
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life is like a roller coaster,
you have twists and turns,
ups and downs, but you will never
know when the ride will end so enjoy it.

12:26 AM


byebye here i goes..... went to cck ite ... saw them okay hahahahhahas den went to fetch some VIP ... next thing i knew.. my friends $@#%% hahahahahhahahahas but i dont really care :P started to play volleyball.. :) okay la

starting wasnt that good two person only... but i really felt like vollyballing.... the feeling start to come back but the atmosphere is not there yet :) so hahahahhahas practice a few round and i tink i am getting older as day past day...

i cannot really keep jump jump my muscle will cramp :/!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHS omg and in volleyball i simply love to use legs.... HAHAHAHAHhas it feel cool but i tore my pant in the PROCESS thats the funny part =.=!! okay kena disturb as a result lols..!! but watever la i am there to have fun HAHAHHAHAS!!..

went back home to get it changed after a game of basketball...!!!! okay okay okay

than we all start continue on volleyball the game was great :) i feel like thundering but every single time it fails HAHHAHAHS BUT I KIND OF FIND IT CUTE!!!! ;)!

okay la it rain heavily and i feel soo childish its like back on the primary school days!! :)) kick around till my slipper fly like superman drop duno where =.=!!! okay la.. hahahahahhahahahhas the rain was heavy and got public so i guess its a little embarrass HAHAHAHAHHAHAS

went to eat at kfc crap alot.. and meet my family hohohoo.. next thing i knew i share with them my dreams... my uncle say i got too much dreams.. later all become just a daydream HAHAHAHS he freaking funni can.. i told him i gonna bring you guys explore singaproe :) they agreed hehehes.. omg need spend some quality time with family i love my family thought its not perfect its THE BEAUTY OF IMPERFECTION :DD!! hahahahahhas

okay i seriously got sunburn.. when i look at the mirror omg my cheek super zhao ta!! hamburger got deep fried =.=!! okay first thing first i dont like being call chubby or sea hum or watever HAHAHAHHAHAs i guess sea hummm cannot be change since its in my cool nickname but chubby i am gonna work on you FAT CHEEK!!!!! :P!!!

i have the interest in sports again after soo long i hope it last i am gonna went jogging for five days one week ;)!! if it works life will go best for me... hohohohohohoho... so what do i say next? ITS ROCK MY WORLD and sorry i cannot be there for everybody... all the time.. i hope you understand.. at times i just have to omuch thing on my hand .. take care hope the best for your future too :))!!!

hehehes okay la one funny joke today went to buy hair mask and going out pant the funny thing was when buying pant the shop only left one on display !!! and my uncle joke about it saying look at irham he is so stubborn he even ask the saleswoman to take off the pant from the statue ... see now that statue nothing cover his big ball can be seen... while the saleswoman keep saying manyak susah it mean soo difficult :S

HAHAHAHAHAHS okay la i know its kinda lame soo watever goodnight readers... :) hair masking right now hohohoho

12:08 AM

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.

1:32 AM

OKay dreamers today i am not gonna write anything but share with you a story i read online :)

Have you heard this story before?

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him.

When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2" in diameter.He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "Yes."

"Now," said the professor, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, your children - things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter - like your job, your house, your car.

The sand is everything else. The small stuff."

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued "there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life.If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

hehehs morale of the story is.. treasure your life :)) as there is more to it than problems hohoho!! goodnight !

1:18 AM

Friday, February 25, 2011

Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life. But I'd rather be your moon, so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isn't around.

1:50 AM

hmmm hahahahas... okay okay lets talk about today go go lets go... well i couldnt wake up :(( thought i wanted to go jogging in the morning.. i told suling to call me at 6.15 and it was on the spot that i still slept :P okay what is on my mind was irham you never bath sleep abit more abit more 6.30 can wake up i nthe end i woke up at 7 LOLS FAINTED AND GUESS wat my body feel freaking lazy and heavy HAHAHHAHAHAS FAINTED.....

in teh end i guess i just gave up like the usual me :(( hohohoho.. slept through out the whole day..... today hmm.. i didnt realli do anything much at home the computer technician came home to fix the broadband :) hes kinda friendly yeah hahahahs.. funni though.. now that i know mio is completely useless its just because of the football channel :S

i would like to have starhub back :(( omg haiizzz well i was slacking at home like the usual me :) its kinda relaxing and chilling hahahahhahas!! omg hmm... dotaing is part of the daily routine yeappie and i guess i am crapping right now...

i forgotten what really happen today arh reader well danial stay at my house today thats all i can rmb... :) goodnight people omg my memory getting suck HAHAS!

1:33 AM

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some people were born with talents. They can do beautiful things with their skills, knowledge and technology. But no one is as talented as you. You just come near, and there is already beauty.

1:00 AM

hmmm hahahahs..!!! as usual i woke up 1 + sleeping sure is a shiok things to do!! i love it to the max lols!!!!!! omg omg hhm... what am i gonna say next well... today was veri slack day...

and guess what i fix my own broadband hohohohos :D!! i guess i can be it technician in the future !! well.. from what i see the technician is soo freaking lazy he could come on wednesday instead of thursday !! zzzz pay them to delay work i guess... =.=!!

hahahahhas yes i was anxious my letter havent come i was like okay give you all last chance if you all didnt came today i am soo gonna call up the school !! regarding this :P! chey irham hahahahas look like now you understand that education is important... i though i was the only one who didnt received yet when ask around there are lots of others tooo :) hohohos... glad i received it today.. and to you guys who still have not received kept checking the box and called up the school if they didnt sent =.=!!! DONT DELAY OUR FUTURE !!!!!! :D!! hohoho

oaky okay lame of me moving on... hmm i couldnt think what i did in the afternoon it was dotaing or watching movies :S!! lols i kind of like this kind of life alot where i didnt have to do anything and laze around yes... as joey and i planted she write the words i sent to the boys while she sent to the girls okay whoever didnt received it please sms me.. :)) last message you guys may join us at ite cck at saturday 1.30 pm we will be palying volleyball and basketball at the same times.. soo feel free to contact any of us :D! hohoho....

okay okay moving on... i relaly wanted to join navy now!! but my mum say the chances of them taking malay is 0.001% i was like soo dejected if only my surname was registered lawfully!!! awww ;(( but i look like chinese i hope they find me chinese and select me tooo :P HEHEHS!!!

hahahhahas okay i may look veri interested to be a soldier but truthfully i am more of a dreamer.. and my course sports and leisure omg I AM SOOO GONNA LOVE IT PLEASE LET ME MEET NICE PEOPLE THERE :D!! i hope to meet people that share the same interest as me....... :DD HAHAHAHHAHAHAS my courses mate be prepared to meet the cool ones!!

hmm what i wanna say next okay i totally mess up my kitchen today i was soo hungry at night i wanted to cook burger :P and i guess i was too stingy on the oils that my whole house is full of smokes and burning smell but i feel shiok when i carry the pan FIRE CAN BE SEEN ON TOP OF IT omg i totally cannot describe it but kinda cool and scary too =.= eventually my brother ask me to stop cookign zzzzZZZZ he say i going to burn the whole house down..


grr i stopped and ask my mum $$$$ TO BUY MACDONALD!! hahahahahahhas my mum was worried she ask me to just called i said save money i might as well go gombak myself.. okay for you guys info from my house to gombak is quite far... SO i took a bus since its late and the adult fare really make me go crazy.. i have 10.50 in my card until i went home it became 9 ZZzZ=.= i need to see where i go in the future to avoid this omg... this is soo troublesome in the past i got nothing to worried about...

yes yes i ate macdonald hehehes.. omg freaking fULL i tell you :DDD my stomach burp burp I LIKE IT HAHAHAHAHHAHAS THE FEELING OF FULLNESS anyway today my cat drink milks for the first time HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAs my lovely cat didnt like it at first but i kept on putting it in front of their faces and they tried it HOHOHO what a good owner i am :P wanting them to have a stronger bone and muscle like me HAHAHAHHAHAHAHS STEP ONLY IRHAM

okay okay lastly SULING I HOPE IT WILL BE A GOOD RUN AND NO BLISTER YOUR IDEA SUPER GENIUS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHS okay for you guys info she ask me TO JOG WITH HER WITHOUT WEARING SHOES OMG MY ADDIDAS $$ LOLLOLOLOLS!!!!! hahahahhas hope we iddnt make a fool out of ourself tomorrow :S if not damn paisehx arhx... run without shoes omg... she thought KAMPONG BOY KAMPONG GIRL HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHS!!!at times i tink she got a crazy ideas... BUT GUESS WHAT I LIKE CRAZY PEOPLE because they ARE ADVENTUROUS just like ME HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS... :DD okay okay i should exercise soon and show my fit body when i enter poly... even the director of sports and leisure management will be surprised that he got a fit cool student who have a cca d7:P shock of his life! i bet you guys out there dont understand a shit i am talking about its okay.. its okay..

byebye readers goodnight people i will miss you all..

12:28 AM

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Someone asked what makes people happy. Some said wealth and some said fame. I was thinking about this when my cell phone beeped and received a text from you. Then, I smiled and said: "This makes me happy."

3:44 AM

hmm.. what should i sae about today it was AWESOME HOHOHOHOS :D!! hahahahas.... lets start with what i gotta sae about how it all started... the day was kind of hot.. :S!!! went to bath with cold water quite long and guess what every single day i woke up at 1.30 =.=!! how lazy can i be ZzzzzZZ~!!!~

anyway went to meet danial edmund and bryan to go queensway to buy my sports shoes!! :DD! been planning to go jogging with suling so i gotta motivate myself if she ever outjog me!!!! i will look at my shoes to sae okay i got an expensive shoes ! i need to run like lightning CHEY STEPPING ONLY IRHAM!! <<

:P lols my fren pek chek cos.. the geraldine staff ida didnt call them i dont think that ida take my recommendation properly she gotta rmb that name cos in the future she will know thats the person she gotta pour coffee for every morning !! :P!! step boss now irham HAHAHHAHAS

went to bukit panjang to buy my slippers first i liked those slipper that have the back like sandal omg kinda coool ehx :))!! HOhoho!! hahahahahhahahas went queensway and walk around!! HAHAHS!! PLAYED ARCADE THE BEST :D!! !! hahahahhas i won them IN CAR RACING HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAS I SUPER PRO LA SEY!!! :P!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHS THEY HAHAHHAHAHHAS....

SHIRMIN SAE SHE SAW ME I WAS LIKE okay how can i miss a Pretty coool lady :))!! my eyes is shining like a tiger okay!!! no gorgeous girl can escape so my theory was she must be working here... okay la walk around to have alook at shoes first..!!!.. as thats my main objective for today!!!

in the end decided what to buy went to look aroudn and I SAW HER HAHAHHAHAHAS AWW ITS BEEN AWHILE AND I TINK WHEN SHE WEARING JEAN SHE LOOK TALLER THAN ME =.=!!!! AND HHAHAHAHAS yeah she getting prettier tooo!!! its like wat suling and i always expected!! hahahahahas :))

okay la... watever enough of this praising moment.. went to buy my shoes i tot of buying predator or f50 but i guess ... those are soccerr shoes it wouldnt fit me if i were to play volleyball with them in it will loook super weird...

OKAY AFTER THAT WENT TO IKEA AND DID SOME STUPID STUFF BY LYING ON THE BED WITH blanket hohohoho the feeling shiok yeah i told them thats how my bed gonna look like in the future when i married ^^ chey irham havent even got a girlfriend you thinking of marrying alr?? you thought wat marry your cat arhx !! LOLS!!! MOVE ON...

went to slack at some garden HAHAHAHHAHAHS THATS THE SECOND TIME I TINK I SING MY HEART OUT BECAUSE IT WAS BON JOVI ITS MY LIFE I DIDNT REALLI LIK ETO SING BUT WHEN I SEE ANIAL AND EDMUND keep on yapping i couldnt help myself to join them HAHHAHAHahhahas!!! :) not often get to see the cool one singing hohohhoh....

okay la.. i kind of really enjoy myself out here hehehehs...! :)) i guess my life is kinda relaxing.... and thing is going well i kind of love it... !! i want more!! i know i am selfish.. !! i want to feel like i am alive..

3:33 AM

Monday, February 21, 2011

Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.

3:48 AM

okay i bet you guys are wondering why am i posting up this late hahahas.. my blog seems dead and i wanted to revive it somehow :P! haahhahas.. okay enough nonsense.. lets talk about what happen the past few weeeks...

yeap i been sleeping and dreaming the whole day i kind of like it hahahas...!! went to the grand opening of marina bay sand!! :))) omg i work there with sky and sean hahahahahhas

at first i was feeling reluctant to go... like lazy arhx so i just went HAHAHHAHAs the first sight we saw was unpredictable..!! every waiter and waitress being treated like in the army kena line up and queue up according to rows.. of number and kena shouted somemore i was like in my mind omg should i turn back damn i hate this kind of job..

HAHAHHAHAHAHS i keep making fun of the person that shout at the people what i said was this guy must be a recreuit during his army tyme as he was being physically abuse by his superior he want to punish us the same way..!!! see his tummy know alr.. recreuit got one belly !! LOLS!!!! :D!! HAHAHS asshole as i always am..

hmm.. yeap went to work and my pant was tight and the button flew off omg..!! how bad can it get i wore a belt over it hoping that it will not fall off when i was walking it will be a total embarrassment for me!! :P!!

okay hahahahhahhahs i was assign to group and my ic was kinda great.. so we get along well along with my subordinates just that got this boy he veri siao siao one.. keep mia when we all gather well what our job is food server omg!! the feeling in training was different when you do it with full of VIP can GG!!!!!

hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahs well at first when the vip ask for vegetarian thats the most difficult thing to do! :/ omg hahahahs!! well everything went well after that... and went out to marina bay level five balacony omg the view was freaking amazing how i wish you where there with me :))!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS you me against the WORLD!! yes you ! :)

hahahahas! den when i turn back the supervisor was scolding those malays as they were smoking lols =.= i quickly went back in and walk around with sky.. hahaha as usual we iddnt really do much job.. there.. made alot of frens... i tink i am too friendly easily make friend...

hahahahhas bid farewell and yeap the job is done... but the paycheck is the most troublesome =.=!! the china pronounce your name damn funni it make people pek chek lols!!! but i kind of laugh as well !!

hahahahahhahas okay la went back with the bus and i felt like i am alive...!! :D $109in my pocket hehehes.....

okay now is about today


i woke up and feel damn angry with my grandma.. as she gave my brother use my slippers without my permission $@$%%@$ she told me during my sleep somemore how much is it $ omg.. its not about the money i told her it was $30 DOLLAR with the angry tone i know i shouldnt do that it wasnt her fault it was my brother... he was too cheapskate.. =.=!!!

asshole.. sometimes i really dont like my brother ..!!.. he and me in soo different world... though no matter how smart and clever he is.. i dont even give a damn... i live my life.. and you stop telling me that its impossible...!! to do what i want.... you look on the reality but dont make me think the same.... your future maybe brighter than mine but let me tell you i will enjoy the fullest of my life if you looking at this!!!

yes of course i am fucking angry..... my brother already make my bag spoiled yet he didnt even say sorry !! asshole enough of him..

okay.. went out to prawning with friends to release stress...!!! :)) its kind of relaxing yeah... hahahahs though we didnt catch much prawns... today hahahahas.... well i CAUGHT ONE HEHEHEHHS :D! omg soo hard to catch prawn nowadays...

the aunty give me a king prawn omg =.=! soo kind hahahahhas :DD well.. we went to.. restaurant where we have our dinner okay the food was great as it was seafoood but the clam lala all this urrghhh i am not used to it hahahahs....

well!!!! hahahahahhahahahahahs you know though you love to pretend cool i like talking to you alot!! :)) hope it will stay that way!! wish to see you soon OMG MISS YOU SOO MUCH YES YOU!! DONT HAVE TO GUESS ANYMORE!! :D BYEBYE READERS

3:31 AM

Thursday, February 10, 2011

You know I miss you
And this is all I wanna do
I know it doesn't sound too cool
But maybe I'm in love with you

12:14 AM

Hahahahs hello people i guess i didnt update much this few days well.. hmm... let me share the experience in the zoo while working there :D hohohohO!!...

okay first of all the day i went there was yeahx i was the only casual labour around :S kinda weird ehhx... when you work without your friends around.. BUT HAHAHAHHAS GUESS what i am wrong... every casual labour are kind of great..

:)) well made a few friends dere ON THE FIRST DAY HAHAHHAS... i even know which part timer was a teacher a civil defence officer and SO ON HAHAHAHHAHAAS..... well.. the queue was freaking alot and we were supposed to be like the marshall... taking care of the crowds.....

going to the zooo.. i heard there are GIANT rabbit to celebrate the new years!! omg hahahahs... IT WAS FREAKING FUN LA.... ME BUVAN ZHi ting keep on talking and talking instead of doing our work... yeah they were the first friends i made dere HAHAHAHHAHAS... SOOON my cousin came and join us.. all went to lunch THE FOOD WAS YEWWW can vomit arhx :S

hahahahhahahahhahas the first day was great and tiring lets talk about the second day now.. HAHAHAas... went to work with the groups HAHAHAHAHS... my cousin bought me kfc omg sweet :)) hehehs.. and on top of that today was the FUNNIEST DAY HAHAHAHHAHAS.... THE SUPERVISOR SCOLD ME JULIA HAHAHAHHAHAHAS SHE TALK SOO LOUD I CAN ALMOST LAUGH MY ASS OFF HER ACCENT SOO FUNNY..... i keep SAE OKAY OKAY OKAY HAHAHHAS!!

well while working i learn how skills of handing out flyer ^^!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAS DAMN FUNNI I TEACH ZHI TING AND SHE sae i am guai lan =.= what derh zzzzz.......... whahahahas..... fazilah was the part timer there.. when i told buvan she wanted to buy me laptop for poly fazilah call me crazy =.=!!!... den she started saying do i listen to heavy metal..

i was like heavy metal?? HAHAHHAS i rmb dion keep mentioning marilyn manson SO I STEP I GOT LISTEN AND ENTERTAIN HER SAY MARILYN MANSON HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS and there goes our chat began.. she told me about being on higher nitec having that dual cert of paramedic which the course i wanted to be in haizzz... hearing from her.. i guess i needed to think real... throughly before making any decision :(

i always thoug having passion and dreams is important.. but i guess reality is wat people are looking at nowadays... you got to wake upp!..... irham hahahahahhas......
and i forget to tell you guys the customer tourist alll dAMN GREAT HAHAHAHHAHAHS especially the bangala they TAKE EVERY HANDOUT GIVEN!!!! :DDD!!!

hahahahas that makes my work easier....... went home with the group i got tired of waking up early morning :((

hahahahhas our last day of work was awesome i get to work inside HAHAHAHHAHS!!!! omg and THE PERSON I WORK WITH TOTALLY LOOK LIKE MY FRIEND JALAL OMG THEY LOOK THE SAME!!! :D SERIOUSLY....!!!!! HAHAhahhahahahhahahahs damn!!! zzz i kind of enjoy working in the zoo alot except the food :P hahahahs...

last day was kinda emotional.. but fun la.. WE ALL GET TO TAKE TRAM FREE AND FREE VISIT AROUND DE ZOOOO HAHAHAHHAHAS :DD!! the supervisor ask me whether i enjoy working i say very much.. just that i cannot wake up early morning..!!

HAHAHAHAAhahahas...... :)) we went round and round and dere goes wow... fazilah kinda Funni she tap me on the heart when i say i leaving for last day HAHAHHAHAS.... :D

okay here i am home i thinking of buying camcorder to capture video of life :)) i hope i wont regret.. and THANK GODS AND CATS AND GRANDMA AND everyone ... that supports me... through the days.. hehehes.. i made it to poly through the hard way APPEAL HAHAHAHHAHAHHAS :))!! i bet this really teach me alot of lesson of what to do in the future.. ;) trust me..

finally shirmin i guess if you really wish to go through the DAE ALL the best to you.. just put in your very best effort to impress the Director and everything will go well :))

goodnight readers!! i will be content with what i had and made full used of it (Y)

12:01 AM

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I hate when I feel I have so much to say and can't put it into words. It's like standing on a stage without a speech.

1:09 AM

okay lets talk about today hmm.... well.. there was nothing much to talk about :S hahahhas.. except that i been home all day and i received a call from geraldine saying that i will be taking the shift 2 during 3rd and 4th february she told me whether it would be fine for me..

and i say yea sure :)) hahahhas !! the zooo wasnt as i expected.. met alot of weird employee.. :S hahahhahahas.. watever okay okay .. hmmph.... lets see... i try to wax my hair to the side and it look kinda terrible blame myself for having curyly hair hahahhahahahhahahs omg omg..

sawed that asshole rais and my exschoolmate hear they goes again joke all the way on the trip... hahahahahhas :)) kinda funni to see them in the bus.... well met my uncle at lot one one ... he wanted to buy slipper all his slipper cost over hunderd one =.=!! i told him get cheaper brand he say wouldnt last lols!!!! watever la hahahhahas

went to various shop hunting... than went to eat at food culture my favourite place :))!! hehehs... next was time to go home since he bought his slipper.. took motorcycle guess what saw SUPEI FATHER BELOW 414 block and my uncle was hey tan .. its like as if they know each other i was like WTH YOU KNOW SUPEI FATHER HAHAHAHHAHAHHAAS

well they were talking about HORSES =.= those gambling lols... i didnt know they too can get soo close?? which supei father work at the checkpoint there while my uncle work at horse stable.. maybe gambling make dem friends =.=!! LOLS!!!! whatever la hahhahahas just shocked ...

hahahahs i guess if my friends were all staying nearby.. and their father were horse better maybe my uncle would know every single one of them he tooo friendly i guess lOLS!!! okay la.. hahahas goodnight readers..! :))

hehes i hope thing will get better :)

1:00 AM

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It wasn't meant to feel like this,
Not without you,
Cos when I look at my life,
How the pieces fall into place,
It just wouldn't rhyme without you

12:43 AM

hahahas its me again :))....

lets see i been having diarhea since yesterday :((... aww the side effect of the anti biotic taking effect omg :( lols.... haaiisss lols.... last night i got fever.. and splitting headache.. guess what i couldnt sleep properly and it was shivering cold...

and i was having this damn terrible headache.. that it makes me feel like as if i was in a war.. and i could almost hear evry different kind of voices... going through my head.... omg irham.. is this some kind of dejavu :S hahahahhahas... yeah last night was freaking cold.. i could off my fan and sleep like that well.. my fever didnt go down..

so to stop all this headacheness i ask my grandma for some pills and went to sleep.. my cat could sleep soo soudnly while i need to battle all this sickness :/ omg the worst is having diarhea omg!!! keep going back and forth to the toilet it make me feel soo sick lols!!!

today the zoo just called me saying i got mass briefing at six pm i was like hahahahhas i tot it was supposed to be morning... well irham telling an honest answer doesnt cost you the job after all :) i guess i should be honest when seeking job from now on HAHAHAS!!!

well.. sine i was sick i stayed home and i watch tv :)) played some games.. yeah so on and right now mighwei was sharing with me about his work on how he met this girl of his dream ^^ lols... hehehehs... its kinda funny yeah.. well.. goodnight readers sorry for not entertaining you guys with more story byebye..!!

12:07 AM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies