
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

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Monday, May 9, 2011

This was my grandma first webcam shot i love her to the MAXXXX!!! :DD

1:05 AM

hahahas!!! alright!! lets update since its been so long since i let my blog alive... i am gonna keep it alife !! :)) ehehesss.....

whats been happening in my life was al about busyness and school stuff hahahs.. been struggling up and down just to write reflection journal and aiming for B though i have Straight B i got three C =.=! lols!! HHAHAHAHhahas was hoping it will be straight but i guess i am kinda slack too when in class ehhx...

hahahhas been hanging out alot with my course mate where we played pool :) yes i am noob but my drama is what makes everything worthwhile HUA HUA HUA HAHAHHS!! :DD!! well i got one macho fren call mario he is soo funni can hahahahahs every single time he would sae i like to tease him and want me to go gym!! :P which i cant low self estemmm SOOO NOT HAHHHAHAHHAS!! the other would be lionel!! :) hes goood so as the rest of my classmatess hehhehes..!!!

well there is one abit bossy dont relaly like =.=! LOLS!! HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAS so what the classmates is made up of all kind of peoples accepting is one ting i need do HEHEHS! :)) been having fun in class playing game instead of preparing for slides! LOL!! LIKE LAN SHOP except republic know that GARENA IS BANNED =.=! must be those it tech! LOLS!!...

hehehes i thank god that i made it pass through the trial for Volleyball its been my dream to play for the schoool hehes... at first i was feeling sooo nervous before the trial... knowing there are more people that are way better than me!! HAHAHAHS but i guess nervousness doesnt last its your skill thats being shown at the end of the day!! :D!! hehehes i was the first person the senior recognise as i joined the inexperience group :P!! if i join experience died my thunder still in the making hOHOHOHO!!!

hahahahs!!!! well three of us are selected from the inexperience and experience all are selected i find it ironic =.= that some anyhow spike aso can go in for the experience lOLS!!! FUNNI THOUGH :D!!

hahahahs well trial for the first step to reaching my goal!! there are more step to go i hope i can HOP instead of walk :P! HAHHAHAHHA!!! so that i will reach there faster but i guess walking taking the time is greater than reaching the destination.. :) Anyway thanks gabriel vicky kahmun josephine huishan bryan i didnt really wanted people to come down to support me as it will be embarrassing and yet you guys did so out of your will !! i am happy for that hehehehs!! :DDD!!!!

next stop will be aikido where i will learn martial art hehehs... how i wish it was wing chun.. i really wanna be someone that is like donnie yen!! hahahhahas but its okay since aikido provide me with the strength and also the ability to look at life in a better way :) i couldnt have wish more just hope i will pass the trail and be one of the best student there! HAHAHHAS

two days ago was mother days celebration!! :)) hehehehs we family reunion feel soo goood from all three different family joined up to celebrate it in a restaurant :)) i feel soo goood seeing everyone hahahahs!! :DD!! and my cousin thought i am some kind of computer expert that every program i know =.= i was like omg die.... !! hahahahahas we been having fun!! yeah except when those little kids smack me!! omg =.=!!! i told them you all want a flying lesson guess what the sae next you want kena slap i sae LOLS!!! grrrh =.=!! HAHAHHAHAHS yes they irritate me alot LOLS!!!! fainted and i wonder why they love to stick to me!! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHS i guess i am soooo those easy going type of person! well my mother wasnt present as she was one of the counter for the vote of the election whatever it is she is still present in my heart :)!! hehehehs!!! HOHOHOHO okay la HAPPY MOTHER DAYS TO ALL MOTHER IN THE WORLD!!! i believe in this quotes i wanna share with yea guys out there..

All the mothers in the world are like salt,
Thought it's the start and finish of all food
They melt their soul and silently play their part. :)

anyway gooodnight people hehehes :D!

12:50 AM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies