
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

When you walk away I count the steps that you take , Do you see how much i need you right now?

11:54 PM

HAHAHhas!! todae lets talk about it!!!!

well hmm it was TEACHER's DAY!!! :DD!!! hohoho!! LOLS..... yeap.... i slept at ten you know!!! and yet i couldnt wake up for school :( okay!! HAhahhahahas.. and todae also i succeeded in bringing him back mr khaidir will be happy to hear this for sure!!! :)

of course he will.. ! HAHAHAHHAHAS! yeap we set to meet at yew tee! and yes!!! like i said yesterdae i didnt got the time to buy wrapper argh!!! :S!!! sianzz!!! hahahahas!!! went to yew tee.. and while waiting for him i walk around the whole yew tee and the 7 eleven even the NTUC!!! to just find the wrapper walk and walk and yet i couldnt find and as you guys would know during morning shop closes and few open and i was there hoping at least one shop will have WRAPPER!!!

and YES ALL DISSAPOINT ME HAHAHAHS!! yeap sky reach and we went to 7 eleven bought chocolate! HAHAHHAS AWWW HESKEY :DD though i dont really like chocolate the name SOUND EXPENSIVE :P!! and the prize nort bad =.=!!! hahahahas okay okay well i spend anorther 10 for teachers!

hahahahas damn it irham you seems to be sooo outgoing about this kind of thing :) hahahahahhahas yeap the answer is yes i love celebration i mean !! HAHAHAHAS whether it was aces day or watsoever exercise !! participating was my kind of thingy...!! but i have to see who i do it with! :) thats the another problems LOLS!!! ... !!!

okay la my stomach was pain during today i felt nervous i duno whats bugging me HAHAHahahhahahas its nort like as if something... big going happen LOLS!! the feeling is holding me back nervousness please go away.. i should eat bananan alot!!!


went back class and study poa.. yeap slap myself as i cant concentrate!! feel like talking and talk nonsense!! HAHAHHAHAS crap crap crap!! omg thats what i am good at!!! how can a COOL PERSON LIKE ME TALK CRAP welll!!! i am the cool of the extra ordinary! :)

yeap did at least one question and i am proud of it!! but ! its nort good enough irham it never was!!! catch up! HAHHAHAS!!!

alright than it was recess AND THAT SHIRMIN went oFF without me i was wondering oh she brought some kind of ! bag with flowers!! it look nice la!!! BUT I HOPE MINE WILL IMPRESSED MS LI MORE WITH MY SINCERE WORDS :P!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAS!!!!!!! OMG another crap from me i gotta stop this soon its bad for health!

yeap me sky gave our teachers something a token of appreciatian!!! I STILL RMB MR hasyim TELL ME HE WAS VERY TOUCHED BY THE GIFT I GAVE HIM ANd the Letter!!!!!!!! AWWW!!!!!! HAHAHAHAS!! it was THE first NIce thing he ever said to me other than the irritating ham! there is so many ghost in the school you are one of them , stop combing your hair , terrible boy ALL THIS NONSENSE HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS!!!

hahahahahhahas den went to hall to celebrate teachers day!!!!...WOOTS!! hahahhas we were seated at the gallery!!! :)!! feel LIKe senior siot!!! HAHAHAs sooon it was packed with ex-regenites!!1 and i called ms li and she went up LOLS skali too full arh i dont feel like moving and give her as.. you know it was cramp!!!

HAHAHAHHAS THE PERFORMANCE WAS GREAT CHERRING LIKE CRAZY MY FRIENDS PERFORM OMG!!!!!!! HE AND SHE ARE GREAT DANCER.... i DIDNT KNOW THAT I WENT OUT WITH THEM AND YET THEY DO HAVE talent i alwaes thought ohhh this one all cannot dance arh DANce like crazy can arh HAHAHAHAS but looking at the coordination i can sae they are impressive.. well i CHEER AND CLAP LOUD OF COURSE!! :) FOLLOW BY Mr TEo chin an and the girl omg.. i didnt know she had nice voice.. though i dunt understand the song the way it was given out can feel ehhx!!


hAHAHahs oh yeah secret he didnt view my blog so i tell you all he tell me he felt useless.. because there is a Boy dansen that can play soo many instrument musically talented can say. and also good in basket?? HAHAHAHHAHAHAS GUESS WHAT I TOLD HIM

WHAT NONSENSE IS THIS!!! I dont feel Useless at all that kind of thinking is crap... THe coool One! will never.. Let OTHERS GET IN THE WAY i Told him every morning see the mirror!! and tell yourself that you look great todae ANd nobody is Gonna get you down.. Because you are the best HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAS GUESS WHAT HIS MIND CHANGE !! LOLS !!! HE SAID HE DOESNT FEEL USELESS AT ALL LOLS guess my word do have COolness aura in it!

HAHAHAHS sooon it wasnt that packed i told andy to follow me sit at other side that was just an excuse to ask him company me give gift to ms LI!! HAU HAU!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAS after that gave ms li something and! yeap we went back guess what andy tell me Irham Fuck you you trying to waste my TIME IS it HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAS!!! THAT NEO IS AS FUNNI AS EVER!!! i cannot stop rmbing his cute word

I purposely tell shirmin to see when i ask ms li do i look coool todae HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAhAS SEE HER IRRRITATED FACE :)) make my day LOLS LAME OKAY I STOP THIS CRAP ALR!!!!!!!!

went to play volleyball with jon the rest of the five-one i rmb one girl keep sae tao yan in the hall =.= LOL feel like thunder at her head arh LOLS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHs yeap me junhao edmund gabriel minghong jonathan junming the girls played!! HAHAHAHAS

okay i can sae todae are better and they realli improved! :)) soon its gonna be a match that is HARD TO PLAY!!! HOHOHOHO :D!! but i want that day to come.. it will feel great! :)

okay i am soo dehydrated.. and the sun was burning scothing fire.. felt soo thirsty but i know i alr didnt fast for a day.... my mind keep tell me.. to break anotheer one but my inner though told me.. this is an excuse it will become a habit one day will lead to another.. well i told myself i will onli go against my will for special occasion! and yeap i am happy that i survived..

it was hard hahahhahahas went to meet farah yuinping edrian jack bryan andy gabriel and yuan han we went to lot one walk around follow farah buy her bag lols i was abit crazy there was bored keep disturb the farah and the yuinping =.= i purposely tap them HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHS THEY ALWAES TOT GOT PEOPLE BEHIND !!! OMG SOOO LAME YES IRHAM IT WAS but that time nothing to do :S!!! okay la the slack was fun la.. but the smoking wasnt cool at all =.=!!

hahahahahas went home early i slept and my head giddy =.=!! inside my mind SOyabean plus cin cau HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHS mixed as i bought them before going home it was nice!!!! when i break fast!! i broke the news to my mother about my math result... and i told her i am seriously going to cock up and crumble in paper 2 badly... guess what she said.. you should went ite next year if you know this gonna happen ... yeah it hurts i told her do you know what you said totally hurtful... i dont wish to share anithing with you animore.. =.= i told her i need a tution.. if onli i can hear the word you are doing great.. because it wasnt easy for me for whom i kept failing ever since Ca1 to at least get a pass for paper 1 =.= and yet i hear all this nonsense of course... it wasnt deliberate for her to sae this but it can seriously ruin my mood i get it.. yeap.. she changed the topic after that well i know what kind parent i had their bark are worse than their bite :))

hahahas needless i will take this as a motivation to work harder!! :) i know i can i will..!! as todae felt soo sick due to dehydration i try nort to look at the books arh tomorrow i will start!! :)) hahahahhahahahhahahas!!! played dota.. and yeap!!! relax relax relax my sweet cat... is sleeping at my bed hahahahahas i love the way my cat able to cheer me up by doing his nonsense stuff!!

HAHAHAHAHAS okay la ... thats all i gotta sae for todae i hope the teachers love the gift i gave them :) the letter that i wrote is what i felt on that day!.. goodnight readers!

10:55 PM

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

8:24 PM

HEHEHEHS!! hahahahhahas!!!! :)!!

LETS talk about todae HAHAhahahhas!! i am glad i did come school... well !!! hahahas lets talk about it i am soo excited wooots wooots!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAS IRHAM IS GOING CRAZY!!!!....

start of the day was raining... HAhaHAhAHahHahAhaHAhahas!!! aww i sat beside a stack of newspaper oh yes.. definately that was on my mind.. when getting up was to walk away to other siDE HAHAHHAS!!!

right.. the start of the lesson was mother tongue hmm..!! mdm salha was kinda great.. but i am nort good when working with group i duno what to contribute.. within a group.. :( i hope she will understand i somehow work better alone.....

well hahahas.. lets sae SS teacher didnt come.. i didnt know my fire is burning for todae! HAHAHAS!!!.... Skip history went to play ! HAHAHahahahhas.. den!! went to look for mr zahed shunski got something to ask him Hoho!! saw ms li!! she SMILED AT ME HAHAHAS AWW SOO SWEET.... Of course i ask her MS Li! do i look cool todae!! SHe kept on smiling and Give me the thumbs!!! HEHES :D!!!!HAHAHAS yes The next question will be irham your fringe touch the eyes! nonsense lols :/!!

HAHAHhahahahahas next lesson would be khaidir.. teacher told me alot of thing unexpected but i will work hard to bring him back :))! hahahahas i had to i will.. :) its time... its true i may have face problems i may encounter difficulty i may be ... losing out i may be alwaes feeling down... but i always face my problem face on.. !! the feeling yes of course is terrrible soo terrible it hurts...!! so i will do watever i make him motivated.. ! it begins now or never...

hahahas this is what i will do to people that are important to me.. :)) so those who felt that they are important to me they will know i will do the same for them if the situation arise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RIGHT lets move on MATHS LESSON WOOOTS I PASS paper ONe 42/80 :))))!!! IT WAS MY FIRST TIME OF PASSING FOR THE WHOLE YEAR OF COURSE IT WAS A GREAT IMPROVEMENT :D HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS but i know this is nort good enough!! well.. irham!! its the first step! mr teo.. congratulate me and TOLD ALL THE NICE About mE during MY PRIME HAHAHAHAHs IT was nice to hear HIS compliment and encouragement arh!! what what i used to Be A's bla bla bla HOHOH!! i will work hard i know i will ... 2 months its enough to cover everythin! i hope so god give me the will.. i need the energy.. to pull this through!

my partner felt... sad i know the feeling haiizzzz... he been working hard i can see... can sense how dejected he felt receiving the paper.... can tell there are a bit tears :(( i hope he wont take it too hard on himself... during mid year or so i felt this freaking pain.. i dont wish someone else to be feeling it...!i told him to believe in himself.. and i will find a tution teacher soon.. i am glad he is cool with the idea hoho :D!

okay something else surprised me i didnt know DANial was reading my blog all this while HAhahahas!! he told me !!! he was soo touched on my life story he read my blog most of the time.!! HAHAhahahas!! awww I gained another fans!!! :)) well danial thank you for telling me hahahas!!! well whatever i wrote here was wat i felt...!!! i hope you will keep on enjoying it and yes i wont forget you!!and dont give up on your dream you have a bright future too.. its a matter of whether you want to work on it! i believe you will...!! i know my song CAN melt people heart hahahahas with the words i wrote it become even cooler :P LOLS I AM CRAPPING HERE!!! if there were anione else that appreciate my blog please tell me i will be soo touched!!! :)

HAHahHAHhas right! lets move on!! Irham thing got you soo motivated todae i decided to stay back.. to study with mr hasyim... !! :)) yeap he was soo in time todae.. i bet he feel the coolness in me and rush over :P!! HAHAHAHAS OMG STOP WITH YOUR COOLNESS LA IRHAM!! NONSENSE~!!!

hmm well study for a few minutes yeap i am almost finish with my paper that he gave i am soo proud of it hAHAhahahhas i mean yes la.. this is the first time even though knowing my poa paper one 7.5/40 HUA HUA HUA HUA :P!! hahahahahahhas i guess the pain already numb and i cant felt it..

HAhahahahahas yeap study with him can die :( he keep beating me like nonsense arh!!! LOLS!!!! funni arh..!! but i kind of starting to believe that one on one realli works!! :)! hohohoho....! well tomorrow is teachers days!!~~~ than went to play UNO OMG.. LOLS.. :S i LOST 10 TIMES :((( WTF HATE UNO SHIT HEAD LOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aniwae told shirmin miss li say i COOL SHE JEALOUS HHAHAHHAHAHAS!! Funni her as always never admit to my Cooling AURA

went back home the bus was super packed.. i saw the rehearsal HERE IS A SPOILER THERE WILL BE A PERFORM WEARING MASKS THAT IS MY FRIENDS!!!! :))) PERFORMING HAHAHAHAS OMG.. SOoo nice arh i meant the DANCE :) and i support hiM HAHAhahahas! :))

IRHAM I HOPE YOU WILL HAVE THE WILL TO CARRY ON TILL THE END OF O'S PLEASE :))! OH yes before i forget my mother gonna take another KITTEN AND ITS A PERSIAN AWWW!!!!!!!! SWEET MIAO MIAO CUTE :)!!! i will love all my cat to death do us apart HAHAHAS!

7:35 PM

Saturday, August 28, 2010

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

11:36 PM

HAhahas i enjoyed myself todae! :)! yeap..! LOLS!!!!!

!!!! okay i managed to wake up at 9.15!! :D! HAhahahahas after that went to bath after that getting ready..! if you all wanna know what occasion it is todae! IT IS THE TREAT OF A YEAR TIME! LOLS!!!!!!

HAHAHAS shirmin sms sae dont be late of course i wont chey my house at batok lehx! LOLS!!! dat ms li cannot stop with her MAP!!!!! OMG she tot i am a lost wonderer or wat!!! nonsense!!! nort as if macdonald is a treasure island LOLS!!!!!!!! HAHAHAS

okay okay that shirmin sae she gonna be late cos mrt come slow I SAE i LET MY FIRST BUS MISSED! give chance HAHAHAHAHAHHAS when IN FACT I AM STILL AT HOME!!!!! I feel like laughing when i type the message out LOLS LAMOS IRHAM!!!!! ...

IN DE END I AM LATE :((!!!! HAIZZZ they both reach first grrr!!!!!!... why alwaes me!! my 947 freaking slow when i need you omg!!!... hahahahahas ms li felt bad cos i breakfast todae.. well.. if it was for a teacher and a good friend why not! :)

okay la!! stop this crap HAHAHAHAS WE ALLL START OUR CONVERSATION WHILE TALKIN OMGG!!! soome were crap!! HAHAHAS!! i told shirmin i trying to hint ms li about restaurant soo big with M letter!! AND MS LI DONT GET IT OMG WASTE MY BREATH ONLI LOLS!! and when she talk sarcasticly i reflect it to the person beside me!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAS of course she pek chek arh!!! SOwIE :P!

hearing everyone life story really nice.. i hope there will be more such timing.. :) the song i have been waiting for soo long for this day to arrive keep playing on my head HAHAHAHAS """"

we ate ate ate den she sms hasyim is todae fasting .... ?? somethin like that hasyim sae yes of cos la.. are you going to invite me to your birthday party?? Ms li tell us LIKe i will INVITE HIM TO MY PARTY HAHAHAS WE WAS LIKE OMG LOLS!!!! SOO FUNNI!!!! THAN HASYIM wrote another message saying! what happen are you trying to waste my time AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAS!!!!! omg mr hasyim was as funni as ever!!! :)

RIGHT RIGHT!!! than me and shirmin and ms li went to westmall !! SHE WAS LIKE A MOTHER OMG!!!!!! i mean.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAS with the bag reallly!! :S!!!!!! went to find her earpiece here come shirmin!!! the adviser HOHO!! <<< sony and wat one more i forget the brand is a good brand bla bla bla...

ms li want get speaker aso.. skali i keep sae think twice dont overspend .. she at there stunt !! LOLS!!!!! and yarh i almost forget they coming my house during raya :DD TIME TO PREPARE SPICY FOOOD HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAS!!!!!! :) after tat shirmin went off first to meet her friend..

left ms li and me with the li adventure of teachers day gift!!! hahahas!!! ms li bought alot stuff and she showed me the gift that she treasured is a pen alot of conversation arh! HAHAHAHS

OH YARH she also hint about MAgnet that teacher like thumbdrive and pen bla bla bla HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHS!!! so the person that left at 12.45 must rmb what is your fav teacher liking! :)

HAHAHas she bought for ms su special arh! exp abit HAhahas veri unique la the gift...

:) HAHaha!! than talk talk talk... help her carry her bag was like finally actually i veri lazy one :S but see she got alot of thing arh.. hahahas than went to library!! OMG! girl seriously like to read STORY BOOKS LOLS!!! its soo boring to me HAHAHAHAHAS borrow book and byebyed!!! :) she promised us for O's get into four poly instituion and it will be a bigger treat.. gave me the motivation to study harder! :D! hahahas

oaky la after that went home! and heng noone at home felt abit thirsty went to drink abit played comp DOTA WOOOTS.... with mingwei :) FUnni HAHAHAHAHAS! play wit my cat.. !! and yeap listening to EMO SONG HAHAHAHAHAS NICE :D okay la enough craps bye readers!!

to sum it up i realli enjoyed my day!! :)) thanks shirmin Ms lydia li HAHAHAHAHAS :D FOR THE TREAT OMG WE DIDNT SAE THANKS!!! SHIT :S!!

10:33 PM

Friday, August 20, 2010

Rain washes away the sand, showers wash away the stench, but tears wash away nothing. If only there were something to wash away what I'm feeling right now.

10:55 PM

okay! lets post for todae... hmm!! hahahha okay i didnt share what i get for my birthday !! cousin gave me a hoodie.. :) Jalal gave me a Always there bear!! hahahahahas well to him i am a person important to him.. hahahas okay lamOs my brother gave me a lava LAMP COOOOL!!! i didnt expect him to realli bought an expensive stuff i was just joking :S!!!

okay... lets talk about this few day i am sooo freaking stress with schools! seriously!.... gotten our mother tongue result i was freaking shock... :(( it wasnt wat i expected that totally ruin my moood seriously.... i have try to put in as much effort as much feeling in the papers and yet i couldnt make it its a c6!! gosh.. .:( wat a dissapointment...

well thursday was SS paper and.. phy/chem paper one... during this prelim exam.. i was having stomach pain because i felt sooo freaking nervous i dunt even know why!!... anxious feeling is everywhere damn it i have to get over this....
didnt complete ss sbq as i didnt have enough time to search through the answer was focusing soo much on essay i totally forget the time :((!! damn it... i bet i did poorly for ss...

well on thursday was skybirthday... but my mother gotta now the news about my mt o level result.. she was freaking dissapointed... nag is all she could do... i know i was wrong... i didnt give my best... lecture is all i got..... felt freaking.... upset of course.. :( i didnt have anithing to explain for my mistake.. so i just kept quiet all along.. on top of that it was sky birthday todae.... gosh.. i didnt want to make thing worse...

hmm.... hahas.. i have lost all my motivation once again.. it was sooo easy.. to knock me down.... :)) few words could realli hurts at times.... Hahahas.. well.... life :) watever...

went to meet bryan to celebrate sky birthday... we went to farm mart.. hahahaas have dinner there with few others it was fun.. HAHAHS.. bryan told me i felt soo nervous.. and from the look of my face i look more sick than he was...! lols!!.. when he was vommitting since morning?? hahahas.. well if he was in my shoes.... maybe he will know what i been through and seen :))

didnt want to make myself soo obvious that i was nort feeling good of myself.. so i start talking nonsense and crap HAHHAHAS!!!!! we ate and ate! :) aww.. than went to fish spa nice!!... there got soccer distract myself from the world singapore vs unkown and won before full time cool!! the fishes NICE!! hehehehes!!! :))

went home first as i got worried... about tomorrow maths paper 2.. my cat was the onli one waiting at the door aww poor him he sat at the table waiting for me with the cute face hahahas it sure brighten a quarter of my stormy day :) ... he stay up late with me instead of going to sleep even though the head wanted to go down he just close his eyes..

hahas lets just sae maths paper 2 was a killer paper.. :S!!!! felt sooo stress doing it... goodness sake!!! cant it be easier this time round let people all feel good that they have improve set sooo hard purposely arh!! grr.... another paper that ruin my mood was.. poa paper 1... at first i wanted to just go home.. as i couldnt do but hasyim stop us halfway... and told us to at least get 10.. i was feeling nort good and yet another failure will be another bullet =.=!! come on!.. hmm... there is a limit to wat a person can take... how long more can i keep up in my mind that everything gonna be alright.... :(

went to meet bryan after the paper.. i know i am gonna do badly on it.. i dont have to guess why.. but the question it seems i have seen them before.. haiizzz. memories why you keep failing on me.. times and again when i need you....

bryan me ziyang played basketball HAHahas its been soo long... dere were this group of kindergarten kids spreading around the basketball court.. hahahas! we couldnt play as a result i sat there watch them aww.... how fun their life is.. without ani worries... play is all in their mind but once they grow up facing this stressful world... i guess thing will took a change... life circle is realli interesting after all...

danial keep on disturbing the kids.. den one of them sat wat her name is natali or italy.. den she scream was like lols???? lamos but cute la and funni!!! :) den after a while they are gone we start playing hahahahas... join us a group of malay unknown bukit panjang government high but they are friendly we played mix was veri funni! :) it was fun hahahas..... of course fun irham you won all the game if nort you will still be emo!!

yeap!! :P but.. still there are worries to take care off.. hahahas... :) i know life knock me hard all the time.. i just have to keep put on the smiles.. because.. i believe.. some day.. thing will get better haha.. its just at times i just wnat to let everythin out and forget about it :)) okay goodnight readers take care!

9:57 PM

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If I ever saw an angel, it was in your eyes

2:41 AM

hohoho!! in school!! was freaking bored... i was late todae... my stomachache acting up when i was about to leave the house grrr!! LOLS!!... heng todae mr gabriel let me off hehehes!!

went to join the class... and yeap.. the whole day seems to be going soo slow..... draggy... :S well it was my birthday todae hahahahas!!! :))!!!... HOHOHO!!!....

let sskip this part it seem to be boring yooo.. slept whole day!! :(( dang... got a birthday card made by the noob one HAha!!! :P it was NICE! of her to make it herself hohoho!!!I like it! thank you!!! :)))!!!!

okay lets hear the adventure i had??? HAHahahahahahas =.=!!!! first thing first... my mother treat me PIZZA WOOOTS AND its alot!! :S!!!! hahahahas my aunty uncle mother father gave red packets!! WEEETS my $$ going up HAhahahahs!! can fulfil my treat lerhx!!!

den sky danial bryan came... to celebrate with me hehehes!! :)) aww.. this three!! well todae i am the boss so i took the lead!! HAHAHAHAS we first went to kfc!!! though of bringing it to.. Anderson wave!! but nahx hahahas someone keep on complaining mosquito LOLS!!!

bought soo much food omg.. i ate at home i am 70% full cant believe some guy can eat alot of chicken at a time LOLS!! :P!! dont have to mention name to protect the identity and he still said nort full onli half!! OMG!! !!

hahahahhas right then took bus!!! 188 to anderson park HAHAHAHAHHAS and me and my super!! institution made dem lost :P!! i keep sae oh infront infront ... big road... lonely... not much car all this HAHAHAS <<< sound soo childish lols!!! :S

right just wanted them to experience the beauty of the waves!!! i wish next year if i were to go there i will go with my special one :))!! please come true :P!! LOLS!!!

HAHAHAS okay enough crap irham !!!! well we are lost and its STILL FUNNI SOMETHING FUNNI HAPPEN HAHAHAHHAS at the bus stop!!! i was looking at the bus number when a stranger approach me!! and ask erm excuse me.. where where is the hotel arh ... i was like oh my goodness we are lost too this was inside my mind trying to avoid that man SKALI GOT ONE HERO >>> the name is sky HAHAHHAHAHAs he told me irham let me take over... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAS this is wat happen.. when the man ask him where to find the hotel sky was.. hmm.. hotel arh well we start off from harbour front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the stranger giving the dumb look :S sky : okay actually we are lost tooo >>>>>> looking at me I WAS AT THERE LAUGHING OUT LOUD HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHS it was SOOO FUNNI HIS REACTION !!! OMG :DD

HAHAHAHAHAHs den we went to take 145 the bangala driver i ask him know where is anderson wave... he go make the wave bridge at me LOLS i was like ya ya ya like that correct bus ?? HAHAHHAHAHS!! oh gosh sign language is getting popular :P!

right finally we reach awww!! the view was great man!!!! OMG.... :))) love it to max i can sleep there if it wasnt school days!!! gosh in love with the night view and the wind!!! :))) damn sweet felt sooo tired!!!!!! .. life wasnt stressfull when you are high up! :D

HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHS awww memorable day for me!! :D!! hahahahas and those asshole trick me to walk alone as birthday punishment?? grrr!! =.=!!!! i was like okay to prove i am manly :PP HEHEHEHS and the coool one of course i walk alone... damn.. at one part of the place i heard people giggling inside the forest i was like lols =.= was that monkey?? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHS lame..... i just walk showing the fierce side :P HOHOHO!! wait for them at the bus stop... =.= grr... they sure took their time...

than took taxi wow.. midnight taxi drive like fucking torpedo??? drifting all this siao step the road is theirs onli !! LOLS~!!!!!!!!!~ HAHAHAHS but fun arh and i am here to tell you guys !! life is great!! :))!!!! i love it to the max.. i will continue to believe thats everyday is cherishable and enjoyable :))

2:08 AM

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Some of the most comforting words that can be heard are “me too.” That moment when you find out that your struggle is also someone else’s struggle and that you’re not alone, fighting that same battle.

12:22 AM

Saturday, August 14, 2010

damn my stomach didnt get any better!! this morning the same thing happened :((!! haizz.. i hope it will stop ! soo freaking stomach cramp cannot even sleep properly :(

hahahahas watever morning woke up late didnt get to meet mr hasyim.. thats it my poa.. burst like bubbles! << hahahas! sooo kua zhang paper 1 gotta try and do those general! stuff!!!

went to meet shunski and suling at library.. at lot one gosh my brother used my slipper!! i need use the hari raya capal last year sandal =.=!! it look weird and i look tall in it HAHAHAS watever!!!

went library oh ya chaotic arh... not as i expecting thing to be like but watever move on..!!!

sat on the floor with jarren funni soon jack came.. lols it remind me of 4.4! damn missed that class..! :) kahmun vicky was in library tooo!! HAHAHAHAHAS okay la i did a bit of physic.. den off i went home..

sorry jalal i didnt breakfast at your house was embarrassing to eat at people house hahahahas =.=!!! omgosh MY PRIDE IS TOO HIGH IRHAM LOWER IT DOWN!! :S!!! he was expecting me to be there omg!!!!!!!! next time i will try to be cool!.. about it.

IN the bus dramatic thing happened! regret sitting at the last row of the bus.. omg it was super packed!! like sardines during my stop the bus was freaking packed and the person beside me was asleep! GOSH! HAHAHAs didnt want to wake the person up as.. i guess maybe that person was veri tired!.. yeap so.. went aaround IMM there where most people got down..

and yeap den took another bus home sweet home!!! :) HAHAHAs my mother bought kfc and my grandma cook friedrice jemput jemput < its sometin like flour but small eat with chilli sauce okay watever =.=! hahahahs there were alot of food omg!! :D sweet!

yeap.. ate and ate den used comp hahahas i am soo freaking addicted to computer can never get it off my fingers!! :) played msn games! than ask my father whats the quotes he wrote on the ang pao..

it was "Life lived for tomorrow will always be just today away from being realised " <<<< chim right hahahahhas! at first i didnt understand but i did when he told me what it realli meant!... :)

what is meant by those quotes are If you strive for a better future now.. , your dreams will be realised sooner.... its kind of gotta do with studying well thanks :)) hee

haha.. okay watever!! LOLS!! my cat gosh he sleeping like a pig now at my bed from just now oh my!! am soo dead at night he gonna be super hyper cos! he slept veri long :(( oh no jumping around should call him shadow cat!! LOLS!!!! love to bite me at night =.=!! okay la hahas enough crap good night readers! :D byebye

10:45 PM

Friday, August 13, 2010

We shouldn’t let people who aren’t worth it get to us. Focus on people who love and accept as for who we are, and shower them with the love and concern that they deserve.

11:48 PM

Okay lets talk about todae people!! hahahas here it goes.. omg!! morning ate hashbrown sweet!! love it hahahas!!!

than slept till 5.30 and yeah i feel soo sick.... headache all over omg.. my gastric getting worse... soo freaking pain grr.. tot of fainting HAHAHHAS nahx << SOO DRAMATIC ARH IRHAM<... rest at sofa hahahas!! lols!!!... entered dream world...!! for awhile..!!

lols den went to school left my neighbour and his groups.. walk alone chey act emo sia me!! :(( HAHAHHAHS feel soo cool yo!! i mean cos i am freaking sick! hahahahas!!
went to exam.. hall.. aisehx my head is spinning around man.. haizz..

cant be bothered with my hair keep on lying on the table like dead man :S! first paper.. start haizz dont even feel like doing it!! at all!! the question was lols!!!=.=!!! idea could not run through my mind.. so i just write whatever crap i can think off.. watever chim word i can write LOLS! hahahahas

the compo was abit weird arh i didnt finish it :((!! haizzz....

paper 2 seem easier... well doesnt have to think of story to write on HAHAS!!.....!! chiong chiong chiong all the way than sleep!!!!!! yeah <<< LOOK LIKE I SLEEP MORE THAN I DO OMG SOO FREAKING LAZY OF ME!!! irham! you need to be more... determined! :)

alright this is getting boring lets skip to the next part.. went to yewtee to get sky the contact lense?? his eyes seem to have problems.. i hope it will get better before.. the o's!

den we went to lot one hahahahhaas.. the uncle soo freaking lame sae someone got wet dream cos got tears inside the eyes!! den i sae that person meditation as that person... was standing closing his eye!! HAHHAHH the comic connection boss in lot one was freaking funni! :)

hahahahas den we all went to see the 5 dollar dvd hahahhas omg!! no english subtitle if have i would have bought it duhhx!! :((!!! grr.. went home

HEEEES SOOO HAPPY SOMOENE SUDDENLY SOO GOOD EHHX :)) HAHAHAHS!! omg if onli everyday were like this shiok uhhx!! :)) hahahahaas watever i am the coolest one just rmb that!!

hahahas my cat was sleeping at my bed like a pig omg!! lols! he love my bed soo much hahahas ;)!! tomorrow i guess going to school to study poa :( haizz i will have to do it no matter wat!!

our fasting break! ate noodles and french fries hoho!! omg.. nort full la!! drank alot water make me bloated LOLS!!! hahahas!!....omg.... i finally understand the meaning of fasting.. its to.. experience and understand the person that have to live without water and food... somethin like that :)

hahas noble right aww.... :D went to play dota with classmates awhile... HAHAHAHAHAHAS earthshake when with aghaim scepter super nice the hero effect OMG :D sweet!! Hahahas!~

okay la goodnight readers! :D hee!

11:31 PM

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Do what makes you happy , Be with who make you smile , Laugh as much as you breathe , Love as long as you live

11:36 PM

well HAHahs lets tallk about todae!! it was funny yo!! :)! hahahahahhas!!....!!
lets first wish shunski a happy birthday!!! may he grow older and wiser as each day goes by! :) take care yo.. big kid!

HAHAHAHAS okay okay.. lets talk about todae... my leg cramp didnt recover as i expected it take times!! maybe is because i am lazy to exercise this is the cause of it HAHAHHAS! but watever arh...

tonight i am nort gonna be able to sleep again as in the afternnon i already slept yeah sooo hahahas... i am going to be awake until need to eat breakfast for my fasting..!!

HAHAHAS what happened in school was super lame lols!! okay first period math finally i know how do vector oh god thanks alot :)! hahahahahahas i though i couldnt do it at all.. it is alwaes the first question that i am able to attend but after the going through i come to know bits by bits!! i hope can make it for o level...

den mother tongue no teacher! grr went to sleep as i was feeling soo lethargic...! hahahahahahas and the class left me and khair in the room grr cos we were sleeping omg.. :(! watever HAHAHAHAHAS went with birthday boy to the library play chess yes it can realli relax your mind HAHAHAHAs... chess can realli control your opponent move! lols..

alright den recess over physic i duno where is mr khaidir mia tooo =.=!!!!!! damn i still got alot of question man! HAHAHAHAS... okay okay this is the part lamest of all LOLS!! khair ask me to throw blue tag at people omg!! SUPER FUNNI LA GRR!!!!

hahahahahas the victim fUNNI!!! LOLS but suling rough arh veri scary need think alot of time before throw at her! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHS i still rmb HAHAHAS got one person stuck at the head the blue tag we were laughing like mad can roll of the floor.!!!!! omg... fasting month irham what you are doing is wrong!!

went to toilet than that crazy khair give me the idea to throw at 5.1 HAHAHAHS saw shirmin at the dooor DERE LOLS!!! FUNNI LA WE AT THE SIDE hiding!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHs duno got kena anort..!!

omg!! feel soo bad!! :(( khair look like good boy arh.. but actually super naughty one!! LOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but fun la.. HAHAHAHAHS as less teacher came todae.. and we got nothing much to do..!! :)! hahahahahhahahas

feel like going the prom night.. but my class less people go.. if i go alone like weird arh :S!! hahahaas!!!!! tmr i heard alot of ppl nvr go the.. mt exam prelim i duno why.. :(

even though i forgot alot of mother tongue stuff.. i still feel the need to do that paper.. hahahahas maybe cos i cannot make it in other paper thats why HAHAHAHHAS IRHAM YOU ARE SERIOUSLY LAME.. <<< talking to myself again!! HAHAHAS.... aniwae i saw some of my cute cat picture omg sooo super cute!!! to me hehehes! will post later...!

went to ntuc with supei damn! i spend alot!! 13.45 omg :((!! my money i see in my wallet is like left few notes ! haiizzz my temptation to eat hashbrown french fries all! run in my mind HAHAHAHAHAS...!! but fasting is the time i will control my food intake! guess wat i been thinking to buy the cheese hotdog aww :D!! yummy la ass!!

hahahahahahaha.... tomorrow i try ask my mother for money!! WOOOTS OKAY LA.. to end my boring lifestory.. for todae goodnight readers!! :D

11:23 PM

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

i never thought anyone ever could make me feel this way
so make my day!

10:38 PM

okay lets summarised todae stories and yesterdae!! was super fun yo!! the caption ball the volleyball and everything HAHAHHAAS!!

was soo sportmanship HAHAHAS!1 great effort........ well thanks to shawn for treating the drink i TAKE TWO BOTTLES WAKAKKAKAKASH :P!! HAHAHAHHAS omg super thirsty...

yesterdae sun was blazing super freaking hot... it remind me of kluang :(( which is a disaster.. but now as i grow i am able to keep up with the weather hahahahs!!! yeap all match we won!! in the friendly match super happy HAHAHAHHAH but i freaking get tired soo easily damn...

exhausted man!! i guess i dunt have the stamina! :( but i love running around... and chase for the balls! HAHAHHAS... :) well yesterdae was a real fun i tink i mention this alot time hahahahas....

5.1 5.2 WOOTS :)) hehehe.. the ppl the feeling yeap! those that came realli... are great!! lols..

okay la... lets talk about todae... my leg was super freaking cramp!!! and on top of that is both leg haiizzzz :((!!! actually my whole body cramp la..!! damn feel like old man HAHAHAS!!!...

damn my attendance was niec this few months hehehehes :)) i took mrt hahahahas!! it realli save the trouble from being late... yoo .. lesson was per normal but i was feeling really lethargic as yesterdae i didnt get to sleep at all!! i duno why.. been.. trying to force myself to sleep but i couldnt..! :((

and yes todae... was first day of fasting hahahahhaas i am determined to complete my fasting for 30 days for this year as last year i didnt or barely.. or even took the effort to fast for 30 days so this year.. i must do it! yes irham you can..

the weather is nice super cold :)) HEHES!! woots... lols went to take bus saw wallet... on my seat omg.. i was panic :S tot want to throw it away... den i check inside got money lols!! maybe some regenites.... ask ppl where the nearest police post omg... den i went meet bryan to go.. to teck whye police post grr!! it close =.=!!!

den went yew tee cc and yes.. you have to put in your particular watsoever!! HAHAHAHS i didnt know why i was like... doing.. goood deed todae but it made me feel great!!! :)) hehehes!!

went home sleep with my cat like pig for 3 hours den break fast! prata prata hehehehes!! :D nice lehx lOLS ..... hahas!! okay la thats all for todae!! goodnight reader!

10:30 PM

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves.

1:40 AM

hahahhas! lets talk about todae a quick post from me! to you all

alright! hmm well in the afternoon slept till 12 plus and woke up! yeah my aunt stayed at my house and nag nag nag .. why am i soo lazy to.. tidy up my room watsoever hahahas!

den my mother got home and bought me my fav hot plate! beef :)) omg sweet of her.. but its breakfast yo! dont tell me to eat that!! HAHAS!..... my cat as usuall.. like to follow me around..! hahahas i am his fav owner after all!.. hahahas.. the funni thing is i called him and he will straight come to me! :) aww

den went to meet bryan at lot one... cos we were going to see FIREWORK FOR this year weets!! and its my idea :) and i am proud of it hahahhas!! i duno wwhy maybe its a long time since i last saw firework... ! LOLS!! .

sky cannot make it for some reason... yeah okay anithing go on without him den... yeap its nort as crowded as i though ,i though it will be like full of people!! den we have to squeeze through to just get a glimpse! HAHAHS stayed near a waterfall.. den while waiting talk talk talk...

DEN THERE GOES THE FIREWORK BURST! out in the air!! wow!!! the blast and de noise can cause your heart to beat soo fast and pain yo! HAAHHAHAHAHHAS the sound soo loud!! but it was beautiful :) love it! HAHAHS!! didnt regret at all even though our view is blocked by the trees!!

den took train back to lot one bought old changkee.. and yes.. saw farah at new york yeap greeted each other and yeah she went smoking we relax with her talk about life hahahas!! omg.. lols didnt know somethin had happened.. but yeah! i hope she is fine!! :)) life is life... after all.. i guess.. destiny is written in our own hand the path we choose is up to us to create but the life we get doesnt always seem to be perfect sailing... I hope she will be successful in the future to come and... to persevere through even though looking at her.. like soo happy going HAHAS :) i guess thats what life is all about happiness is all about.. those little things..

HAHAHAS yeap i have my problems too! even though family was great..! :)) there are some ting that bother my mind a lot! but yeah.. watever.. i am nort going to let this get me down!! HAHAHS !! because through life you gain experience! through experience you wil know how to react if the exact situation happened again.. ! LOLS!!

okay la enough of my crap! my cheek getting fatter as day goes by! :(( i am soo freaking sad... imma got fat cheek man!! grrrh!! i want weight increase nort cheek!! LAME LA... i have to cut down on my fast food yesterdae at macdonald alot!! OMG!! :S!! irham irham! you realli! LOLS!!

hahahahahahas sad sad sad :(( tomorrow caption ball hope have fun looks like alot of people seems to be excited about it! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAS but watever 5.2 going to own!! :D!! LOLS!!! funni arh.. bonding maybe..

i hope i will have fun and yes! most important of all.. take good care of myself!! :)) HAHAHs byebye readers! goodnight !

1:14 AM

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's so unclear, so unfair
God I know
There's a path for everyone
I must believe and keep holding on

12:59 AM

Friday, August 6, 2010

well hahas..! lets talk about todae hmm... i slept through the whole day... was sooo super tired yoo!.....

hmm... knowing that tomorrow will be having national day celebration i was like okay.. its a day to relax.. so i didnt wake up to went to school.. i didnt know why.. was freaking tired!! :((

english exam was alright.. whats going through my mind the whole time doing that exam.. was.... hasyim was right my language onli got used but the rest cock up... yeahh.. those word up till now is still on my mind....

its like malay english was all i can do.. and the rest i am like crumbling... sometimes.. its feel....soo demoralising hahahahas :S! okay watever... i gotta get my feet together... its the final lap this five years in school is nort for nothin..
i dunt suffer education just to give up in the end!! :))

hahahas.... todae is bryan birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM hope you are having a great life out there... yes! i believe god will bless you alwaes... great friends.... hahahas!... alright have fun yo! :)

todae went to meet andy at lot one.. hmm... went to eat at macdonald but it was freaking full.. waiting for sit like idiot =.=! LOLS!!.. !! hahahahas soomore with my funni hairstyle :S! lols..

went to library to relax at the phone zone but kena chased out by the librian.. this is nort a place for chit chat bla bla bla! wat nonsense! grr.. .HAHAHAHHAS we saw mr khaidir at the pizza hut! LOLS!! played hide and seek walk the other side.. so he didnt saw me :S heng.. if nort you know! HAHAS lecture come!!

well what andy told me was... mr khaidir was good toward the ncc unlike mr nathan who doesnt even bother about attendance or rewarding their ncc members to treat or something THE FUNNI THING IS!!!! THIS IS WHAT he told me the quote the two teacher like to sae ! good job guys! for mr khaidir good job guys.. stay back for awhile i got something for you all later on Something like that! FOR mr nathan good job guys byebye! HAHA! i know onli me find it funni but the way he said it lols!!

went down to mac and yeap finally have seat for ourselve!! :D hehes.. yes as punishment to the macdonald!!!!! i bought alot of foood and yes!! cannot finish in the end stomach like sooo FREAKING FULL!!

hahahas.. damn irham you shouldnt eat fast food alwaes its not good for health!! :(( HAHAs.. fasting month coming in 13 august wow... it sure came fast this year :)

hahahahhahas... went to walk around talk about life... yes and so on den went home sweet home! todae i didnt went to my mother place.. cos... my grandma cant go.... yeah. stayed home accompany her and my sweet cat HEHES! he just simply love to follow me everywhere even wait for me to bath finish how sweet is my cat!! :D!! omg love him alot! YO! show you guys what my naughty cat like to do every night!!

hahahahas!! :)) okay la... stop here.. TMR ARNOLD WEEE :D! goodnight everyone sweet dream!

11:33 PM

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.

10:38 PM

hahahhas alright todae!! went to school it was FUN :) HAHAHAS... meet supei and jasper as they are my batokrian so its normal that i see them taking bus.. yes... i have cutted my hair.. except the fringe.. onli trim abit.. omg the feeling was shiok when they wash my hair HAHAHHAHAHAHAS.. :P

okay la.. lets talk about todae... went to school and mr gabriel smile widely.. and sae hows life? i said yeah awesome :) HAHAHAHs i didnt know why i said that i am being random yo...! HEHE!!

alright ... den english ms sandya was nort realli happy with our class attitude as.. we.. are nort giving the right attitude towards english exam.. maybe she though we are taking it lightly as its just another... language subject but no! ..

and yes my stomach was alright i am soo happy :) stomach you didnt cause ani trouble this few days i love ya! HEHEHS!!... yes i slept and maths mock test was superb hard YO :S


omg hit the ball soo hard for alot of time!! :)) it was fun!! serious i release a lot of stress.... by doing so!! HAHAHAHAS... i love to play volleyball... because the part where you spike you are in the air... and it look sooo cool if you can do it correctly! HAHAHAHAS!! todae keep hit hit hit hit until my hand tremble like jelly LOLS...

was super red.. and it keep on shaking.. couldnt realli hold my spoon properly HAHAHAS... but i am having fun :) HAHAHAS omg look i talk about volleyball the whole time HEHES>.......... was soo in love with it... LOLS!! :)) next week got play time!! :D wee.. and yes overhelming stress... becos the next day is exam :(

HAhahas.. okay right in class... mr hasyim keep on aim me for some reason! walk in class came in and he just shouted at me... saying what cannot keep this kind of hair later others follow... haiizz... as much as i didnt want to get angry or be rude to teacher.. but if i keep kena scold.. sometimes i will tend to get angry too..... but yeahs... i did well todae...

i look away... and do my work... quietly... i just dont wish to give ani discipline problem this year.. no matter wat... and i want to respect adult.... but sometimes.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAS nvm i already told myself.. i will just smile if i ever got scolded in the future :)) HAHAHAHAHAS IRHAM LATER PEOPLE THINK YOU SIAO!!

LOLS... todae... went back home didnt go for poa remedial.. as i have tons of hoemwork... to do but i complete my physic mcq and section A hahahas.. mr.khaidir lesson i getting to be more focus and like it! :) if onli i can do the same for chemistry!... :(( irham... you need to buck up no matter wat...

HAHAHAHAS okay todae zhenyao was lame... he told me my class... the kind of people... doesnt make the lesson condusive i am writing in a professional way so readers wont feel offended HAHAHHAHAS!! by wat you SAID LOLS!!!....

okay HAHAHAHS as usual... he was in his world... he asked me whether he was seriously a boring person.. hmm honestly i dont think so because he love to talk soo loud and like to sae want fight all this wat NONSENSE! HAHAS...

went back home.. with supei and zy on the way supei need go toilet.. den we men talk! ABOUT GIRLS HAHAHAHAHHAHAS YES... thats an interesting topic :)) HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAS

he agreed with me on this particular person.. well yeah.. i guess he is right.... but i tink there is more to appearance ! LOLS!... bought old changkee... AND YES CRAP ALL THE WAY HOME!!

:)) hAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAS! love seeing my cat.. every single time he sacrifised his nap time just to greet me when i am back :)! HAHAHAHAHAS i guess he realli love me as an owner! :)) i am happy to have a cat .. because its beeen my life long ... pet wish HAHAHAS!

okay let me share this song its in malay.. its touching yo :) take care readers!

10:13 PM

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I’ve learnt that you can’t help who you fall for, and no matter how hard you try and how much it hurts you, everyday you just want to be with them or just talk to them and you can never stop trying to make them happy because that’s what keeps you going.

11:55 PM

okay lets talk about todae and the weeks!! yeah.. hahahas!!! last night was terrible yooo :((!! i duno whether this was a dream.. or real !! grhh!!....

well.. hahahahahas... first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JALAL!! :)) you are a big boy now.. start to think like an adult.... and get your dream girl! :) that you have been thinking of all along i wish your wish would come true!! right!

now its time to post.. hahahahas during saturday i slept all the way since afternoon to night was sooo super tired.... yes!! and i stay up late till midnight this is when strange thing happened =.=!! switch off my comp!!... den..

my grandma sleep at my room as my brother is nort back from his work yet... so.... yeah lets hear how it goes...! my cat as naughty as always.. climb my bed and slept on top of the wardrobe want sleep soo high onli!! naughty cat! grr!!

okay this is what happened.. i duno whether it was a dream anort.... hmm.... my eyes were wide awaken i was seem to be paralyzed... onli my hand could MOVE!!! and yes i tap my grandma but she didnt give any reaction!!! and my eyes which were awake seem to see shadows of darkness! starting to weighten on my body! yes that make it so heavy that i couldnt move! i duno whether this is a dream or real... because when after a few second... everythin stop and my eyes were still awake! but my hand were in the same position!! as when i was in that weird situation the main thing was i didnt tap my grandma! IT WAS SHOCKING YOU KNOW grrrr!!

yes it was raining that night... and after all this was over i saw my cat jump over... from the wardrobe to sleep beside me on my blanket aww!! hes afraid of cold :P!!!

hahahahahahahas yea.. thats was a terrible night i gone through... but watever i am the cool one!! :)) HAHAHAS... morning my cat keep on sniffing my leg SOO FUNNI then he bite grrr!!! LOLS!!!!!!!! i love when my cat roll up to me... but at some night he was freaking hyper and start to play around lols!!

okay okay hmm todae is sunday... well... i did a bit revise on math nort much though 3 question :(( okay okay... hmm.. went to ntuc with my grandma and aunty was fun!... because.. i get to eat fast food finally! and it was my aunt treat!! :)) kfc hehehehes!!!

den at night went to meet ekhsan to relax at the library :)) SHIOK arhx hahahahas i was late as usual...!! :(( and well.. he and his hyperness.. talkin askin me to dance at stage watsoever.. LOLS... yes we talk alot but nort in sch! HAHAHAS..

went for a walk with him from woodland to marsilling mrt... wel.. that was a great talk about life.. thanks for the advice other then me.. who could give great advice i tink he is the other one who have psychologist thinkin..

yes and i went home yeap my grandma start nagging but it was for my own good :)) now i am writing for you guys.. oh my soo dead didnt finish my ss homework :((!! alright goodnight everyon! :)

11:39 PM

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