
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Each time i see you , my heart start to pound
whenever you come around ,

cause you are all i need.. :)

4:15 AM

hahahas.... i am gonna update while i still got the mood....

hmm... this few days been great for me... :)) although there are people that try to ruin my days.... its not gonna happened.. i am strong inside out cooolness flowing everywhere :)

hahahas..... irham keep pushing on keep on there is no limit... at times i been asking myself... whether i have to put in more effort or... just be myself... i love using the word riding like the wind....

hahahhas... i love my bicycle... i cant do without it... its soooo important to me now.. with the rising cost... of adult fare i will be travelling by bicycle most of the time hehehes....

well.... as i travel alot of thing goes through my mind ... hahahas... i find being a philospher is kind of a goood thing... i am really into life... :)) hehehehehes.... irham aniway you been coming home late... your grandma is soo worried about you..

okay i cant stop the habit of coming home late HAHAHHAHAS... anyway my bank money left $8 dollar hahahhahahahhas i know its kinda pathetic for me to sae it out.. but i dont relaly care what people think.....

hahahhas...... well today went to get sky new laptop hahahs... :)) i guess my bond and him is inseperable.. thought most of the time i let him down.. hahahahhas!!!!! we are still gong strong... << it seem like we are in a relationship HAHAHAHHAS>...< just joking.... but one thing i hate his habit most is GOIGN LAN!!! LOLS!!!! the rest was great hahahas... :)

irham why sing a song...... i been thinking all this while that i want to be a great instructor... anyway i chatted with my old friend who was in rugby today while going to watch BIg momma... hahahas i !! kind of miss the times..... hahahhahahs its been sooo long since i last played rugby... the teammates i am with the bonds we have.. the fun the sadness... everything!!!!! everyone.... i miss the past... soo much... how i was sooooo wanting to prove to my coach that i am one of the best school team player hahahahas.... the competition we all have between each other all this.... and when i finally made it to the school team... and won our first west zone :)) and lost out quarter final in national hahahhahs .... but i made my decision that i am gonna keep moving on keeep on moving hahahhas..... ;) there are thing in life that i will achieve!! till then i am not gonna give up

anyway i have a three beautiful cats!! that nvr fail to make my life... feelll sooo alive hahahahas with their sillly attitude !! i cant help smiling every single time they came to my room and play like as if it was a playground how they bite my leg every night when i sleep!! lols and how they sleep with me in my room :)) hahahhahas most cat would rather go solo but my cats felt soo different from normal... :DD!! hahahhahahahhahaahhahahas

anyway this song totally suited my current feeling and mood right now enjoy it :)) hehehes.... byebye readers!!

3:48 AM

Monday, March 21, 2011

I find this anime character COOOOL!! :) anyway heres a quote for you guys hehes

“Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is everything.”

3:44 AM

HAhahhahas okay la i gonna update a super fast udpate now!!! :DD!!!!

hmm well.. in the morning was woken up by my cousin from malaysia...!!! hahahhas they came to singapore anyway my morning is 1pm HAHAHHAHAHAHAS :PP!!

okay la ate rojak today HAHHAHAHS SHIOK EHHHX but the gravy spicy =.=!!! hahahhahahahas...!!!! :))

hmm... next went to meet bryan at 7 eleven then we head to tennis courts... saw vicky and ah em.. walking waiting for them at the stairs..... lols... girls as they grow older... they getting cuter ehhx ^^ HAHAHAHHAHAHAS JUST JOKING!!!

okay la... as usual say hi bla bla bla.. walk toward the courts... there we played tennis HAHHAHAHAHAS okay we all are noob in this sports but i kind of like it because my racket was red and black HAHAHAHHAHhas i shall name it hmm let me think over it over the weekend :P HAHHAHAHAHHAS

the game was great.... tennis hmm.. i would consider it as my cca in republic hehes... !!!!!! well we lost alot of balls all fly here and dere!! HAHAHHAHAHS..... i guess i need practice more in smashing :) i find it great just that too much strength and you will see flying ball....

well we all went back home late and went to seven eleven drink super big gulp FUHHX SHIOK EHHHX :)!! cycle edmund to ite cck dere den bid goodbye

hahahahhas i wonder what it feel like cycling a girl home lols... wouldnt oyu want the ride to be forever and never ending... :) i guess that happen in novel only... real life human we wont goo that far..!

okay la hahahahhahahhahas the reason why i post today was because got one asshole write something funni inside dota just now... we were quarreling with some maphackher and his word sooo fucking funny can he was non other than that REON!! hahahahhas guess what he said... we were hitting roshan and rhasta (other team) suddenly attack us and we got so angry HAHAHHAHAHAS COS THEY MAPHACK ACTUALLY I MAPHACK TOO :P!! the sentence is !!! THE ONLY WARD I SAW WAS RHASTA PENIS HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAS I KNOW ITS HARD FOR YOU ALL TO UDNERSTAND BUT SERIOUSLY FUNNI BECAUSE THEY KEEP DENYING THEY DIDNT MAPHACK HAHAHAHHAHAS!!!!! (Y)

okay la thats all for tongiht a great game too alll :)) and to danial and reon for the dota game byebyereaders!!

3:30 AM

Saturday, March 19, 2011

5:28 AM

okay i am gonna update about today hahahahs it will be a fast one!!! :D!!!

well.. i was sleeping till 1 plus?? hmmm... woke up sunshine... as usual hahahahahs... :) and I promised my grandma to go with her to westmall during my sleep LOLS... i can be talking while sleeping DAMN IT HAHAHAHHAHAS


ate food at home den we went out to westmall... as usual hahahahhahas i accompany her to her shop the fashion somethin somethin where alot of accesories stuff... HAHAHAHAS i could rmb i went there with suling during her finding her friend birthday gift HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHS damn i been to this place alot of times in my life !!!!!! :))

my grandma like flower for the hair somethin like lock i forget how to say it .. hmmm hahahahahhaas..... everytyme we went there she will be looking at the price HAHAHHAHAHAHS i told her this the higher the price the better the quality IT WAS LIKE NONSENSE HAHAHAHHAHAHS she told me that one how come soo cheap this one how come soo expensive... i sae oh oh this one arhhx you can see the shiny bead.. around it that one damn nice when wear thats why expensive HAHAHAHS in the end she choose.. bead over flower (Y) jang jang i won :P can be salesman ARHX HAHHAHAS

she bought it but after that she told me super expensive sehx HAHAHAHHAS!!! i like seeing my grandma laughing happily :)) we went to shop and save and she wanted to buy apple.. she told me... look at all the apple its been stomp... all this people they dont want buy den go press press until the apple felt inedible i was LIKE OMG..... she HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAs ALOT COMPLAIN HAHAHHAHAHS thats my grandma for you hmm.... went around to buy chicken all this hohohohoho!! damn my favourite is shopping at SHOP AND SAVE :)) alot of thing to buy hehes...!!!!!!...

yeap than went home.. and i ate KFC :D!!

hahahahas omg i am super late.. 8 cycle out of house like the wind DEN KNOWING SKY STILL PLAYING HIS DOTA LOLS... he is soo in love with dota !! i could tel you he will loved to play it anywhere everywhere!!!!

HAHahahhahahahas okay reach below his block he said bye to fiona.... and yes we are set for adventure!!!! went to limbang.... to meet junhao ON THE WAY HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHS........... okay this is funni.. i cannot believe he is soo childish like ME HAHAHAHAHHAS put leg on top bicycle la..... watsoever go up slope den down slope!!!! LIKE KIDS ARHX HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAS do it over and over again HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHS alright as we met junhao den.... we went to lan shop awhile to say hi to dylan..

saw alif there tooo.. okay den we went 7 eleven BUY DRINK EAT <<< i know this part abit boring for you guys HAHHAHAHHAHAHAS... this is the interesting part you guys been looking out for...

we went to adventure around panjang area!! ^^ me sky junhao and fiona... HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAS guess where we go the GARDEN FUHHX AT NIGHT.... HAHHAHAHHAHAS ON THE WAY SOMETING REALLY FUNNY HAPPEN... LEG CRAMP MUSCLE ALL THIS HAHAHAHHAHAHHAS omg super funni!!!!!! can!!!!! den den we all decided to open our shirt... then junhao goes to say later police catch us say got three naked man!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAS

you all know what i could almost remember the day we played frisbee where we all open our shirt AND MR KHAIDIR SHOUTED AT US ALL YOU NAKED BOY COME HERE FROM THE HALL HE SHOUTED AT THE FOOTBALL FIELD IT WAS SUPER FUNNI CAN HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHS :DD!!!!!! i can imagine how everything was being played... LOLS!!!!


next we went to the reservoir OMG.... there at night COOOOL CAN... there is waterfall!!!!! oMG damn ncie nice nice ncie :))) hehehehs...

and on the way back home i told junhao i would like him to go to ite cck there to use that route because i fear his safety as i cannot answer to his parent if anything happen to him HAHAHHAAHHAHAHAS oh my fucking ass... i cant imagine using this reason can be convincing at times when i want him to accompany me on the tortorous climbing SLOPE HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAS :PPPP

OH yeah before i end my post i ENVY THOSE PEOPLE LIVING AT YEW TEE CAN!!!! WE WENT TO SEE THE VIEW DAMN SUPER NICE AT NIGHT!!!!! :)) OMG THE TRAIN LOOK LIKE CATERPILLAR HAHAHAHHAS I COULD SEE MY PAST HOMELAND DAMN THE VEIW IS GREAT CANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!with LIGHT SHINING throughtout every factory and being squeeze together making them look glittering!!!!!!! HAHAHHAS i even told sky.. those lamppost below look soooo fake damn !!!! it look like everything is being zoom OUT!!!! when you are at top flooor!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) hahahahhas what a beautiful night!

okay la here i am at home now goodbye readers hehehehs :)

2:26 AM

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

9:40 PM

hahahahahas updating real fast now!!! :))

went out with my two awesome superheroes friend yesterdae hahahahahs.. they were soo blur toad can... cant decide where to go... as usual i was the late one.. i cant imagine me being the lasto ne always grrx!!!

hahahahs... okay la today our mission was to go macritchie but it changed to henderson waves :)) hehehes took 176 went there.. hahahas.. yeap it was kinda drizzling abit and i cant believe when climbing the stairs is sooo tiring i didnt have this problem before LOLS!!!!!!

but those two superman and NO.6 hahahahahahhahahahahs their reaction supper funni can hahahas... NO.6 is always looking soo tired hahahahahahhaas.....!!!!.... and they start with their ghost talk.... (Y)(Y)

i felt fortunate for being in republic poly hehehehs.. after hearing about ngee an polytechnic... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHs okay for those who are interested i will tell you here.. my friend told me one of the block than seven storey at the seven storey is sealed off because of some suicide case there... the entire block is sealed off... there is a report of ghost seen wondering around dere... and blood written in the wall thought being persistenly by the contractor or so on to repaint it..... !!! :)) hahahahhahahahs they sae i was veri lucky because republic loook so nice hehehes :DD!!!!

all the more reason i should love my schoool... anyway we walk up down left right front back hahahahhahas finding the steel bridge.... omg still couldnt find it soooo pek chek... but we went up straight to the mount faber hehehehs the view was great :DD! totally!! can!!

hahahahs no.6 suggest we go shopping zzzz =.=!! girls and their silly ideas....!! LOLS!!! i was like omg... nature lehx??? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAs okay la we went to eat at some kopitiam... and i tink girls can eat alot seriously!!! they finish their foood and in the end i still bought chicken wings i sae okay i full time to share with them HAHAHHAHAHAS OMG THEY EAT LIKE !!! NOBODY BUSINESS THOUGHT OFTEN I ALWAYS HEAR THEIR FAVOURITE WORDS I AM GETTING FAT TOMORROW LATER FAT HOW <<<< THE WORD FAT KEEP COME OUT WHEN THEY ARE SKINNY =.=!! LOLS!!!!

okay la moving on went around the shopping centre.... COOOOL ehhhx hahahahhahahahahas sit down relax.. window shopping :)) and yeap thats it for the day we went back home hehes.... they slept like pig inside de bus!!!!! only me protector of the universe... superhero NO.4 guarding.. lols :D

hmm a short update about today went out with the guys... and went to make gabriel laptop configure the stuff inside... and done!! boomzz when straight bowling at cdan and alot funni thing happen there HAhahahas!!!!!! :))

i am back home safe and sound as fast as furious my grandma seem happy with it hehehehs i am glad soooo :DD!! hohohoho goodnight readers!! oh yeah i find this song veri soooting :)) my brother went to played the movie in his comp and i KPO HAHAHAHS BYEBYE ENJOY IT!!

9:15 PM

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3:25 AM

hahahahs!!! let me update this fast!!!! :))

okay okay hmm went in the afternoon to sp with sky OMG!!!! I LOVE SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC ALOT HAHAHAHHAHHHAS THE FOOD COURT THE FAST FOOOOD!! no wonder my brother enjoy being there sooo mUCH :DD!!

hahahahahhahahs first thing first we went to the office.. as usual do the payment stuff etc and yes!! next place head to their food court HAHAHHAHAS!!!...... OMG the foood sooo cheap can 2 dollar !!!!!!!!! :))0 what more bargain can you ask for hahahahhahas...

welll the aunty was nice she kept give us topping..... say is the rice enough for you all want somemore.. is the chicken enough come i give you all LOLS... HAHAHAHHAHS omg.... she was in hurry to go home thats why dont think too much people HAHAHHAS!!!!

okay as usual we ate ate ate.... WAH in air condition room somemore HAhahahhahas.. went around exploring Singapore polytechnic de place was... a great view of wonder for studying there is even cabin omg!! HAHAHS!!!!!! :)))

i wasnt privileges enough to be there though :(( HAHAHAHHAHAHS but fear not... i never regret where i am from now hehehehs :))!!!! republic wasnt bad it was the best ;)!! HAHHAHAHHAHAS

well we went to arcade today and i totally slack off hahahs!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD!!! went play daytona... i could almost rmb the track that well up till now BUT ITS BEGGINNER LEVEL HAHAHAHHAHAHAS!!!!! :) time crisis was great though!!

oaky la moving on we went to lan shop where we played left four dead HAHAHAHhahahas!!!!!! wei jie super funni... we told him to stay with us and he is sooo SOLO KING HAHAHAHHAS END UP ALL THE CREATURES KEEP ON ATTACKING HIM HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAS... soooo FUNNI how he though one slash can chop the witch head off DAT IS SOOO RIDICULOUSLY FUNNNYYY!!!!!!! :)) a good laugh today hahahas....

went to eat with sky parents and so on.... hahahahhas and yeas he told me of khaidir... what i tink is true... after all khaidir was the best teacher that never give up on his students!!! :)) hahahas... !! i bet he will be feeling so goood since i praise him in my blgo HAHAHHAHAHHS......... i wonder if he still check on his students blogs.. now and then !! i hope he will read this... without you we wont be even where we are now....

how some teachers... can made an impact in your life... give you discipline thought you to face life with courage when setback gets you down... this really mature oneself... :)) theres alot more i know of him but i am not gonna reveal everything here... hehehs.. its up to you readers to think whats next... for your best teacher... anyway i voted him in the presidential awars HAHAHAHHAHHAS i hope he win :)

okay i been haering rumours that are soo silly :)) hehehs you are thinking too much.... ;) hahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhas please.... being nice doesnt mean i fall in lvoe with that person or watsoever hahahahahhas... i am super nice i know tytytyty :PPP HAHAHAHHAS DAMN MY NOSE IS GONNA GET SOO LONG that it will be higher than eiffel tower hahahahhas!!!!! i hope you understand that i want to realife the words that always say there is no true friends in this world... i am gonna achieve to be one of them to prove that those words still exist sooo hehehehs dont think too much from now on silly ones...

anyway i received messages from my friends... on about the rain today omg :((( am i gonna get cancer sooon aisehx man!! shouldnt walk in the rain HAHAHAHAHHASHHSH please please please... that is just a stupid mesage and rumours just to scared people off.... hahahhahas

and i am gonna end my talk here.. hehehs... i am going for an adventure with two awesome people they are the superman and NO.6 :))) here comes NO.4 THE COOOLEST ONE :DD HEHEHHES byebye... i am having a greatest day of my life.. i hope it will nvr end !

3:08 AM

Monday, March 14, 2011

"I find imperfection the most interesting thing about a person”

3:10 AM

Okay i am gonna update my blog super fast!! :)) you guys out there watch out for it hehehes....!!!!

well whats been happening lately was i been having physical activity yeap it mean PE! :)) been playing squash and bowling lately.. anyway i could do spin in just one day hehehehehs how cool is that YES IRHAM VERI COOL VERI COOL CONGRATULATION HOHOHO MY NOSE IS SOO GONNA GET LONG like pinochio for tleling lies :P!!!

okay okay hahahahahs hmm what i can rmb playing squash was suling WORDS OMG up till today hehehes thats sooo nice to hear!!!!! okay i know you guys are dying to hear it hmm she told me this irham thank you for today!! you can be a goood coach.... i ask her why you said that!! she told me that she felt i was very motivating , very positive and very patient = good instructor HAHAHHAHAHHAS!! :))))

omg i was kinda touched to hear this hahahahhas!!! yeap i know i should share this with the whole wide world HAHAHAHAHAS....... i found meaning in working toward my courses more hearing from the feedback hehehehes!!!!! :)

hahahahahas well what i think of every game we played squash or bowling or tennis... its not a matter of whether you win or lose.. its a matter of whether you enjoyed playing it..... and learning throughout the way it doesnt matter who win or lose i nthe end its about getting better than before... :)) and more hahahahs i cant describe it..

anyway some people thought i have an awesome life.... hehehes thank you i deeply appreciate that but.. i dont have such life its just i have a good family though we are not rich we make the best out of everything i have nice friends.. i can hang out with.. i have the two awesome ah meng whos like a zoo and lastly i have good brothers :)) this make up for my imperfect life hehehes.. and i face problem tooooooo its not like i am the most carefree people in the world oaky!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAS the best way to keep yourself thinking positive is to do thing the nicest way to cheer others up help others in the way ;)! trust me... those little things you did will meant alot in oyur journey in life !!!! irham is never wrong...

hmm... well truthfully i been thinking you are right... what i am feeling deep down inside is not love but admiration... thoroughout this whole... journey of life heheheehs.... :)) the best of both world...!! HAHAHHAHS!!!

hahahahhahs went with sky to the navy recreuitment centre the S T ONG PRETTY SIOOOO!!! omg hahahahhahahhas i love girl that loook soo smart in their uniform omg she was COOOOOOOOOL!! i tell you hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahas!!!!!! damn pretty sehx... :))!! and a lieutenent TOOOO OMG high ranker this give me more reason to join the navy HAHAHAHHAHAHS IRHAM YOU AND YOUR NAUGHTY MINDS!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAS

i dont mind being under her command HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHS i dont want to be under that ti ko pek superior i been telling sky this HAHAHHAHAHAHS i tell you guys this song came out SOOOO FUnni when i bathing just now I’d catch a grenade for ya by bruno mars HAHAHHAHAS i could laugh my ass off i tell you!!!!!!! irham by the time got grenade being thrown to her you will be saying i will dodge that grenade for you i will dodge that grenade for you HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHS omg FUNNI SILLY ME!!!! okay la...

today went it fair with sky funni lehx!!!! we walk around disturb bangala HAHAHHAHSAHAHAHS that asshole he tell me watch me he go tick tick that bangala sooo funny!!! HAHHAHAHAHHAS i cannot stop laughing can !!!!! we walk around and round and round went to watch casing by casing... HAHAHHAS MOST OF THE TIME WE DISTURB THOSE RETAIL SALES PEOPLE we ask this keyboard i tot 19.90 i tot 9.90 no arhx HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHS

we ask stupid question omg!!! stupid uss!!!........... anyway ALIENWARE BEEN BOUGHT OVER BY DELL COMPANY I CANT BELIEVE IT!! what happen to PLUTO ZZZ!! anyway HAHAHHAHAHAHHAS i went to buy mouse those hardcore gamers cooool right ^^ and SOLAR ROBOT HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAS :DD!!!!! robot in disguise oaky gooodnight readers....

!! :)) take care hehehs i going to have another adventure day with two ah meng tuesday hehehehss :))

12:26 AM

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret.

12:57 AM

hahahhas at the top i wanna share with you
what my two small little devil do at my house they were being psycho TO DANCE
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAS :PP!! i open this lion king song and there they goes crazy!!! i keep asking them to dance it was HILARIOUS HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAS :DDD!!! enjoy it hmm...

this few days... been playing sports and played tennis during monday at cck stadium it was great :)) though i am just a new comer.. i got some skills back there hehehes... i guess sports is what i am good at.. i am gonna make my courses an enjoyable ride for three years HEHEHS :DD!!

edmund ride me to panjang as requested and through obstacle got there <<<<< goood enough arhx HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAs went to meet sky and fiona... yeap they pass me genting photo hehehes omg look nice in it shall update sooon...

went to help sky enrolment omg that brother of mine is super lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHS okay la stayed there until two plus and went back home... on the way home there is sound on one of the tree omg it sound like tuk tuk tuk tuk oh my mama ass i was cycling and this have to happen i stare at the tree !!! but i dont dare reallly look up i scared got white figure OMG!!! THE ROAD FREAKING LONELY ASS!!!!! :(( !!!

HAHAHHAHAHAHAS damn lehx!!!! i always hear stories that these kind of spirit like to make sound at night fainted!!!!!!! well i just try to ignore it HAHAHAHS back home safely and went to sleep like pig :D!!

next day ask zhiting to miss call me in the end i woke up late and met them late HAHAHAHHAHAHHAs i told them bus break down cannot use this excuse often!! later they know HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAS

they were awesome man!!!! we went to watch movies at ang mo kio!!! :DD!! omg it was super fun ley during the trip so on hahahahs keep talking talkin nonstop!!!!!!!!
number four was a great MOVIE!!!! than went to play arcade HAHAHHAHAHAHAS they are goood girls that turn bad!! Because of me WAHAHAHHAHAS they nvr entered arcade in their life before this is first time hahahahahhahs guess you guys know whats i was about to say next yeap!! THEY ARE FREAKING SMART with Scores of 11 point and below (Y) ;)


than we went to orcahrd hahahahhahahs zhiting seriously got high taste she went around to paragon zara x armani exchange hahahahhahas omg !!!!! SOOO HIGH CLASSS :DD!!! she ask us to choose which bag suits her most HAHAHHAHAHS omg!!! funni ley!!! we went around blog shop HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHS :)!! veri funn lehx!!!! with them WAHAHAHHAHAHAHS

anyway buvan today wearing superman SO SHE IS THE SUPERHEROES FOR TODAY HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHS!!!!! sooo funny she told me she gonna punch me if i keep saying that i told her i going to recharge her energy just like how the number four did it in the show SOO FUNNI CAN!!

okay okay we went walk around and ate NOT AT!! SHOP!!! but outside it was our first time doing this i tink its kinda funni and nice :)) with the right people it will always be enjoyful HEHEHES!!!! people walk past uss like nobdoy HAHAHAHHAHAHAHhs!!!!! we having picnic inside shopping centre

anyway they are as childish as me!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH!!! okay la thats all i wanna say i truthfully enjoy myself today alot alot :))))!!!!!

goodnight readers! HEHEHE! :))

12:10 AM

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Missing someone isn't about how long it's been since you have last seen them or the amount of time it has been since you last talked.
It's about that very moment when you are doing something and you wish that they were right there with you.

5:35 AM

okay la lets update about today hahahahhahas!!!! hmm...

woke up in the morning yeappp hehehes.. as always relaxing its gonna be a short update people so listen carefully i gonna post only the important thing hahahahs!!!!!

hmm went out at 4plus to meet suling and co.. at westmall to get squash racket :D! omg it cost soo expensive hahahahs but i tink worth it arhx :))! hohohohos...

okay next place was we went to eat... at Defu ate indonesian food bbq chicken hehehes damn ncie oyu guys should try it !!!! at westmall top hohoho....

de next thing was we went to cdan :D!! and played squash well at first it didint started out so well.. as we didnt have the card or membership whatsoever.. so i went to borrow from some security guard hahahas i am glad they are nice enough to lent us hehes...

well we will be playing at 8 so we head up to bowling it was fun okay palying bowling i cant believe i am dancing with that edmund and doing stupid thing !!!!! hahahahahahhahas damn i feel silly enough... !! hahahahahs when playing bowling alot funny thing happen can HAHAHAHHAHAHAS i and edmund hoping everybody ball to go long kang HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAS GABRIEL WAS FUNNI!!! he follow my style wanted to action HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHs :P!! omg den i told bryan to kiss the ball to give me luck HAHAHAHHAHAHAS

in the end he bet with me if i strike he gave me 5 dollar and if i dont i pay him i say you are on!!!!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHHAS OMG i cannot believe if someone dare me MIRACLE WILL REALLY HAPPEN WAHAHAHHAHAHAS I REALLY STRIKE!!!!! HAhahhas i can see his priceless !!! LOOK HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAS FUNNI LEHX :DD!! omg....

i tink if i was in club i can go crazy dance like pervert HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHS okay he is gonna think i am a real pervert now LOLS!!...

okay la not bad in the end gabriel win the bowling i was second hehehes.. was a close fight edmund third last ming hong.. !!!! nvm nvm good for everyone!! it was only a game :) be happy about it losing or winning doesnt matter HAHAHHAS

next we PLAY SQUASH OMG DAMN FUN!!!! hahahhahahs suling was GOOOD (Y)!!!!! everyone was actually hahahahhahahahas.. we played damn omg sweating like mad thought inside air con room... HAHAHHAhahahahahahs!!! i like the part i can be crazy while playing =.=!! HAHAHAHHAHS

omg !! :)) sports can be enjoying tooo hehehes sport and leisure management <<< for example anyway... in facebook someone say my name very COOOL omg and on top of that i didnt know that person HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAS! :))!!! its kinda great getting such kind of compliment hehehehes.... (Y) HOHOHO

anyway todae sky abit tooot HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAS he sae he wanna thanks two person most dearest in his life one is fiona and the other was Me with us around his life will always shine..>!!! hahahahahs he is soo mushy all of a sudden!!!! and i am glad i made a difference in someone life.. though i may not be perfect i am happy that somehow i am part of their importance!!!! life journey heheheehs... !!! :DDD!!! i wish everyday will be smooth sailing :)

anyway i learn suling favourite words THat guy/girl veri TOOOT TOOOT HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHS!!!!!! FUCKING LAME AND FUNNI she meant too tooo train !! :) goodnight readers!

3:58 AM

Friday, March 4, 2011

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.”

10:23 PM

hmm HAHahhas!! okay okay lets talk about today hmm....!! life was great woke up at 10.30 and i guess i am still tired!!! went to wash up and bath.... soon met su ling to go for cycling around bukit timah HAHAHAahahahs before that went to eat.... okay la... the weather quite nicee...

its warmer though in the afternoon which logically yeap... sent to bicycle shop to repair and it started to rain OH HOHOHOHO !!!!! wat a day!! after the rain stop we went to cycle HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHS suling was funny can she all de way loook DOWN OMG!!! :)

well cycle around timah and so on down the slope yeah... around singapore!!! and went to bukit batok east to take a rest and drink 100 PLUS HAHAHAHAHAHAS..... she sae she can drink the whole bottle step only in the end nvr FINISH LOLS!!! << HAHAhahahas accompany her go buy birthday present for her friend... at westmall.. LOLS one thing about girl... is that they are all the same when finding THings i could almost recall the same shop she went is where ms Lydia li go to and the way they react are almost the same HAHAHAHHAHAHS wahhh NICE NICE this one nice nice that one nice But the price also VELI VELI NICE (Y) GOODIE HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAS

okay la enough of crap went back home and my cousin return with good news she going to Nanyang technology university ?? Ntu to be exact!! she sae she wanna take up psychology i told her you will need to study till master degree and the salary is not desirable arhx.. HAHAHAHs hope she choosoe the best of the best :))

okay readers i didnt went jogging today as cycling took over my leg and went to do some exercise at home yeah i could feel it HEHHEHES irham you can do it..!! sooon dont give up hohohoho anyway my two lovely small kitten became goood buddies hohoho!!! thats what i love about them hahahas...

goodnight readers i am talkin crap GOING TO WATCH I AM NUMBER FOUR WITH TWO AH MENG THIS TUESDAY !! they are soo gonna be wild like in the zooo LOLS

10:16 PM

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”

3:07 AM

hahahahhahahs lets talk about today... hmm... okay... i been training... and been trying to keep up with my busy life... :)) hehehs.. i try to train for monday to friday i hope god will help me throughout this HEEE.......

and i am glad i survived for four days its been great and today i wanna say that i made improvement hehehehs :DD!! omg omg omg hahahahs i feel fucking happy... hmm irham dont stop here...

anyway meet up with ekshan he kinda feel dejected so i try to cheer him up and brought him to little guilin hehehehes there we have a nice chat... yeap plan for the future no matter what life may bring you.... bad or worse smile and go forward :)) hohohoho...

the feeling of cheering a friends up is COOOL HAHAHAHHAHAHAHS... i know i am exaggerating... BUT I SERIOUSLY LOVE MY LIFE !! :DD THOUGHT AT TIMES IT MAY GET HARSH

ANYWAY SEEING MY MUM PEK CHEK VERI CUTE !!!! HAHAHHAhs she was doing the republic poly thingy and she got all mad when the payment wasnt allowed to use standard chartered credit card..!! HAHAHAHhahahahs!! fucking funni!!

goodnight reader :))

12:38 AM

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2:16 PM

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.

12:17 AM

hmm hahahas i am gonna have a short update for today!!!!!...... well hehehs... i been working out lately ... i hope it work fine :)) its been two days jogging and i am starting to like running :DD heee.....

fix my bike been sending bryan home... hahahahhas i kind of bike fanatic now.. been spending money to repair it!! hohohoho...

feel like i am back to the past during younger days where i am active in sports :)) omg... i can feel my body... reacting to it i hope its a good thing :))

well my face got flakes :(( omg must be sunburn from the game we had on ite cck aisehx.... i hate this feeling .... dont wish to go through the bad thing twice!! argh i hope i will recover soon hmmmm....... :) i just have to believe hehehes... in god...

anyway my persian little small doll cat is sooo naughty can he drop my water he bite tissues he jump around he fall down from my computer table he bite my bag =.= OMG SOOOO NAUGHTY!!!!!!!! i guess persian are different from local maybe they are tooo pampered but when they are with thte coool owner they gotta behave themselve hohohoho (MORE LIKE THEY WILL BULLY THE OWNER) HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHS :P!!

okay la i love all my three cats!!! hehehes but i love my first cat most of all!! hes the best and understand me most!!!! hahahahahahahas i give you guys a sneak peak of what he always do when i am using comp!

well he must be wondering why my owner love to sit and stare infront of the comp for the whole day instead of looking and playing with me i am cute you know :(((

HOHOHO okay i am going crazy hehes.. byebye reader!!!

12:00 AM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies