
Name: Irham
Age: 20
School: Republic poly
Birthday: 16 august 1991

When I was walking alone, I wished that I can reach the end of the road. But when you walked with me, I wished the road would never end because I would rather be lost with you than reach the end without you.


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Anime Skies

If you here please give a wink

Friday, December 16, 2011

I will keep my smile and laughter till the end of my life
i am gonna show god that i amm strong enough even in life and death :)

11:30 PM

hmm let me talk about yesterday and today....! :))

went to class late as usual as it was the last day can relax hehehes omg little did i regret as our team got A today :(( dang should come early there goes my daily grade...

firstly went into class and then the quiz was super fun our group damn hyper we goes like for everyone question correct we got SUCK MY TITS HAHAHHAHS shout here shout there.. :) TERM 2 WAS SOOO MUCH BETTER THAN TERM ONE SERIOUSLY............. trust me alot of fun people and relxing people to talk to ...

hahahahhahahs alright went home straight after that use taxi as one of my fren is sick dang my ear stil got prob.

there is this constant buzzing haizz even after applying drops on it doctor sae my ear drum is block by wax so today friday i got a clean of it... although it is slightly better but the buzzing is disturbing my head man...

haiizzz i been wondering why... all this thing happening to me its not like i offend anyone or did anything bad... was it a test from god or just that i am deem to be a sufferer till the day of my death...

JUst when i was trying to imrpove myself my back strain comes in and soon after i alter what i have do to swimming and my ear causes problem is every part of my body going to fall apart and then it will be a perfect ending...

is this what is written in my life..... to face soo much obstacles life were never easy... i understand but why cant you give me the positive thing at times instead of the negative ... i been smiling and stay strong and brave but how long can i do that in face of all this ......

i hate this i hate it alottt...... at times i just want to close my eyes and drifted away...... i have always been positive about life... hahahahhahs well whatever i guess there is more to come.. i jsut got to face it and yeah well... get it done and over with... :)

anyway went to supermarket with grandma and aunty and cousin was joking about my grandma gonna live till 200 years old and she is a superman hahahahahas i can tell she is happy that she keep laughing and punch me lols.. =.=

omg... cousin treat me breads as i am glutton took alot of it hahahahas shiok!! :D she said that was a bribe for tomorrow as i was considering whether to go malaysia anort... with my current situation i am soo demoralised to do anthing...

except to joke my lfie away that way i wil be happy and for a few second i will forget all this unhapiness thing that happen to me :)

goodnigh readers... mr unmotivated....

11:17 PM

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I still miss you once in a while , gotta move on and be stronger than today! :)

8:43 PM

OKay time to updated my long long long dead blog... that girl picture below must be overrun muahahahahs!!! :))

well PEOPLE Do you miss reading up what i go to write i will summarised what been happening to me all along! :)

first of all would be the bad thing well it got to do with my body structured.... i strain my back when i was sleeping! hahahahahahs!! CAN YOU BELEIVE IT! I EVEN WENT TO PHYSIO THERAPY IN OUR SCHOOL yeah recovering well....

the other thing i got would be this buzz thing in my ears ringing soo badly like as if there is a background song behind me hahahs it sound coool right but it hurt ley =.=!!! i was diagnose with wax omg well i took up swimming as i find it fun actually... there are reason to it

swimming make a person tanned and broaden our shoulder this sound stereotyping but i feel its true.... somehow well whatever up to you guys to believe. :)

last week celebrate fiona birthday went to her house we were sitting below a table waiting for her return what a crazy ting soo funny!!! <<< its not funni but stpid thing to do LOLS!

went to seoul garden with them omg i ate ALOT of meats feel so happy !! HAHahahhahas and i wanna ride in my blog that i ain 60 kg now hehehes!! a proud of it!! :))

hey lets forget about all this and talk about today as usual we are supposed to wear full formal but i did not have shoes as it torn while i am wokring.I kind of think i look handsome in formal :P heehehs!!!

today lesson was alright just that it gets funnier its feel better this sem than the last! :-) i kind of like it alot!!

hahahahahas went out eat during first break which i dont really like it as my stomach will ache like one mum!! HAHAHAHAHhs sso i went to my second home! ;-)

HAhahahs aome will know some wont anyway today went to my job interview at zoo i am working retail and i want to earn money! :-) for my own spending my mum abit selfish arhx =.=! HAHAHAHHS!!!!

went with deon crap alot and i like to used this sentence what talking you,what talking me HAHAHAHAHHAs it seriously will irritate a person alot LOLS!!...

didnt realised the person there still recognised me i say i am korean superstar super junior of course she recognised hahahahs dang i like to fool around as usual!! :-)

but i duno why when it comes to work when i get serious.. i feel soo leadership in me :-) and my uts all passed....

hehehes shared story with one another my faci seeems to entertain me as i talk cock about me being a singer....

anyway when my body recover i am going to practice wing chu nagain !! :))

hehehehhehehehehs and i byebye world. i never regret being born is just i am not strong enough to face obstacles and i am afraid :-( i wish there were someone joining hand in hand with me girl preferably :))

8:29 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies