!!... am nort that good in explaining it properly even though my english was nort bad.. C6 =.=!!

hmm.. in class i am abit crazy todae... i been showing some of them the brother's signature and A SUPER HEROES LOOK :P!! hahahahahas omg when i tink again it was totally idiotic way of me.. well that way maybe i can get rid of my restlessness!! :)

hahahahahahas after school went to library.. study for a while 1 question ?? and went to dnt.. saw friends!! they seems to be so busy with their artifact yeah? HAHAHas who wouldnt its after all O's!!

LOLS irham is talking nonsense here please... alright than took bus went home and yes i slept for 30 mins on my bed!! my cat beside me weeets!! HEEHEHEHEHS! and i let my hair down finally.. it need to take a rest too LOLS!! okay la.. i am crapping alot todae..

schools tomorrows~! goodnight readers! :D!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! i am nort happy but i am content!...

7:36 PM

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Joy is realizing a brief moment in time can forever change the way you look at someone... Pain is the acceptance that they can never know that moment ever happened

9:44 PM

Todae i felt soo tired.. i duno why am i soo lethargic ehhx??... hmm... dont even have the mood to finish up physic... or maths..

did my english halfway omg!..!! maybe i realli need VITAMIN C!! :S haha...! since i am lazy to exercise take up nesseceray supplement is a must! gonna.. start asking my mother to buy one.. :)

well.. lets talk about sch.. nothin much really happened... stayed.. back.. for the history afternoon lesson.. and yet i didnt get what she is teaching... nuclear missiles??

what i know is.. its about russian and usa.. the president.. of usa succesfully.. make russian to pull out its missiles... somethin like this...

HAHAs poa lesson was kind of funni!!.. mr chan if i rmb correctly.. LOLS.. he teach me and yet he tolerate my nonsense!!!.... :P i told him i want be a rock star!!! and shake my head while he try to solve the problems of the question for me! i should be the one doing it LOLS!! :P!!! HAHAHAHS i am happy todae i learn two! chapter provision for bad debts! and cash book WEETS !! hahahahahahahhahas....

thats nort all!! i sang you give love a bad name! HAHAHAHAHS and that teacher continued the lyric ?? was lIKE LOLS!! :) hahahahahahahas... and he told me nowadays people dont listen to old song hey!! who says...! i am a fan of bon jovi :)! hahahahas that was the lesson that i am most restless.... feel like a gila person..! LOLS!!

alright.. lets end this crappy side.. :)) goodnight readers! just hope tomorrow i have alot of times for my homework :D!

9:35 PM

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sometimes I think the human heart is just a simple shelf. There’s only so much you can pile onto it before something falls off an edge and you are left to pick up the pieces.

7:39 PM

alright lets blog about todae hahas!! :)....................................................................(:

i'm crazy yeah.. school reopen... omg... lols... sianz :(! still left alot of works undone haiss... well.. recess was alright ate nasi lemak in school force myself.. to choke down de food hahahahhahaas!!

okay okay todae somethin idiotic happened... grrhhh... LOLS

okay summarised fast... i guess i am catching up on maths i am quite happy about it :D!!.. well.. chem was a lesson that u could drowse off ani minute it was super... hypnosis i duno how to sae this... the lesson werent interesting at all... :(

okay okay.. lame than school ends.. went to buy for my grandma.. baja for the plants.. those soils :).. and went home and my hair sucks hahahahhahas but i kind of like it :) so watever..!

hahahahas okay reach home i am happy i can stay at the table for like 3 hours doing my english homework... SS sbq.. physic 4 quest and maths :))!! i'm very happy with myself and my cat... !! :D HEHE thats all for todae goodnight readers i am veri tired going sleep soon

7:35 PM

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart

11:36 PM

hah!! a quick post for tonight!! :)

i still left tons of homework :S!! omg.....!!! HAHAHAS... well todae the worse timing i woke up ever it was 3 pm!! super lazy i can sae of myself....

did a few physic question and left alot undone omg...!! i was telling myself that todae will be the day i finish up my work.. hah!!.. guess not i am the laziest!! student ever man!!...

well... after a while i went out with family to bowling omg.. irham u should slap yourself seriously HAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........... wel.. it was super packed.. with waiting on the list of 26 names?? lols when was the game gonna be over ?? 1 2 3 4 hrs??? !

so we decided to went home yeah... and now hah...! i cannot sae i learn much this june holidae... becos of the time.. i didnt realli put in much effort i hope i can! or will... be able to concentrate in the future lesson hah!! :) alright.. tahts all for todae.... :) goodnight!

11:30 PM

I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.

4:21 AM

hahahhas alright lets talk about yesterday hmmph~~!!... there is emo and happy stuff :) to share haha..! my tagboard kinda rottening those who visit please tag TY!.....

alrigth hahahas... as usual as i am the laziest in the family.. i woke up at 1 pm and i move here and there at the bed.. to catch whats the ending of my dream guess wat it changes story hah!!! :S bored..

alright... hahahahs as i was bored played dota and i kept on promising myself that i will study the next day and i kept on breaking it... giving reason i cant focus or i know how to do it... who am i kidding!! lols..!! i am left with one more day to complete it or i am goner..~!~~

hahahas... well.. todae went to bowling with my cousin and aunty... this june holidae i been spending time more with my family rather than friends hah!... thats funni yeah!.. well.. watever... :)!

i told myself at the 10th which is the last round! for the first game!....!...! irham you must strike!! and i told my aunt and cousin i will strike believe it or nort! HAHAHAHS!! and yes the outcome is expected i did!!!!!!!! at that moment!! i was full of!!! confidence.. :D!!!

hahahas i guess confidence do realli..... help a person a lot.... but at the second game is where i am wrong... since i strike twice in the second game for the 1st and 2nd round.. i thought to myself i am alwaes gonna have it easy..! thats when everythin goes wrong... nort onli did i nort able to strike i could nort even.. hit one of the bowling pins even durin second try...

yes.... it might seem that i have begginer luck in the earlier.. but its nort about that... i changed ball and ball again and again.. thinking it will...changed my luck to be better.. but hahahahas yeap! it didnt well... the feeling of complacent is wat causes my downfall thinking that if i did it once i am going to be able to did it.. again.. the other round and so on.. same goes to my studies the feeling of complacent kills!! i am going to changed!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAS

(IRHAM YOU TALK SOO MUCH CRAP ... but can u do it lols!!! )) hahahahahs nahx.. i guess todae i voiced out my feeling of burning.. just to motivate people out there and myself hahahahas!! tomorrow i tink i will surely forget bout it !.. okay enough crap..

THE GAME WAS FUN OF COURSE!!! there were alot of laughter hahahahas!! :))!!! and yeap. i suggested we eat at bukit gombak... ! hahahas!! the restaurant i wanted to eat nasi pattaya badly :S!!! it is a fried rice layered with eggs.. covering the outer... !! super nice.. as we walk talk about life...

and guess what NORT ONLY MY MOTHER HAVE BECOME CAT FANATIC MY AUNT TOO!! Hahahah SHE EVEN BOUGHT CAT FOOD TO FEED.... THE STRAY CAT aww thats soo noble :)!! hahahahahahas... well... CATS ARE CUTE!!!!!!!!!! :DD i love all cats!!!.. hahahahahhas and my one and onli loving cat is at home now!!! alwaes following me around!! :)) but sometime it ignore me =.=!!

hahahahahahahahahas! okay move on!! i have fulfil my craving!! by eating pattaya :D!.. hehehes!.... :)!!.. herwan called.. football tonight... portugal vs brazsil hahahahhaas my fav is brazil ever since like 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9585231 years ago hahhhahas...

and yes.. i went to shop and bought popcorn and drinks as KIASU AS EVER MAN ME HAHAHAS BUT I LOVED IT LA!! :D!! hahahas reached his house... yeah we were talkin bout football..! kinda funni how i can crap about those players when i dun even know football that much i just created my own stories :P!!

hahahahahs but one thing i nort happy HAHAHHAS HE GOT 21 while i got 35 FOR MID YEAR OH MY GOSH!!!>>>>>>>>............. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAH LAMOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i alwas though i am better in study :P!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHA freakign irham! wake up HAHAHAS!

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT after football game over we watched shinjuki movie its about the china mainland who went to japan to work to get better $$?? better life?? well.. in this story it shows us how powerful yakuza organisation is there.....yeap there is gore and stuff like chopping off hand haiizzz!!! kinda sad story... :( as well as how much.. material, power and etc can affect us...

!well jackie chan was in that movie hahahhas!! :D!! shiok !!.. okay it was two plus and my grandma was alone at home so i headed off.....!! :))!! yeah... bid goodbye omg and i totally didnt listen to my fav 12 oclock myster todae :(!! sadded LOLS ! zz hahahahahahahas as i was walkin to the lift i still rmb a ghost story shared by 89.7 fm LOLS!! i better nort write here HAHAHS... that time i was feeling omg.. i have to hurry get home..! :P

alright now i am back and bathed finish goodnight reader~! :))

3:07 AM

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.

11:00 PM

hmm alright lets talk about todae!...

didnt went aniwhere... well... todae was supposed to be the day i relax haiiz!! but its alright :)!

slacked until 6 and cousin came to revise on poa... lols!! i duno which other chapter to study control account everythin is by formula =.=!! damn need memorise is wat i am most laziest at :S!!

alright still left tons of maths papers to do i duno whether i can complete it or nort haizz!!

SS essay omg!!! still nort done... am freaking lazy am i! haaa...

aiyer todae dunt have glee.... show on channel five boring :((!!

misteri jam dua belas (12 o'clock mystery) << on 89.7 fm suria channel WEETS EVERY NIGHT! at twelve ghost stories.... FUN and the song was real funni :D! hahahahas

alright i couldnt talk much as i didnt went aniwhere.. todae... well.. i hope my father will get better as he just beeen out of hospital :) wish him well...!

goodnight :)

10:53 PM

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just listen to me on one thing. Everyday you wait is one day you’ll never get back. Trust me on that.

11:17 PM

hahas!!..!!..!! lets post what i did todae...!!

omg revision starts.. started on maths paper 1 finished up ang mo kio going to the next one!!...

omy!! super hard :S!!! was struggling while doing hah!!... but its alright.. i tried and tried there are few question i could not do!....

well... did two question on physic tooo todae!!!! having headache man!!! i guess i cant revise two subject on one day hmm :S!! that would be a problem when o's exam came omg!!... lols...

went to rest at my sofa.. and haha my cat was on the dining table.... !! guess what happen!!

my cat knock on my book and it drop.... den i turn back and my cat was in shock! HAHAHAS... i said!! or hor!!! or hor!!.... AWW WHAT HAPPEN NEXT WAS THE FACE!! of my cat soooO SUPER CUTE HAHHHAHAHHAHAS it give the !! innocent loooks!! :P and stare at me HAHAHAS!!!!

omg la.... funni arh!!!.... :))

den 7 am my brother came back.. and i asked him on a few question wow!! i didnt realised he was damn good at it...! :S it took him 1 min to solve one question and it took me forever~ HahHh i gues its true i need someone to explain to me and guide me! :)) well.. did until question 15 tomorrow gonna chiong on poa!!

todae i realsied the show GLEE WAS damm inspirational! it shows u different kind of peoples... well.. those that are from disable.. , and more... their motivation that drives them to be better ! :)) i kind of love the show! am getting the dvd for the episodes man!!...

hahahahas alright readers thats all for todae!! nothin much :) goodnight!

11:11 PM

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You start out life with a clean slate. Then you begin to make your mark. You face decisions, make choices. You keep moving forward. But sooner or later, there comes a time when you look back at where you have been and wonder who you really are.

10:22 PM

HAHAHAHHAHAHAS !!!!! omg!!! soooooooo regret this lols!!!...

no wonder my heart have a doubt!! :S but i choose nort to listen to it.. i guess its too bad its me against the world now! HAH!...

well my hair look totally straight and guess what i still shorten my hair the look was soo LOLS...!! when i see the mirror! seems like a girl?? EHH SOOO LAME !! OMG straightening hair wasnt realli! a good thing for me after all hah! :((!!!

okay well.. todae i wasnt supposed to go out due to my bad hair day!... wel.. couldnt avoid it either.. hmmph!... my grandma force me up due to... a friend of her's death.. todae..

hmm.... i went there with of course my terrible hair..!:S! well.. at there is wat i expected it to be people moaning... or somethin!... it was totally out of my imagination...

what i notice was... most of their relative there.. some of them.. giving excuses of nobody to take care of children at home or there is somethin urgent and left....
when they are just barely there for a few minutes???

what could be soo important than the death of a person who left the world.. and the one that still living.... is this the farewell... that were given by your own loved ones.....

although people may make mistake when young.. even though having bad blood... dont you used to share those good times and memories too.. are u supposed to walk away like u just dunt care.. and now.. even to the day of their.. last minute on earth.. maybe human are human..

as an outsider... even my grandma.. could stay there for hours.... i just couldnt stand it when it was their own family members? cousin? aunty? uncle? couldnt do the same....

well watever....! hahahahs! lets move on!!!...

after that went to shop buy nasi lemak and chicken weets!! and walk home while walking... my grandma said my day may come soon!! i just wished i will be going in peace.. and nvr bothered anyone... even if there is no one to visit me...

guess what i told her... oh no worries grandma your time wont come soon it is still veri long! 200 years you know??? den she said why nort make it a thousand..
i said :a person cannot be soo greedy.... dey! translation in malay to english HAHHAHAHAS!! :DD!!!

went home eat my nasi lemak aand CHICKEN! HAHAS shiok man!! than i didnt know why i am soo tired this two days i went straight sleep!...!... den woke up! and used comp...

argh there are still much more homework left to be done! haizz.. i am gonna complete it!! 2 more maths paper 1! :D than its alright and i will try on paper 2 and physic too!! :D!! weee...

goodnight readers! :)

10:02 PM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

On days when you beat yourself up over any regrets, always remember that life isn’t about all the mistakes you make, it’s about what you learn while you’re picking yourself back up from them.

11:10 PM

alright peoples! quick update to my bloggie!!

hmm....woke up at 2 yeah as late dreamer as i am !.... hahahs!!!! hug my cat!! and went to bath to get ready as todae i going study with zhenyao.. nicholas.. and his band mates! in the teck whye mac!... yea....

hahahahs well i was late... and yeapp did quite a few question that i wasnt sure off.. and asked for helped when needed :)) it turn out quite alright..! hahahas... jalal was celebrating his fathers day at east coast park aww nice! :)

hahahas than went to join them for a game of basketball.. its been quite a long long long time since i touch basketball.. and yeah i was a noob at it :(!! hahahhaas!!.... man.. it suck practically the first match is my last match as i was going home! ...

damnnow lets talk about whats going on at home! hmm.. cousin tmr accompanying me reborn the front fringe i hope it turn out nice :))!!! please...! LOLS!!... hate having to comb hair for like MINUTES!! before i can go out of house that make me late!!

hahahahas!! well... if u people wanna know my current hair is as thick as a jungle as fury as a LION ROAR!!!!!!! fierce hor :P scared alr anort hahahahhas!!....

okay okay... lets cut the craps..!! i didnt think i learned that much this two weeks... i need more time please... i am getting over it!! :)!! come on i believe if i practised more and more i can definately do it!..

but everything comes down to my mood which most of the time failed me! :(! hahahahas... well.... i seriously need a break and a study !!! time.. i hope i dont let anione down!! :)

goodnight readers!! felt soo hungry! i just ate rice 8 breads and i am still nort satisfied :(

11:03 PM

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Maybe what they say is true. There are those people you encounter in life whom you never really get over. Even if you meet others who treat you better and love you more, there is always that person you can’t quite completely forget at the back of your mind.

11:13 PM

alright hah! lets update about todae!! ...

hmm.... in the afternoon as usual as i am the most laziest person in the world...!! slept till 2! my cat was roaring like a rooster!! :S!

right right cut the nonsense.. todae... i heard was a father DAYS WELL!!!... HAPPY FATHER's DAY to every father in the worlds!! :DD!!

hahas.. didnt went out with my aunty cousin mother grandma to westmall... even though they keep bribing me with FOODS AND DVDS!! was super lazY :P!!!

well hahahas... stayed home company my sweet little tiger!!.. and watched hannah montana best of both world!! OMG tell u seriously i didnt regret even a single !! time HAHAS!! :)) the movie was great man!! seriously...

this is how the story goes... from a normal girl who became popular by becoming a singer and forget about all the old stuff... she used to be before she was even famous...

feeling disgusted with her old life.. she felt drag being home to celebrate her grandma birthday.. but soon afterward.. she began to realised that she was wrong...!! well in the story... there is alot of singers involve! man!! taylor swift! , tyra bank and rascal flatt?? OMG!! HAHAHHAs

what is nice about this stories is those!! parts where the moral stories came from nvr forget.. who you are... when you are a somebody one day.... well the quote that i can rmb from that movie was Life's a climb... but the view is great... i guess its true at some part yeah.. :)

well after that mum came back.. and bought me burger king weee!! :D love it hahahas!! ate and ate den cousin sms wanted to play badminton... well friend ask me to dota awhile... yeah i couldnt say no to anithin!! =.=!! omg...

alright then i dota awhile... and i gtg and went badminton with cousin and aunty...!! well almost all place in bukit batok was booked also the badminton court!! omg! zzz hahas!! well.. went to the stadium to play!!

was veri funnni yeah!!! the way they played :P!! hahahahahas i am sooo bully man.. !!! played with them and i keep on smash (PURPOSELY ARH IRHAM ZZZ) hahahahahhaas!!!

sweat alot wahh!! first week i exercise hor! :D nice one!!.. well irham exercise is one thing GO STUDY ALSO LA!! zz alright!!.. let see went home... before that bought chickens :D and milk tea !! nice! i like milk tea..

hahahahas went home watch holland vs japan.. the score was 1-0 well.. i didnt realli like football.. but i guess the match was fun after all :)!

hahahas!! okay here is the closing part goodnight everyone! :)

10:53 PM

Friday, June 18, 2010

You may feel alone when you’re lying in bed, or cry yourself to sleep. But always remember that your heart belongs to someone you’ve yet to meet, and, someday, you will be loved.

10:52 PM

alright lets summarised what i did todae and yesterdae hmm!!....

yesterdae went to study at macdonald.... saw the band members liting and co...! studying there... well me and jalal sit at one corner...

i was doing.. my maths!! and yeah it wasnt veri effective as got one !!!!! guy!! keep disturb disturb lost my concentration omg!! totally agreed i cant study outside hahahahas!!...

well he suggested we walked at the canal... i agreed and wanted to play roller skate but too bad the size is tooo SMALL!! cant fit omg my feet is sooo big hahahahahs :P!!

alright than we took a walk... seen sooo many people jogging there even nearing to night omg... i heard the wind during the night was cold and shiok :))!! nice ehhx!!! haahahhas!!

than one idiot keep on box and punch me =.= got irritated and do the same was chasing him like mad omg.. i lost to a sec 3 boy in running!! HAHAHHAS :(( poor me i get tired easily need more exercise irham more exercise more exercise!!

than after our walk i took 985 and i told myself i am going to exercise and keep myself fit every morning woke up at 5 am and jog around my neighbourhood but guess wat people!! I SLEPT LIKE A PIG TILL 2 pm everyday!! all the exercise routine gave up LOLS!! LMAO!!!

alright lets talk about todae hmm!! didnt study :(( that was bad man!! omg... i promised myself to buck up and here i am nort doing so!....

was thinking of straightening my front hair tomorrow because it was curly :((!! i didnt know i will go for it anort... i got this mixed feeling that i like how the way it is and the other though is i want it to be straight so i wont have to take a long time just to comb! LOLS :S

hahahahs well watched a movie called percy jackson and the olympus gods: lightning thief wow!!! nice :))!! one hah.. the story line was kinda dull :(!! well it turn out fine in the end... isnt much of a thrill though...

hahahahahahahs man i am getting addicted to soccer :)) its kinda interesting watching people chasing for the ball and how determined their face look like ....

:)) hahahhas thats al for todae poeple for those who read my todae post LOVE YOU :D! night!

10:43 PM

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mathematics may not teach us how to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, or to love a friend and forgive an enemy. But it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution.

12:04 AM

alright its about todae gonna post fast!!...

woke up at 2.. den ate at 3! well.. hahahahas :))!!! it was raining...

oh my god..! the weather super nice sooo cosy!!! :D loving it !!......

alright hahahs! rest enough time to revise on my poa! cousin came and give me tution!!! :)

seriously needed her help man in poa.... well.. i finally understand how to do.. depreciation on disposal fixed asset and.. the provision for bad debts! but there are times need to look at the format :S!! i'm still kind of confused! yeah..!!

well practise more irham!! tomorrow gonna study maths!! HAH!!! :D! am sooo gonna buck up!! :))

night time watch alien versus predator 2 on my big screentv! yeah kinda yawn knowing wat gonna happened next well!... hahaahahahahas but the image is better on tv :))

hahahahas! okay okay right now i am relaxing tomorrow going mac.. to study!! WEE :D!! am soo into studying but onli one chapter aday how noob can i be ZZZZ!!!

12:00 AM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I don’t know what it is about you. Maybe it’s the way nothing else matters when we’re talking, or how you make me smile more than anyone else has. Or maybe it could be the way you say the right thing at the right time. But whatever it is, I just want you to know that it means everything to me.

10:44 PM

hmm!! well.. todae ! let see...

woke up at 1.. slack staring at the computer screen for like 2 hours!! and yeah after that i am set to study :))!!

did my first maths paper ang mo kio!! it toook me hours and hours!! to solve one question :S...

ask help from some people... yeah!! ... aniwae thanks... jasmine! for the answer!! and post it on your blog just to work it out lols!!!! it sure helps !!! :)) didnt know soo easy ehhx!!!.. LOLS!!

right next what happened was my cute cat!! sat on my tons of undone PAPER THINKING IT WAS HIS BED!!! OMG right after he sat he straight away sleep!!! ARGHHH !!! :S hahahahhahahas

but super cute la him!! :DD

hahahhas cant believe i sat on my dining table for hours!! just to do one maths paper!!.. well..! i try every possible step and realised my mistakes :))!! its okay to finish a little but finish it perfectly somethin like that ?? LOLS

move on la irham!! right after that my uncle and aunty came... uncle bought bbq.. chicken usually i would be omg!! i'm gonna ate em all!! LOLS!.... but todae surprisingly i didnt even bother about it lols guess why!! >>>


mum brought back the dvd i asked my father buy for me.. Alien versus Predator 2 and percy jackson and the lightning thief :)!!

after studied for hours i took a break and watch alience versus predator was!! kinda interesting ehhx the stories!! :)) well i watch it before without the subtitle.. its hard to make out what they said without the subtitle !!! but heng now i understand what they are talking about lols!!..

:) alright the movie was nice! THE GIRL WAS! yeah! hot! hahahahhahahahahhas nonetheless goes to the hero! :)

alright thats all for todae readers goodnight sweetdream!! :D! byebye!

10:10 PM

Monday, June 14, 2010

One of the hardest moments in life is deciding when to give up and when to try harder.

10:29 PM

Alrigth hahahs lets talk about todae!! hmm another slacky day... woke up at 1pm.. and went to bath...

den grandma suggested to follow her go westmall.. buy herself a new wallet... well as lazy as i am while i am asleep i will just sae YES OR NO and if its a no.... i will give tons of reason like...! omg my stomach my hand is breakin my leg.. numb i cant feel it LOLS :P!!!

HAHAHAS i was surprised todae in my sleep i said yes.. maybe cos.. my grandma been talking about getting herself new wallet.... yet before... and the present i gave her the bracelet broke.. omg!! :((!! sign of bad luck?? nahx it was just a simple gift...!!

hmm well.. got ready to go with her and my curly hair todae mess up the day! :S my... cat! HAHAHAS OMG SUPER CUTE LA HIM!!... guys wanna know!!... he was soo cheeky!! he want people to touch him and he roll on the floor and give the CUTE LOOKS OMG.... :D!!!

i bet if u all seen him in action would find him soo cute!!!! hahahahhas he give the sad look like as if we are abandoning him at home... alone as we left the house..!! omg and my cat getting !! fatter!! LOLS!!! <<< fatty!! he just love to eat! :D!

hahahahahhas!! same like his owner but one thing different hsi owner forever skinny except the cheek get fatt!! =.=!!!

LOLS!! right lets move on me and my grandma at westmall.. and she cant stop complain omg where is the shop i am soo angry... irham i tot u know.. u alwaes go out.. i was lyk haaa... me ?? HAhahas i nvr go wallet shop dey!!...

try remember where u last seen it... this is what i told my grandma HAHAHS she was giving me a GOOD LAUGH MAN!!.... we were going up and down the escallator walking around searching for it.. in the end

went to the shop below and... !! well.. there she find what she likes a leather wallet!! quite expensive norh 39.90!! geuniene leather dont play play :P!!!

hahahahs laright next stop we went to shop and save and i bought chicken!! WEE... den went kfc eat!! :D!! nice HAHHAHAHAHHAS SHIOK EHHX !! loving it...!!!

yeap after that went home..! and play internet games with friend! :))!!!

dota awhile msn game bowling , checkers and! poker =.=!! was great huhx!!! :)!

alright thats all for todae! :) goodnight readers

10:01 PM

Sunday, June 13, 2010

If its the thought that counts, you can count on me. I think about you all the time.

11:03 PM

Right irham! lets talk about todae....!...!

hahahas woke up at 1 pm well..... was soo tired yesterday slept at two because i am sooo crapp!!!... :S

alright lets sae ate breakfast... wanted to start on my maths paper one but.... my LAZINESS Took over me... dang..!!....!!....!! went to watch movie title half past dead 2 acted by.. bill goldberg ... hmm??

the wrestler goldberg LOLS>... kinda nice ehhx.. the show.... but the storyline kinda.... dull and bored.. :S... should have more.. of fighting scene and movement.. something like... during the longest yard.. where... the storyline was ! awesome ehhx.. adam sandler acting on it hahahahas!! <<< omg i'm blabbering thing that onli i understand okay move on!!

than i went to paly dota awhile kept on feed and feed got frustrated... and i stop playing hmmph :((! hahahahhahahhahahs well..

aunty uncle came to my house... and uncle suggested to go watch karate kids.. i was right! alright.. since i got nothin much to do...!!

LOLS it was weird u know!! HAHAHHAHAS ME WENT OUT WITH THEM first time went out with uncle and aunty to cinema three person?? LOLS nort used to it :S!! but its okay la since they treat!! :P!!

hahahahhahas my uncle IS SOOO FREAKING FUNNY EVEN THOUGH HE HAVE THOSE FIERCE LOOK! LOLS!!.... i was laughing man you know what he told me ... wah How come got the timing 6.50 pm and 6.15 pm << (karate kid)

guess what he said next dotn watch the 6.15 SOO FAST FINISH ONLI 35 mins in cinema den went out HAHAHHAHAHAHHAS IW AS LIKE LOLS....!! KINDA CRAP AND LAME EHHXH LOLS!!! its been long since he went to cinema ehhx?? HAHAHs...

well i help them buy the ticket but the booth person sae onli have front row omg :S no choice change venue to lot one!! yeah same thing happen :(( at least... our row.. are at the third! from the first..!! hahahahahhahahhas :D!

MY UNCLE WAS damn freaking funni when i bought the popcorn large?? he said wahh THE popcorn soo BIG !!! last time i saw veri small.... Like this eat shiok arh! my aunt give the sarcastic sentence you purposely buy large cos your uncle got big tummy so same size as the popcorn ehhx? LOLS!!! <<<< imma joke of the hell!!

LOLS okay lets move on! in the cinema ME MUNCHING AWAY THE HOTDOG WITH BREAD PLUS CHEESE YUMMMY :D i tot i was an expert no chilli would drop and yet some drop at my pant =.=!! LOLS

eclipse twillight damn nice!! EHHX the trailer :) and one more of donnie yen! MOVIE COMING UP!! OMG HE GETTING MORE AND MORE RECOGNISE AND POPULAR !! KINDA LIKE HIS ACTING :D!! imma love it..

hahahahhas alright! KARATE KIDS START SOON... the show kinda inspiring ehhx... :))
well there are humours and discipline... at a part.. what i rmb he said too much practising is not good rest is part of it in chinese something like this <<<
HAHas thaere were three quotes but i cant seem to rmb now :S!! was concentrating on te fighting instead lols....

China the culture kinda nice!! GOT THOSE FESTIVAL OMG SOO NICE>........ :D japan tooo... imma like their culture festival AALOT!! :))

hahahahahahahas... right right.. during the movie i was the one munching the popcorn LIKE GILA hahahahahs like never eat like that omg.... BITE BITE BITE BITE CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH UNTIL MY TEETH SOO PAIN OUCH :((!! hahahhaas

addictive ehhhx.. the next time i wont put my hand on any popcorn.. if nort cant stop eating!! ARGH ahahahs....

the movie end well.. and we all went home am soo tired :))!! hahas my hair now is as thick as bush..!! wondering when want straight the front one :)!! LOLS!

byebye readers GOODNIGHT!

10:15 PM

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It’s hard when you miss people. But you know, if you miss someone, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.

10:26 PM

well lets update about today...!!

didnt realli study :(( i was taking a break.. LOLS.... hahahahas imma... shouldnt be laughing about this its a serious matter...

hmm well.. what am i doing lately??... yeahh... erm.. played dota awhile cafehotel :))

and yeah after that mother called say treating food at cck park :D omg agreed readily as i got nothin else to do soooo freaking slacking :((!!

right mum got home at around 4 and everyone was ready to went there..... well... walk around lot one the pasar malam.. my grandma realli funni...

she can get psycho by a durian seller to buy durian at a cheapa price d24?? ehhx?? LOLS 3 box for 10 dollar kinda lame ehhx.. well.. my grandma am a durian fanatic... and also she seen the flower rose she kinda interested in ?? LOLS!

well... we got alot spare time walk around the pasar malam and than went to cck park to eat... todae!! foood was satisfactory... except the fish which taste sooo fishy and as well as my water they order wrong zzzz..... its ice blended longan la ASS hole... nort tea - o lime ZZZZz

hahahahahahahahahhas!! after that walk to lot one where my grandma went to see the shop i bought her present... !! :D omg... lols she was kinda happy ehhx?? she wear it almsot everyday... i kind of like it... wanna know why.. hahahahas well.. she appreciate what i gave her thats why!

hahahahahas..... okay lets sae we seperate the woman went to their aries shop and i went to laser flair LOVE DVD MAN... now sales price drop 12.90 to 14.90 !! guys go check it out :DD!!

yooo... hahahas was looking for the dreamer! dvd but couldnt find it at lot one!! i guess the onli palce available was causeway point :((!!..... damn kinda took 1 hours just to watch all the title there...

if onli in my hand i have 1k i will bought every and each title (Y) HAHAHAHAS :D!!.... well lets sae i decided to buy the best of both world this time... hannah montana... as i heard from the review the last song was damn touching ehhx?? :)))

kinda interested but its kinda paisehx ehh when the time to paid it... was like buying a girl dvd when guys usually buy those gore or violent kind... :S... hahahas well watever suits me todae.. i just buy!!

mother bought kfc bbq meltz And yeah ... grandma bought her durian aunty buy her stuff uncle... just walk walk... aimlessly... :)!

than we went home right now i am using computer to update the story of my life..! :D take care dreamer!!! :D

10:14 PM

Friday, June 11, 2010

I want people to feel an immediate happiness and cheerfulness when they are around me and to make a difference in someone’s life. I want to make an impression in someone’s life, so that even though I may be delicate and fragile, my footprints are permanent within the hearts of the ones I’ve touched.

11:00 PM

okay hello world i am updating again todae!! :))

HAHAHS! lets talk about what i did!!...

WOKE up at 7.30 am.. was supposed to get ready for onli a lesson which is poa but i got soo tired... that i felt asleep... and told myself u need the energy irhamm.... just sleep this is what been going through my mind??? okay maybe this is a devil that ask me to slack and fail =.=!!

right!! woke up at 12.30pm den on comp chit chat! :D and went to bath.. get ready for todae as i meeting my cousin and her friend at the republic poly... TO study poa!

yeah hahahahhas!!! as usual they went first and i went late... as i am the most laziest??? :S!! okay okay lets sae at the start wasnt that good for my mood... hmm...
took 985 to lot one..!

and take mrt.. to republic poly.. aww the last time i went there was those briefing talks?? on DPA !! hahahahahas kinda missed the placed.... welll the environment was quite nice to study !

went to meet up with my cousin and her friend.. and we starting revising on the topic on poa... well this topic which i am confidence i can scores i will put alot of efforts in it... hahahas

the teaching was alright.. until some part of the disposal that got a bit complicated... you see :S!!

hahahahas well.. after that some dancer wanted to use that place =.= my cousin friends were annoyed by it she throw her temper and we left to change table... could see irritated all over her face... as all those music noise were... being made.. hahahas... its okay

hmm lets sae todae lesson was quite effective but i am totally blurred.. over the poa!! i need alot of times to practise and make myself perfect man!!

well.. than we left at 7 and ate at banquet aww.... I MISS THE FOOD I EVEN MISSED THE STALL THAT SELL CHICKEN WITH THE GRAVY ON TOP OMG ITS GONE :(((!! hAIZZzzz ! the last time i went there was like last year??......

haiz haiz... ate my hotplate... the food was hot i ate alot of the rice made me soo full!! :)) the gravy was salty :(( omg... am gonna get high blood pressure man!!...

than when we all were full i went to check dvd!! THERE IS THIS TITLE DREAMER THAT SUITS ME!!! WELL.... I DIDNT BOUGHT IT BUT I AM GOING TOO SOOON!!... it was shown in the story that was inspired by real life story... lets begin the sumarry that i read behind.. her father was a horse trainer? and de inspiration was from her daughter who wanted to heal the broken leg of an injured horse... somethin like that???!!

well that catch my eyes was the TITLE DREAMER!! <<< OMG :DD !!!!

well i boguht this disc that have goldberg acting on it half past dead 2!! omg the picture look interesting i hope the story is worth the money!!!

hahahahs than went to accompany my cousin buy her macdonald... i went to look at this bbq pitch OMG 19.90 killer price :D felt like wanting to own one... but when i heard what ani told me...

after you cook you need to wash it... thats when... i think
OH FORGET IT..... my kind of person... is those super lazy!! theres no time to wash HAHAHHS!!...

went to buy ice cream FLAVOUR BURST rasberry DAMN SWEET NICE I LOVE THAT ICE CREAM YOU GUYS SHOULD TRY It at macdoanld :DD!!

took 187 and listen to music and i am day dreaming once again!!.. :))!!!

reach home now slacking again!! HAHAHSA.. goodnight reader!!! :)

10:48 PM

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It’s funny how we set qualifications for the right person to love when deep in your hearts, we know that the person we truly love will always be an exception.

9:38 PM

Hahahs lets post todae...! irham lets go go go...

well went to school at nine! since i have onli lesson on poa starting at nine!! hmm.... guess wat... hahahas i learned a new chapter todae! i am soo gonna share it with u guys!! :D.. hehes!

it was DISPOSAL ON FIXED ASSETS WEE!!... look simple ehhx?? but its nort as simple as it is except for question one and two in the paper... i kind of manage to pass it if it was n level.. but right now we are talking about O's the additional info will create a headache..! :S

mr hasyim was more of scolding me rather than teaching =.=!! lols... if he go through the answer. i am sure i will be able to catch up faster! he was asking me guess one by one out omg!! that was totally... nonsense as in the past... durin n levels! i memorised the step :P nort how to do it HAHAH!!

alright lets move on.. my stomach was seriously hungry durin in class... but well... hunger can wait!... study come first!....! hahahahahs!!..... next lesson was english force ms sandya tooo go through all the picture discussion well this is our weakest in ORALS! yeah,,, hahhas

omg omg omg... prepare last minuet is nort a good thing irham!! STUDY BEFORE THE TEST LA NEXT TIME ZZ,,,,,,

okay okay seems to be able to catch it... well after school went to third level to.. meet her again... and she teach again... :)) kinda blur though... this time round...

than went to the hall to take the exam.. ZZzzz... okay okay lets sae i am third in the row hahahahhahahahs.. omg sooo fast.... but i guess it was a good thing the thing is still fresh on my mind :D

well.. read the picture.. and the passage... it was kinda... you know for the picture!! four person jumping?? strait times?? omg how do i summarised all this into one! hahahhas!

feel lyk i am talking without links to the examiner she was... like just agreeed with me :S!! okay watever hope i get a good passing grade... distinction would be perfect :D

hahahahas okay than my turn was done... finally a breath of relieve...

went downstair with vicky and josephhine met kaihui felix follow by zhongyi and yaukuen... was CRAPPING AT THERE MAN DAMN FUNNI AND LAME!! ZZZZ :D!! hahahahas well all were memories!!

hahahas to pass the time i talk all the craps out!! :D and told some people about why is it sooo....... noble to be a psychologist aww... me great man! LOLS......

okay la den bid goodbye to them still waiting for them finally alright.... went downstair to do broadjump... yeah... during that time i wasnt thinking of hungry?? HAHAHHAHAs i guess the mind realli works wondeR :D

went home used comp.... totally slack.... tomorrow gonna chiong again!! YES IRHAM KEEP THIS UP!! :)!

take care peoples!

9:24 PM

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again

8:31 PM


alright lets say i have been studying the practical for physic... and yet in turn during the day.. i was soo panic.. lets talk about wat i been doing in class.....

okay todae... was kinda early for me i didnt arrive late to school :)!! hahahahhas well important exam... mid year derhx practical lols!....

in class yeah todae kinda an improvement for me... i did one of the financial ratio? question one completed HEHEHS one onli LOLS!!... :)) yeah felt soo tired.....
in class the whole day...

didnt went for recess as i dont think i realli need to.. since i nort realli into the school fooods... LOLS!! hahahahhas omg that was when i was totally wrong!... todae got ss :(

omg! mrs chong was totally mad at our class... becos some were whispering while she was going through at the board that made her mad... :S welll.... i didnt know this will happened... hmm... i alwaes though she was the kind who scold and forget bout it..

well todae maybe wasnt realli her mood.. too listen to our class nonsense ... haiiiz another tons of ss homework to do :((...

i been trying to discipline myself.. this few days... listening to what the supei said eat less fast food?? and drink more plain water.. and dont sleep in the afternoon!! well it kinda help... even though i felt sleepy..! :S

HAHAs... well thanks yvonne for the worksheet.. LOLS the question was similar but it didnt realli help me guess maybe i was realli a person who seems to have a slow... mind HAHAHAS or am i toooo SLACK ZZ....

:S okay oaky lets talk about what happen in the labs OKAY!!... this is wat i observe... Hahas i was reading the question on physic and they all start doing :S how long do i take to read a few sentence and get it to my brain! LOLS!....

i saw suling need help... with the instrument tthats when i got panic!! because this is my first time taking exam PRACTICAL YEAH

THE FEELING WAS SO DIFFERENT THEN WHEN U DO PRACTICAL IN THE LAB SOO SLACKY!!... but this omg omg omg... i almost open the envelope?? that will be sooo wrong lols!!!....
alwaes though my english was alright.. but it seem so hard for me to catch up on the words!

HAHAHAs i was realli dissapointed lols ... my straight line didnt follow the ohm's law during that time which would be directly proportional to the current?? omg i tot i did wrong... =.= try to peek but mr teo chin an.. was like sooo observant he kept on looking around was hoping he would take a nap!! or walk out go toilet =.= ZZZZ!!!!

chemistry was worse... :(( i see their precipitate got colour mine all COLOURLESS AND my instrument broke one of the testtube ZZZ i heat up the testtube and it start to vibrate =.= damn i stop straight since i saw no reaction like lame arh!! LOLSOLOLS!!

i guess if i can get 5/15 on chem it will be quite okay :)

hahahahs okay.. after all this went out to lot one with gabriel was finding my GRANDMA PRESENT !!....!! in my mind i though of buying her kitchen utensil which will be usefull wel.. when looking around at ntuc couldnt find ani... and the price was too cheap!

i was hoping to buy her expensive gift...! well.. went to first floor there is sales... on woman accesories... told gabriel to follow me and he stood one side sae i must be man go alone he wait =.=!!

zzz LOLS!!! okay it was kinda weird as i am the onli person lookin for the bracelet! for my grandma... though of buying two or more as the price was $3 dollar it was.. below my budget... :S

but i guessed i couldnt choose anithin i picked up those green bracelet with gold chain.. and paid.. hahahahs! than bid goodbye to.. gabriel..

well.. went home and my grandma was impressed with the gift.. and ask me how much was it.. i didnt tell her of course..!.. :S

hahahahas i kinda like the look in her face... maybe its nort a matter of the price of the thing or stuff its whether u put sincerity in it.... :)) becos i kind of choose quite long before finding the suitable one! :)

the first thing she did was wear it around her hand and see whether it fit LOLS :) and ask me help to adjust so it will look better :) thats kinda somethin ehhx?

hahahahas!!! okay this is the first deed i did todae... and my cousin came and tution me on partnership and final account finally i get what those additional info was... it was kinda complicated but it played around with ure accrued and prepaid !! << that was the clue :)

kinda easy if u know it lols... HAHHAHAS but as you focus on additional info.. you will tend to make mistake on the trial balance thats what i been making :X ....

well two question took me 3 hours.. but i kind of impressed that i can stay sit still without doing anithing.. :)! hahahahahhahahahs...

okay la now i am on comp... doing my own stuff... and! slacking..


take care goodnight reader

8:11 PM

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

9:14 PM


omg i totally forget her birthday :( damn wat am i..

okay lets summarise what happened todae.. hmm in school.. and yeah... came late... heng didnt get scold or get white slip :/ couldnt wake up at all...

my head was soo giddy man.. every single day felt sooo restless and tired...
i couldnt make myself concentrate in the class.. the moment i see the question paper thats when my mind tell me to sleep =.=!!

my goodness... what am i becoming lazy bumpkin get up IRHAM... you are nort performing at all... seeing all my friends around me.. they study soo hard and yet i am... de onli onli burning out....

hahas!! okay recess was a totall embarrassment!! the chicken while trying to! cut it open it fly to my uniform zzz :( got stain ehhx omg... its nort about the stain lols i hope nobody saw it lols!!

move on! school ends went home with suling and supei... than meet danial... ! he promised to treat us today!! LOLS :))! great hahhahas!!!....

fun ehhx.. went to watch shrek happily never after :D he paid lols.. he like to grumble alot ehhx.. like as if waste alot $ onli treat one time !! =.=!!

the show was quite nice... morale of the story is cherish what you have now happiness look small when its on your hand.. let it go and you will see how big it is... :)

treasure those people around u before everything change!...

okay after the movie went to eat burger king he treat bought 10.99 food.. yeah !!! he paid dem LOLS!! of course hahahhas!!!! todae was all on him!.. :))

fulled.. and went home thats when i was shocked to hear that my grandma birthday was today :(( nobody told me about me neither do i find out HAizzz.. totally a let down...

tomorrow gonna get her a present wee...!! hAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA this quote is for u!

Youthful Grace

You walk with grace,
Humble and fun,
With youth in your eyes,
Always on the run.

Ageless beauty,
From a far off land,
Filled with stories,
More plentiful than sand.

Legendary wisdom,
Shared with us all,
We value your company,
From winter till the fall.

Today we celebrate,
Another special year,
We love you more than ever,
Your heart is always near.

For you: Tijah << my sweet loving grandmother take care may you live long and have a blessing YEAR always!

goodnight readers! :D

8:58 PM

Monday, June 7, 2010

i miss you more than you could ever imagine.

9:15 PM

OMG imma soo bored :( <<<< HAHAHAHAS LAMOS i used the word imma sound lame!....!

okay first thing first i am bored right now totally!! TO THE MAX :(( hahahahahas!.......

well lets summarised what i did todae in school hmm.. went to school well go in late... as because i slept late yesterday night... and that caused me a headache i couldnt wake up.. seeing the first lesson was history my weakest...

well i told myself i could get some rest and study for poa... its the subject i wish to scores..! hmm upon 9 am reach school and went to class yes i am late.. and started to study poa...

i guess poa is about twisting the question even though knowing the formula freaking hate the additional INFO ! LOLS! its like soo complicated... make my whole account imbalance okay well its hard to explain here hahahahs!!....

okay recess went to class 5.1 talk to the wall to exercise... u know kill times!! yeah thats the usual me...!! :) hahahahahas man.. i am freaking nuts!!..

recess over time for khaidir lesson omgod.... i am soo not gonna make it.. i got soo much unknown in general physic... DAMN EXPRESS QUESTION WAS SOO LIKE TWISTING!! twist of fate man!!.. hate it need more practise... haizz the question is when am i gonna start??

LOLS!! alright after that went to lot one accompany bryan bought his combined human stuff?? and i went to buy macdonald PARAPAP PAP PAP i am loving it! yeah imma loving the FASTFOOD :D!! HAHAHHAS

brought home ate DEN went to sleep !! Yeah <<< THE USUAL DREAMER HAHAHAHAS!! :))

OKAY LA stop with the bored irham i need TO START STUDYING IF NORT I AM SOOO NORT GONNA MAKE IT :(!!

inspiration! please... come back and motivate me to study hard...! i am looking for u... will u be here?..? to help me .. get through this.... misery.... << okay i am having mental disorder LOLS!...

if onli there is angel.. to help me through HAHAS! :)) okay la goodbye readers

8:47 PM

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I will never say never (I will fight)

I will fight till forever (make it right)

Whenever you knock me down

I will not stay on the ground

7:32 PM

hhahahahas okay todae was totally a tiring day :S!!! lets summarised what i did for todae...

woke up at 10 but i choose to sleep since my energy have nort been regain yetLOLS!! and yes! i woke up at 1 plus den my mother was there hey irham! u promised to study now wake up already!! i bought u kfc hurry and wake... well as zombie as i am.. i fainted and woke up again when my mind have nothin else to dream off...

went to bath and thats when my nightmare began!!. =.=!! LOLS!!!! my two small little niece are back from their swimming ADVENTURE AT JURONG LOLS!!! well the start they were quiet and asleep... how cute :))

BUT ONCE THEY ARE AWOKE THEY! start their! attack.... LOLS first thing first i have to eat... and there and they are talkin gibberish on their own way LOLS!! planning on strategies ehhx?

okay lets see what they did that makes my day unforgettable??? HAHAS i on comp!! and one of the itchy hand press here and dere... LOLS!! =.=!! omg omg hahahahahas thats nort the end... they start to climb on my leg while sitting down !! OMG!!! how naughty can they be!!!

whats more during this time my family went out my brother was dead asleep! no noise can disturb him.. my aunt lock the other room and focus on her baby!... =.=!...

okay okay look like i am responsible for this two little cheeky brats! LOLS! <<< HAHAHAS SOUND MEAN EHHX!!....... lols...

i tot i can scared dem off when i stare at them and give them the cool fierce look :P hahahahahhas!!! guess NORT!! THEY PINCH MY FACE AND HIT MY HAND LOLS!! TOOK MY VOLLEYBALL THROW AROUND =.=!

man!! that was realli lols!!! scary... my phone drop in the process !! LOLS!!! but one thing is fun arh... i can lie to them and told dem that there were bomb in the house and ghost cannot anihow touch :P HAHAHHAHAHS AND THEY BELIEVE KIDS WILL ALWAES BE KIDS HAHAHAHS!!!

aww!! this is where the hard part began!!.... while those two were playing one of them cried for no reason??? haaa... see play paly somemore now cry omg!....
it WAS SOO LOUD she was shouting and crying??? well onli a few drop tears the saliva most! wetting my bed!! OMG :S tried to console her!.... and it didnt work??? gave toy she throw away.. =.=!! lols!!!

ask for help from friend and yeah the answer i get couldnt help either!!!! WAS IN THE VERGE OF GIVING UP!!! :((!! hahahahahahs my last resort my aunt that lock her door i turn the door buckle round and round to irritate her!! SO she will come out and help HAHAHAHAS IN TURN IT DID HELP IN SOME WAY :) she handled de rest lols!!!

okay lets sae when the cry niece is alright?? its back to square one again they and their teamup!! vandalise on my paper!! omg drawing ehhx?? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHS!!! please .... ! hahahhas well...... i was there having headache... totally couldnt control kids! HAHAHAS man... well there are nice thing about them tooo!! :)) wee wanna hear it out well they sang along the WESTLIFE- every little thing i do !! when i on it on the comp HAHAHHAS HOW CUTE!!! :DD!!! HAHAHAHAS!! omg this kids! kind off cute!

well todae is their day to went home awww!!!... gonna miss their nonsense :))!!! hahahahahs how cute their dressing is ehhx?? first to show me... once they are dressed up lols!! LOOK LIKE I AM like a boss to them :P!! hahahahhas maybe nort !

okay la sent them to their cars and bid farewell to my malaysian cousins and off they go!..

back home cleaned up the mess now still have more omg!!... my days are soooo!! LOLS!! BUSY!! HAHAHHAS i going watch dvd!!! MAN :))!

okay in case u guys are wondering how they look like here are the pictures! i took snapshot lols!

take care readers!! goodnight!! :))

7:10 PM

Saturday, June 5, 2010

it is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.

10:47 PM

HAhahahas okay okay here i am erm.. updating about todae!! wee.... well.. lets talk about todae... woke up at 10.30 to met my mother and father at joon koon TO GO EAT ARNOLD.... weeets!!

hahahahs took mrt with cousin and.. mingwei nudge me on the way as i was day dreaming in the mrt :S... hahahahas said hi and well.. abit of conversation and off we go our separates way...

met my parent and went to paya lebar ate! ARNOLD THE HALF CHICKEN AND what fries i forgot :X sUPER FULL LOLS!!! trust me HAHAHAHHAHAS!! cant force myself to eat animore.. but the mind is soo powerful.. it can make ure physical body works! :P.. am trying to relate to my previous post lols..!!!

well.. after our full LUnch and breakfast... we went to the cat exhibition !!.... i was expecting it to be mega! big... full of cat pictures everywhere but its onli a one story where picture where hang on the wall around 30 pic :( too bad hahahas... but kinda artistic some of the photo yeah!...

lol then went to city hall to look at dvd omg the pricey!! SUPER EXPENSIVE HMV IS LIKE VERI VERI EX!!!!!! cant buy from there man... it will be a waste of $

took train went to westmall and saw alot od DONNIE YEN DVD OMG... :D coool la!!! HAHAHAHS i didnt know he was famous :S guess i onli know his character after ip man 2HAhas...!!

den went home and thats when!! THE LITTLE ONES... trouble came!... on comp though of slacking and relaxing there goes my two dear little small cousin come into the room and shout laughing... !

guess what they pinch my face! =.=!! den hit my hand!! omg omg WAS SOOO LOLS!!! and i was given the assignment to take care of them??? OMG THATS = !!!!! ARGHH!!! Hahahhaahhahahas

well i though it was easy to discipline them.... asking them to watch video guess what they took my material paper volleyball handphone and start to play around!! :S jump on the bed !! SOOOO NAUGHTY LOLS!!!!

even my cat was terrified by them! hahahaha! having to get chased around well.... i got this dino egg! bought from seven eleven and i put on both their head it looks CUTE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHS LIKE LITTLE DUCK

but one thing is good about them hahahahahas......
i find them cute :)) when i laugh at their stupidity they will just simply laugh it off and hit me !

hahahaahahahas teach them how to used my phone hope nothin spoil as i wasnt paying attention and doing my own thing while they try to figure out a coool gadget of mine :P!

hahahs its one thing about kids i alwaes have a soft side for them LOLS!! maybe everyone does ! .... :) hahahahahahahahaahhas....

okay until here everyone :) take care!

10:36 PM

Friday, June 4, 2010

Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind.

9:52 PM

okay hahahas i am here again! blogging hmm....

todae well... mrs tong came in our class.. and gave us a speech on our result as well as her life story... hmm.. welll hahaha throughout the speech she got a point when mr khaidir was around everything in our class seems to be in order lols....

its like how do i put it these way... its alwaes the form teacher rather than the subject teacher can keep the order of the class.... hahahas kinda make sense?? well if nort lets move on!

she also talk about how.. her pride of becoming a woman.. of nort trying to ask money from her husband.... and soo oonn... well whats on my mind was i was trying to ask her.. what was on her mind.. and inspire her to work hard during her time before the o'level examination but i asked wrongly.... :S

i asked what make her work soo hard.. well... the answer i get was .. hmm to achieve her goal... in life.. and nort to use excuses as a reason for not doing well...

well i have alwaes been using excuses even up till now... about how tired i am.. why i cant do well in examination i should try put a stop to this!

what is meant by goal to me is somethin that inspire u or somethin that u want to achieve something that can motivate you to go far.. in the past i used to have a goal.. but i guess ever since that day.. i seems to give up on it.. thing that inspire me is kinda weird... =.=!!

its to be on par with someone in study.. and everythin or doing even better... to be recognised nort by anyone but onli one , to be understand , to be close to that one.. if i want to list the key of my past motivation it will be a full list LOLS but its all a thing in the past <<< HAHAHAHHAHAHAS i know i know i am being ridiculous here okay move on...

continuing on my mission of interviewing how those successful teacher lead their life.. my next target was mr hasyim well..! he was...on the next subject list.. becos todae he teaching POA HAHAHAS....

HE AND HIS BOASTFUL CRAPS MAN! LOLS>.....<< but after a while he confess that what realli motivate him is those friends around him already have planned their future which is to go university ... but his result when he mention during prelim wasnt that bad it was 20 plus while mine is 35 :((!

i can still rmb the vivid detail he told me how embarrassed he was.... being the lousiest one among his friends... in study well thats what i am feeling right now :S hahahahahs!!! whats odd is in the past he studied at the kitchen ... to concentrate... sometimes... i finally understand how the power of the mind works!... its far greater than the physical body

if u have a strong mind u can make ure body work the extra miles!... :)) u can push urself further..

well todae learnt poa and i finally finish my partnership totally a bad start but a good effort... that i can complete it :))! hahahhas

end of school went to lot one with supei to look at the maths self help book showing all the formula and solution :) i was wasting my time there to spend $10 and below on books! HAHAHHAS LOOOKK <<<< how SELFISH I AM WHEN IT COMES TO BUYING thing that can improve myself.. when it comes to food i dont mind spending extra $ LOLS!!!

hAHAHHAHAS!! i looked through and i still cant understand the chapters on vector maybe i need to work and practise more THE question is when i am gonna start?..

HAHAHAHAs den went to eat long john with zhongyi and supei.. zhongyi was crapping all the way LOLS!!.... and went home hahahas... took a nap.... and i cant denied how many time i will have to say it again and again my cat IS SUPER CUTE!!! HAHAHAHAHS JUST LIKE HIS OWNER :P

danial make sure u make true to ure promised this time rounds... i am looking forward to the free treats! its been a while :)


Goodnight :)

9:36 PM

Thursday, June 3, 2010

its every little thing you do

7:44 PM

Alright hello world!.... :)

hmm hahahas... well todae... went school and studied science in the lab the experiment practical stuff?? LOLs... wasnt that good with it.. kinda dangerous ehhx... plus the googgles.... havin to put it on.. is such a drag....

LOLS... hmm... learning maths todae! the correction omg... i didnt know the question was that easy to answer :((.... learning from my mistake is one thing... i hope i wont make another one.. in the upcoming i am gonna learn from each and single one of dem..

alright hahahas todae i am slacking again... as usual... went home with supei she want to buy her assesment wat essay.. for english lols loook around... in popular nothin interesting to read.. hahas

den went home and slept for 2 hrs and here i am blogging! dotaing awhile.....
damn i still havent got the mood to study :(( haizz come on irham u should be revising now!!! ... i will!! create my timetable as fast as possible...

okay oaky mother going to bring us to ART exhibition this saturday weeets!!! :D hope its gonna be fun there or admire the beauty of the artist drawing ehhh?? HAHAHHAS well what interest me is THE FOOOD ARNOLDS! :D hahahahahas!!! den i guess going buy some dvd!! damn...

shiok! :)

take care readers!

7:37 PM

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Smiles when your around and cries when your apart..

11:22 PM

Okay as exam is over i am back to square one....

the feeling of urgency is gone once again.. oh my.. irham what are u doing...!!

todae were supposed to come school at 9 as onli have one lesson todae.. i didnt know need assemble at 7.30 that would be totally troublesome... having to woke up early in the morning haizz...

well reach class... and there i was struggling to do the first question man... it was tough the partnership i couldnt realli understand the additional info... in the past this seems easy.. well totally forgot =.=!1

hope i can buck up man~!!!~ since i couldnt do at all... at 12 left the classroom i know i dissapoint mr hasyim.. as he wanted me to stay and yet i go.. i couldnt understand the question at all... man whats wrong with me ?

hahahahahas well.. took one round bus as usual.. and went below my block to buy roti prata... ate four pieces until SIAN OF IT!! LOLS THE SMELL OF IT make me feel like want ... :S for now arh...

den i went to sleep i didnt know i need soo much energy just felt like sleeping throughout the day... and now here i am blogging :))

well something FUNNI RUN ON MY MIND HAHAHAS!! i was thinking when there is CLASS BBQ I WIL EAT AS MUCH AS I CAN LIKE HUNGRY MONSTER HAHAS!!!! i did spout out nonsense inside my thoughts!! something LIKE HOOOOHOOO ALL THOSE FOODS IS MINE! MAN! with those evil thought!... but yeah i know i cant eat that much :S maybe miss barbecuing ehhx?

cant wait for saturday MOTHER GOING TREAT ME ARNOLD WHERE ARE U? HAHAHAS okay its Arnold located at geylang there the CHICKEN DAMN NICE :)) should try it out OR POPEYE WEE :D DAMn love the FOOODS!!

okay la stop here goodnight readers! :))

11:14 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies