
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

9:51 PM

ALRIGHT lets talk about the weeks... hmm... schoool was alright... its just that mock exam is around the corner... :S and i got 26 point for my prelim it was kinda bad yeah :) hahahas but to me its such a big jump.... well move on move on..


I was supposed to meet mr hasyim at mac at 9 but i couldnt woke up so i told him beforehand i got fever... as i been staying up late... to work on math :S haiizz lols..!

todae made alot plan wanted to go to the pool but in the end i decided to cancel it... as i doesnt have the mood... to be swimming around when.. thing is going awry llols!!!

well i ate alot my mom bought... Arnold... chicken hohoho!! :) kinda nice ehhx i alwaes indulge myself to food.. when i felt... uneasy LOLS!! :S!! hahahas .... when i am in my idle mode... there will be soo much thing going through my mind.. plans or watsoever... :S!!

Friend.... some of them just love seeing your fall while pretending to be good to you... with a smile on the face is just a disguise... with those harsh word finally i see the truth in you.. instead of being a help to pull me up.. you try to bring me down... didnt know reality... Of o's will cause man true colour to surface... or was it my past mistake causes everything... but yeah watever... i just have to be careful in the future :)

hahahahas i am crapping here :)) dont think too much.. LOLS!!!! :) went to take a walk... below my block and i sat at the fitness corner... yes as usual... with coke on my side i look up onto the skies... which i alwaes dream that i will find the answer to whatever... that i am facing... but hah... it wasnt on my side todae....

i didnt have a clue... just by closing my eyes i will be napping there instead of thinking of solution LOLS!!!!..... hahahaha <<<< freaky emo todae irham this is so unlike you!!!!!!

hahahahahahas well well.. i am tired thats why :(!!! where is my strength at time you are on my side but at times you just left me.. or did i overexert myself.....

hohohohoho!!!! i have big dreams.. this is not where i stop there is more in the future :))!!!hahahahas okay la i end here... for todae goodnight reader!!!

9:25 PM

Monday, September 20, 2010

Some people wear their smile like a disguise. Those people who smile a lot, watch their eyes. I know 'cause I'm like that a lot. You think everything's ok, and it is . . . 'till it's not.”

1:34 AM

hahahhas lets talk about todae!!... and yesterdae!!.. hahahas as much as.. i didnt like celebrating hari raya...!

i still manage to collect 42 dollar on three house :P!! wee hehes.... as i was trying to be cool... to reject the money they gave they still press the green packet hard on my hand... well i guess i just have to accept it with a smile ... :)

life nort been going as what i expected it to... i nvr met expectation in the first place...!! :S!! hahahas.... though todae i wanted to go swimming doing my.. BUTTERFLY STROKE!! :)) HAHAHAHAS!! AS CHEERFUL AS I AM.. BUT I DIDNT GET TO ZZZZZ!!!!!!

my uncle lorh extend the timing :(( but its okay its okay... hmm..... alot of dramatic and funni thing happen!!! HAHAHAHS... went for jogging at night and i couldnt complete one round without stopping... maybe its way too far... from my expectation have not met the criteria yet !!!

the next day... sunday which is todae!!

well went to study with ekshan alot of funni thing happen... as usual.. he is loud and he love to sing.. just like me aHAHAHahahs... :)) kinda fun studying with him no stress at all...

well i name him sister as i foresee him being a nurse in the future... as expected he didnt like it!! :(( HAHAHAHAHAHS but he gave me a call when i am home maybe he though i make sense somehow.. :P!!

with alhaq and bryan.. at the yewtee cc yes instead of studying we do stupid thing lols!!!.. hahahahas but everything was fun!! :)) life should be this way hohoho!!... am enjoying myself..!! but who am i kidding deep down inside... i am feeling soo freaking vexed...!! as much as i wanted to look at the bright side... stress feeling or realli made me feel soo low down..

this message is to my long lost friend... where are you.. how have you been.. i know you are not gonna read this... but everyone is worried about you... can you please.... stop giving up on yourself... thought we may not talk as frequently as we used to... i still care for what you did.... EVERYONE not onli me your girl.. mr hasyim mr khaidir.. mr gabriel junhao shunski edmund minghong mingwei gabriel zhongyi zhenyao suling supei yuinping shirlyn jiamin even ALhaq.. is talking about you... you may not feel it... but we have always expect for your return... why punish yourself.. by avoiding school.... everyone is feeling stress panic... and so oonn.... i know you used to told me you have plan... but thing are not going well arent they.... can you please... return to your usual self... return back to who you are where you belong... you are casting further and further away... i may not sae i care or watsoever because it sound soo gay for a guy to sae all this... but i hope you havent forgot.. the pact that we made... its for us to go through O's and pass together... no matter how many point we get... Me,you danial bryan... the four asshole rmb???... as i said all tis.. do you know how it felt..... will you give yourself and us all a chance to be back strong... and having that fighting spirit nvr say die....!!.... i know life is tough but we can face it strong... if we did this together..... i will be waiting for your return... :)

12:28 AM

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's always times like these when I think of you,
And I wonder if you ever think of me

1:04 AM

hahas... lets update for the weeks! alright!!... :))

well tuesday we played volleyball it was FUN I DID SPIKE AND somebody go block and we falll ZZZZZZZZ!!! my butt hurt okay!! goodness i land on the pole omg..... :((!!
jump around... hohoho like rabbit HAHAS! <<

what i rmb was... joey sae dont bully jia min arh SKALI SHE KENA TARGETTED NEXT HAHAHAHHAHAAS OMGOSH!! SHE IS GONNA HATE me MORE :DD!!! HAHAHAHAS it was SOO funni!! :) i can rmb half of it!

what hapen on wednesday was... went to.. study with khair and alhaq.. at yewtee cc omg the classroom was empty onli us ?? WITH aircondition omg shiok :)) hehehes yeap we did quite alot of question!! alhaq.. was soo funni!! he act like dont want eat kfc in the end he was the one who said lets stop studying and go! HAHAHAHHAHAS :))

goodness... okay la thursday was not bad..... my chem was super bad.. i was feeling realli sucks abit it... :((!! hohoho.. went to eat with reon at the new jalan kayu at yewtee point omg nice!! HAHAHAHAHHAS... we talk about life.. and about what i thought of him in the past... everything seems to be clear off.. so i guess its funni of him to order food that cost $9 dollar =.=!!! goodness... yes as usual i was late for my lesson but mrs lau bee ha was quite happy to see me ask soo much question :)) i guess because of my physic she feel that she made me improved?? hohoho!!

okay la enough crap on friday i can still rmb what happened lets go!!... in school alot happening... was playing catching with shunski... after recess... he freaking run like mad =.=!! goodness i tot i reach class DEN NOBODY IN IT GRRHH WASTE MY ENERGY ONLI :((!! went to physic lab.. ! did those oil thingy it was kinda weird yo... sticky !!

hahahahas okay la went home and i slept and went to jogging with bryan i am sooo happy that i am able to.. complete one round around yew tee without stopping hehehehs :))!! we jog and jog and felt tired... we are gonna complete more distance and round the next time!!

thank you mr gabriel.. for your info.. and for calling me mr stress =.=!!! the next time you see me it wil be the cool one! :)

hahahahas my cat was super cute they sniff on each other than war... the small cat always love to follow the big one hahahahhas!!! :) omg if i took a video it will be soo funni!!!!! :S cat sure have different voice instead of meow meow <<< the small cat have accent like veri sad !! LOLS..... :D! okay la nonsense.. tomorrow i going swimming DO BUTTERFLY STROKE :P chey step onli irham << like as if can do HAHAHahhas

:)) thought i may not be ready for.. my O's i know thing will get better..

12:52 AM

Monday, September 13, 2010

"I wrote your name in the sand but the ocean washed it away,i wrote your name in the cloulds but the wind blew it away, i wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay?

11:48 PM

hahahas right!! lets talk about what happened.. todae! hmm....

thing are nort going well :(! hahahas... bu yeah watever i am still living on... i am strong you know!! its onli 2 more months and i will give my best my all.. my everything... i wouldnt lose focus now..! its nort the time...

:))! well.. hahahahas went school and i am late!!! GOOODNESS THE BUS JUST LEFT WITHOUT ME i felt sooo lols.. hahahas oh shit if get detention i would rather die! :(! hahahahahhas

ran around the field... and one round can kills me?? my stomach soo cramp.. and yeah i just go on.. yeah watever... :)) i know this feeling its just i does nort exercise enough!! i will have to keep up! irham you have to!

hahahahas mr gabriel... was actually nice person to begin with its just that when he was with alot of student around he need to be fair you know those kind of pride thingy :P i understand this kind of thing hahahahas..

he gave me advice that i should run whenever i felt stress maybe he could see it through my eyes... but yeah!! HAHAHAs..... this quote "WHen the world gave you hundred reason to cry , gave the world back a thousand reason to smiles" its been on my mind ever since i woke up and i cant stop thinking of it..!!

hahahahas i been feeling happy lately... and trouble or watsoever is just a blessing in disguise to me.. i should stay this way.. :) HEHES!! i know i am a dreamer right! HAhahas but i am a cool one can!..

HAHAHAHAHAS and than it was history class OMG I WAS SUPER HAPPY THAT I PASS WITH FLYING COLOURS FINALLY MY EFFORT WAS PAID OFF FOR HISTORY :P!! HAHAHAS ...... and there is something to be proud offf i got A1 in one my subject i am freaking happy you know hahahas... i told you i can almost be as crazy and as high as a lunatic hahahas :))!!!

back to class... with those joyful smile... yeap i will keep it for days!! i know i can hahahahas!! :DD!! i been talking crap this few days HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS i know i have improve alot!!! its nort in term of result in term of personality watsoever... i believe i becoming someone better.. someone who doesnt use much vulgarity.. someone who respect adults :)) hehes... i am happy.. that i can think positive stuff though times.. negative stuff can seriously try to brought me down..

HOHO maths was kinda dissapointing for me... but its okay.. i understand... at least i did improved!! HEHES!! yeap better than previous score you know HAHAHHAS!!! :D i will continue on improving....!!!

well went to remedial hohoho hahahas.. talking crap dere... all the way because i felt kinda bored :P!! hahahahahhas !! and den went to meet danial andy and bryan at the basketball court

ANDY WAS SUPER FUNNI HE GOT TRICK BY ME during one match :P HEHEHEHS!! LOLS i feel kinda impressed basketball skill start to improve alot HAhahs.. its just my stamina!!! mr zahed told me.. i should go swimming cycling and running twice a week.. i told him i could onli make it for one time a week..

he said it should be fine to increase the volume of your lung muscle... :D well.. i am gonna start swimming during saturday and jogging whenever i felt stress... :) it doesnt matter... to me.. i will schedule myself... !!!! i know i can hahahahas i will live a healthy lifestyle!!

slacking at the tower sooo many stars can be seen tonight.... goodness... !! it feel greats!! you know stress relieve hahahas... but nort too much of it it can cause.. losing focus!! :D!! HOHO!

right danial well you have to understand its nort that people are changing its just for this year... there are alot of study need to think off.... where future lies.. everyone will be fighting soo hard that no one will feel like want to be left behind.. in this society... if you start to lag out.. others will take advantage of your weakness and took over you... the eyes.. the words.. you can tell.... just by the way their every move... i know i been complaining tired and always go home early... because.. its realli tiring me out.. studying everything... feeling thoughts all been running in my mind... exam seriously make me nervous... it will cause me to lose soo much energy... ! so i hope you will understand..

hahahahas.. i cut my fringe off.... its too straight yoooo been... keeping up with the nonsense... i didnt know rebonding will cause straightness for soo long =.=!!!! i hope onli the tips are striaght bu the rest go back to original position?? HOHOHO last minute cut as hasyim will kill me tomorrow if he see me with long hair.. but i guess i will still die as i didnt visit the barber LOLS!!! :P!!!

hahahahahas peoples may think that i dunt have problems as my life seems to be soooo carefree... but deep down inside they must understand that problem is just a problem its how you .. handle it thats what make thing matters! :)) for me.. i would choose to see it in a way.. that maybe i will understand HAHAHAHS

okay la goodnight readers!!

11:23 PM

I know there's a way so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
Maybe It's not to late

12:29 AM

Sunday, September 12, 2010

okay hmm hahas!! lets talk about todae!

was still asleep on the bed... my mother came in IRHAM still dont want wake up arh cancel the seoul garden...

my mind was connected all nerves cells.. and start saying NO! never LOLS! :P!! hahahahahas i woke up immediately.. yeap.. this is how special a human can be.. when you been waiting for it soo long when it finally came you no matter how tired you are you still got the strength << yea yea here i come crap again.. just look out for the moral story..

lets see.. used my tight jean goodness... :(( hahahahs its been soo long since i wear jean!!! can lols...! no wonder soo tight or maybe my stomach grow bigger :P weets can have nice pac if i train LOLS NONSENSE...

hahahahahas!!! went there and yes seoul garden... as i went in.. it isnt like what i expected... the feeling isnt there i wasnt having the mood to eat!!! LOLS MAYBE COS OF FASTING AND i nort used to eating soo much! HAHAHAS

but watever stomach call grr grhh! yes?? start eating ass!! hahahas yeap!! i took alot chicken but terriyaki wasnt around zZzZzZz thats the best chicken there i tink so?? hahahas tried all the clam crackers!!! fishcake!! watsoever except veggie!!!

my father was FUnni!! he keep making those weird noise HAhahahas omg... he taech me to be nonsense.. but hes the best..! :) what he told me is to pursue my dream.. doing thing that really interest me.. well what really interest me couldnt earn much in life.. but i realli love working with people how they felt the kind of expression they gave the kind of though they are thinking those kind of stuff ... and the accomplishment to cheer your friends up ! :)) is really somethin hahas the word you said.. to make them feel better!...! yeah hahas.. watever arhx.. i now this maybe
part of crap but its true... the quotes that i always feel is right

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

well ate soo much that i have to unbutton my pant for sometimes and button it back as my stomach fast freaking pain cos too tight i gain 2 kg if can in the tummy please :P!!

hahahahhas well ate ice cream den went out!! introduce my father to.. the comic connection shop i told him there can find alot of anime stuff.. i start talking about hitman reborn naruto :) hahahas he is as blur !!! as sotong ! of course adult doesnt know about this hahahahas cute what he told me was.. is there something like quote LOLS in the end he bought something from there =.=!! i was looking at the ring when this funni moment happen

somebody may happen to knock onto the bear coinbank and it drop to the floor yes.. the ear the body all fall apart... HAHAHAHS i rush over and said OR HOR!! laughing soo funni!! can... i tot my father did it.. so wanted to see whether he scared anort :P!! but he act soo cool den we went to pick it up! and the cashier went to take the broken pigbank and start talking to the wall "shui zuo de" he kept repeating this for a few times.. while facing the wall.. i look at him i cant stop smiling it was funni there weren't anione there is he trying to somehow connect to the imaginary world LOLS!!!!!!

went to pay stuff and i went to look at dvd aww :)) there is alot i wanted to buy! HAHAHs and i wanted to get the mist ring! my goodness rokudo mukuro is my favourite!! :) he's great! the ring look nice tooo!! it should perfect my finger!!! the right bearer! LOLS!!!

okay lets go on! we went to see this shells thats on promotion wow there is necklace shell that look nice!! :) goodness.. hahahahahhahahas how creative can this people be!!! well i was there just to take a look

went into cold storage bought nata de coco the strawberry yoghurt HEHEHS my fav!! tooo! :) i love sweet thing sour not so.. saltish nahx!

than my parent and me bid goodbye as they went to other house and i went to house.. took bus and slept on it while listening to song... yeap!! Hahahas its a way of my relaxation maybe i realli love to relax soo much that my result aso soo relax..!

hahahahahas watever.. went back home and start to sleep.. my two cat as usual.. the big one is always jealous of the small.. and the small is sooo wanting to be part with the big one.. ! i know they will be alright for sometimes its just a matter of time :)

hahahahas slept till 7 and i used comp and i see the time it was 8 goodness time sure pass by fast...! :(( there are much i still havent done..

bryan told me danial ask us play basketball.. well its maybe for the last time... as after that everyone will start studying... i just agreed as i felt yeah.. i guess its time! :)

hahahas... jack sure ask the wrong person :P my english c6 LOLS! HAHAHHAHAHAHS okay la.. tried my best to give him advice like reading the passage twice without even looking at the question to understand the passage :)! i hope it works.. for him! Lols!!

hahahas yeah... been feeling tired now!!! i am going sleep soon goodnight readers!! take care sweetdream!!! i hope i will .. fix this..! ;) listen to the song!!! HOHOHO!! it can means alot ! kind of love it.. thanks bryan for the WONDERFUL SONG LOLS!!

11:56 PM

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Like fire and rain , You can drive me insane..

10:14 PM

okay hmm! lets talk about todae hahohaho! :S!

well.. my mother woke me up at 7.45 hahahas.. went to lavender..... to renew my passport.. !! kind of far from here.... time management program irham! LOLS!!...!!

than we went to eat at the food court my mother said the food isnt nice.. but i said its NICE!! omg if its in our school every single day i would have appetite!! :))!! hahahahahahas ate and ate!! omg.. i didnt know my stomach was soo full ZZzzZZ regret come later lols...

kay la tooo back train back!!! and my mum went to her office to deal with some issues! giddy lols :S!! den went take my jacket and shirt stuff etc todae the day to treat ShIrMiN! LOLS :))! hahahahas ms li couldnt make it... :S! well watever....

took BUS AND yes i feel abit weird :(( its my first time wearing the jacket lols since last year i bought it :S!! ... HAhahahahahas!!!!! yes! thats right i am late again!! someone sae 20 minutes but i tink 5 minutes LORH! LOLS!!!.....

okay la apart from the weird thing heng got the work like biker = rider!!! :)) can imagine if i were to ride a bike and wear this omg like soo coool :P HAHAHAHHAS CRAP ENOUGH of your nonsense irham!!

we went to jurong point yes as always!! she win when it comes to PUBLIC TRANSPORT!!!! thought wanted to walk around first as my stomach feel heavy :/ hahahahahahas

but the first destination PIZZA HUT!! lols...!!! bought quite a few dishes arh!!! HAhaahahahas!! the MEE WAS... SOURISH :S!!!! omg... taste soo cold lols... cos keep on talking nonsense!!! hahahahas ....

omg if my stomach was full THE CHICKEN TODAE WILL BE DONE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAS!!!! went to pay the bill i said want leave tips like coool someone disagree okay okay!!!
next went to bought ticketS!! 3D resident evil 4!! HAhahahahas told her i dont mind seeing it again COS GOT MICHAEL SCOLFIED OMG!!! :)

hahahahahas!!! well while waiting we went to play arcade!! HAHAHAHHAS SOMEONE SOOO ACTION SAE HER CAR SKill PRO !! LOLS!!!!!!! duno lose three time arh :P!! omg enjoying arh !!! but the basketball ZzZzZzZZ!!!

waste my energy shooot aso the point score less =.=!! gooodness lols!!!!! watever.... hohohoho went to some shop to get my grandma stuff and i drop a bracelet!! GRR it break into pieces at the ground and i ask! did YOU JUST SAW THAT!!

HAHAHAHAS irham you are such a lame ass!!!! did you even think that bracelet made of metal! that it wouldnt break! <<< okay okay enough of talking to myself! yes... as dramatic as always went to pay and walk outside the shop slowly.. pretending nothin happen! LOLS! :S!!

yes... and went straight to the movie! wooots! :) hahahas!!!!! resident evil!!!!!!!!!!!! my gooodness love it! when the part scofield appear... like so coool ehhx!! he the mastermind to break out of prison and now he's the key for their survival way out of the pack of zombies story line name almost same as they end with field'

:)) kay la the movie was GREAT!!! haahhahas SHIRMIN was super brave she doesnt seem to be terrified at all during those thriller moment!!!! hahahahhahas gooodness!!!!!! SUPER BRAVE YO ! (ya right =.=!)

ending i sae lets take my private jet!! NONSENSE SHE SAE TAKE MRT =.=!!!!! okay watever.... went home when walking out the train want to act cool ! those hand sign HAHAHAHAHAHAHAS omgosh okay i should stop this nonsense!

well i was shock as i climb up the stairs to see my TWO COUSIN outside they were staring at me i stare at them i was thinking eh who the hell is this =.=! LOLS!!! than i see again oh look familiar hmm HAhahahs !!! kay la.. they compliment my attire but it soo weird can!

went home and my house was SUPER PACK as small as my house is 10 or 11 people on it :S GOOODNESS!!! yes i bet you guys can imagine the cramp for those who went to my house before HAhahahas... yes as alwaes i try to show my respect by salam = shake hand with them! :)

walk into my room and my cousin using my comp LOLS =.=!!!! yes she share her story about guys!!! LOLS!! NONSENSE :S!! hahahahahhahahahahahas i want to sleep but i now it will be rude... as there were people outside

so i change to my home attire which is sooo comfortable HAHAHAHAS and sat down.. yeap!!! they see the change in me! the cool one have arrive ehx :)! hahahahas thing is i nvr follow them go jalan raya = it means.. go house to house...

as i have grown up and my pride tell me that i shouldnt be going people house for money!.. i dont realli need dem right now... nort until prom night for my TUXEDO PERHAP PERHAPS!! :P!! HAHAHAHHAS!!!!!!

kay kay kay... watever!! LOLS.... they went home.. and my cat as usual my tiger didnt like the new comer :(( sadded.. the kitten was kinda cute! :) as he was sooooo pamper love to walk around people and you know do those cat thingy :D! hahahas i hope my tiger jealousy will cool down arh :(( he seem to feel my room is his territory and that cat is nort allowed to enter HAHAHAHAHS!! gooodness :)

cute cats !!!! aniwae goodnight readers! I enjoy myself!! :D!! tmr seoul garden its been soo long i have waited to go there :(

9:51 PM

Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes just be an illusion.

1:00 AM

hahahhas lets talk about todae!!.... :)

well.. my grandma nag nag nag to wake me up and my brother to.. the mosque to pray... she said you buy new shirt soo nice it will be of no use if you didnt go mosque... GO NOW!!!

i sae wait wait i tired let me sleep :( lols.. do this for me once... i need you to go to mosque.. i really want you to.. as i am afraid there wont be next year... for me to force you anymore...

this really... freaking wake me up... i know those words.... it seems my grandma.. is saying those word.. out of a sudden...its nort like she usually say all this.. i know i gotta do something about it...

though my body is sooo tired and damn lazy... i keep force my mind wake up irham wake up you ass!! go now.. well.. went to bath and proceed to mosque.. bus didnt seem to go easy on me

the bus sure take its own time to come sooo freaking late... but i still managed to pray at the mosque... i am glad at least.. i did.. what my grandma said... it lighten the burden! of the heavy feeling i got!... :)

went to eat at my aunty house she gave soo much omg.. sooo freaking full i cant go eating... :S!! lols den went home and slept HAHAHAHAHAHS!!!! 1 pm came back ask for forgiveness... and my uncle friend came... her wife compliment me hehehes :)) happy! LOLS!!

yeah main attraction irham :P okay enough of your nonsense move ! on shunski bryan junhao minghong gabriel came soon HAHAHS!!.... okay la... let them in and yes.. they start to do their own thing =.=! LOLS!!!!

well asked dem go eat and i forgot minghong was vegetarian gooodness!! :/ thats my wrong part... i didnt even bother to rmb my god... well i asked my grandma cook ommelete for him at least it help to cover the stomach yeah?

hahahahha seeing those people enjoy their food eating and eat!! really nice to see can tell they enjoy it alot they cant stop eating HAhahahhahas :))!!

okay la den went to my house play ps2 and i went to use comp! blast of music noisy :S!!!! hahahahas den we went out.. instead of going to.. my relative house i choose to went out with friends HAHAHAS!

watch movie at lot one bought alot of food hotdog bun and popcorn yooo!! :D!!! yeap couldnt finish the popcorn hohoho!!!! the movie was great man!!!! :D!! resident evil 4 OMG SUPER NICE!!!!

real!!! worth the time!!...!! soon the end... went walk walk around lot one... saw alot movies that i want to watch :((!! my goodness...!! grrr!!!

tomorrow will be wearing leather jacket hope i wont look too weird on it :S!!!!

okay la goodnight readers!

12:50 AM

Friday, September 10, 2010

Night after night
I hear myself sayin´
Why can´t this feeling just fade away?

2:33 AM

hmm lets talk about todae!!HAhahahas~!!! :D!

well erm !! hahahhahahahas..... lets talk about todae!! AIYO I REPEAT TWICE WATEVER !! :S!!

okay okay woke up in the morning !! and yes i start rmbing i forgot something! its hari raya last day of fasting wooohooo!!! :) i still havent got my clothe :(!! damn i didnt used my time wisely...

went to meet shunski as usual i late by 20 mins and he at there why sooo late LOLS!!.... next we took 985 halfway stop at westmall as danial sae he want to join us hahahahhas!!!!

WAITED FOR HIM 1hr30 mins??? GOOODNESS FEEL LIKE giving him mega mac chop man LOLS!!!! yes this two keep on their craps!! and nonsense sooo entertaining HAHAHAhahaas!!!

went to geylang ... omg... walk to different place but time is not on our side.. the clothes that i want all sold out :((!! left those unwanted pieces?? haiizzz!! and i alwaes though last day the price will go down like pummeled!!

but i was wrong last day the price seem to be higher :(!! walao ehhx.. haiizz went to walk around the range of one clothe 56 to 80 !! goodness lorh!! wear once a year need charge sooo high mehx danial keep make fun of the way the person talk he said what telok belanga?? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS omg its amusing!

well bid goodbye to shunski.. as he gtg first and i saw my ex-hongkah classmate!! lols he aso went shopping :S hahahahas well said hi as usual.. but his mother was.. surprised to see me maybe i look cooler den before ^.^ :P HAHAHAHAS!!

okay la enough crap bid farewell to him and went to choose my clothe and i still cant decide ONE CLOTHE TOOK ME SOO LONG... thats the reason why.. i didnt like buying clothes!!! hhahahahas!!

went to breakfast at some cofee shop the chicken rice is sooo spicy :((!! my stomach making the gurlp gurlp sound :S!! but the sugar cane was sweeeet!! :)!! shiokness hahahahas

finally i decide to buy the clothe and yeap.. went to take bus saw haniffa inside HAHAHAHAHS he told me why i alwaes see him i will feel like laughing... i said i was happy thats why!! :S!!

he ask me this question everytime i see you sooo happy... your life like no problem! aniway what did you do to khair he changed alot this year.. last year he was those quiet quiet now he like to do stupid thing HOHOHOO! LOLS!!!!

well i told him its nort that i dont have problem but i choose nort to think soo much about it... as it makes me feel ... depressed! LOLS! and i hate this feeling i took one step at a time.. i believe every problem have a solution! :) and about khair maybe he though my kind of attitude is COOL HAHAHHAS! :P!!!

okay la crap den talk nonsense all the way in the bus and drop down at beauty world where danial took cab.. to teckwhye to get his pant.... went with him... and yeap waited for his 160 and he start sharing his life story... it was.. kinda... haizzz...... i hope thing will get better arh :)! but seeing them fight through their life is kinda inspiring ehhx!

hahahas took my bus and ... trying to update somoene lorh !!! went to sleep =.=!LOLS!!! hahahahahs cant blame too tired!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

okay la... i talk to my father he was funni uhhx!! i mean i finally able to share with my father he told me he want treat seoul garden during saturday hahahas i told him cant make it !! SUNDAY INSTEAD YEAP HE AGREED... yes... we talk about life hahahhas :)!! i am happy i am able to share out with my father but i told him to keep it a secret nort to let my mother know... he even do those kind of lame thing i bla bla bla swear i wont let out our secret! :)! hahahhaas goodness!!

was feeling hungry :( told my mother.. she treat me 10 dollar and i ask my brother for $$ too since he is working hahahahhahahahas in the end i no need pay wooots!! but they sae call the macdonald yourself.. we dont care LOLS! =.=!! LAMOS!!!! they know i dont like to talk on the phone..

i got this phobia of talking on the phone as i felt my voice weird on it arh... :S!!! hahahahahahhaas usually i will always talk the wrong thing when i am on the phone gooodness lorh!! LOLS!!! i tried calling and yes... it kind of make me nervous i duno why!!! :(( just dont have the habit talking to stranger on phone! and yes i did it and irham you are so gonna get FAT! :)! hahahs in the tummy this time round!! LOLS!!!! :) hohoho okay la goodnight readers!!

my mother took stray cat home and he seems to like everyone around it was a kitten but my tiger.. grrrh jealous written all over the face awww.. i still love you alot dont worry!! HOHOHO :D!!! byebye!

1:42 AM

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just stay strong , cause you know i am here for you

3:53 AM

HAHahahhas lets update todae!!! HOHO!!! asshole out there must be missing my DRAMATIC MOMENTS!

RIGHT LETS BEGIN!...! irham lets go go go go power rangers go!!

LAME =.=!!

okay hmm lets see... i couldnt wake up again... this morning :(! awww... fREEEEKkkk LOLS!! force myself out of bed !! hahahahahahas as usual my cat realli... make me feel like sleeping!!! he alwaes slept soundly... but yeah of course.. he will alwaes watch me as i left the house ;)

right lesson was per normal.. i didnt do much maths todae.. and i fraeking nort happy about it.. the time pass by soo fast and i managed to complete 5 cquestion ZZZZzZ i am sooo nort happy about my performance irham you have to buck up no matter what!!!

:(( aiyo.. den mr hasyim came.. hahahas aww.. i have no mood to study poa so .. i ask him teach me vectors all the way... i didnt realised it was quite simple :)) iam happy i could do part of it... yeah but thought i am struggling with some question of it. hahahas

determination and nort feeling satisfied make me stayback till 3 plus :S!!! lols... i realli realli want to pass maths badly .... :( please... give me the will to carry on I WONT GIVE IN!! .... :P <<< see drama again...

hahahahahaas..... went back home.... my grandma so lucky open the door saw me.. ask me sent thing to my aunty =.=!! yeah heng arh... i was tired okay that day.. LOLS on the way saw supei below block as usual OI OI OI! wher eyou going bla bla bla all this nonsense...

den went to sent my aunty the stuff go to shop with her den she ask me accompany her brother talk crap.. ! I SAE GO SEE MY CAT BETTER guess what she said when your lift okay alr i will visit ya right like will ever!!

haha went home and yes... i slept!!! argh ... so tired... after such a long day... :))!!! i am happy that i managed... to take a nap... danial ask meet as he going back malaysia tomorrow

well.. okay anithing.. hohoho!! hahahas.. meet bryan first... as usual sat at the basketball court this time round i didnt play i observe those people that played.... i guess i wanted to learn some skills :P!! HAHAHAHHAHAS but without learning and just memorising the step it wont be ani use irham!

danial came afterward.. we all start to crap bla bla bla bla... went to teck whye mac.. sky join us later on START EATING AWW...!! its been along time i ate fast foood!! :P!! hahahahhas.... (Dont lie la irham) ! << Hahahahahas!!

bryan took my NUGGETS AND HE THOUGH HE COULD GET AWAY WITH IT GRR!!! everyone take his CHICKEN PIECES HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHS :P!!! omg... sooo funni FOOOD WAR!!! :))! its fun ... but eating supper will surely make me fat please.. at the belly i want got pac :P!! nort one pac EIGHT PAC OKAY!

lols!! HAHahahhas crap crap crap... went to slack somewhere.. played uno at itouch omg.. soo lame we three play.. quite funni arh.. =.=!! walk walk walk... in the end decided to went home... as it was super late!! yes to me it was!!

here i am at home.. nothing gonna change destiny whatever meant to be will work out perfectly... argh!! pimples start coming out at my forehead :(( i guess i havent been sleeping well lately.. :( i am stress but i enjoy lifeout HAHAHAHhahahas well... people... goodnight sweet dream...

today is the last day of fasting i hope everyone could make it as.. it symbolise the closing and the ... end of the noble month!! :)) goodnight readers thanks for entertaining my craps! BYE!

3:35 AM

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

When you're gone ,
the word i need to hear to always get me through,
The day and make it okay...
I miss you...

12:50 AM

HAhahahas oaky lets go irham!! your life is sooo full of drama!! i know i know :)) so lets put this drama in history!

lets begin... in the morning.. yeap!! i was late for remedial shirmin dont want wait for me!! :((!!!!

hohoho didnt do much for maths.. but i kept ask question on simple question feel soooo dumb :((!!! literally maybe yes lOLS!! HAHAHAHS watever la =.=!!!
okay okay den teo went off... and here comes i settle my library fine.. and lent shirmin notes on SS!!

HENG THE FINE ONLI 5 DOLLAR :))!! HOHOHO LUCKY LUCKY LOLS HAhahahahahas.... if it was 30 plus 50 plus i would sae.. nvm i lost the book i pay the original price CHEY STEP RICH ONLI ME LOLS!!! :P!!!

hahahahahahs den went to office to print my paper everytime if i went alone confirm got drama :S!!!! omg.... need go with friend next time! LOLS!!!! what happen was.. there was this teacher standing beside me... i tot she was busy with her work LOLS!!!!

okay it begin like this i ask the lady.. in the office to help me print! i will pay watever price :)!! hahahahhahas she sae how come alot you sae print abit onli... i sae ohhh... need study yoo of course !

hahahahas after the printing THE TEACHER BESIDE ME.. okay 10 dollar please... i was like LOLS!!! HAHAHAHAHhahahaas den de lady say 20 dollar i sae aiyo.... nvm la if i know i print outside alr.. arh.. i give you all my phone it worth 300 Go selll buy yourself... breakfast arh the balance keep for tidbit :P!! HAHAHAHAHS DAMN SARCASTIC MAN!!

IN THE END I GET FREE NO NEED CHARGE HAHAHAHAHAS... the teacher sae get A's for all your subject i sae cannot la.. i print onli SS SS GET A For you kay :) HAHAHAHHAS thats the end of the drama.. i went to open the door for her sae see i veri gentleman hor!! :P (STEP ONLI IRHAM) want be in teacher good book is it!

hahahahahs went back library shirmin and joey invite to play volleyball i was LIKE YO!! IT WAS VOLLEYBALLL I WILL GIVE UP ANITHING TO PLAY IT HAHAHAHHS!!!! :)))!! yeap we went to the pe room knock knock knock anibody home !! :S!! nobody grrr!!! went to the court...

see 4/5 student playing.. that shirmin argh!! ask me make the first move sae hi! she know i am too coool for this but watever LOLS!!! i just sae lets play together they cool wit it EXCEPT JOEY HAHAHAHHAS SHE VERI DRAMATIC UHHX!!

i duno how play i dun want play.. i call ms lau first... alot drama :P!! in the end managed to force her PLAY!!!! hahahahahahas yeap yeap yeap... we alll though played mixed but in the end ALL END UP SAME GROUP

at first i tot omg those got two boys alwaes play basketball one!! confirm gg!! this girl netball!!!! but after awhile i see OH my side the girl damn tall damn big ASO :)!! nort a problem la HAHAHAHAS!!!

YES AND WE WON!!! ALL THE SHOT BY THOSE TWO HEHEHEHS !! :DDD DAMN THEY GOOOD SHOOTER EHHX??!! ZZzZZzZzzZZ hahahahas was fun arh.. i tink i improve my basketball skills tooo!! HEHEHEHEHS SOOO HAPPY OF IT!! :))!!

well... let sae joey dont want play already so shirmin aso dont want :(! no more second round hahahahas... bid goodbye to them and went to study with hasyim he teach me about liquidity and he have to go off.. that seriously put my mood off...

i was about to get serious :(!! but i understand he have his problem his car got into accident its alright than!... i guess.. :)! i believe we will catch up tomorrow!! LOLS!LOLS!!

okay la... went to lot one with suling bernice shunski... LOLS GO GET MY POSTER THEY KEEP PESTER ME TO BREAKFAST!! lame =.=!! i told dem special occasion onli i will lOLS!! and this is nort special occassion at all LOLS!!!

HAhahahas i am happy got a poster on yondaime!!! WOOOOTS LIKE FINALLY HEHEHEHEHES!!!

went home and i start to think alot... i dont have the mood to celebrate raya at all... study is all in my mind.. i am sooo nervous... argh this feeling is starting to come back... i know its nort gonna be a good thing... as... i will be having stomach pain and morning sickness :((!!

went to sleep and den breakfast hehehes food was nice though.. den went out meet ekhsan went to causeway point argh finally i breathe fresh air... i want to relax at coffee buck okay start reading on poa yeap i starting to get it... :)

hahahahahas it felt soo nice den we walk to marsilling mrt station bid goodbye here i am at home.. my cat jump straight from my room to greet me he must have missed me alot couldnt sleep without me doesnt you :P! HAHAHAHAHAHAS his purr was sooooo OMG CUTE LA I CAN SAE...

inside info he hug my leg and sleep now at the comp table sleep sooo soundly :) i guess he is missing his best owner!! :D hahahahahahas okay la enough of my craps night readers byebye!! ;)

12:26 AM

Monday, September 6, 2010

Let's pretend that tonight all dreams would come true , what would you dream of ?

11:33 PM

Okay lets talk about todae!! hmm.............

how should i start... ! omg... cant rmb much but well.. yeah lets go!

someone miss call me once and yet i didnt hear it!! LOLS!!!! heng i woke up in time!! :) 9.20 ehhx? LOLS!!! wah my mind got two choice.. irham sleep look at the weather soo nice :) irham go school pay the fee and give the SOYA!! okay guess wat..

i told myself okay i will choose both i wont bath and just wear my home clothes went to school...! because it feel soo comfortable :P LOLS!!!!!! HAhahahas den i ask my grandma 40 dollar please.. she said.. are u kidding me you going to school want to use the money gamble is it!! =.= i was like lols that was on your mind in the morning hahahahahas okay watever..

she gave me and i went to bath and change to my uniform to convince her! RIGHT !!! :)) inside the bus like zombie i open my eye close my eye listen to song blast it off !! :D!! hahahahahahas niec to sleep i tell myself this is going to be fast..!

okay walk walk walk to school mr gabriel.. told me why are you here .. i sae for the prom night.. he : but your class alot nvr go why you still want go!... i say lac arh i go pay first :)!

hohoho in the office soo much drama!! OMG!! i ask i am here to pay the money ... one of the office lady say you have to check with your teacher over the fees! irham: but ms sandhya ask me pay to the office by monday! give me her number i call her now.. LOLS!! they way like... nvm i help you check HOHO!! and!! this is what happened next... are you going to the prom night to be the prom king... i was like LOLS!! NOOO!! omg soo awkward :S!!

she bla bla bla i look at the air and paid and went out wait for that shirmin to finish her PHYSIC CLASS!! lols...! mr gabriel start talking again HAHAHAHAS!!..... i couldnt tell him the real reason i wanted to go either as i doesnt even know... what is on my mind was that will be our last day together.... classmate friends or watsoever... the last time we gonna celebrate it in an extravagant way.. i mean :)! i want to make it possible though the number in our class is as less as 1/10 its okay :)! hahahahahs.. i know this sound soo noble.. but yeah watever.. i do wat i want.. !

yeap we talk talk talk... and he start with his saying look at those successful people.. he talk about last year a indian girl in 4-10.. marian? somethin like that i am nort sure her name.. heard her stories that she didnt realli come from a wealthy or even stable income family and having to face soo much problems.. i believe i am luckier in term of everything ! i should make use of it now.. :)

to get rid of my nervousness i know i am having butterfly in my stomach every morning :(( and i cant get rid of it..!! exam is scaring the hell out of me haizz HAHahahas! IRHAM WHAT IS THERE TO BE SCARED OF!!! you are cool remember that!!! they are the one who should be afraid that you could answer all their stupid question hoho!! :P!!

okay la i try to eat fruits banana and maybe the chicken essense but shirmin sae it taste like VOMIT ARGHH!!! LOLS!!!.... how can i eat a vomit!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :(((!!!

maybe for the better i will just take alot of bananana HAHAHAHAHHAS!!!

well.. after that shirmin came and pass her the vitasoy i still hear she said heavy!! LOLS!!!!!... anyway today her first day of fasting !! WOOOTS!!! :D!!! happy that she managed to complete it your prized TWO PACKET OF VITASOY YAY CLAP CLAP CLAP :D!! HAHAHHAS!!!! GOODNESS She will tink i am sooo FREAKING LAME !! WATEVER!

move on.. went to take bus one round as usual!! and went to cheers to get my grandma her plant! aww i look at the plant it doesnt make up the standard i wanted it to be.. so i think the next time round i will ask my grandma out to view it for herself at plant farm :) there would be better yeah!!

okay okay as i was freaking sleepy.. i went home and sleep all the way!!... than it start to rain aww.. the weather realli know me best... yeap slept slept slept yawnn..dream dream dream!!

woke up and TOLD HER BREAK FAST LERHX !!! EAT DRINK !!! play comp den we start to plan for saturday HOHOHO!! somebody is really into planning thing arh HAHAHAHAHhahahHAhas !!!

played dota while and yes i lose all the match once again argh :((!! boring game!! ZZzZZ~!!!! tomorrow is gonna be a doom day!! :( math poa... IRHAM TELL YOURSELF TO STAY FOCUS FOR THOSE TWO DAYS... :D and your whole week will be meaningful yes! :) HEHEHES!!!!!! i hope SATURDAY WILL BE A BLAST!! want to teach her PLAY DOTA GET ADDICTED :P!! okay la... bye readers!!!

11:13 PM

Take the first step in faith , You don't have to see the whole staircase ,just take the first step

2:48 AM

HAhahahs! okay la short post! :)

well i cant rmb much just see how much my memories can pull through!!!

afternoon was quite boring HAHAhahahahs went to crap around den... i was supposed to finish my english homework by todae derhx!! BUt i lose focus soo easily i wonder whats bothering my mind!! GRR!!!... it make me go whirlwind feel soo restless awww... drama drama

HAHAHAHS!! watch ice age 3 in my computer omg it was soo funni :S!! omg lols i cant stop laughing at my own comp i was staring at it looking like a crazy fool!!.. :/ hahahahas!!!.. okay la got my sweet cat on the table sleeping i tink my cat realli like song as he slept soundly with blast of song! :)

move on! went to buy the vitasoy !! todae i wont forget alr lols!!!!! okay la... played dota awhile... and i lose all the match grrrhh!! was kinda pissed off HAHA!!
nvm nvm the usual kind of trick.. if lose = DC! LOLS!

den it was breakfast... omg lots of foood heheehehs!! love it... ate atea ate well i drank alot than went to meet the rest of the group! took taxi with danial to his old house.. and den bryan join us..

saw my batokrian than we all greeted she at there want to act cool use phone instead of playing LOLS!!! act ONLI :S!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAS OMG IRHAM THIS IS A BIAS SOURCE YOU ARE PUTTING OTHERS IN A BAD LIGHT ! JOKING!! :)!

hahahahahahahahas okay sky join us later on... ALRIGHT WE HAVE A GREAT MATCH we won against some unknown people they sure play rough yo :S!!! but nvm la.. hahahahaha skill is wat matters!! HAHAHAHS

i feel like i have improved in basketball by a bit!!! a abit onli! LOLS!!.... as i wasnt feeling sooo tired... when chasing the ball bla bla bla.. hohoho! maybe in the past used tooo much jump around run around... HAHAHHAHAS!!!!!! :S!! i know you guys wont understand so watever lets jump!

PLAYED BULLET WITH SOMEONE.... DEN HE GO SET THE RULE 7 pushup.. if lose per point goal HENG ARH I WIN HEHEHEHEHEHS!!!! :D and i didnt really have to do soo much !!! WOW ENJOYABLE DAY FOR ME STRESS FREE HAHAHAS!!!.....

well hahahhas we slack awhile talk about life bla bla bla HAHAHhaS!! drank up my h2o! ohh it sure does help with the sugar!! :D!! and yes our favourite public toilet HUA HAU HAUHUA HAHAHAHS! !!!

okay la nonsense.. den everyone start to say goodbye to each other.. yeap.. went to walk to my house with danial in the rainy day!! glad i said what i have to say... and i am happy that he understand.... yeap we do talk alot yoh HAHAHHAHAHAS!! :S well... LIFE IS LIFE!! i have my key to my goal.. its time i used it to the max!!! after the talk felt soo much better.. one problems down! LOLS!! :))

hmm.. went home and my sweet cat is waiting at the door murring miao miao miao i was like okay confused what is he trying to sae... well maybe he is saying where have you been i wait for you soo long?? :S concern about his owner arh SEE now he sleep like a pig at my bed LOLS!!! CUTE CAT I HAVE LOVE HIM!!

tomorrow! GOING SCHOOL PAY THE $ and that supei BETTER GIVE ME $ ZZZZZ!! take care peoples!

1:53 AM

Saturday, September 4, 2010

When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

10:48 PM

HAhahas okay lets update STUDY WITH THE NOOB ONE TODAE LOLS!!!

was sleeping soooo shiok till my brain got a message trud trud 9.15 soo chun i woke up.. started to rmb todae got study plan LOLS!!!..... okay as usual me

went to on my comp listen to song... seeing my cat still asleep at the bed soo soundly thinking of shit todae i cannot late since...!! everytyme she wait for me lols!! okay la hoho!! LOLS!!...

packed my thing was sooooooo engrossed thinking todae going to covered many chapter :P LOLS!! LOLS bag was quite heavyyy.... grrrh!! LOLS!! HAHAHAHAS...... went out with my cool signature and wait for my bus..!!

listen to song! took 187 bus ride HAHAHAHS NICE!!!... can even sleep in the bus! :))!!! omgosh.. when i look at the time.. it was 11.16 OKAY SHIT sms beep beep.. where are you?? hoho i know i am late alr :S!!

though i left at 10.30 still can late ZzzZZ!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHS MEET HER den @!#$%@$(^$(@ why you alwaes late arh HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAS as usual my same excusese thousand reason.. bus late jammed watsoever lols...

so we went to walk to !! RP!! WOOOTS TALk crap along the way!! WEll.. warm up session.. so wont feel bored arh just talk nonsense la! :S!! hahahahahahhas okay la we found seat table and studied dere... for about 1hrplus!! den someoen go sae..

waa feel so bored want go watch movie! step up 3D haunted house.. bla bla bla HAHAHAHHAHAS den dat person action take out her itouch i go check internet LOLS!!!!!!!!!! =.=!!!!!! i sae volleyball she sae wednesday !! LOLS!! lamos hahahhas

in the end! we decided to go cold storage buy food!! :))!!! oh yeah almost forget VITASOY :/!! hohoho!! ask her carry basket!!! NEED TO CONVINCE SOO LONG den can carry lols!!! before we go she said go yew tee one i said lot one den i said! causeway yew tee lot one bla bla bla until i sae magic words.. wah todae you look sooo COOOL HAHAHAHHA IT SURE HELP :D!!!!

so causeway we went! saw strawberry SHE THOUGH 65Cent LOLS!!! at first i also!! happy like spider ehhx she start sae wah soo nice soo nice!!!!! den i see the description ehh grape 65cent.. 100 g was like oh lols =.= strawberry dna to grape !! HAHAHAHS DEN TURN AROUND THE cardboard 4 PLUS EHHHX !! LOLS!!!! was like GIMMICKS ARH!! walk away nort worth it arh.!

went to walk walk talk about food la she suddenly mention bbq i sae why last year nvr eat at all dis year she promised to eat alot if there is chalet !!! or bbq :DD!! hua hua!!

okay la went to buy french fries!! HAHAHAHHAHAHS den somebody go left the basket dont want carry =.=!!! was like OMG!!!! SOO LAZY actually i was lazy TOO :X!! HAHAHAHAS she like to sae sarcastic thing arh den i give the eye roolll arh LOLS!!!!!!

in the storage aso can have soo much drama ehhx!! she went to take her crackers Qoo! and the wat polky dot then guess what okay need run Alot more rounds!! WAS SOOO LOLS!!! eat those den run soo many run for wat =.=!!!! okay la the plan of TREAT AND RAYA IS STILL ON !!! :D!! HOHO!!!

hahahahahs!.. :)) den she with her slap thingy!! i nose chop her den she know LOLS!!!!!!!!!!!! went home after that!!!!

omg todae was a sleepy day!!! can sense soo many restless soul in my house... even my cat the active one!! SLEEP LIKE PIG HAHAHAHHAHS OF COURSE SLEEP AT MY BED WITH ME!!! :))! aww... having him company me sleep all the way is soo adorable!

than breakfast mother bought kfc aww.. nice of her..!! :)) of course i couldnt finish the two piece chickens as fasting is nort about the food its about the quench of thirst.. somethin like that arh to me :S!!

hahahahas!!! after that though i want to finish! my english todae but nvm tomorrow gonna chiong all the way irham you can do it!! :))) take care readers!! i lIKE TO DRINK ALOT!!! well we still managed to study A BIT LA ITS STILL IMPROVEMENT :)!

10:31 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies