
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hahahas yes!1 up there is the birthday girl!! she ROCKSTO THE COREE ROAR MAN!!! yeah suling if you are reading this you are AWESOME!!!A-W-E-S-O-M-E! times and again you help me and listen to my nonsense.. HAhahs!! i hope this birthday will bring you joy and happiness and many many more!!! !!! I WILL NEVER FORGET someone like you yeah!! keep!! ROCKING ! :))

11:49 PM

HHAhahs hello i am back!! okay later i will post as what i promised :))

hmm lets talk about what i should be! wahhas! okay finally exam is done!! let me summarised cognitive was super easy :)) Ob was damn hard!! science was terrible communication was manageable :) and lastly math hehehes was okay ba! :)

this is how it is and the holiday start today!!! anyway lets talk about suling the birthday!! wow it was funni yoo!!! we started eating at some keathong market at the back full with 12 people if i am not wrong yeap! dishes as usual and den! went to wish her water bomb!

oh yeah the secret i havent revealed wahahhas!! now is the time since ah em and the rest didnt know it bryan and me bought the necklace as well as the teddy bear oh yeah all of it was my ideas! :)) hohohO!!

the amount was funny though!! :)) who want to kup!! yes all four recovered back our twenty :) hahahs little did those young kids realised we are the greatest conmen!! HAHHHA we kept on laughing an laughing and laughing and yet they didnt know it was funni oh did i lose you guys back here okay back on track...

on how we celebrate suling birthday was through water bomb and some egg shake HAhahs all pakat not to shoot one another in the end got betrayer of course of course!! me andy edmund one team the rest was yeah you guys know it...

we started to aim fire at suling it was soo fun!! :DD!! HAHAHAHAHAS DIDNT KNOW BIRTHDAY GAME WAS SOO FUN until it was my turn if i was the target =.=!! WAHAHHAS!!! funni thing is we run from block to block to block up and down and all around and finally relax at one corner! which is jeng jeng car park!! :)

hahahs!! anyway thats all for the enjoyable part!

now back on my life story!!! okay since my exam was over it was time to ENJOY MAN!! WOOOO!! :D love this hahahs!! dang felt goood need to recuperate from all this!! :) erm training starting soon i gonna love it to the max and yes! :) today i feel so good as i exercise hehehehs!! back on track man!!

full of fun pack event cming up and also celebrration :))) damn!

i wanna dye my hair and buy necklace! :)) for myself hahahhhs i know i know it sound cool so yah dont be too jealous about it okay byebye people!.

11:27 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2011


3:08 AM

hahhahas!!! today was taikotai birthday!! :)) hahahs!! well he finally grow up at the age of 18 lols!! but he behave soo maturely actually you guys didnt know there is CHILDISH AND MISCHEVIOUS PART OF HIM!!! i will share abit! :)) okay i gotta end this fast as i am feelign sleepy now!!

we planned planned untiil it goes wrong wahahahas steamboat! cancel! :)! than wanted to go seoul garden but part of us agree part dont and than finally we decided on sakura!!!! at admiralty park outside republic polytechnic :)

hohohohO!!! it was quite late and they went first.... me and suling went to causeway to get the cake and that edmund talk big only athelte run fast in the end he never come lols!!! WAHAHAHHAHAHAS <<<< bad point! booo

anyway this part funni!! suling bank got 49 and she want withraw 40 dollar but the bank say cannot she need withdraw 50 dollar wahahahs!!! THAN SHE ASKED ME I CAN TRASNFER FIVE DOLLAR TO HER ACCOUNT FUNNI LEY MY BANK LEFT 2 DOLLAR COS i keep mc mc :PP

hahahas in the end walk one big round and transfer one dollar amazingly my bank account still got money wahahhas! den bought a cake we decide so long told them again and again they cannot win me in scissor paper stone dey dont believe lols!!! :P!

wahahhas!!! chose that cake and we pakat sae we design it LOLS!! where got soo creative one!! WAHAHHAS!!

sky came with the group!! and yes we joined them! :)) it was fun ehhx!! asking people for money! WHAHAHAHS!! :DD the foood not up to standard arh the chicken chop soo raw not nice ley!! and the CHICKEN WING WAS SOO SMELLY CAN!! :S!!

hahahahs we ate and ate and ate than!! gave sky his present and birthday cake happy birthday to him happy birthday to him oh yeah before that we took a lobster!! WAHAHHAHAHAS i was supposed o be lobster salad my itchy finger sae ehh lets take bring to our table sky gabriel al yaya !! =.=!! in the end yes HIS MISCHIEVIOUS!! IDEA will be uploaded in the facebook tune in! you will guys will know he also quite childish!! :P

hahahahs!! yeap yesp sky was moved to tears after looking at my handsome face in the cards!! :) omg i am soo honoured to be handsome! WAHAHAHHAHAHS!!

anyway we went to the park and there they sabo me though i am the birthday boy =.=!! ZZZ all want throw me in the pond lame!! sooo paisehx wahahahs!!!!! but FUN LEY!! next target minghong wahahahs!! he arh sooo naughty kick my slipper in the end kena adooba!! wahahahahs! ehh nonono

i kena first NEXT VICTIM THAT ACTION KIA EDMUND WAHAHAHAS he seem to be enjoying it alot!!! oh yeah third victim was gabriel phan and last of all most silent killer guai lan ! andy neo WAHH FELT SOO BAD ABOUT HIS CLOTHES IT WAS FUNNI YOU KNOW WE BURGER HIM DEN I PULL HIS PANT AND SHIRT HE wanted to wear it back i pull again until it upsize no need 50cent freee! on the house hahahahs sad 70 dollar gone!!

he reenge me grr! almot my ankle break!! if not cannot learn wing chun already :(! wahahhahas just joking i used that as an excuse if not keep kena attack wahahahas!! birthday boy oh yeah never aim dylan grr!!

ANYWAY TOOK SOME PICTURE WITH THE REST OF the group and i think i cannot take with girls arh my face confirm paisehx one!! :S!

wahahahhas anyway good day to the rest of you byebye! :)

ps: irham this feeling is just an infatuation! :)

2:48 AM

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Will you be the last piece of puzzle to complete the perfect picture in my life.

1:34 AM

yesterday yesterday was really a blast!!! i didnt expect that will happened!!! ... hmm truthfully!! :)) thanks laot for making this a moment of my life...!!

well it was afternoon and i was studying for my first sem exam it was kinda headache and lazy looking back on the notes that i been reading since ut1 ahahahs tiring yeah!!.. well it was okay throughout got soo sleepy..

rest for awhile and than went out to mee bryan and danial as they said they wanted to celebrate my birthday before i meet sky they all!! it was a totall lie i tell you!!! hahahas!!!!

they say sky was my bff (best friend forever) but he never bother contacting me at that point my doubt was all over the place =.=!! oh this people lols!!!.. !! i though its gonna be us three person again like it was during sec 5 ! wahahahs!! henderson wave.. i was okay with it!!!

until we went to west coast it was getting dark there is no sunset :(! wahahhas!! cause i take my time to come!! and then!!! there goes i saw one running around and i know they are there!! OMG!!!!!

FELT SOOOO SURPRISED I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!! I MEAN REALLLY!!! at that moment i was like omg gonna be soo paisehx manx!!! hahahas and yes gabriel gave me the first hug it was gayish can =.=!! in aw ay love love wahahhahas!! and so on and on!! :)))

but funni arh i really felt touched for the first timed!! i mean i was almost moved to tears!! this part i never lieee HAHAHS because i love nature and they set up ballooon all over it at the perfect spots the piers!! I LOVE IT MAN WAHAHAS!! :DD!!! yes and you guys know what happen next hehehes!! they even took the time to write wishes on the balloon!! :DD I AM SOOOO HAPPPY TO THE MAX!!!

hahahas suling that shirt really motivate me alot!! seriously I DIDNT KNOW YOU WILL BUY WITH those quotes!! WAHHAHAS!! :DDD!!

anyway what you wrote in your blog really thanks alot for thinking highly of me!! i dont feel i deserve it but thank alot!! and to sky and fiona for taking their time to write that beautiful cards and present and bryand and danial and shunski for that pink panther hahahahs!! dylan too!! for being sooo on!! :)) and the rest of the gang!!!!!


okay byebye!!

PS:She turn out to be the BEST THING i Will never have :)
no matter what i am SOO GLAD to meet her , the first girl that make my life journey felt like a rollercoaster!!! motivate me in a indescribable way heee :))


1:12 AM

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'

If I die young

11:28 PM

hahahahhs!!! okay lets talk about what been happenning few weeks.! semester one been coming to an end! i am glad so! :DD! i wish it end faster wahahahhas!!!!!!! so tiredddd!!!!!

ANYWAY moving on.... i have two igs nows one is wing chun and the other is aikido hhahahas!! it kinda rock my life!! learning this both!!... i met alot of awesome people talkative ones!! HAHAHAHAS!! AND one that duno how to pronounce my namee properly grr.....

the only thing i am lookin forward when monday to friday was the end of school and going to my ig cos thats when i feel the best out of me ... with people full of warmth! :))!

hahahahs!! been going out with my cliques just simply love them man! i duno why....!! they are the best!! i ever had ....

oh yah!!! i been training like crazy self proclaim from mondy to saturday!!! been building up my body the natural way!! :)) hehehss sooo far soo goood!! my one pair pack coming out soon! :)) and my egg muscle hardening!! yeah!! i am getting it the effort paying off hehehes!! :D!!

I SIMPLY LOVE LEARNING WING CHUN AND AIKIDO MAN I JUST dun believe it i combined this two move together!! :) seriously.. those thing been running through my mind !!

anyway my result was good!! except for one modules which is communication though it does improve from F to E it kinda really demoralised me haiizz!! why i can get other modules good except this one i wonder why!!.. its okay!! i will try my best to make it!!

and i geuss right now i got no goals so i dont have plan of going into university yet! maybe.. hehehes


byebye readers!!

11:08 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies