
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Thursday, December 30, 2010

If you ever loved somebody put your hands up

11:03 PM

hahahahhas alright lets talk about today before i forgot everything!! :P!!! okay hmm....

well i woke up at 11 plus saying got job interview meet at lot one at 11.45 omg as usual i am 1hr person to prepare :P!! HAHAHAHAHAS yeap guess what eventually i arrive first. and yes i forgot to bring something

that is my handphone and yes! i couldnt meet them as i iddnt know wheres the meeting point bla bla bla.. HAHAHAHAHHAS!! okay so went back home to take it.. and thats when i saw my ex-schoolmates.. :) hehehes.. they are all grown up and pretty :DD hahahahahas!! chey not expected anything up as i am getting cooler as day passed by :P HAHAHAS!! and i sawed her.. memories of the past kept on flashing right through my mind.. hahahs haizz.. those are the happy times if only i make a wiser decision or so.. thing will be better maybe?? hahahahas but i am happy with my life now so its alright forget the past :) and carve the present so the future maybe BEST!

alright enough crap went to jurong east to meet the so called manager or boss.. that took care of us.. he say my discipline veri lousy wat bla bla bla than say want cut my pay hahahahahahahhahahahahs!!! than he told me he joking am i supposed to laugh sky was there accompanying me to talk to the boss as i was the latest ! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAS

IT WAS SUPER FUNNY MAN HIS REACTION HIS COLD JOKES HIS LOOK LIKE JELLY BEAN WE AT THERE STAND COULDNT STOP LAUGHING i keep on giving the sick laughter HAHAHAHAs i cannot stand it the jelly bean still can say you cannot wear bermudas to work arh.. later all the aunty there touch here touch there dont complain to me arh.. later you kena rape inside the toilet watever crap shit HAHAHAHAHS THE AUNTY THERE MIGHT NOT BE INTERESTED IN THE JELLY BEAN BUT US THE YOUNG GENERATION HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS :P!!!

okay la ate lunch then went back home to open my first posb bank account i deposit $50 inside and it was my first time typing the pin code and yet i forget tthe password alr :S HAHAHAHAS but the card cool ehh it write there mastercard :P!! LIKE OMG I FINALLY HAVE A BANK CARD OF MY OWN HAHAHHAHAHAS!!! :D!

weee .... went back home as usual was planning to go anderson wave to celebrate countdown tomorrow.. its gonna be fun i am gonna make a rocket out of sparklers HAHAHAHHS BEEN PLANNING TO BUT HARD TO MAKE A SUCCESSFUL ONE HOPe tomorrow gonna be an enjoying day hehes...

goodnight readers continue reading.. :)! i am having a life of greatness

10:52 PM

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

We do not remember days, we remember moments

11:15 PM

hahahas!! alright lets talk about today! :)) hmm.. life has been great soo far...

i was sooo well asleep that my mum have to wake me up early in the morning !! :S

i was like omg.. let me sleep in my blanket and hug my cat HAHAHAHAHS!!!! omg omg.... she start to nagg bla bla bla i bought for you all thing bla bla bla now wake up!!!

i say alright alright give me a few mins i need to do stupid stuff.. like shake my head around close eye walk around the house like zombie say stupid thing hahahahahahhas....

well.. than went to bath and accompany my grandma and mum to ntuc in jurong point :)! went there their mission was to buy a oven well the cost was quite exp 120+ OMG i was like wth hahahahahahhas.... oven aso want soo exp... .:S!!

than my grandma went to buy her egg beater and so on as usual.. she wanted to buy the mattress but scared... too heavy i told them no problem.. i am strong enough to carry everything i say just take the whole ntuc little did i know i was wrong :P i could even smirk saying as long as you have enough money i can carry them unless you are short of cash my hand feel tired cant !!! i know its a little lame! HAHHAHAS

went to walk around then buy our lunch and i went to see this wallet.. as usual i try follow sky method HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHS because whenever he buy thing... if there is a little defect he will want a new one.. HAHAHAHAHAHAS i say to the auntie hello got defect i want new one... hahahahahahs it got the salesperson irritated and i like it! :)! hahaahahas!!!

customer always right.. as usual went to take a cab the security guard was nice helping to carry our thing put inside the taxi was he hoping for a tips?? HAHAHAHAS irham stop questioning when people are nice alright!!!!! :)

reach our stop omg soo heavy.. :( HAHAHHAHAHAHS its not heavy la actually is slippery and my lift upgrading still not over yet so i need to take the stairs and thats what makes the challenges all this physic resultant force come into place Hhahahahas!!!

as soon as i came back home.... my mum bought a cat.. playground for my cat... omg its as fucking tall as me.. okay 172 i know i quite short LOLS :S!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAS damn high...

my cat love to sit on top to see me :) !! hehehehes!!!!! den after that i went to play comp the whole day watch shows and watsoever.. i simply love it! lazing around ::DD!!

time is sooo fast.. its almost 30 december haizzz.. dont wish to get result yet.. HAHAHAHAHAHAS ...


11:06 PM

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It feels so good to feel so free at a times :)

9:30 PM


well... i went with 5 humans.. andy the paitao king.. (Y) watever... to him!

hahahahahas lets go on to the story meet them at the mrt.. guess what kahmun say meet at which side the head or the butt i was like okay play along with the joke meet at the tummy HAHAHAHAHAHHS!!!! little do this kids realize tummy is in the middle..

hahahas in the end we meet them at yew tee .. as usual break the ice and yeap!! .. there we goes.. they prepared.. sandwich fishball and sandwich :)!! hahahahas and i brought.. BURGER>>> :D just like how fat my chubby cheek is! (Y) watever...

danial well the cool one brought himself ! HAHAHHAHAHAHwe okay... lets move on to the part reach there.. wow IT WAS MY FIRST TIME I WAS SO AMAZE SEEING ALL THOSE kites!!!hahahhas big OCTOPUS!! GORE!! nice!!..

the wind!! omg shiok arh!!! :D!!! hahahahhahhahahahhas!!!!!!!! we set up our mat and danial good idea walking around the field!! just to peek at TOOOT! :) hahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahas!!!! got us all muddy zzzzz.. the leg only... okay dont think too much..

ewww.. it kinda ruin my day having wet and dirty leg but thats not all we plan to let those people join us in the having MUDDY SHOES HAHAHAHAHS :P!!!!!!!! kahmun was the first victim and i freaking like it HAHHAHAHAHAHAHS!!

okay la talk about the eating first :) we ate and took pictures i see my gay face.. and i keep ask them reshoot re shooot till i like it :P!! HAHHAHAHA watever first time took many picture camera whore LOLS!!!....

funny arh as a group event its been a while since we last go as a group like 3 years back then when we were in sec 2 or 1 i guess its okay :) memory !!

hehehes moving on kahmun make the first try on the kite and yes it flew quite alright and i told her keep moving backward and supporting little did she know at the back of the field alot mud HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA SHE SOOO HAPPY UNTIL STEP ON THEM LOLS!!! SOOO FREAKING FUNNY! :D!!!! josephine was the type that .. is like genius in memorising no wonder poa soo good..

hahahahahs huishan was the (Y) skiller... she may look like as if she know nuts about flying kite but she can do better than all of us.. she flew it damn high hahahahahahahahas

DANIAL was the type you need to say lousy thing then he will prove you wrong and yes he make my string all mess up hahahahhas but in the end he flew the kite quite high and i kinda impress hahahas

IRHAM WAS THE TYPE LOUSY ONE... i am just for the action part :P!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAS!!! when need to do cool pose thats when i fit in perfectly :)!! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAs

though there are rains.. we still enjoy our day!!! HAHAHAHS :D!!! weeee went home sleep in the train.. home sweet home goodnight readers!! :)

9:17 PM

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tell me why you're so hard to forget,
Don't remind me, i'm not over it,
Tell me why i can't seem to face the truth,
I'm just a little too not over you.

12:35 AM

HAhahahas laright lets talk about today... well at night received a text message chain message you can sae but the words written there are kinda nice ... but mushy thought hahahahas

i been having second thought to sent it to my friends and yeah.. i just sent randomly... since i got nothing much to do... hehehees what i got back was kinda sweet :) i am.. feeling touched yeah HEHES :)

alright whatever lets move on.. today... woke up as usual i was the late one.. to wake up and.. i went to bath and played comp haizz i finally finished watching supernatural kinda missed it alot the two brothers fighting with one another... and killed demon at the same times!! they are sooo... coool

especially dean winchester he and his sarcastic words like when a demon was staring at him he would say this what you want to kiss me ? HAHAHhas with the face omg!! it was hilarious i suggest you guys out there to watch it..!

after that andy ask me out i say alright since i got nothing much to do.. hahahahahahs.... suling omg.. she was exactly like SUPEI HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHS used words to complete can turn 360 :P!! hehehehs i hope she dont read this... hahahahahahahhahahahas

lan soon maybe..

went to town... with an. walk walk see the price 40+ my heart pain in my wallet only got 100 bucks dont wish to spend all on one clothes thats why i nvr like looking at clothes HAHHAHAHAHAHAS!!!

went to hmv played gamed there listen song and watsoever... went to walk around saw a shop where people displayed their used toys omg... i liked it alot hehehehes!! :D!!! the price there soo cheap and... omg i am loving it... i bought a few...! was thinking wanted to buy the saber mp3 but i scared the memory too less hohoho...

went to seven elven and get my kube hehehehes and then went home... here i am tooo tired..... to explain why .... but i kinda love making myself tired alright goodnight people! :)

12:29 AM

Monday, December 13, 2010

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

11:01 PM

hahahahahhas alright lets talk abit about my blog :) i am kinda tired lately....

welll been looking for a job and what i meant by that was one job one day :P!

i guess you guys doesnt understand my alien language alright danial came my house at 630 am in the morning... he waited below my block.. i was like what derhx.. my sleep omg GONE :S

hahahas went to meet him and try out my helicopter :D hehehees but the helicopter didnt fly grrr...!!! :S i wasnt about to gave up brought it back home and charge till 5 hrs and i seen the unseenable it wing get stronger.. and yeap it is able to fly at my house as i seen it myself hohoho!! alright watever....

next was.. went out with danial and sky and weizheng and junhao.. called for job interview and yeap we are going for it tomorrow... :D hohoho.. that was fast right ..

hmm.. the other thing was that we played lan and yeah what a boring life i led... hahahahas... :(

goodnight people now seems soo tired to do anything feel like just laying on bed and sleep :)

10:57 PM

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I know i am selfish but i hope to see you again :) somewhere

1:24 AM

Friday, December 10, 2010

hahahahhaas alright let's talk about the holiday i spent in genting :)!

The first day

packed up stuff and left home... yeap meet them at bukit panjang... took taxi with junhao.. then we all went to eat breakfast..

well we board the bus and went straight to genting.. at first i thought that the roadside wouldnt have any barricade that willl block the vehicles... which will eventually make the ride up the mountain scary... but from what i seen i guess its safe after all :)

hahahas okay okay lets move on check in to our hotel and.. everyone was kind of hyper... so we went to merry brown to have our lunch and yes something funny happen which was me trying to be like a waiter.. :P in the end i spill the drink HAHAHAHHAHAS sadded :(

well watever... we look like a rich spoiled kids on our first day ....

we didnt do anything much during the first day only went to late night movies... and ate dinner which get cold fast and the PRICE WAS LIKE A BOMB LOLS!! :S!!... hahahahhas...

well we got the premeir sit which are like the vips! :)) hohohohos... went to look around the malls... and yeap it just took us one day... to know everywhere oh yeah.. i almost forgot we played bowling ITS VERY FUNNNI HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAS

seeing their reaction especially junhao... trying to do the ROCKET BOMB LOLS.... EPIC hahahahahahahas right << kinda not that interesting right viewers lets talk about the next day i bet it will interest you abit!

the second day in genting

I met somebody interesting today... at genting highland outdoor themepark,.... HAhahahs usually i cant be bothered to look around as i will be making a fool of myself.. :P what really interest me was her attitude and personality exactly like her HAHAHAHAHS :)

hahahahs i know you people gonna keep guessing who right... okays lets move on first i will continue later... as usual we went to expensive restaurant and ate cold food again :S!!

hahahahhahas than we went to play the spiderman ride omg.. SUPER SHIOK but must paid extra the turning part really FUN! :)) i am a fanatic themepark HAhahahahs bought a picture of us FOUR the fantastic four :)!

hahah something amazed me that someone in the themepark pass me a phone.. asking for number or something like that?? with the smiley face :) << i was like LOLS... ??? wat was that... maybe i look cool on that day HOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAS :P (IRHAM STOP ACTING COOL LA)

HAHahahahs tell you guys what la we rode the roller coaster thrice!! AND THE fun was like crazy shouting like girls etc... HAhahahs all nonsense came out from our mouth mostly me junhao and fiona ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHas sky cannot shout cos he doesnt have the girly voice tone HAHAHas!

well at night when it was almost closing time i discovered a jurrasic park and went there wit our groups its kinda dark as the light were switch off... and we were the first group to explore there until i saw some bangala walking behind us and follow by all the ppl etc...

we went to the top and THE VIEW OF KL TWIN TOWER AND cities with bright light were amazing !! :DD holy cooll!! with the cold air what a sight !! :DD i love it hahahahhas

felt soo great outthere..... it kinda calm my mind with the scenery...

hahahahas and then we went to pirate ship again... i told myself i have to see that person.. again.. HAHAHas irham what are you thinking just because she look like her doesnt make it her i guess i am just attracted to this kind of girl..... and yeap hahahahahs sawed her there .

guess i am not over you no matter what i did or said.. i couldnt bring myself to.

alright watever move on next destination was the snow city the degree was negative 7 omg SOOO COLD HAHAHAHAHAS WE WERE FREEZING TO DEATH it was cold but FUN :D!! we took picture with the polar bear fiona say we are the first crazy one to sit on the artificial bear i guess its true judging by the picture displayed outside the department nobody sat on the bear.. as it wasnt permitted too..

HAHAHAHAHS CRAZY PEOPLE ARENT WE.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHS BLAME MY CRAZY IDEA TO DO CRAZY THING yeap the picture turn out nicer then i expected... :D HAHHAHAHAHHAS went to play slide with sky and junhao DAMn it was kinda dangerous if your head hit the wall but i love it...

HAHAHAHAS i told the person in charged what happen if people hit the wall he said it was plastic or ?? forgot what the word HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAA we are agrresive player... i came up with the idea to slide as fast as we can and yeah i got bruise on my leg goood one the ice is super cold... :S brr..

well i couldnt really mention all the themepark.. machine that we ride on.... :S hahahahhahahahahs the swing kinda nice.. it feel sooo relax :)

hahahhas well i worried about my grandma upoon hearing the voice at the phone really relieve me :) hehehehes i guess i do love her alot.... thoughts of the year get by her is soo close make me feel like spending more time with her... yeap i thought of stuff to buy for her....

than we went to hotel and sleep as usual we do gaystuff.. like nipple squeeze or watsoever HAHAHAHHAS :D!!

day three in genting

we went to Kuala lumpur.... taking taxi.. well i dont believe.. the driver sweet talk... watsoever.. =.=! LOLS!hahahas upoon reaching we went to petaling street where its famous for bargaining and tourist fav spot :)!!

went to look at helicopter which really interest me LOLS!! HAHAHHAHAHAHS bought one and junhao too after a bargain for the right price hahahahs!! :D!!

well they went to buy clothes nad i went to look for sourvenier for my familys... :) i guess its kinda expensive i couldnt buy anything for my friends.. so.. ps to people out there hahahahs!!!

next destination was we went to time square and played another themepark what is unusual was this themepark doesnt have to queue :P!! we get to play all we want played the roller coaster till sian!! :S HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAS i guess i just love themepark soo much hahahas!!!

genting roller coaster was superb with the mist around it covering at night make it even COOLER HAHAHAHs the best thing was we played bumper car and there was this boy i duno from which country which are dark skinnned in colour and bald headed.. everyone in there seems to aim him which mean using the car banging him it was kinda funny BECAUSE WE ALL DID THE SAME THING TOOO LOOLS!! :S!!!

the second time we played the bumper car was quite alright hahahahahhahas there was this aunty that never get aimed at i told sky and co's that we should aim her HAHHAHAHAHAHHS than the next word i heard from them was later she suffered heart attack.. LOLS THAT WAS LAME HAHAHAHS =.=!!! watever...

i lost my key on the way. :(( ... went to make new.. and the meal at KL was the first greatest and reasonable price i ever ate :D!! i am soo freaking loving it seriously... LOLS!! hehehes....

went back to genting at night with argument on the taxi driver on the price they are fucking unreasonable... hate malaysian driver.. they just didnt on the meter... and expect us to pay the price they quotes... that is soooo full of crap and.. corrupted...! i hope the ministry would do something about this drivers.. they are out to cheat tourist money!

went to ate at a restaurant with cold food again.. yes thank you stomach i love you for being a hard tolerances.... :) i really love themepark hehehes..... at night went to buy supper.. and yeap we walk around the malls.... night life really cool...

oh yeah not to forget... we went to check out the outside of the building we went to one of the rooftop which is not accessable.. HHAHAHAHS but watever... THE AIR WAS SOO COLD :D the scenery was great place for chilling HAHAHhahahas!! simply like it alot!!

went to disco see the band performance... ahahahahs... and a club now i know how a club look like... :D well we went to peep not to drinks so its nothing wrong :)

back to hotel and slept.. hahahahhd it was tiring man!!!!!!!!

the alst day was kinda sad leaving genting we went to watch 4D shows.. omg it was super nice.. with valuable lesson of not to pollute the water something?? like that hahahahhas!!!

as we board the bus.. played some lame games.. and buy ALOT OF FOOODS>... but FIona bought the most.. HAHAHAHHAHAS her spend reach 200 ringgit lOLS girls... they shop till they drop... can tell her bag would weight a ton !!

HAHAHAHHAs we stop at a junction and buy stuff again.. as usual i see the pirated dvd and memorise the name as i have a program to watch all this for fwwwweeeee :D HEHEHES!!!!

went back singapore with the sourveniers and yeah my family simply love it... just that those little kids they are soo noisy and irritating.. i think my attitude towards kid change... i dont find them adorable.. maybe in the future i would like to have a son and a daughter thats all LOLS!! :) hahahahas

my mother told me my cat missed me soo much he have been feeeling down for days!!!...
when i went back home i quickly hug it hehehes.. i can tell from the eyes its true... :) heheheehehehs.. i didnt know i meant soo much to him being away.. really make me think so hehehes...

i missed home badly.. i guess.. i am not the adventure type.. but i am willing to go all the way if it means. that life will get better doing thing that makes me happy :) am soo tired...

but little things do cheer me up!!! :DD! hehehehes.. so you guys know the recipe to making me happy.. just do a small thing and i will rmb it for lyfe.. and i dont like people decide my future.... i guess my blog is dead.. well... i will try update it often and pictures SOON :D!!

11:34 PM

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

this feeling... i felt so long.... it kinda hurts..

1:11 AM

Cant sleep lols...

guess my holiday is coming soon :)! hehehes.. and its in 3 hours time...

well how do i feel right now? excited? happy? sad? worry? hahahahahas all this is in my mind :S!! right hmm.. what well lets talk about what i did today..

hmm.. i went to gym.. which is located at panjang the new one just open... it isnt exactly like i expected kinda small perhaps ?? and expensive 4 dollar just to used the equipment,,,,

but yeah hahhas make full used of it :) kinda happy too...

well erm.. my father gave me a job to work as security guard... which is for two months but i couldnt start now since i gotta go holiday... well for you guys info... i am quite lazy as a person truthfully.. until i really find the reason why i will work for that thing than i will start... being dilligent. :)

hahahahs my armpit felt pain today i guess i did some wrong workout yeah? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAS its kinda funni if you hear this.. hmm.. went to eat with sky ice cream and sat on some underblock carpark where we talk what we gonna be doing there..

and yeah well... danial text me to visit his house when we are back i guess i should since .. its the time we have onli in malaysia why not visit him as well :) hohoho.. its kinda cute yeah.. when everyone got together..

hahahahs to tell you the truth people i miss alot of things... and not being able to do.. it hahahahs!! whatever...

am gonna sit on a rollercoaster and shout FUCK ! LIFE sooo gnnna do alot of thing there i hope the weather is on our side :)!

and yeah people out there i will miss ya soo do take care of yourself hohoho :)! chill out now byed

take care yeah.. you...

12:53 AM

Thursday, December 2, 2010

i'm not perfect,
but i keep trying,
cause that's what i said,
i would do from the start.

12:27 AM

HAhahas let me update my dead blog...! :)

well.. woke up at 2 pm again.. yeah i been waking up late and i am freaking loving it!! HOHOO!!!

guess what those two bugs nvr go works again put aeroplane on their employer LOLS LAME AND FUNNI!! HAhahahahahs and fion call.. want go fishing follow by sky sms.. oh yeah we are going fishing this time for real!

:) well.. got ready and went to buy the chicken liver EWWWW..:S veri disgusting LOLS!!!! hahahhahahas but watever i eat chicken and love it hehehehs!!! :D!!
.... being as kiasu as ever.. i always play dota first before they called...

right right.. than.. went down wear homeclothe whatsoever as usual me ;) ! HAHAHHAS!! thats the real me if you guys wanna know lols!!!

went to eat at kfc awhile and the cashier attitude was fucked up... now i know the reason why.. employer would lessly.. employ malay because of such people.. who didnt take their job seriously and try to act big.... fucking want slap the face.. step minah... rep.. LOLS!!!

ps people seriously it ruins our appetite to eat there... well..

here goes our bonding session :)! HAhahhaahhahas before our trips weeets!! LOLS!!.... went to take bus.. to west coast.. with the three people together we are the FANTASTIC 4! :D! HAHHAHAHAHAHHAs

well if we are one of the superheroes marvel comic i would be the pyro like usual kay..

watever move on!! WEST COAST FISHING GROUND IS SOO SMALL GRrr!!... when we reached there it was almost dark :S.... omg and guess what at seas there are still cockroach!!!!

LOLS!! ewwww!!!!! HAhahahas we were waiting for the fish to eat the baits... it tooks long! :S!! and yeah just went thing goes welll I TOT i felt something moving on my rod sky said it stuck i said NO!! LOLS

the feeling is different HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA I PULL OUT GUESS WHAT CAME OUT A CRAB BLACK ONE LOLS :P but it was at the stone and it wriggle back to the water soooo fast LOLS!!!!!!!! ewww... HAHahhahahaahhaas

right right tahts all i am gonna say we wanted to went into the forest but the dark stuff and the white stuff... hinder me its a bad idea to go there without torchlight :) so yeah we went home and i am having a great holiday soon and even NOW!! :D!! GOnna eat my MAC CHICKEN WEETS GOODNIGHT PEOPLE :D!

someone ask me this question will we be doing this again like fishing in 10 years down the road... i told him yeah definately.. we will ;) because.. it all boils down to memories !

12:16 AM

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

sometimes you just sit at home and remember the old times,
you laugh by yourself with a ridiculous smile,
then you have that one tear run down your cheek,
cause all of it changed

12:52 AM

hahahas okay lets talk about today !

hmm.. well.. like i wrote in my pm before i couldnt be there for everyone... all the time i get tired too yeah.. i really do...

i promised danial i would wake up today and yet i overslept :P he is soo gonna mad at me HAhahas......

yeap for what you guys wondering whether i start working nahx... i didnt work.. for now... :) there are reason behind it.. not that i doesnt get the job i wanted.. but more of not wanting to work because of ASS! HAHAHas!! :)

yeah move on.. well i am kinda dissapointed with some people... whom you treated as friend in the end.. that person would rather do that.. ! hahahahs i am glad you are not my close friend or i will simply punch your freaking face... trust me..

...HAhahahahs!! hmm.. well.. our plan for today was to go fishing and they skip their work put aeroplane to their boss SOO LAME LOLS!!!.... hahahahhahahahas i guess after a break up all the awkwardness start to appear HAHAHHAS!!!

and yes it rain again haizz it destroy our mood to fish :(( ... well today play dota the whole day... and yes reon want me to mention that his syllabear was owning all the way from the start :) happy !

HAhahhas oaky okay.. went to meet sky and junhao for dinner :) omg ate at teckwhye SHIOKNESS HEHEHHES!! curry fish head lemon chicken and bla bla :D alot more HOHOHO!!!

than we went to slack at cdan the bowling alley.. GUESS what somebody came out with the idea of having massage and PLUS SPECIAL SERVICE FROM the massaeur HAHAHAHHAAS :P!! omg CHEEKY ASSHOLE....

my thought was just to get fake game watsoever i didnt though of this until know but i kinda like THE IDEA :P!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAS WE BOYS ARE SOOO PERVETIC..>!!! the stuff run through my mind!!!!!

HAHAHAHHAHAHAs i guess when the day happen i wonder how do we react to it..!! GENTING TRIP GONNA BE FUN HAHAHHAHAHAHAS <<< this was someone idea... !!! SATAN!

HAHHAHAHAHAS but i know we are soo gonna enjoy ourselve there :))! forget the world baby.... and release all the stressness......

i am just gonna go gym and build myself up.. till my enjoyment day.. and after holiday maybe i will start looking for a new job that realli suits me :) hehehes...

goodnight readers ... take care! :) bye

12:28 AM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies